Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Craft Activities For Parkinson’s Patients

Stimulating Activities For Elderly People With Parkinsons

Paint Bucket Dementia Activity

Parkinsons disease can negatively affect many aspects of a seniors life, but staying actively engaged can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the disease. With careful planning, family caregivers can find various activities that are less intrusive and can be performed in moderation. Here are some safe and engaging activities that seniors with Parkinsons should try.

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Getting Dressed With Parkinson’s Disease

  • Get dressed while sitting in a chair that has armrests — this will help you keep your balance.
  • Roll from side to side to get pants over your hips. You can do this while sitting in a chair or lying down on your bed.
  • Wear clothes that are loose fitting and have elastic waistbands.
  • Choose wrap-around clothing instead of the pullover type. Also choose clothing that opens in the front, not the back so you don’t have to reach behind you.
  • Wear clothing with large, flat buttons, zippers, or Velcro closures.
  • Use a button hook to button clothing.
  • Use a dressing stick if you have shoulder weakness to get your coat or shirt on or off.
  • Use a zipper pull or attach a leather loop on the end of the zipper to zip pants or jackets.
  • Wear slip-on shoes or buy elastic shoelaces that allow you to slip your shoes on and off without untying the laces. Use devices such as a sock donner and long-handled shoehorn for additional assistance.

Art And Other Complementary Therapies For Parkinsons Disease

A growing number of people with Parkinsons disease are interested in trying to improve both their motor and non-motor symptoms with therapies that are not medications. Beyond physical, occupational and speech therapy, all of which can play a crucial role in maximizing function in PD, there are a vast array of available complementary therapies. These include:

  • Exercise/movement

  • Music therapy including auditory cueing
  • Dance including tango
  • Art therapy
  • Many of these therapies have been studied formally in PD, although usually in only small groups of people. Therefore, much is unknown about whether these therapies are truly effective and if so, how they work and how to maximize their benefit. Complementary therapy for PD is a large topic to cover and I will write more than one blog on this subject. Today, lets focus on art therapy.

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    Ideal Brain Games For An Aging Loved One With Parkinsons

    By Pete Lane 9 am on November 18, 2019

    The changes that occur with Parkinsons disease arent always physical. While your senior loved one may face difficulty with things such as muscle tremors, you should also know the disease affects the way he or she thinks. Foggy thinking, memory loss, and general confusion are all common cognitive symptoms that can occur with Parkinsons. These six brain games are fun for you to enjoy together, and they can help your loved one retain cognitive functioning.

    Doing Their Old Occupation

    10 craft ideas for parkinson

    I went to a symposium on Dementia and one of the speakers told us how they had set up an office at the adult memory care center so the patient could go to work. What a great idea!

    Come tax time, I have my Mom check over my tax documents before I take them into the accountant .

    Being able to do something well is fun for anyone and since they live in the past sometimes their work is easier to do than all the fun activities we can come up with! Their long term memories kick in and they feel confident again.

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    How I Modify My Studio

    I have arranged my studio so that the materials I need are easily accessible. I never need to over extend to grab a brush or tube of paint. Which is a good thing because my lack of balance totally rules out any career as a tight rope walker.

    My chair has ample back support and can be raised or lowered as needed. It is actually a bar stool but it is very comfortable and adjustable.

    The chair I use at my drawing table is a very comfortable office chair. It has great back support and can be raised or lowered depending on how my muscles are feeling.

    The water bucket I use stands inside an aluminum pie plate to minimize sloshing onto my work surface. It is a 2 well bucket so I dont have to go get fresh water as often.

    I have an adjustable table top easel that allows me to rest my arms on my painting bench for support or on the easel itself. I can stand to paint if I am having a good day or sit in my adjustable bar stool.

    For drawing I use a small drafting table that I can adjust and tilt as needed. I sometimes use this for painting as well.

    It has holes to hold the pencils and other tools as well as drawers to keep my pencils and paper in so everything is handy.

    It would probably be easier to paint or draw on a flat surface, but looking down makes me dizzy and causes some problems with my vision. A tilted surface is much more comfortable and easier on my neck and shoulders.

    Keeping Your Dementia Loved One Amused

    Okay, lets call a spade a spade, sometimes we want our loved one to do something without us having to be involved. With that in mind, some of these ideas are do alone activities.

    But honestly, most of these, at some level, will require you to participate even if your loved one is at the early stages of dementia.

    I KNOW, you wish that you could plop them down and get a few minutes to do the dishes or take a long hot bath, but I have found that if I think of my Mother In Law as an adult sized kid, I do the best.

    My kids will do some things by themselves, but it is MUCH more fun if I participate.

    Also Check: Sam Waterston Tremor

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    How Do I Get Started

    The following may help you to begin exploring the opportunities art can bring.

    • Experiment with a variety of different types of art and find those which most stimulate and uplift you and aid movement. Be patient if this takes time.
    • Visit local groups, especially those run by trained art therapists.
    • Go to art galleries or other public shows to explore new ideas and build on your experiences.
    • Build up a picture or photo album of paintings and other art that inspires you and turn to this when you need inspiration or motivation.
    • Practice at home any techniques or activities you have learned in groups. Many have a carry over effect so the benefits can be felt beyond the period of activity.

