Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Are Some Treatments For Parkinson’s Disease

Treatment For Parkinsons Disease With Traditional Medications

Parkinsons Treatment: Disease Modifying vs. Symptomatic | 2019 Udall Center Research Symposium

To treat Parkinsons , its best to follow your Doctors guidance. The use of natural remedies and other alternatives not based on scientific evidence can be counterproductive.

Therefore, its best not to resort to them .

Heres eight of the main medications and therapies used in the treatment for Parkinsons disease according to most medical institutions:

Icipating In Clinical Trials

Clinical trials and their participants have revolutionized Parkinsons treatment, and have changed the lives dramatically of those affected. They have helped make available many new treatments in addition to improving the delivery methods of medications and new deep brain stimulation techniques.

Clinical trials are essential to the future of Parkinsons research, and APDA is committed to this vital effort.

What Is Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes shaking and muscle stiffness, and slows movement. It develops when neurons in a particular part of the brain stop working properly and are lost over time. These neurons produce an important chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is used by the brain to send messages across brain areas to help control movement. Eventually, the brain cannot make enough dopamine to control the movement properly.1,2

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Gait Training To Improve Balance

Patients with Parkinson’s symptoms can enhance their treatment by doing what’s called “gait training” at home. This involves practicing new ways to stand, walk, and turn. People undergoing gait training should try to:

  • Take large steps when walking straight ahead, focusing on proper heel-toe form.
  • Keep the legs at least 10 inches apart while turning or walking in order to provide more support and reduce the risk of falls.
  • Avoid shoes with rubber soles, as they can stick to the floor and increase risk of falls.
  • Walk to a steady rhythm.
  • Practice gait training with the help of a metronome, a tool musicians use to keep a steady beat. A study published in March 2010 in PLoS One showed that when people with Parkinson’s walked to the sound of a metronome set about 10 percent faster than their fastest stride, it significantly improved their gait.

    RELATED: 10 Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Parkinson’s Disease

    You can also try dance classes for people with Parkinson’s through the Dance for PD program, which is supported by a grant from the National Parkinson Foundation. The classes first started in Brooklyn, New York, and are now found in locations across the globe.

    Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

    Treatment for Parkinson

    Parkinson’s disease has four main symptoms:

    • Tremor in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head
    • Stiffness of the limbs and trunk
    • Slowness of movement
    • Impaired balance and coordination, sometimes leading to falls

    Other symptoms may include depression and other emotional changes difficulty swallowing, chewing, and speaking urinary problems or constipation skin problems and sleep disruptions.

    Symptoms of Parkinsons and the rate of progression differ among individuals. Sometimes people dismiss early symptoms of Parkinson’s as the effects of normal aging. In most cases, there are no medical tests to definitively detect the disease, so it can be difficult to diagnose accurately.

    Early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are subtle and occur gradually. For example, affected people may feel mild tremors or have difficulty getting out of a chair. They may notice that they speak too softly, or that their handwriting is slow and looks cramped or small. Friends or family members may be the first to notice changes in someone with early Parkinson’s. They may see that the person’s face lacks expression and animation, or that the person does not move an arm or leg normally.

    People with Parkinson’s often develop a parkinsonian gait that includes a tendency to lean forward, small quick steps as if hurrying forward, and reduced swinging of the arms. They also may have trouble initiating or continuing movement.

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    Naturaltreatment For Parkinsons #6 Magnesium & Iodine:

    Magnesium is vital for the health of the entire nervoussystem, especially the protective layer that surrounds the nerves . Magnesiumis also essential for the production of dopamine and helps protect dopaminergicneurons in the substantia nigra from degeneration. In addition to this, new evidence is showing that low levels of magnesium in the brain causes a build-up ofheavy metals a major factor in the development of Parkinsons, Alzheimers,epilepsy and MS. In a recent trial, 30 epileptics were given 450 mg ofmagnesium daily and this successfully controlled their seizures. Ifmagnesium can help epilepsy patients, it can certainly help Parkinsons sufferers. Worldrenowned magnesium expert and author, Dr Carolyn Dean, has both Parkinsons andAlzheimers disease in her top 55 health conditions caused by amagnesium deficiency list and says that magnesium is 100% essential for the preventionand treatment of both of these diseases Dr Carolyn Dean Interview

    In regards to iodine, well-known researcher and author,Dr James Howenstein, says

    Iodineis found in large quantities in the brain and the ciliary body of the eye. A lackof iodine may be involved in the production of Parkinson’s disease andglaucoma.

