Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Care For Parkinson’s At Home

There Are Many Compelling Reasons To Use The Good Care Group For High Quality Parkinsons In Home Care

Parkinson’s Disease Care Partners: Self-Care at Home When Caring For A Loved One

Parkinsons expertise

We work closely with several specialist Parkinsons nurses around the country who offer care and support to our clients who are living with Parkinsons and their families. All our professional carers receive Parkinsons training as part of their induction programme in collaboration with Parkinsons UK, the leading charity in the field of Parkinsons disease care so you can be assured that the care provided is marketing leading based on best practice. They are trained to understand the impact on daily life caused by the symptoms of Parkinsons and how they can work positively with the condition to improve quality of life. Carers all receive training in medications management to ensure they are competent to manage complex and personalised medications regimes required for someone living with Parkinsons.

A perfectly matched care team

A live-in care service usually involves two carers working a two-week rotation. They will be carefully matched working with you and your family. We make sure they are skilled and equipped to meet all your care and support needs. Our focus on matching means the care team chosen share common interests and backgrounds. We know this means life is enjoyable for everyone. Your care team really get to know you and your needs, which means you get consistency of care.

Expertly trained carers for Parkinsons disease

Continuity of care

In-house clinical experts

Innovative care technology

Improving health outcomes

  • Enjoyment in life

What Does Our Parkinsons Care Include

  • Support with personal care that is tailored to your needs.
  • Visiting care that is responsive and can adapt as your needs change, supporting complex medication regimes.
  • Carers who are experienced in caring for customers with Parkinsons.
  • Short regular visits through to longer visits, night care, respite or a full time live-in carer.
  • Emotional support, as well as promoting independence and restoring confidence.
  • Fall prevention and management working with you and your OT to ensure your environment is working with, not against you.
  • Support with reduced mobility your independence is key.
  • Familiarity symptoms of Parkinsons are less heightened in familiar and comfortable surroundings of home.
  • Help around the house with the housekeeping tasks that are proving difficult.

Get Professional Help With Elderly Care Services

Part of the caregiving journey is recognising when your loved one requires professional help to manage the symptoms and lifestyle changes that come with Parkinsons. At NTUC Health, we help clients with Parkinsons and their caregivers enjoy better quality of life through a wide range of elderly caregiving services.

Home Care

With our Home Care services, your loved one can benefit from personal care, therapy, nursing and medical services in the comfort of home. We can also help your loved one with personal hygiene, medical escort, diaper changes and other daily care needs.

Did you know that our Home Care nurses are accredited by the Agency of Integrated Care to conduct Disability Assessments? Find out more about how we can help you apply for financial grants like CareShield Life and the Home Caregiving Grant with a Disability Assessment.

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy at our Day Rehab Centres can help with managing early motor symptoms of Parkinsons.

Day Centre for Seniors

At our Day Centres for Seniors, seniors with Parkinsons can receive help with therapy aimed at managing symptoms such as stiffness, impaired balance, slowed movement and other neurological symptoms. They can also benefit from planned group activities in a conducive and safe environment, so that you, the caregiver, can have peace of mind throughout the day.

Residential Care

Client Profile: Senior Day Care Client with Parkinsons

*Example of how we support clients with Parkinsons.

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The Benefits Of Care At Home

Providing care in the home has become a practical alternative to residential home care. Most people would much prefer to remain in their own homes rather than move into an institution, and carers can facilitate this.

Providing anything from companion care through to advanced dementia care, the carer lives in the home and becomes a member of the extended family, offering support and assistance whenever it is needed.

Where other family members share your loved ones home, they can concentrate on their own jobs and lives without fear of disruption or loss of earnings, for example. The carer will ensure that your loved one is well looked after at every hour of the day and night, giving the rest of the family complete peace of mind.

Companies such as Elder work hard to ensure the best possible match between caregiver and care recipient, taking great care to find out your loved ones favourite hobbies, pastimes, likes and dislikes. By this process of matching, the chances of both parties forming a strong friendship are greatly enhanced, promoting positive benefits for everyone concerned.

With elderly care at home, there is always a caregiver on hand to provide support, ensuring your loved one can concentrate on living as normal a life as possible. Their dedicated carer is available to help, assist and offer a friendly and supportive hand wherever it is needed.

Foster A Good Relationship

Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson

Lastly, maintaining your relationship and communication with the person with Parkinsonâs can be the most challenging and rewarding aspect of caregiving. As Parkinsonâs disease progresses, the roles change and the person with Parkinsonâs may go from being an independent head of the household to a very dependent person requiring a significant level of care. However, research shows that despite high levels of strain, caregivers with good quality relationships have reduced depression and better physical health. Remember, as a caregiver your service to your loved one is beyond measure in terms of love, depth of care, and concern.

