Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mct Oil And Parkinson’s

H Pylori And Viral Virulence

Ask the MD: Can Coconut Oil Treat Parkinson’s Disease?

GI effects of MCT are not limited to the intestinal tract. In the stomach, H. Pylori has been shown to induce gastritis via Peyers patch mediated translocation. In fact, mice lacking Peyers patches do not contract gastritis from H. Pylori. We have already established that MCTs induce their effects locally on contact, so it is not at all a far-reaching conclusion to assume it could increase H. Pylori virulence directly in the stomach as well, on its way down to the small intestine.102

Unplanned Weight Loss Or Weight Gain

The medications that people with Parkinsons disease usually take can cause the side effects of either loss of appetite or an increase in hunger . This can then lead to unintentional weight gain or weight loss both of which can cause issues to health.

As well as looking at the specific macronutrient distribution of the ketogenic diet, one must also be mindful of the calorie content.

Furthermore, as ketone bodies increase, they can elicit a natural appetite suppressing effect so further care must be taken to ensure adequate calories are consumed.

Feel free to use our keto calculator to find out how much you need to eat to maintain, lose, or gain weight.

Comparing Cbd With Levodopa For Parkinsons

Levodopa is an established treatment for Parkinsons disease. Although its not perfect, its currently the most effective treatment for PD. It helps boost the level of dopamine in the brain.

Levodopa is effective at targeting the motor symptoms of the condition, such as tremors or muscle stiffness.

However, this medicine does little to combat the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinsons disease. These are the problems that can significantly affect a persons daily life. They include anxiety, sleep disturbance, fatigue, irritation, and depression.

Furthermore, prolonged use of levodopa may result in side effects like elevated anxiety, agitation, confusion, and nausea. It may also trigger tremors that result from the medication itself, not PD.

CBD appears to help with those nonmotor symptoms and potential side effects, rather than physical problems. A study with more than 200 participants found that regular use of cannabis was highly effective on non-motor symptoms of Parkinsons Disease. However, this study included a combination of THC with CBD, not CBD oil alone.

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Beneficial Effects Of Coconut Oil In Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease

Neurophysiologyvolume 52, pages 169175 Cite this article

  • 128 Accesses

Parkinsons disease is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by depletion of dopamine resulted from the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The prevalence and incidence of PD is influenced by several factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, genetic susceptibilities, and environmental exposures. Coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides that are easily metabolized and give rise to ketones. Also, it contains antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenolic compounds. It has been documented that Coc possesses significant pharmacological activities against obesity, insulin resistance, and neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimers disease and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to describe the use of coconut oil in preventing PD and slowing its progression. Also, we tried to identify possible mechanisms by which Coc may exert its beneficial role in PD. The available literature related to Coc PD effects , in both animal models and clinical trials was screened. This review showed that Coc can be supplemented to decrease the risk of PD.

Possible Side Effects Of Cbd Oil

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Most studies have concluded that CBD is a safe and well-tolerated substance. The WHO issued a complete report on the safety and efficacy of cannabidiol, supporting the earlier findings. CBD rarely causes any side effects, and if they do happen, they tend to be mild.

The side effects of CBD oil include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea

CBD can also interact with prescription and non-prescription medications, so make sure to always consult your doctor before taking CBD, especially if youre on medications that are metabolized by the Cytochrome P450 system. If your doctor tells you not to eat grapefruit along with your meds, the same rule applies to CBD because they use an identical mechanism, blocking the p450 system from metabolizing the active ingredients in those medications.

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Severe Tight Junction Disruption

One of the reasons scientists were studying the ability of MCTs to increase gut permeability was for its potential application in the enhancement of pharmaceutical absorption. Many hydrophilic compounds, such as peptide- and protein-based medications, are unable to penetrate cell membranes, thereby limiting their ability to achieve the desired effects. For quite some time now, pharmaceutical companies have been looking into strategies that involve improved absorption of hydrophilic macromolecular drugs with the co-administration of absorption-enhancing agents.353

In fact, one of the first applications of sodium caprate was for the enhanced absorption of rectal ampicillin suppositories. These days, the same effects are being achieved with pure MCT oil.354 Another example of how MCTs are being used is with their application in the administration of oral insulin. Orally administered insulin has very low bioavailability not so when combined with MCTs. Are you beginning to see the larger picture here?355356

Coconut Oil And Neurological Conditions

There is also a significant body of evidence behind the benefits of coconut oil, especially for neurological disorders. But one of the interesting things, specifically in regards to Parkinson’s, is the connection with the digestion. There is mounting evidence that digestive problems play a large role in PD, and I myself suffered for many years from IBS before diagnosis and now have problems digesting most fats due to gall bladder issues. However, the therapeutic substances in coconut oil apparently bypass the need for bile to be broken down. Indeed, I don’t ever recall getting that twinge in my side, which I usually do after eating lots of fat, with coconut oil.

