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Difference Between Tardive Dyskinesia And Parkinson’s

Paroxysmal Dyskinesias And Exercise

Dystonia, Akathisia, Parkinsonism, and Tardive Dyskinesia – Antipsychotics Side Effects

Interestingly, in contrast to LID, only physical activities such as domestic activities in patients with PED can activate dyskinesias, a rarer and less well-documented group. Many studies of genetic studies have been carried out to understand the pathophysiology of the attacks. In summary, the attacks are triggered by prolonged exercise like walking or running characterized by attacks of dystonia and chorea, typically lasting for 5-30 min1414. Meneret A, Roze E. Paroxysmal movement disorders: An update. Rev Neurol. . 2016 :433-45.. The attacks often start in the body part involved in the activity and last for 10-15 min after stopping the exercise. PED made walking impossible and caused falls in some of the patients. Some patients were able to stand despite the PED, or walk with difficulty, but most patients had to sit down until the movements subsided. A summary of the studies is shown in Table 3.

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Latest News In Parkinson Disease: Adapting Telehealth Differentiating Parkinsonism And Tardive Dyskinesia And More

An overview of the latest news in Parkinson disease reported across clinical research.

An overview of the latest news in Parkinson disease reported across clinical research.

Adapting Telehealth, Wearable Technologies in the Treatment of PD

In a recent study published in Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, researchers from the Southern Medical Program of the University of British Columbia Okanagan assessed the use of wearable health technology and telehealth in the treatment of patients with PD.

Twenty-five patients with PD experiencing either tremors or involuntary movements were split into 2 groups. One groups follow-up care included telehealth and device-based tracking and the other groups care was managed by traditional face-to-face appointments with symptom diaries. Patients of both groups presented with comparable baseline characteristics.

Due to early study suspension caused by COVID-19, the authors noted that findings had limited statistical significance, although patients of the telehealth group exhibited a greater reduction in the primary outcome of PD Quality of Life-39 Summary Index than those of the control group . Discussing the study findings, the researchers said the integration of data from wearable devices allowed them to tailor a patients medication to better manage daily fluctuating symptoms.

Evaluating Associations Between Mitochondria Recycling and PD Development

Are There Ways To Manage Dyskinesia

Once dyskinesia has started it is difficult to treat. However, there are several ways to delay it from starting or reduce it once it has begun.

Supplemental or alternative treatment options

Things you can do on your own

  • Keep a diary that logs the time and frequency of dyskinesia, which will help your doctor assess if your medications are working and help you schedule daily activities when mobility is better.
  • Physical activity, including mild aerobic exercise such as walking, dancing, and swimming, will help keep the body strong and prevent muscle weakening.
  • Stress can make dyskinesia symptoms worse, so find ways to reduce stress and try to keep a positive attitude.
  • Poor sleep at night is associated with dyskinesia. Aim for good sleep quality and try to experiment with different positions in bed that will help you relax and sleep better.

Also Check: Parkinson’s Life Center Of Southern New Jersey

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This post was written by the Davis Phinney Foundation. This blog series is sponsored by Adamas Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Key Differences Between Tardive Dyskinesia And Parkinson’s Disease

Image result for tardive dyskinesia

ByJason Bacot | Submitted On April 05, 2011

Tardive dyskinesia and Parkinson’s disease are both movement disorders, and both have causes related to the neurotransmitter chemical called dopamine. Dopamine takes signals from the brain to certain parts of the body, regulating their function. Both diseases can be the result of medication side effects. Though Parkinson’s disease may be congenital , only in extremely rare cases is tardive dyskinesia congenital. Tardive dyskinesia is usually caused by certain drugs.

In the human brain, dopamine works on five types of dopamine receptors. It is produced in several parts of the brain. Though dopamine is available as an intravenous medication, it only acts on the sympathetic nervous system when given as a drug, producing a higher heart rate and increased blood pressure. Dopamine given as a drug, however, cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, and so cannot affect the central nervous system.

Inside the brain, dopamine is associated with the brain’s “reward” system, causing a feeling of enjoyment and increasing motivation. It is released by rewarding experiences like sexual activity, food, drugs, and even normally neutral stimuli that become associated with activation of the brain’s reward system. Drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, and nicotine directly or indirectly cause an increase of dopamine levels in one of the brain’s reward pathways, and this may help explain the addictive nature of these drugs.