    Inthe brain, iodine concentrates in the substantia nigra, an area of the brainthat has been associated with Parkinson’s disease.

    David Brownstein M.D. 9

    Best Sources of Magnesium and Iodine

    -What Youll Need

    1 cup of Magnesium Chloride Flakes

    1 cup of Distilled Water

    Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease

    MedicationIn addition to combating the symptoms of Parkinson’s with lifestyle changes such as exercise and/or physical therapy, medication therapy can help control Parkinson’s symptoms. Because people with the disease have low levels of dopamine, the main drug therapy is based on increasing dopamine levels in the brain.

    The drug levodopa contains a substance that occurs naturally in the body. When taken, the drug is converted to dopamine when it reaches the brain. Levodopa is combined with another substance to ensure it does not convert to dopamine before reaching the brain.

    As Parkinson’s disease progresses, the benefit from levodopa may become less reliable. In addition, levodopa side effects can include confusion, delusions and hallucinations, as well as involuntary movements called dyskinesia. The dose can be reduced to mitigate these side effects, but sometimes at the expense of losing the benefits of symptom control.

    Other types of drugs can be used in combination with levodopa to prolong its beneficial effects. Some of these drugs work by blocking the enzymes known to break down dopamine, whether created naturally in the brain or by levodopa. Other types of medication, including anticholinergics and antivirals, are sometimes used to control physical symptoms such as tremor and involuntary movement. However, patients may find that their limited benefits do not offset the sometimes serious side effects.

    External resources for Parkinson’s disease:

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    Symptomatic And Neuroprotective Therapy

    Pharmacologic treatment of Parkinson disease can be divided into symptomatic and neuroprotective therapy. At this time, there is no proven neuroprotective or disease-modifying therapy.

    Levodopa, coupled with carbidopa, a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor , remains the gold standard of symptomatic treatment for Parkinson disease. Carbidopa inhibits the decarboxylation of levodopa to dopamine in the systemic circulation, allowing for greater levodopa distribution into the central nervous system. Levodopa provides the greatest antiparkinsonian benefit for motor signs and symptoms, with the fewest adverse effects in the short term however, its long-term use is associated with the development of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias. Once fluctuations and dyskinesias become problematic, they are difficult to resolve.

    Monoamine oxidase -B inhibitors can be considered for initial treatment of early disease. These drugs provide mild symptomatic benefit, have excellent adverse effect profiles, and, according to a Cochrane review, have improved long-term outcomes in quality-of-life indicators by 20-25%.

    Neuroprotective therapy aims to slow, block, or reverse disease progression such therapies are defined as those that slow underlying loss of dopamine neurons. Although no therapy has been proven to be neuroprotective, there remains interest in the long-term effects of MAO-B inhibitors. Other agents currently under investigation include creatine and isradipine.

    What Are The Surgical Treatments For Parkinsons Disease

    Managing Parkinson’s disease with medications | Nervous system diseases | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy

    Most patients with Parkinsons disease can maintain a good quality of life with medications. However, as the disease worsens, medications may no longer be effective in some patients. In these patients, the effectiveness of medications becomes unpredictable reducing symptoms during on periods and no longer controlling symptoms during off periods, which usually occur when the medication is wearing off and just before the next dose is to be taken. Sometimes these variations can be managed with changes in medications. However, sometimes they cant. Based on the type and severity of your symptoms, the failure of adjustments in your medications, the decline in your quality of life and your overall health, your doctor may discuss some of the available surgical options.