    Amazing Activities For Seniors With Parkinsons Disease

    Napkin Dementia Activity
    By Zareena Khan 9 am on July 28, 2021

    Isolation is common in older adults with Parkinsons, especially during the later stages, when mobility and cognitive issues become more noticeable. However, isolation can increase boredom, loneliness, and the risk of other health issues. Family caregivers need to incorporate purposeful activities and hobbies into their senior loved ones daily lives. Encourage your loved one to try the activities mentioned below.

    Recommended Reading: What To Expect Living With Parkinson’s

    Finish This Article And Find More Like It

    The rest of Sophie Canadés article and much more can be found in a powerful new edition of our free Every Victory Counts® manual. OurEvery Victory Counts® manual gives people living with Parkinsons, their care partners and their family members the tools they need to take control of their own Parkinsons treatment through a proactive approach to self-care.

    Every Victory Counts

    Request your copy of the new Every Victory Counts manual by clicking the button below.

    Thank you to the Every Victory Counts manual sponsors:

    Zaidel, Dahlia W. Creativity, Brain, and Art: Biological and Neurological Considerations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 : 389. PMC. Web. 4 Apr. 2017.

    Dont Miss: Yopd Life Expectancy

    Watching Tv With The Family

    Yesterday my husband took my youngest daughter to a ball game and I invited Mom out to eat junk food and watch home shows with me so fun!

    I thought she would watch one or two and disappear back into her room like she usually does, but I actually had to kick her out when it was time for bed

    Now, it was active watching, talking about what was going on, complaining about the commercials and being aware of what was on the screen instead of staring at my computer, but it was super fun to spend some quality time with Mom doing something we both enjoyed.

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    Art Therapy And Parkinsons

    Art can encourage a previously hidden creative streak in response to the changes Parkinsons brings to life. The creative process is therapeutic and liberating, and the knowledge that an art project is there to return to can be encouraging and motivating. Self-expression can also help with depression and can rekindle motivation in other aspects of life.

    Art therapy seems to help by working on the subconscious, reducing stress and releasing frustration while stimulating the imagination and promoting a sense of inner peace. Both therapists and participants say that when absorbed in the art-making process, symptoms tend to subside. One person with Parkinson’s said, When I am painting I forget about Parkinsons, and it forgets about me.

    Overview Of Parkinsons Disease

    Acrylic and cling wrap is a very good project for residents with ...

    Parkinsons disease is a chronic progressive neurological disease that affects a small area of nerve cells in an area of the brain known as the substantia nigra. These cells normally produce dopamine, a chemical that transmits signals between areas in the brain that, when working normally, coordinate smooth and balanced muscle movement. Parkinsons disease causes these nerve cells to die, and as a result, body movements are affected.

    Parkinsonism is a term that is often used interchangeably with Parkinsons disease. Medically, parkinsonism refers to any condition that causes symptoms similar to Parkinsons disease tremors at rest, muscle rigidity, slow movement, and changes in walking. Parkinsons disease is probably the most common form of parkinsonism. Other conditions that cause it include:

    • Medications such as reserpine, Thorazine
    • Toxic exposures to carbon monoxide, cyanide
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Hypoparathyroidism
    • A variety of other neurologic conditions affecting the nerves in the substantia nigra such as Wilsons disease and progressive supranuclear palsy

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    Bathing With Parkinson’s Disease

    • Use a shower chair if necessary.
    • Use a hand-held hose for showering and bathing.
    • Use a long-handled sponge or scrubbing brush.
    • Use soap-on-a-rope, bath mitts, or sponges with soap inside or a soft soap applicator instead of bar soap.
    • Use lukewarm water, as very hot water can cause fatigue.
    • Sew straps on towels to make them easier to hold while drying.
    • Place a non-skid rug on the floor outside the tub to dry your feet so you don’t slip.
    • Put a towel on the back of your chair and rub your back against it to dry. Or, use a terry cloth robe instead of a towel to dry off.

    Easing Cramps Spasms Or Tremors Due To Parkinson’s

    • Massage your legs nightly to relieve leg cramps.
    • Take warm baths and use heating pads to help relieve muscle spasms and ease cramps.
    • Use mineral ice to relax sore joints and muscles.
    • Squeeze a small rubber ball to reduce hand tremors.
    • At first indication of a tremor, if possible, try lying on the floor, face down, and relaxing your body for five to 10 minutes.