Another intriguing point about coconut oil is that there is also growing evidence that the active substances it contains can actually repair damaged parts of the brain. If so, then the applications for Parkinson’s Disease are profound. There is now a lot of work on using coconut oil and its active ingredients, progressing the science behind this into demonstrated and very impactful results. Here is just one video blog which really makes the case:

For further information, the research of Dr Veech is highly recommended. Also well worth a look is Dr Newport’s guest spot on Parkinson’s Recovery Radio.

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The Dosage And Side Effects Of Mct Oil

For most people, MCT oils do not pose any safety concerns. There has been no report of any serious reaction to the use of this diet food. Minor side effects such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea have been reported.

As the tolerance levels vary between people the dosage plays an important role in the beginning stages. In the early phase, it is better to take only one teaspoon of MCT oil. After a few days, it can be slowly increased to one tablespoon. This will aid in steering clear of the minor side effects.

No standardization of the amount of MCT oils used for prospective health benefits is available. Most of the recommendations are 1 to 3 tablespoons per day. No cause of concern has been noted on its reaction with other medicines.

People suffering from type 1 diabetes should abstain from the use of MCT products due to the production of ketones. The concern arises from the possibility of the occurrence of ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition. Diabetes that is controlled does not cause serious health problems. More studies are needed to understand the use of MCT by diabetics.

Dr Richard Veech’s Groundbreaking Ketone Research

Documentary Proof That Recovery from Parkinson’s Disease is Real

Much of our understanding of how ketones work is due to the research of Dr. Richard Veech, a scientist who has studied ketone metabolism for many years. As a lab chief at the National Institutes of Health , Dr. Veech has developed a highly concentrated ketone ester drink that in multiple studies was shown to decrease the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Veech’s ketone ester drink is not yet widely available. In fact, his work needs much greater exposure to help raise awareness and drive down the cost of production.

In the meantime, you can make your own ketone drink as William Curtis and others have done. I myself drink ketone coffee every morning for the mental boost it provides after an overnight fast.

There is no cure for these terrible brain diseases. Until one is found, ways to slow down the progress of these conditions or at least relieve symptoms are worth examining.

The ketone coffee William Curtis drinks each day as a natural treatment for Parkinsons is one such intervention. Not to mention, these ketone drinks may give a brain boost to anyone.

If you wish to contact Mr. Curtis with questions, his contact email is available on his website, Please help spread the word about this!

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The Pros And Cons Of Cbd Oil For Parkinsons Disease

The Pros

  • Preclinical trials, observational studies, and clinical trials on human and animal models have revealed CBDs therapeutic effects on Parkinsons disease.
  • Compared to the usual medications for PD like levodopa, CBD has a more favorable safety profile.
  • To date, there is no recorded case of CBD dependence in humans. Hence, it is not a substance that has the potential for abuse.

The Cons

  • Further research needs to be made on CBD use, especially as a preventive therapy for Parkinsons disease.
  • CBD use also has side effects, such as diarrhea, tiredness, and changes in weight or appetite.
  • The United States Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of CBD in treating Parkinsons disease.
  • Due to the lack of FDA regulation, incidences of mislabeled CBD products are prevalent, especially products that are sold online.

Mct Oil Shows Great Promise In Treating Many Neurological Diseases

11/09/2018 / By Tracey Watson

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinsons take a devastating toll on all whom they touch. Watching a once vibrant and healthy persons mental and other faculties wasting away is one of the hardest things for any family to deal with, and there is no doubt that neurological diseases exact a heavy emotional, spiritual and financial price.

For many of these diseases, modern medicine simply cannot offer a cure or even slow down the symptoms. Nonetheless, there is a totally natural, side-effect free treatment for neurological illnesses that carries the weight of solid scientific evidence behind it: MCT oil.

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Does Coconut Oil Improve The Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

This question has remained the focus of attention for many years. Clinical trials are underway to find out if coconut oil has the potential to improve the symptoms associated with Parkinsons disease. Recently, a study showed evidence that coconut oil consumption is associated with reduced Parkinsons disease progression .

In this study, 1053 people with all forms of Parkinsons disease were investigated. Several food intakes were tested and coconut oil was one of them. The patients meal plans were followed for 6 months. During this time, the severity of disease signs was checked. The study concluded that coconut oil intake was found to be associated with a reduced rate of Parkinsons disease.

There are also other reports suggesting that the use of coconut oil improves some of the symptoms of Parkinsons disease like tremor, constipation, and cognitive functions of the brain. However, most of these claims are unscientific and based on personal notions.