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    Natural Remedies And Treatments For Parkinsons Disease That Get Powerful Results

    To successfully treat the symptoms of Parkinsons, andeven reverse this disorder, there are 4 things you must do

    a) Increase your natural dopamine levels

    b) Detox your body of all heavy metals andpollutants

    c) Reduce all inflammation in the body,especially the brain

    d) Repair the neuro pathways

    These 10 natural treatments and remedies do all four. Solets not waste any more time then. Here they are in order of importance

    What Is A Common Side Effect Of Parkinson Disease Medications

    Dyskinesias are uncontrollable body movements that can be forceful and painful. They are a side effect of levodopa, a medication that increases dopamine levels in the body and treats Parkinsons tremors, stiffness, and slowness. The movements may start as small tics but can worsen and lead to serious injury.

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    How Parkinson’s Disease Is Treated

    Claudia Chaves, MD, is board-certified in cerebrovascular disease and neurology with a subspecialty certification in vascular neurology.

    The treatment options for Parkinson’s disease include several different medications, surgical procedures, and physical therapies. What’s appropriate for you depends on the symptoms you’re experiencing and how severe your disease is. You will most likely benefit from treatments for your tremors and other motor symptoms, but other options for some of the non-motor effects of Parkinson’s disease may also be beneficial for you.

    How To Prevent Parkinsons

    Treatment and Management of Parkinsons Disease

    While its not yet known if there are surefire ways to prevent Parkinsons disease, there are a few things experts recommend.

    For example, you might try incorporating physical activity into your routine and eating a healthy and balanced diet for a variety of health reasons. So far, research into nutritional supplements is lacking. However, if you have specific dietary needs, talk to your doctor to see if supplementation is appropriate.

    Could CBD oil help? Its possible, but we dont know for sure yet. Some research, including , suggest that cannabidiol might help prevent Parkinsons disease. However, the studies are mostly animal studies and there is not yet a body of research involving humans and CBD.

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    Natural Treatment For Parkinsons #3 Turmeric And Otherherbs And Spices:

    A recent study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, foundthat the extracts in turmeric, particularly curcumin and the newly discovered Ar-turmerone,can regenerate a damaged brain and reverse neurological disorders. Researchers said Ar-turmerone is a promising candidate to supportregeneration in neurologic disease. Michigan State University researcherBasir Ahmad also found that a compound in turmeric may help fight Parkinsonsdisease by disrupting the proteins responsible for the disease.

    Another study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine found that tumeric can prevent and evenreverse the toxic effects exerted on the brain from fluoride exposure. Fluorideis a nasty and dangerous heavy metal that destroys brain cells and the intricateworkings of the central nervous system. Fluoride poisoning has also beenimplicated in the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimers,Parkinsons, ALS and multiple sclerosis. 7

    Turmeric is also a very potent anti-inflammatory spice. Because Parkinsons is aninflammation type disease, turmeric will help immensely. A heaped teaspoon ofhigh quality turmeric powder taken 3 times daily in asmoothie will do the trick. Just make sure you combine it with 10-12 blackpeppercorns for enhanced absorption Turmeric is also fat soluble so youll need tocombine it with some coconut oil, red palm oil or fish/krill oil as well.

    How Do You Know You Have Parkinsons Disease

    There is no definitive way to diagnose Parkinsons disease. Your doctor will ask questions about the onset of your symptoms and assess your movement to make referrals to specialists who can make a formal diagnosis.

    You can expect to see a neurologist who can complete a neurologic examination. This may include brain imaging, an MRI, or a PET scan to see activity in the area of the brain typically affected by Parkinsons disease.

    Your doctor may also refer you to a movement disorder specialist. Seeing subspecialists is very important to avoid being misdiagnosed. Highly trained specialists can provide their expertise in specific areas of medicine where a precise diagnosis isnt possible from blood work or another definitive test.

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    What We Know So Far

    • We’ve uncovered clues to the causes and genetic involvement in Parkinson’s.
    • We’re figuring out the chain of events that leads to the damage and loss of brain cells.
    • We’re working to advance new treatments and therapies.
    • We’re exploring repurposing drugs to help manage some of the more distressing symptoms, like hallucinations and falls.
    • And we know that, although people with Parkinson’s share symptoms, each person’s experience of the condition and response to treatment is different.

