Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Narcolepsy A Symptom Of Parkinson’s

Figure 2 Keyword Enrichment

sleep disorders- Insomnia,Sleep apnea,Parasomnias,restless leg syndrome,narcolepsy,symptoms,causes

Representative keyword enrichment of the gene correlates of LRRK2, HLA-DQB1 and HCRT in the Hypothalamus, Dorsal Thalamus, Pons and Nucleus Subcoeruleus based on GO term classification. LRRK2 gene correlates HLA-DQB1 gene correlates HCRT gene correlates. X-axis, keyword categories Y-axis, frequency of occurrence.

The LRRK2 gene correlates have the highest frequency of the keyword categories. The highest represented categories are: transcription factor , insulin, behavior, learning, memory, locomotion , dopamine, Parkinson, and sleep and circadian processes .

The highest represented keyword categories for HLA-DQB1 are behavior, insulin, transcription factor, circadian, memory, dopamine, sleep , locomotion , and learning . The highest represented categories of HCRT are transcription factor, behavior, insulin, circadian, dopamine, Parkinson, memory, sleep, locomotion , and learning

Narcolepsy One Of The Core Part Of Parkinsons

Yes, definitely. If you see the symptoms of narcolepsy you can understand why. There are many diseases that are interconnected. If you search it briefly you can be able to know.

When I searched about Parkinsons I was just shocked when I found many interconnected diseases. Narcolepsy is not just a single thing, there are many connected core diseases with narcolepsy. If you see from the first there are many core parts in narcolepsy like cataplexy, excessive sleeping disorder, Sleep paralysis, hallucination. Not every case but there some cases are available where those symptoms are available in Patients.

So, narcolepsy can be the core part of Parkinsons. You must have to aware of it. Because these starting points can be pushed you to the long.

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Stiffness In Walking Or Movements

People often experience stiffness that is not due to exercise or lack of exercise. Some people have mentioned that they feel like their feet are stuck to the floor.

The person may start taking smaller steps or dragging or shuffling their feet. They also may have difficulty gauging the size of steps to take. And things like the length of their stride can cause people to trip and fall.

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Common Treatments For Parkinsons Disease

Overview Parkinsons condition is a neurogenerative progressive disease that causes central nervous system disorientation leading to difficulties in movement. Damage to the central nervous system inhibits the action of cells responsible for producing dopamine substantia nigra makes dopamine levels in the brain low and can lead to convulsion, a …

Conflict Of Interest Statement


GL received honoraria for participation in clinical trial as sub-investigator from UCB Pharma PC received honoraria for speaking engagements or consulting activities from Allergan Italia, Lundbeck Italy, UCB Pharma S.p.A, Chiesi Farmaceutici, AbbVie srl, Eli Lilly and Company, Zambon FP received honoraria for speaking engagements or consulting activities from Sanofi and Bial. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Deterrence And Patient Education

Discussing driving safety at every visit is of the utmost importance given the significantly increased risk of motor vehicle accidents for patients with narcolepsy. Maintaining vigilance during monotonous tasks can be particularly challenging to these patients, making long highway drives or long commutes in heavy traffic potentially problematic. Establishing driving recommendations related to reported symptoms may be one approach .

If there are continued concerns about refractory sleepiness or there has been an accident related to sleepiness, a Maintenance of Wakefulness Test can be used to evaluate a patients ability to stay awake during mundane circumstances. The test consists of four to five 40-minute testing periods during which they will be asked to take their medications, as usual, sit still in a quiet room, and remain awake. The results can help to guide medication changes and driving recommendations.

Additionally, patients should:

  • Follow up regularly to ensure symptoms are adequately controlled

Why Do Parkinsons Patients Have Trouble Sleeping

Despite having daytime tremors, Parkinsons patients do not shake in their sleep. However, both Parkinsons disease itself and the medications used to treat it can give rise to a number of sleep problems that lead to insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Patients with motor symptoms may have trouble adjusting sleeping positions to get comfortable. Others may experience distressing nocturnal hallucinations when trying to fall asleep. These may be a result of medications or cognitive impairment.

In turn, excessive daytime sleepiness may occur as a consequence of sleeping poorly at night. It may also be triggered by medications. Parkinsons patients who suffer from EDS may be at a higher risk of accidents and unable to safely carry out activities such as operating a motor vehicle.

Since insomnia frequently goes hand-in-hand with anxiety and depression, it may be a contributing factor to sleep problems in people with Parkinsons disease. For that reason, doctors often look for mental health disorders in people with Parkinsons disease who have sleep problems.

Also Check: Balancing Exercises For Parkinson’s Patients

Early Signs Of Parkinsons Disease

Overview Parkinsons disease causes a slow decline of dopamine levels in the brain. This can lead to cognitive impairment and eventually death. Parkinsons disease is one of the most common severe diseases globally that affects men and women, most commonly between the late 50s to early 80s. Parkinsons disease is …

Parkinsons Sleep Problems: Diagnosis And Treatment

Hypersomnia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Parkinsons disease is chronic and progressive, meaning it tends to get worse over time. However, there are treatment options that can help manage symptoms and allow patients to get more restful sleep.