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Using Catecholomethyl Transferase Inhibitors

The inhibitors of the enzyme catecholOmethyl transferase extend the halflife of levodopa. Entacapone and tolcapone are two such agents used in clinical practice. Tolcapone has been associated with significant hepatotoxicity, necessitating regular monitoring of liver function tests. In an animal study using rats, coadministration of entacapone with levodopa attenuated all kinds of dyskinesia when compared to levodopa monotherapy. Stalevo , a commercially available formulation, combines levodopa, dopadecarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa and entacapone in a single tablet. It is hoped that early use of Stalevo might reduce the incidence of dyskinesia.

Approach To Psychogenic Movement Disorders

Patients with psychogenic movement disorders, somatoform disorder, somatization disorder, hypochondriasis, hysteria, conversion disorder, malingering, Munchausen syndrome, and factitious disorders usually have manifestations that rule out TD. Nevertheless, clinicians may be tempted to consider treatment for possible TD in people who have psychiatric and psychological problems. The desire of the clinician to offer a therapeutic intervention may be intensified by the requests and demands of patients for surgery and other help.

Prudent clinicians must exercise extreme caution to avoid providing pharmacologic and surgical treatments to patients with psychogenic movement disorders. These patients are likely to experience extreme adverse effects and no beneficial effects from such treatments. In particular, surgery, including psychosurgery, is contraindicated for psychogenic movement disorders.

A tactful suggestion that stress may be contributing to the symptoms is appropriate. Typically, people who manifest psychogenic movement disorders have recently had life experiences that are stressful. The life stresses can be both positive, such as a promotion, and negative, such as the death of a loved one. Psychotherapy may then provide a more effective means of expressing the psychological distress often associated with psychogenic movement disorders. Referral to mental health professionals should always be considered.

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Akinesia / Bradykinesia / Hypokinesia

Akinesia means absence of movement. Bradykinesia means slowness of movement. Hypokinesia means decreased amplitude or range of movement. These three terms are commonly grouped together and referred to as bradykinesia. Bradykinesia is a prominent feature of parkinsonism and is mild in early disease stages but becomes more severe in advanced stages of parkinsonism.

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Ataxia / Dysmetria / Asynergia

Ask the MD: What is the Difference Between Dyskinesia and Dystonia?

Ataxia is an unsteady and swaying walk, often with feet planted widely apart. People have difficulty walking a straight line with their heel touching the toe of the shoe in front . Ataxia can occur in a number of neurologic conditions.

Dysmetria is misjudging the distance to a target. A person with dysmetria will have problems reaching out and accurately touching a targeted object.

Asynergia is a breakdown of movement, so that movements of the arms and legs become irregular and clumsy.

For more information, visit the National Ataxia Foundation website at

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Make A Difference By Distinguishing Td From Drug

It is not enough to be acquainted with TD, according to Dr Kremens. It is crucial to distinguish TD from drug-induced parkinsonism because there can be serious implications for treatment, he says. Treatments for parkinsonism, such as benztropine, can actually worsen TD in some instances and is not recommended. Failure to distinguish between these 2 conditions may lead to poor outcomes for patients.

A difference that may aid in an accurate diagnosis is noting the timing of symptom onset. Symptoms of drug-induced parkinsonism can surface within days or weeks after initiation of an antipsychotic. In contrast, symptoms of TD may not manifest for months or years.1 As such, symptoms of TD can be masked by ongoing treatment or by increasing the DRBA dose.11 Furthermore, TD may become permanent, regardless of whether the causative agent is discontinued.11,12

Table 1 provides a side-by-side overview of TD and drug-induced parkinsonism, highlighting some key differences between these movement disorders.

Is Tardive Dyskinesia A Symptom Of Parkinsons Disease

Tardive dyskinesia is not a symptom of Parkinsons disease. Its a separate movement disorder caused by long-term use of anti-psychotic medications.

