Friday, September 13, 2024

What Causes Dyskinesia In Parkinson’s

What Do Off Times Look Like

What Causes Dyskinesia in Parkinsons?

OFF times look different for everyone. For some people with Parkinsons, OFF presents as slowed movement, reduced mobility, increased tremor, muscle cramping, rigidity, balance issues, stiffness, shortness of breath, and/or swallowing issues. OFF isnt always a visible state it can be a period when your non-motor symptoms increase, and you experience fluctuations in cognition, attention, anxiety, depression, and apathy. OFF can also cause a person with Parkinsons to experience increased sweating, lightheadedness, abdominal pain, bloating, urinary issues, visual disturbances, pain, dysesthesia, akathisia, and/or restless legs syndrome.

Dyskinesia Cause #: Happiness

Moments of joy and happiness, especially laughter, can bring on dyskinesia. Dyskinesia is influenced by whats going on in your environment, so whether youre happy, sad, or anxious, you can definitely see an increase in movement, says Thomas.

Its important to remember, especially in this case, that even though dyskinesia can make bystanders feel uncomfortable, the needs of the person with Parkinsons are what matter the most. For most people with Parkinsons, dyskinesia isnt a problem, says Alexander Pantelyat, MD, the director of the Johns Hopkins Atypical Parkinsonism Center in Baltimore. However, he says, dyskinesia can cause embarrassment for the persons friends and family members.

In the case of happiness and laughter, its good to be aware why dyskinesia might be worsening, even if you dont want to take measures to prevent it.

How Can I Manage Dyskinesia

Medication Adjustments

If you experience dyskinesias that are bothersome and/or present most of the time, one management strategy is to reduce your dosage of levodopa or other related Parkinsons medications. However, if doing so would adversely affect the control of your chief Parkinsons symptoms, your doctor may prescribe treatment to target the dyskinesia specifically. For example, the FDA has approved an extended-release formulation of amantadine to treat levodopa-induced dyskinesia in people with Parkinsons. Another option is to consider other forms of amantadine, which are approved to treat Parkinsons and may be prescribed off-label to treat dyskinesia.

Calming Activities

Many people with Parkinsons find that exciting and emotional settings, even positive and joyful ones, increase dyskinesia. Strong feelings of stress, anger, and happiness can trigger the release of the brain chemical norepinephrine , which increases involuntary movement. Calming activities such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, massage, and breathing exercises do the opposite. They lessen your sympathetic nervous systems responses to emotional situations. Incorporating these practices into your daily life can strengthen your inner peace and manage your dyskinesia.

Exercise Adjustments
Surgical Therapies

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Using Dopamine Receptor Agonists

Dopamine receptor agonists have a longer halflife than levodopa. The indication of their potential to prevent dyskinesias was first reported in an animal study using bromocriptine. Since then there have been longterm, prospective studies confirming the efficacy of dopamine agonists in protecting against dyskinesias. A prospective, randomised, doubleblind study, compared the safety and efficacy of the dopamine D2receptor agonist ropinirole with that of levodopa over a period of five years in patients with early Parkinson’s disease and the primary outcome measure was the occurrence of dyskinesia. If symptoms were not adequately controlled by ropinirole, patients could receive supplementary levodopa, administered in an openlabel fashion. At 5 years, the cumulative incidence of dyskinesia regardless of levodopa supplementation was 20% in the ropinirole group and 45% in the levodopa group. Similar results have been reported with pramipexole.

What Does Tardive Dyskinesia Look Like

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TD looks like different, uncontrollable movements and patterns of the limbs and face. Sometimes referred to as stereotypy, the activity can be patterned, repetitive, and rhythmic movements that can involve one or more body parts. More than 3/4 of those with TD experience oral-facial-lingual stereotypic movements .1 The Baylor College of Medicine Movement Disorders Clinic conducted a videotape review of 100 people with tardive dyskinesia. The evaluation showed that the majority experienced irregular and chaotic movements in the OFL region, including lip smacking, chewing and other tongue and mouth movements. Other areas of the body can also show signs of TD like nodding and rocking, repeated body movements like crossing and uncrossing arms and legs, and random vocalizations.

Those who experience these involuntary movements may not even realize it. Like other conditions, these stereotypies can get worse under stress. They can manifest as muscle contractions or spasms, inability to be still, facial tics, or other jerking and abnormal movements.