The simplest way to start sleeping better with Parkinsons disease is by adopting healthy sleep habits. Sleep hygiene tips for Parkinsons disease sufferers include:

  • Sticking to regular bedtimes
  • Following a consistent bedtime routine with soothing activities such as listening to music or reading a calming book
  • Getting regular exercise, preferably early in the day
  • Getting adequate exposure to light, whether outdoors or through light therapy
  • Avoiding long naps and naps late in the day
  • Creating a cool, dark, and comfortable sleeping environment
  • Restricting bedtime activities to sex and sleep only
  • Turning off screens an hour before bedtime
  • Reducing liquid intake before bedtime
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco
  • Eating a healthy diet and avoiding large meals at night

Light therapy, exercise, and deep brain stimulation have been successfully used to improve overall sleep quality and to treat specific conditions, such as REM sleep behavior disorder, in patients with Parkinsons disease. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia has proven effective at reducing insomnia in healthy adults, although further research is needed on the effects of CBT in patients with Parkinsons disease.

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Functional Analysis Of Pd Narcolepsy And Ir Risk Factor And Related Genes

PD, narcolepsy, and IR risk factor and related genesets were evaluated to identify a common set of genes associated with the three disorders 36. There were 38 shared genes between the PD and narcolepsy genesets. CAMK1D is the only gene common among the 3 genesets for PD, narcolepsy, and IR and it is a Calcium/Calmodulin kinase that is upregulated in PD patients and is also a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes40,41.

Of the common PD and narcolepsy genes, several were directly associated with PD and narcolepsy behavioral phenotypes such as locomotion , sleep , circadian processes , circadian entrainment , learning and memory . There were two common genes between the PD and IR genesets: RREB1, which is a transcription factor, and ANKFY1, which is involved in vesicle trafficking and is also implicated in Type 2 diabetes. There is one common gene between narcolepsy and IR: HLA-DQB1, which is the narcolepsy associated gene under study here.

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Children With Narcolepsy Are Especially At Risk For Delays In Diagnosis

More than half of people with narcolepsy say that their symptoms started before age 18. However, it can take as long as 10 or more years to get an accurate diagnosis, and some people may have about 6 doctor visits before their symptoms are recognized as narcolepsy. Sadly, in children and adolescents, narcolepsy can often be mistaken for laziness or lack of motivation.

Undiagnosednarcolepsy can contribute to problemsnot only in childhood but throughout a persons life.

Children can suffer many years without a diagnosis.

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Keyword Evaluation Of Gene Correlates


From the GO analysis of the gene correlates, a functional annotation table was generated for GO Biological Process. Genes associated with keywords were obtained and their frequencies determined. The keyword categories used are as follows: sleep, circadian, Parkinson, locomotion, dopamine, insulin, behavior, learning, memory, and transcription factor 39. Each of the correlates for the genesets are evaluated for keywords related to the phenotypes of narcolepsy, PD, and IR in the hypothalamus, dorsal thalamus, pons, and subcoeruleus nucleus. Most of the keywords of the three sets of gene correlates are associated with subcoeruleus nucleus.

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Figure 1 Geneset Overlap

A detailed description of all shared genes and their associated function for each brain region is provided in Extended data, Workbook 3 38. Briefly, the dorsal thalamus and subcoeruleus nucleus have the largest number of shared correlates between LRRK2, HCRT, and HLA-DQB1. Many of these genes for both brain regions are associated with neuron, insulin, and dopamine related processes. There are also several genes connected directly to PD. In sharp contrast, however, the dorsal thalamus associated correlates have many genes linked to circadian function.

In the dorsal thalamus, the relevant genes are associated with neuron function , circadian processes , and insulin signaling . Other genes of interest are related to dopamine and also behavior .

In the subcoeruleus nucleus, the relevant genes are also associated with neuron function , insulin signaling , dopamine related processes , and behavior .

There are few shared correlated genes in the hypothalamus and pons. For the hypothalamus, the most pertinent genes are involved in neuron migration and circadian processes. In the pons, the relevant genes are concerned with negative regulation of neuron apoptotic processes, neuron projection, circadian regulation of gene expression, and hippocampus and pyramidal neuron development.

How Is Narcolepsy Diagnosed

A clinical examination and detailed medical history are essential for diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy. Individuals may be asked by their doctor to keep a sleep journal noting the times of sleep and symptoms over a one- to two-week period. Although none of the major symptoms are exclusive to narcolepsy, cataplexy is the most specific symptom and occurs in almost no other diseases.

A physical exam can rule out or identify other neurological conditions that may be causing the symptoms. Two specialized tests, which can be performed in a sleep disorders clinic, are required to establish a diagnosis of narcolepsy:

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How To Talk To Your Doctor

If you want to talk to your doctor about medications or any other concerns you have, we put together a great video with great strategies for making the most out of your time together. You can watch the video here, and be sure to check out all of the videos we have on our YouTube channel and subscribe so youre the first to know when we share something new.

What Are The Effects Of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy–Does Your Child Have It?