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    Suggestions For Leisure Activities

    According to my research and observations, the following activities are some of the things people with PD have found helpful:

    • Playing cards: Card games can help people with PD revive their brain function through problem-solving.
    • Painting and art therapy: By holding a paintbrush and making small brush strokes, a person with PD can use painting to strengthen fine motor skills.
    • Dance: Dance classes can help to improve motor skills and cognitive abilities, and can foster personal artistic expression. According to Dance for PD, a program that offers specialized dance classes for people with PD and their care partners around the world, dance can help to improve gait and balance issues, and also decrease feelings of isolation through social interaction.
    • Singing: Bev loves to sing along to songs by Neil Diamond and Johnny Mathis. Singing not only helps with breath strength and speaking volume, it also uplifts her mood. The impact of singing on PD was discussed by a cleverly titled study ParkinSong: A Controlled Trial of Singing-Based Therapy for Parkinsons Disease published in Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair in 2019. According to the study, those with PD who participated showed significant improvements in vocal intensity , maximum expiratory pressure , and voice-related quality of life in comparison to controls.

    If you are losing your leisure, look out! It may be you are losing your soul. Virginia Woolf

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    What Kind Of Art Makes Good Therapy

    Art therapy: A potential treatment for dementia

    In my years working with people who have Parkinsons, preferences for art materials have varied as much as personalities. The choices of medium are influenced by each persons progression of symptoms, as well as by the sort of relationship a person is ready to have with those symptoms. I have found that wet-on-wet watercolor painting can be satisfying for many people, as this method of painting easily creates a satisfying mark with minimal pressure. This approach to painting can be soothing, and we already know how much relaxation plays a part in reducing tremor. However, a few members of my current art therapy support group have really appreciated the use of water color pencils, because they add precision to the medium. These artists choose to focus intently on making deliberate, unique marks, knowing that it is a balance between gaining control through attention to movement and putting too much pressure on themselves to make precisely the mark they expect, which brings stress.

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    How Did You Decide On The Segments

    When we announced about this campaign as a part of World Parkinsons awareness month in April 2020, various PwPs enthusiastically came forward and submitted their entries for this campaign. Then we contacted each of them personally to know more about them, get their quote and understand how these arts activities have helped them with PD. We decided on the segments based on various categories of creative arts such as- Dance, Music, Art, Craft, Stitching, Crochet-making, etc. based on the entries, to showcase the diversity of talents among PwPs.

    How I Paint With Parkinsons Disease

    People often ask me how I manage to paint with the tremors of Parkinsons Disease. While shaking hands are great for mixing martinis or shaking cans of paint, they arent ideal for drawing or painting.

    Over the last few years I have developed a number of different tricks to help. By modifying some artists tools and techniques I have made it easier for me to handle a brush or pencil and made it more comfortable for me to work.

    If you are really inspired to do something, you shouldnt let anything stop you. There is always a way to do what you are meant to do.

    Here are some of the ways I have modified my tools and environment to make it easier to paint and draw. Its not perfect but it helps.

    **This page may contain affiliate links to products I have used or recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. For more information .**

    Read Also: Exercises For Parkinson’s Tremor

    Spending Time With A Pet

    If your loved one doesnt have a pet, make arrangements for him or her to spend time with animals. Being in close contact with animals such as dogs and cats can relieve stress and depression in those with Parkinsons, and it may even lower blood pressure and regulate the heart rate, which may be irregular as a result of Parkinsons-related vagus nerve damage. Hugging or petting an animal promotes the brains release of feel-good chemicals such as endorphins, which may relieve muscle rigidity pain in seniors with Parkinsons disease.

    Many seniors in the early stages of Parkinsons are able to live on their own, but they may need a bit of help with the everyday tasks of life, such as exercising and preparing nutritious meals. Aging adults who require assistance with the tasks of daily living can benefit from reliable elderly home care. Chandler, AZ, families trust Home Care Assistance to provide the high-quality care their elderly loved ones need and deserve. Our caregivers are trained to help seniors prevent and manage serious illnesses and encourage them to make healthier decisions as they age. If your loved one needs professional care, Home Care Assistance is here to help. To hire a compassionate, dedicated caregiver, call us at 448-6215 today.

    Art Saves My Life Everyday

    7 Ways the Arts Can Help People with Parkinson s Disease

    When artist Alex Echo was diagnosed with Parkinsons, he found art was a way to focus on the moment and forget about his worries.

    Thats why hes designed a new range of homewares and kids T-shirts with Next. And 100% of the profits are going to Parkinsons UK. Find out more about Alex and explore our partnership with Next.

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    How Do You Entertain Someone With Parkinsons Disease

    When you are wondering about the best hobbies and fun activities for Parkinsons patients, it is important to remember that Parkinsons can affect many aspects of the patients life. However, with careful planning, the effects of Parkinsons can be managed and the patient can continue to live a full life. Here are a few tips to conserve energy so Parkinsons patients can continue to choose daily entertainment they enjoy:

    • Plan activities, including exercise, recreation and chores, ahead of time so they can be spaced out throughout the day.
    • If you need to rest, allow yourself to rest before and after participating in activities. Allow yourself to stop during an activity if you begin to feel over-tired.
    • Avoid rigorous physical activity. If you arent sure if something is safe, ask your health care provider.
    • Ask for help when needed, and allow friends and family to pitch in.
    • Avoid planning activities directly following a meal.
    • Set realistic expectations for yourself and for your daily activities. Allow yourself to make small changes to reduce the strain on your body.
    • Always get a good nights sleep.

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