    Now, the science is ready for us to develop the new treatments and cure that people with Parkinson’s so desperately need.

    Research takes time. But we launched the Parkinson’s Virtual Biotech to speed up the most promising potential treatments. The more we can invest, the sooner we’ll get there.

    What Lifestyle Changes Can I Make To Ease Parkinsons Symptoms

    What is Parkinson’s Disease?

    Exercise: Exercise helps improve muscle strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, and tremor. It is also strongly believed to improve memory, thinking and reduce the risk of falls and decrease anxiety and depression. One study in persons with Parkinsons disease showed that 2.5 hours of exercise per week resulted in improved ability to move and a slower decline in quality of life compared to those who didnt exercise or didnt start until later in the course of their disease. Some exercises to consider include strengthening or resistance training, stretching exercises or aerobics . All types of exercise are helpful.

    Eat a healthy, balanced diet: This is not only good for your general health but can ease some of the non-movement related symptoms of Parkinsons, such as constipation. Eating foods high in fiber in particular can relieve constipation. The Mediterranean diet is one example of a healthy diet.

    Preventing falls and maintaining balance: Falls are a frequent complication of Parkinson’s. While you can do many things to reduce your risk of falling, the two most important are: 1) to work with your doctor to ensure that your treatments whether medicines or deep brain stimulation are optimal and 2) to consult with a physical therapist who can assess your walking and balance. The physical therapist is the expert when it comes to recommending assistive devices or exercise to improve safety and preventing falls.

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    What New Treatments Are Being Developed

    Thanks to the progress we’ve already made, new treatments are being tested in clinical trials that have the potential to slow, stop or even reverse Parkinson’s.

    These include:

    • stem cell therapies, which aim to use healthy, living cells to replace or repair the damage in the brains of people with Parkinson’s
    • gene therapies, which use the power of genetics to reprogramme cells and change their behaviour to help them stay healthy and work better for longer
    • growth factors , which are naturally occurring molecules that support the growth, development and survival of brain cells.

    And we’re developing treatments that aim to improve life with the condition, including new drugs that can reduce dyskinesia.

    Causes Of Parkinson’s Disease

    The causes of Parkinsons disease are still greatly unknown. Scientists who have studied this disorder estimate that 10-15% of cases come from genetics after seeing a series of genetic mutations that were common in Parkinsons patients.

    Doctors suspect that environmental factors and lifestyle choices may have effects on the severity of Parkinsons disease symptoms. Exposure to chemicals like pesticides may increase the likelihood of developing Parkinsons disease. On the other hand, a good diet and regular exercise may decrease your chances.

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    Home Remedies And Lifestyle

    Healthy eating can help ease your symptoms when you have Parkinson’s disease. As you may have constipation due to the condition, eating enough fiber and drinking plenty of fluids will help. You may also feel fuller after eating less food, so planning smaller meals and snacks throughout the day is best.

    Omega-3 fatty acids, such as found in seafood and fish oil supplements, are being studied to see if they have any beneficial effects in Parkinson’s disease. A Mediterranean-style diet is one that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats , and a good balance of nutrients. While more research is needed to determine if it offers a specific benefit for PD, the diet is considered a healthy eating plan for everyone.

    A high-protein meal and dairy foods can slow the absorption of the Parkinson’s drug levodopa , so it is often better to have protein later in the day.

    Exercise is important with Parkinson’s disease. It can help you maintain your strength, flexibility, and balance. One form of exercise that seems especially beneficial in Parkinson’s disease is dance. Consider taking some lessons to help improve your balance, mobility, and quality of life, if even just for the short term.

    As Parkinson’s disease progresses, you will need to adopt practices aimed at preventing falls and allowing you to still perform your daily living activities. It is good to work with a physical therapist and occupational therapist to get the coaching and assistive devices that can work best.

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