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What Does Dyskinesia Look Like

Levodopa-induced dyskinesia causes symptoms ranging from writhing or wriggling to dramatic rocking and head bobbing, from minor tics to full-body movements. Dyskinesia can also cause swaying, which can be embarrassing on its own and even more so when youre walking. Some people with dyskinesia fear others will think theyre intoxicated and, combined with other Parkinsons symptoms such as freezing of gait, rigidity, and balance problems, walking around in public can feel too vulnerable to do.

Talk To Your Doctor About Continuous Drug Infusion

One way to potentially avoid fluctuations in medication delivery and dopamine levels is through a continuous drug delivery system such as duodenal infusion, in which the medication travels through a tube directly into the intestine. Another option is continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion, in which a small device similar to an insulin pump is clipped to the clothing, according to the Parkinsons Foundation. A wire then enters the skin to deliver a steady dose of the medication apomorphine , a dopamine agonist, which may reduce the “off” periods, when levodopa stops working, and may minimize dyskinesia symptoms.

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Treating Dystonia In Parkinsons

Treatment options for dystonia include:

  • Dopaminergic medication adjustment as discussed above
  • Botulinum toxin injections of the affected muscles
  • Physical therapy to loosen and strengthen the dystonic body part
  • Trying other medications that target the dystonia directly such as muscle relaxants or anti-cholinergic medications
  • Use of a device to provide a sensory trick*.
  • Deep brain stimulation can be considered in difficult-to-treat situations

*To minimize their dystonia, some people have success using an interesting tactic called a sensory trick. A sensory trick is defined as a physical gesture that mitigates the production of the dystonia. For example, touching the eyebrow may help keep the eyes open, or touching the chin may keep the neck from twisting. In my clinical practice, one woman wears metals rings on her dystonic fingers to help them assume a more normal position. Another man wears 5-toed shoes to prevent dystonic toe curling

Delivering Levodopa In A More Continuous Fashion

Managing Parkinsons: What Is Dyskinesia?

Optimizing levodopa therapy by adding an agent that can prolong its half-life and deliver it in a less pulsatile manner is another promising way to achieve CDS. Levodopa is metabolized peripherally by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase and COMT. The combination of levodopa/carbidopa plus the COMT inhibitor entacapone can reduce the peripheral conversion of levodopa and extend the levodopa half-life to 2.5 h . In MPTP-treated monkeys, Jenner showed that coadministration of the same dose of levodopa 4 times a day with entacapone improved parkinsonian motor response and caused less dyskinesia than treatment with levodopa alone. Peak dose dyskinesia scores and dyskinesia duration were decreased . Rat studies showed similar results , supporting the theory that reducing pulsatile delivery of levodopa leads to fewer motor complications. Clinical trials are now under way in which patients in need of levodopa therapy are randomly assigned to treatment with levodopa and carbidopa, or levodopa, carbidopa and entacapone. The aim is to determine whether the introduction of entacapone when levodopa and carbidopa are first administered will lower the rate of dyskinesia onset.

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Key Differences Between Tardive Dyskinesia And Parkinsons Disease

Tardive dyskinesia and Parkinsons disease are both movement disorders, and both have causes related to the neurotransmitter chemical called dopamine. Dopamine takes signals from the brain to certain parts of the body, regulating their function. Both diseases can be the result of medication side effects. Though Parkinsons disease may be congenital , only in extremely rare cases is tardive dyskinesia congenital. Tardive dyskinesia is usually caused by certain drugs.

In the human brain, dopamine works on five types of dopamine receptors. It is produced in several parts of the brain. Though dopamine is available as an intravenous medication, it only acts on the sympathetic nervous system when given as a drug, producing a higher heart rate and increased blood pressure. Dopamine given as a drug, however, cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, and so cannot affect the central nervous system.

Inside the brain, dopamine is associated with the brains reward system, causing a feeling of enjoyment and increasing motivation. It is released by rewarding experiences like sexual activity, food, drugs, and even normally neutral stimuli that become associated with activation of the brains reward system. Drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, and nicotine directly or indirectly cause an increase of dopamine levels in one of the brains reward pathways, and this may help explain the addictive nature of these drugs.