The symptoms of narcolepsy can have significant consequences for a patients health and wellness. Accidents are a pressing concern as sleep attacks, drowsiness, and cataplexy can be life-threatening when driving or in other environments where safety is critical. It is estimated that people with narcolepsy are three to four times more likely to be involved in a car accident.

Narcolepsy can also interfere with school and work. Sleepiness and pauses in attention can harm performance and may be interpreted as behavioral problems, especially in children.

Many patients with narcolepsy feel stigma related to the condition that can lead to social withdrawal. Without proper support, this may contribute to mental health disorders and negatively affect school, work, and relationships.

People with narcolepsy are at higher risk of other health conditions including obesity, cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, and psychiatric issues like depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder .

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Determinants Of Eds In Pd

Levodopa equivalent dose, sleep-disordered breathing, wearing-off phenomena and REM sleep amount during polysomnography were linked to EDS in our study .

EDS and Neurodegeneration

The neurodegenerative process itself has been implicated in the pathophysiology of EDS in PD. Longer disease duration and association with UPDRS III and the HY stage have been reported. In our series, patients with advanced/severe PD did not differ from patients with light/beginning PD . However, patients with motor fluctuations a sign of advanced PD had significantly lower mean sleep latencies on MSLT. This may be related to the involvement, usually later in the course of PD, not only of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system but also of extrastriatal dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons in the lower brainstem and midbrain involved in sleep-wake regulation .

EDS and Treatment

EDS and Polysomnographic Findings

In our series, 3 polysomnographic parameters were linked to EDS.

Sleep latencies are markers of sleep propensity. Patients with shorter sleep latency at night also had shorter MSL during the day and higher ESS scores, as partially shown by others .

EDS and CSF Hypocretin-1 Levels

CSF hypocretin-1 level was measured in 3 of our patients and was in the normal range, confirming that EDS in PD may be severe even in the absence of a detectable hypocretin deficiency .

More Proof Lack Of Sleep Leads To Weight Gain

Research has only scratched the surface of the far-reaching implications of a disrupted sleep-wake cycle. But in addition to impacting your emotions, its known that a lack of sleep causes changes in the hunger and satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin changes that impact your food intake and ultimately your weight.

The latest research showed the effects of sleeping just five hours a night for five days. The study participants actually burned more energy than those who slept longer, but they had less restraint when it came to mealtime. The sleep-deprived subjects ended up eating more, so that despite their increased energy burning they gained nearly two pounds, on average, during the five-day study.6

Researchers noted:

Our findings suggest that increased food intake during insufficient sleep is a physiological adaptation to provide energy needed to sustain additional wakefulness yet when food is easily accessible, intake surpasses that needed These findings provide evidence that sleep plays a key role in energy metabolism. Importantly, they demonstrate physiological and behavioral mechanisms by which insufficient sleep may contribute to overweight and obesity.

The good news is that the opposite also held true: when participants started getting more sleep, they subsequently started to eat less and lose weight.

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Some Causes Of Muscular Dystrophy

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Frequency And Characteristics Of Eds In Pd

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Subjective and objective EDS were common in this PD population. Similar percentages were reported in previous studies , including those with unselected PD patients. As already reported in the literature , we did not find an association between EDS and age. Several studies have suggested a higher frequency of EDS in male PD patients . In our sample, however, no gender differences were found.

An association between EDS and SOREM has been reported. Healthy subjects with multiple SOREMs were sleepier than subjects with 1 or no SOREM. None of the 11 patients with MSL 5 min presented with SOREM. Because naps were terminated after 20 min , we do not report on the occurrence of SOREM in the rest of the patients.

Sleep-misperception was observed in 10 patients , which is similar to previous reports in which sleep-state misperception in association with MSLT naps was reported in up to 38% of patients with PD and in 45% of patients with EDS . In healthy subjects, sleep perception depends on sleep duration after a 4-min nap, only 50% of healthy controls confirmed they had fallen asleep . In a previous study, the patients with sleep misperception tended to underestimate their sleepiness in ESS . No specific characteristics of PD with sleep misperception were found in our series.

As already shown by others , ESS correlated significantly with MSL. This supports the use of ESS as a screening tool in clinical practice for EDS in PD patients.

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Researchers Discover Link Between Parkinson’s And Narcolepsy

Parkinson’s disease is well-known for its progression of motor disorders: stiffness, slowness, tremors, difficulties walking and talking. Less well known is that Parkinson’s shares other symptoms with narcolepsy, a sleep disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep, severe fatigue and general sleep disorder.

Now a team of UCLA and Veterans Affairs researchers think they know why the two disorders share something in common: Parkinson’s disease patients have severe damage to the same small group of neurons whose loss causes narcolepsy. The findings suggest a different clinical course of treatment for people suffering with Parkinson’s that may ameliorate their sleep symptoms.

More than 1 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and approximately 20 million worldwide. Narcolepsy affects approximately one in 2,000 individuals about 150,000 in the United States and 3 million worldwide. Its main symptoms are sleep attacks, nighttime sleeplessness and cataplexy, the sudden loss of skeletal muscle tone without loss of consciousness that is, although the person cannot talk or move, they are otherwise in a state of high alertness, feeling, hearing and remembering everything that is going on around them.

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