Addressing The Saturated Fat Question

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There has been much debate recently that the benefits of Coconut Oil may be outweighed by the negatives of it being so high in saturated fats. However, an article on the Dr Mercola website called Saturated Fat: The Forbidden Food You Should Never Stop Eating explains why saturated fats, in of themselves, are not necessarily “bad”, and that there is a lot of misinformation about this subject. Indeed, in a more recent article, Dr Robert Lustig states

“The problem, of course, is that when we took the fat out of the food, we took ALL the fat out of the food. Its been a real chore to get the medical cognoscenti to turn around on this. I do want to do a shoutout to the American Heart Association, because they have now debunked their long-standing cholesterol-fat hypothesis. They now recognize that saturated fat was not the demon they made it out to be, and that there are seven classes of fats, and that you actually have to consume omega-3s. You have to consume monounsaturated fats. In fact, you do have to consume some saturated fat because its a major component of membranes.”

The reference here to membranes is very important in Parkinson’s Disease, where mucous membrane health has a critical role:

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Ketogenic Diet Dramatically Improves Parkinsons Disease

Ask any neurologist how Parkinsons disease is treated, and youre sure to get a long list of medications. Truth is, none of the medications actually treats the disease. The medications that are used are clearly effective, but only focus on the management of symptoms, not the underlying disease.

It turns out that Parkinsons disease is characterized by failure of the mitochondria to make energy, and this occurs in a very specific part of the brain. That said, researchers decided way back in 2005 to explore the possibility of improving mitochondrial function by placing patients on the ketogenic diet.

Their results were phenomenal, to say the least. The study only included five individuals and doesnt appear to have gained much traction in the world of neurology. Im hoping this changes moving forward.

Coconut Oil Or Mct Oil

Have you ever tried Coconut Oil or MCT Oil? If yes how was your experience?

Please share it with us.

I tried both with no improvement. I also tried keto diet.

Search this site for “coconut oil, fwes” and related comments. You will find more discussion than you can stand. Briefly: It helps many, and several report no help for them.

I took a coconut oil formula for 3 years. My symptoms were mild. This formula was selected for a test relating to coconut oil and alzheimers at a university in south Florida. Th test was cancelled and the company went off the internet. Not a good sign.

A few months ago I started sinemet. I was diagnosed 7 years ago at age 75 but waited before taking any meds. They seem to help as my wife even commented that she can see no symptoms.

I tried coconut oil for two weeks, two tablespoons in my morning coffee.

I did not feel any difference.

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Do You Need Mct Oil On Keto Or Low Carb Diets

What Are MCTs and Do You Need Them on Keto Diets?

If youve been trying a keto diet like Atkins 20® or Atkins 40®, you have likely seen multiple products that contain MCTs and may have come across some articles recommending you consume them.

But what exactly are MCTs?

MCTs are actually nothing new in the diet world, and have been used in medical foods for decades. There initial use in medical foods was due to the fact that they are absorbed very rapidly and can be used to provide extra calories for people who have trouble digesting fat. However, the big uptick in their popularity in relation to keto diets is that they have been shown to increase your livers production of ketones.

The Results: Is Keto More Effective For Parkinsons Disease Treatment

Brain Octane Oil XCT Oil MCT Oil Coconut Oil | What’s The Difference?

As a result of the 8-week dietary protocols, both diets were found to be safe, and both groups experienced significant improvements in motor and nonmotor symptoms. This is great news for any patient who is struggling with Parkinsons disease.

The most promising results, however, are found when we examine the statistical variations between each group.

The most striking difference was that the keto diet group showed substantially better improvements in the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinsons disease . Every single patient who completed the 8-week keto diet protocol experienced equally significant benefits.

More specifically, the symptoms that improved most after keto dieting were urinary problems, pain and other unpleasant sensations, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and cognitive impairment. These findings are particularly profound because nonmotor symptoms ultimately represent the most disabling aspect of Parkinsons disease.

Furthermore, these specific symptoms are among those least responsive to ldopa . Altogether, this indicates the combining keto with drug therapy can help treat Parkinsons disease and its symptoms from multiple angles.

Another important finding from this study is that the keto diet provoked an intermittent exacerbation of the Parkinsons disease tremor and/or rigidity in some patients, which resulted in 2 subjects dropping out of the study after week 1. This adverse effect, however, was improved or resolved in many patients in weeks 5 to 8.

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How Could Cbd Oil Help With Parkinsons

While doctors havent been using CBD oil for Parkinsons disease long-term, and research into the benefits of CBD for this condition only began a few decades ago, current findings are very exciting. Studies suggest that CBD may have some positive effects on certain symptoms of Parkinsons disease, especially when it comes to anxiety, depression, and sleep difficulties.

Olive Oil For Parkinsons

Heather is a BGF Medical Advisory Board member and Dean of Research at the National College of Natural Medicine. Follow Heathers blog at

1 Hölscher C. Insulin, incretins and other growth factors as potential novel treatments for Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases. Biochem Soc Trans. 2014 Apr 42:593-9. doi: 10.1042/BST20140016.2 Mandøe MJ, Hansen KB, Hartmann B, Rehfeld JF, Holst JJ, Hansen HS. The 2-monoacylglycerol moiety of dietary fat appears to be responsible for the fat-induced release of GLP-1 in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Sep 102:548-55. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.115.106799. Epub 2015 Jul 15.

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