How Can Parkinsons Disease Dyskinesia Be Managed

Because Parkinsons Disease Dyskinesia can become such a problem in the management of Parkinsons and is still so poorly understood, much of the effort to deal with its complication has centered on delaying, if not actually preventing the dyskinesia altogether.

One approach has been to delay the start of levodopa for as long as possible in an attempt to delay the onset of dyskinesias. However not taking, or limiting the dose of levodopa may not allow for greater movement control in early disease and throughout treatment. Another approach to forestall starting levodopa has been to use a dopamine agonist as a first line of treatment, particularly as these agents rarely cause dyskinesia on their own.

A number of large studies have shown that early agonist therapy can delay the need for levodopa by a number of years. However, this approach has gradually become less attractive for two reasons. First, dopamine agonists carry a significant burden of side-effects on their own, including excessive daytime sleepiness, impulse control disorder and pedal edema to name a few. These side-effects can be carefully monitored, and are dose dependent, so they can be dealt with when both the person with Parkinsons and physician are on the lookout for them.

This blog article was sponsored by Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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What Causes Dyskinesia And Dystonia

Dyskinesia is a common side effect of the Parkinsons drug levodopa. This drug is used to help increase the level of dopamine in the brain, alleviating symptoms of the disease. However, levodopa is taken intermittently throughout the day, causing dopamine levels to rise and fall over time. These fluctuations are thought to be the cause of dyskinesia. There are two types of dyskinesia:

  • Peak-dose dyskinesia, which occurs when the level of levodopa is at its highest
  • Diphasic dyskinesia, which occurs when levels of levodopa are rising or falling

While dystonia can be a symptom of Parkinsons disease itself, it can also be caused by levodopa treatment, similar to dyskinesia. Dystonia symptoms occur when there is a decrease in brain dopamine levels, which can occur before medication is taken in the mornings or as it is wearing off during the day. This off and on dystonia can be addressed by taking an extended-release form of levodopa, or increasing the number of doses taken per day.

Dystonic dyskinesia can occur when the movements caused by levodopa are more sustained and twisting than in typical dyskinesia. When this occurs, it is important to determine the cause whether the movement occurs at peak-dose levels of dopamine or it is off and on dystonia.

Pharmacologic Strategies To Directly Address The Incidence Of Dyskinesias


Restoration of striatal dopaminergic stimulation is the goal in the treatment of parkinsonian motor symptoms. Levodopa provides the greatest benefit for treating parkinsonian motor dysfunction, but because its use is associated with the development of motor complications, one of the great unmet needs for the treatment of PD is a medication that will match the efficacy of levodopa but not cause motor complications. Until such a medication is available, it is useful to identify treatment strategies that can provide adequate efficacy while minimizing motor complications.

The short half-life of levodopa and the resultant pulsatile dopaminergic stimulation appear at least in part to be responsible for the development of motor complications . Therefore, CDS may delay the onset of dyskinesias in early disease and alleviate dyskinesias in advanced disease.

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Dyskinesia Vs Dystonia: Understanding The Difference

  • Dyskinesia and dystonia are common conditions that develop in people with Parkinsons disease and other movement disorders.
  • Dyskinesia is a side effect of the medication used to treat Parkinsons. Dystonia can be caused by medication, or it may be a symptom of the disease itself.
  • Dyskinesia and dystonia can be treated similarly through deep brain stimulation or modifications to medication.

Parkinsons medications like levodopa can cause motor symptoms known as dyskinesia. Another set of motor symptoms, dystonia, can also develop as a side effect of Parkinsons medications, or as a direct symptom of Parkinsons or another movement disorder.

Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder characterized by a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. This chemical messenger is responsible for controlling muscle movements. When dopamine levels are low, signaling is disrupted, leading to the development of movement disorders. Parkinsons is treated with dopaminergic treatments to increase dopamine levels or mimic the chemical to improve symptoms.

Parkinsons disease and other forms of parkinsonism are characterized by abnormal movements, bradykinesia , and myoclonus .

Understanding The Levodopa Side Effect

If you have Parkinsons disease, there is a good chance that youve been, or will be taking medication containing levodopa. Levodopa is administered in combination with the drug carbidopa . This drug combination is considered standard treatment for Parkinsons disease symptoms such as tremor, muscle stiffness, and slowness of movement. A side effect of long-term use of levodopa is dyskinesia. Below, you will learn about dyskinesia, what causes it, how it can be managed, and some basic coping strategies.