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Are Bananas Bad For Parkinsons

Like fava beans, bananas are not sufficient quantities to affect the PD in any way. If fava beans or bananas are what you prefer, Id recommend enjoying it! Even so, be careful not to overindulge or expect to see results the way medication does. To balance out your diet, eat fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

Let Them Maintain A Sense Of Independence

Once their loved one receives a diagnosis, many people rush to take care of every task for them, including personal grooming and feeding. While this urge is understandable, its important to let your loved one continue to take care of themselves while they are still able to do so. For example, adaptive clothing for women and men will let them continue to still dress themselves, while anti-tremor cutlery can help them eat independently. Trust us you will be helping them with these tasks plenty later on.

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Be Proactive About Improving Your Quality Of Life

The most important step you can take is to seek help right from the beginning. Education and support will help you deal with any challenges ahead. Taking action early will help you understand and deal with the many effects of the disease. A counselor or mental health care provider can design a treatment plan to meet your specific needs. The goal is to help you regain a sense of control over your life and improve your quality of life.

Other steps you can take include the following.

  • Find out as much as you can about the condition.
  • Talk to your friends and family about it. Don’t isolate them. They will want to be involved in helping you.
  • Do things you enjoy.
  • Donât be afraid to ask your doctor, nurse, or other health care provider to repeat any instructions or medical terms that you don’t understand or remember. They should always be available to answer your questions and address your concerns.
  • Make use of resources and support services offered by your hospital and in your community.
  • Learn to manage stress. This will help you to maintain a positive physical, emotional, and spiritual outlook. Being stressed out will only make the situation worse. You should try to organize a daily routine that will reduce stress, with down time for both you and your family members.
  • If you are depressed — and this is more than just feeling sad occasionally — antidepressants can be prescribed to help lift your mood.

Keeping Seniors Active: How To Care For Ageing Parents

Parkinson’s Disease Care Partners: Caregiving From Afar

As people age, its inevitable that they begin to slow down, but this shouldnt mean they cease to be active. Keeping fit and healthy in old age is important, for both physical health and emotional wellbeing, and finding ways to keep your loved ones active is a positive step in caring for them. Staying active can help preserve a sense of independence too, as well as helping to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression or dementia all conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

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Home Care For Those Living With Parkinsons

Managing the progression of Parkinsons disease can bring a mix of disbelief, confusion and fear. No one really knows what causes the neurodegenerative brain disorder and its effect on muscle movement and control. While there is not yet a cure, groups like the Parkinsons Foundation are helping to advance breakthroughs in medications and treatments. Until there is a cure, we are here to help you every step of the way.

Learn Everything You Can About The Disease

Parkinsons disease is a movement disorder. If youre a caregiver for someone living with Parkinsons, youre likely familiar with some of the symptoms of the disease. But do you know what causes its symptoms, how the condition progresses, or what treatments can help manage it? Also, Parkinsons doesnt manifest the same way in everyone.

To be the best ally for your loved one, learn as much as you can about Parkinsons disease. Do research on reputable websites like the Parkinsons Foundation, or read books about the condition. Tag along for medical appointments and ask the doctor questions. If youre well informed, youll have a better idea of what to expect and how to be the most help.

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Parkinsons Symptoms: What To Expect

Parkinsons symptoms vary from person to person. Sometimes, early symptoms of PD may be dismissed as normal effects of aging, according to the National Institute on Aging. The onset of Parkinsons in the elderly may be subtle slower movements, impeded coordination, and mild tremors may not be particularly noticeable at first. Symptoms often begin on one side of the body but will likely come to affect both sides as the disease progresses.

Some symptoms of Parkinsons may include the following:

  • Tremors
  • Trouble swallowing, chewing, and speaking
  • Sleep disruption

Parkinsons symptoms by stage

During the early stages of the disease, Parkinsons symptoms are often mild and dont interfere much with daily life. For this reason, diagnosis may be delayed, according to Cleveland Clinic. As PD progresses, symptoms become worse. In the middle stages, balance problems and falls become more common, and tremors may increase. While people can remain generally independent, activities of daily living can become more difficult.

For someone living with Parkinsons, help at home eventually may be necessary, as standing and walking may become harder over time. By the time PD reaches its later stages, dementia, hallucinations, and delusions are likely. Most people cant move independently when the disease reaches that point, and full-time nursing or family care becomes required.

Complex Parkinson’s Disease And Palliative Care

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Complex Parkinson’s disease is defined as the stage when treatment is unable to consistently control symptoms, or the person has developed uncontrollable jerky movements .

These problems can still be helped by adjustment or addition of some of the medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease, under the supervision of a doctor with a specialist interest in Parkinson’s disease.

As Parkinson’s disease progresses, you’ll be invited to discuss the care you want with your healthcare team as you near the end of your life. This is known as palliative care.

When there’s no cure for an illness, palliative care tries to alleviate symptoms, and is also aimed at making the end of a person’s life as comfortable as possible.