In addition to being a side effect of different medications, tardive dyskinesia also has its own set of symptoms. The movements associated with tardive dyskinesia tend to be more fluid in appearance compared with Parkinsons dyskinesia.

  • Fluphenazine

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What Is The Difference Between Tardive Dyskinesia And Dystonia

Tardive dyskinesia refers to uncontrollable mouthing and lip-smacking grimaces that develop following the long-term use of neuroleptics. Dystonia refers to abnormal muscle tone resulting in muscle spasms or abnormal postures.

Tardive dyskinesia is always caused by the long-term use of neuroleptics. However, various factors such as different drugs, neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic damages to central nervous system can cause dystonia. Moreover, dystonias include a variety of movement disorders that occur due to various reasons while tardive dyskinesia is only a subgroup of primary dystonias.

Current Therapeutic Strategies For Td In Older Patients


The first step in developing the optimal treatment strategy for TD is timely diagnosis, which requires the clinician to be routinely vigilant.67 Diagnosis is based on history of exposure to DRBAs, and a minimum duration of only 1 month of AP exposure is required to diagnose TD in individuals aged 60 years, compared with 3 months in younger adults.2,7,60

An early strategy to mitigate TD symptoms involves modification of the existing AP medication regimen if clinically feasible.68 However, success with this approach is often limited.23,68,69 Two vesicular monoamine transporter 2 inhibitors, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, have been approved by the US FDA to treat TD.68,70,71 Recent guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia recommend VMAT2 inhibitors as first-line therapy for patients who have moderate to severe or disabling TD or for patients with mild TD on the basis of such factors as patient preference, associated impairment, or effect on psychosocial functioning.72 In two recent studies of subjects aged 55 years who had participated in clinical trials conducted by the manufacturer, Sajatovic et al demonstrated that valbenazine and deutetrabenazine (mean age: 63.1 years, range: 5581 years are well tolerated in older individuals.73,74 Of note, VMAT2 inhibition manages the symptoms of TD but does not cure them dyskinetic movements generally return when the VMAT2 inhibitor is discontinued.75

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Uncontrolled Movements In Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that can involve several different kinds of uncontrolled movements. Some are caused by the disease, such as tremor and gait freezing, while dyskinesia uncontrolled jerking or twisting movement is caused by long-term levodopa use. We unpack how dyskinesia affects movement in Parkinsons disease and how its usually treated.

What Causes Dyskinesia And Dystonia

Dyskinesia is a common side effect of the Parkinsons drug levodopa. This drug is used to help increase the level of dopamine in the brain, alleviating symptoms of the disease. However, levodopa is taken intermittently throughout the day, causing dopamine levels to rise and fall over time. These fluctuations are thought to be the cause of dyskinesia. There are two types of dyskinesia:

  • Peak-dose dyskinesia, which occurs when the level of levodopa is at its highest
  • Diphasic dyskinesia, which occurs when levels of levodopa are rising or falling

While dystonia can be a symptom of Parkinsons disease itself, it can also be caused by levodopa treatment, similar to dyskinesia. Dystonia symptoms occur when there is a decrease in brain dopamine levels, which can occur before medication is taken in the mornings or as it is wearing off during the day. This off and on dystonia can be addressed by taking an extended-release form of levodopa or by increasing the number of doses taken per day.

Dystonic dyskinesia can occur when the movements caused by levodopa are more sustained and twisting than in typical dyskinesia. When this occurs, it is important to determine the cause whether the movement occurs at peak-dose levels of dopamine or it is off and on dystonia.

Learn more about dopamine and Parkinsons disease.

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Impact Of Td In Older People

The impact of TD on an individuals physical, mental, and economic health may intensify with age.3,22 The social and emotional effects of symptoms are highly debilitating for people with TD of all ages, but feelings of isolation and depression may be especially profound for older people.3,16 Older individuals are also uniquely vulnerable to the physical consequences of TD, such as impaired gait and balance, which can lead to falls.16,26 TD in older patients often presents as oro-bucco-lingual dyskinesia, and these movements can interfere with eating and swallowing incidents of choking resulting from respiratory TD have been reported.7,19,46 Further, oro-bucco-lingual TD can cause loosening of natural and artificial teeth and be augmented by edentulousness and denture use edentulousness itself can cause abnormal movements of the mouth in the absence of neurological disorders such as TD.26,46,47 Older patients may also be affected by dyskinesias of the limbs, trunk, and respiratory system, with symptoms such as grunting.7,26,48

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Tardive Dyskinesia: A Distressing Drug

Managing Parkinsonâs: What Is Dyskinesia?