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Medications That Cause Tardive Dyskinesia

Home » Medications that cause Tardive Dyskinesia

While tardive dyskinesia has been associated primarily with neuroleptic drugs, other medications can cause this condition, including some medications given for digestive troubles and nasal allergies. The longer a person is on a tardive dyskinesia inducing-drug the more likely he or she is to develop tardive dyskinesia. People over age sixty-five are more likely to develop drug-induced tardive dyskinesia than younger people are. As we age, our bodys metabolism and ability to process medication changes and slows by age sixty these changes may already be apparent.

In February 2009, the connection between tardive dyskinesia and certain medications made the news, when the FDA announced that metoclopramide would be required to carry a black box label warning of the risk of tardive dyskinesia with long term use. Metoclopramide is an antiemetic prescribed for gastroparesis, severe acid reflux, and other problems it is sold under the brand names: Reglan, Octamide, and Maxolon. Patients under sixty who use this drug for three months or more run the risk of developing tardive dyskinesia people age sixty and older are especially vulnerable and may develop tardive dyskinesia after only a month on metoclopramide.

The following overview of drugs which can cause tardive dyskinesia is by no means exhaustive. Other medications not included here can also cause tardive dyskinesia.

Using Catecholomethyl Transferase Inhibitors

Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s Disease

The inhibitors of the enzyme catecholOmethyl transferase extend the halflife of levodopa. Entacapone and tolcapone are two such agents used in clinical practice. Tolcapone has been associated with significant hepatotoxicity, necessitating regular monitoring of liver function tests. In an animal study using rats, coadministration of entacapone with levodopa attenuated all kinds of dyskinesia when compared to levodopa monotherapy. Stalevo , a commercially available formulation, combines levodopa, dopadecarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa and entacapone in a single tablet. It is hoped that early use of Stalevo might reduce the incidence of dyskinesia.

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Take Additional Medication For Your Parkinson’s Disease

Taking a medication called a dopamine agonist can allow your doctor to reduce your levodopa dosage, which may help ease the symptoms of dyskinesia. However, according to the 2016 review, these drugs can cause similar side effects as those of levodopa for some people and may require you to adjust your dose of levodopa.

Adding amantadine to your treatment regimen may also provide relief of dyskinesia symptoms.

How Dbs Helps Dyskinesia

The mechanism by which DBS helps reduce dyskinesia is fairly involved. The device induces brain stimulation, which can excite or suppress brain activity. Depending on the location of the electrodes, the electrical stimulation may reduce dyskinesia by direct action on the brain, or it may indirectly reduce dyskinesia by reducing the need for dopaminergic medication, which in turn, reduces the dopaminergic side effect of dyskinesia.

Stimulators placed in the globus pallidus directly impact the dyskinesias, while stimulators placed in the subthalamic nucleus can reduce the need for dopaminergic medication, diminishing the side effect of dyskinesia.

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Other Surgical Methods For Parkinsons

There are a few other surgical procedures that may also be considered for the management of the LID. These procedures do not involve the implantation of a stimulator they involve creating a lesion in one of the regions of the brain that is responsible for either Parkinsons symptoms or the dyskinesias.

Typically, lesional surgeries also target the globus pallidus or the subthalamic nucleus, and they may involve both sides if necessary. These procedures are, like DBS, considered safe and effective. If you are a candidate for DBS surgery, then it is very likely that your medical team will be discussing several surgical options with you, in addition to DBS.

When Do You Get Dyskinesia

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Most people are on levodopa for 5 to 10 years before they notice dyskinesia. And it usually starts when Parkinson’s is under good control. This is called peak dyskinesia because it happens when your dopamine levels are highest. After a while, symptoms may start sooner and last longer than this peak time.

But they still happen when levodopa is keeping your symptoms in check. Your doctor may call this being âonâ with dyskinesia.

Dyskinesia is sometimes lumped together with a problem called motor fluctuations. But theyâre not the same thing. Motor fluctuations are when Parkinson’s symptoms come back during times your meds arenât working. This can happen if levodopa wears off before you take your next dose or a new dose doesnât kick in right away.

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