This is done by attempting to relieve pain and other distressing symptoms, while providing psychological, social and spiritual support for you and your family.

Palliative care can be provided at home or in a hospice, residential home or hospital.

You may want to consider talking to your family and care team in advance about where you’d like to be treated and what care you wish to receive.

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Other Mental Health Problems Linked To Parkinson’s

Some mental health issues are side effects of Parkinson’s treatments, like hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions.

A hallucination happens when you think something is present when it isn’t. For example, you may hear a voice but no one is there. An example of paranoia is when you think someone is following you when they are not. A delusion is when you are convinced something is true, despite clear evidence that proves it’s not.

Simplifying Activities Of Daily Living For Parkinsons Patients

Many aspects of daily life that we take for granted become increasingly difficult for someone who is living with Parkinsons. Movement symptoms like weakness, tremor, rigidity, balance problems and bradykinesia become especially pronounced in the middle and later stages of the disease. Medications used to treat PD, such as carbidopa-levodopa, dopamine agonists, MAO B inhibitors and anticholinergics, can also have bothersome side effects like dyskinesia , lightheadedness, drowsiness, hallucinations and confusion that interfere with daily routines. Fortunately, there are assistive devices and adaptations that can help patients maintain their quality of life and make caring for someone with Parkinsons easier for family caregivers.

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Serve Them A Healthy Diet

Constipation is a common side effect of Parkinsons, so its important to feed them a fiber-rich diet to encourage bowel movements. Their diet should also include a lot of calcium to fend off osteoporosis and keep their bones strong. If they have difficulty swallowing due to loss of motor function, fix them soft, moist food or shakes that are more easily swallowed. If they find it exhausting to eat a large meal, serve smaller meals more often. Note that the common Parkinsons drug Levodopa is best taken on an empty stomach, so you need to schedule it to be taken around their meals.

Other Tips For Caregivers

Role of Home Care for People with Parkinsons Disease

Arming yourself with the proper knowledge and preparing for the degenerating symptoms of the condition are the first and most essential steps for a caregiver taking care of a loved one with Parkinson’s disease.

Other tips that can make this challenging prospect a little more manageable include:

  • Maintain a healthy diet: Maintaining a healthy diet for your loved ones is as important as ensuring they stay on their medication and treatment plan.
  • Ask for help: Don’t feel like you have to take on all of the care alone. If you can afford it, you can hire assistance or reach out to other family and friends to help you with the care.

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Simplify Activities Of Daily Life For A Parkinsons Patient

Many of the activities of daily life which we take for granted cause immense difficulty for a Parkinsons patient. So, simplifying their daily chores will be an important task. Fortunately, you can take care of your loved one and maintain their quality of life at home with adaptations like:

1- Personal care tips

  • Use assistive devices and caregiving techniques for example, have them use an electric toothbrush and water flosser.
  • Their grooming must be done by the caregiver.

2- Getting Dressed With Parkinsons

  • Do not make haste in dressing plan and spare longer time for getting dressed.
  • Go for loose clothes that can be put in or taken off more easily and comfortably.
  • Replace zippers or buttons on their clothes with velcro or magnetic fasteners.

3- Eating with Parkinsons

  • Utensils that are specially designed for Parkinsons patients have padded or built-up handles and can be better used to facilitate their eating process.
  • Weighted utensils and cups are more beneficial for those who find it difficult to control their motor skills.

Sheltered Or Retirement Housing

This is specially designed for older people. It may appeal if you want to live independently but in a smaller home and one that’s easier to manage.

‘Extra care’ sheltered housing offers more support in some cases including personal care. Residents have the independence of living in their own flat but may have meals prepared for them.

You can move into this type of housing with your partner.

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How Long Can You Live Independently With Parkinsons

Its called Parkinsons Disease II if a Progressive Disorder Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research, and the disease mainly goes into the age 60s or early 70s. The disease usually makes it onto the brain as early as the 90s. Estimates in this category are based on, however, patient age and general health status prior to onset.

Coping With Cognitive Changes And Parkinsons

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Cognitive decline and behavioral changes often occur in the middle and late stages of Parkinsons disease. Caregivers must be particularly understanding and flexible when loved ones begin experiencing changes in memory and thinking. A PD patient may have trouble with planning, problem-solving, multitasking and spatial reasoning, which can make daily activities frustrating, impossible or even dangerous. Its important to encourage independence but remain focused on ensuring their safety.

Changes in a loved ones brain may also affect their ability to communicate. Approximately 89 percent of people diagnosed with Parkinsons disease also have some type of progressive motor speech disorder. A PD patients voice may become softer or hoarser, they may have difficulty finding words, or their speech may become slurred. Working with a speech therapist can help an elder maintain their communication skills and confidence in social settings. Continue to encourage open communication, minimize distractions, and allow more time for responses as well as verbalized requests.

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