Tricia A. Meyer, MS, PharmD, FASHPDepartments of Pharmacy and AnesthesiologyTravis E. Belson, CPhTThe Texas A& M Health Science Center College of MedicineTemple, Texas

US Pharm. 2014 39:HS13-HS16.

ABSTRACT: Tardive dyskinesia , a drug-induced movement disorder, is a serious side effect resulting primarily from the prolonged use of dopamine-blocking agents. TD is distressing because this adverse effect is likely to be permanent. Age is a consistent risk factor for TD, and the disorder occurs more frequently in women. Most treatments for TD have not proven to be successful, and therefore the best treatment option is prevention of the disorder. If a drug known to cause TD is prescribed, the clinician should monitor the patient for symptoms. Early detection may improve the likelihood of remission.

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Dystonia Vs Dyskinesia In Parkinson’s Disease

Dystonia and dyskinesia are movement problems that commonly occur in Parkinsons disease . You may experience one or both of them, particularly in late-stage PD. Dystonia is muscle stiffening caused by PD, while dyskinesia is a type of muscle twisting caused by some PD medications.

Dystonia and dyskinesia can both cause distress, and they are distinguished from each other based on their visible features. They can be managed with medication or surgery, typically with a moderate improvement of symptoms.

PD is characterized by four primary symptoms:

  • Resting tremor
  • Postural instability
  • Rigidity

While they can fluctuate in severity, the primary symptoms of PD tend to be present most of the time.

Dystonia and dyskinesia are recurrent, abrupt, and short-lived muscle movements. Not everyone who has PD experiences dystonia and dyskinesia. If they do, the symptoms they experience can be telling.

  • Affects large muscle groups

  • Smooth, repetitive movement often described as a rolling or writing motion

  • Can begin suddenly and stop after several minutes

  • Not typically painful

  • More likely to occur when PD medication effects are at their peak

For example, dystonia can cause your toes to curl, making it difficult to walk. Or it may manifest primarily in your neck muscles, causing your head to turn painfully to one side.

Dyskinesia Vs Dystonia: Understanding The Difference

  • Dyskinesia and dystonia are common motor symptoms that may develop in people with Parkinsons disease and other movement disorders.
  • Dyskinesia is a side effect of levodopa, a medication used to treat Parkinsons. Dystonia can be caused by medication, or it may be a symptom of the disease itself.
  • Dyskinesia and dystonia can be treated similarly through deep brain stimulation or modifications to medication.

Parkinsons medications like levodopa can cause motor symptoms known as dyskinesia. Another set of motor symptoms, dystonia, can also develop as a side effect of Parkinsons medications, or as a direct symptom of Parkinsons or another movement disorder.

Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder characterized by a lack of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, responsible for controlling muscle movements. When dopamine levels are low, signaling is disrupted, leading to the development of movement disorders. Dopaminergic treatments can increase dopamine levels or mimic the chemical to improve symptoms.

Parkinsons disease and other forms of parkinsonism are characterized by abnormal movements, bradykinesia , and myoclonus .

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What Are Parkinsons Tremors

A tremor is a rhythmic, back-and-forth movement, says Dr. Herrington. While most tremors tend to occur in the hand, he says that they can also involve other parts of the body, including the thumbs, arms, legs, or head.

Tremors also tend to occur when a person isnt otherwise moving, or is at rest. We call that a resting tremor, says Herrington. In such a case, the tremor isnt as pronounced when the person is using the body part affected by the tremor. However, Herrington says, when the hand comes to rest . . . the tremor emerges.

Tremors are usually more prominent when Parkinsons medications are wearing off, he says. During an off time for example, if a person has stopped taking their medicine they can be slow and stiff or stooped over. When they walk, says Herrington, theyll take very short steps. Theyre moving less, and theyre moving small.

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