Thursday, May 2, 2024

Things To Help Someone With Parkinson’s

How Is Depression Treated In People With Parkinsons Disease

A message of hope for people with Parkinson’s disease

Depression can make the symptoms of Parkinsons disease worse. Its important to identify and treat depression as soon as possible.

Several strategies can improve your mood and your movement. Theyre much more effective when used together. Treatments for depression when you have Parkinsons include:

  • Medications: Many medications can help treat depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are the most common type prescribed to people with Parkinsons disease. Your healthcare provider can recommend the right medication for your particular needs.
  • Psychological therapy: Counseling, or talk therapy, can help you manage the emotional challenges that come with Parkinsons disease. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you unlearn negative thoughts and behaviors. Instead, youre encouraged to focus on positive emotions and actions. CBT can help you understand your self-worth, maintain your relationships and solve problems. Support groups, in person or online, can also provide emotional therapy.

Theres increasing evidence that regular exercise and leading a healthy lifestyle also helps lessen feelings of depression in Parkinsons disease. Check with your doctor about the types of exercise you can do safely without injuring yourself. Eat a well-balanced diet, limit alcohol and dont smoke, as well.

Tips For Caregivers And Families Of People With Dementia

On this page

A caregiver, sometimes referred to as a caretaker, refers to anyone who provides care for another person. Millions of people living in the United States take care of a friend or family member with Alzheimers disease or a related dementia. Sometimes caregivers live with the person or nearby, other times they live far away. For many families, caring for a person with dementia isnt just one persons job, but the role of many people who share tasks and responsibilities. No matter what kind of caregiver you are, taking care of another person can be overwhelming at times. These tips and suggestions may help with everyday care and tasks.

Coping With A Parkinsons Diagnosis

A diagnosis of Parkinsons can be a frightening experience for both you and your loved ones. While there is currently no cure, there are treatments available for Parkinsons symptoms and lifestyle changes you can make to slow the progression of the disease and delay the onset of more debilitating symptoms, including Parkinsons disease dementia. Early diagnosis can prolong independence and help you to live life fully for much longer.

If youve been diagnosed with Parkinsons you may feel anger, deep sadness, or fear about what the future will bring. These feelings are all normal. Its also normal to grieve as you deal with this enormous adjustment.

Give yourself some time to adjust. As with any major change in life, dont expect that you will smoothly snap into this new transition. You may feel alright for a while, and then suddenly feel stressed and overwhelmed again. Take time to adjust to this new transition.

Learn all you can about Parkinsons disease and Parkinsons disease dementia. Educating yourself and making important decisions early can help you feel more in control during this difficult time.

Reach out for support. Living with Parkinsons presents many challenges, but there is help available for this journey. The more you reach out to others and get support, the more youll be able to cope with symptoms while continuing to enrich and find meaning in your life.

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Caring Words Of Support For Someone With Parkinsons

Living with Parkinsons isnt easy. But with the support of caring loved ones and professionals, a person with Parkinsons can get the most out of life. If someone you care about is living with Parkinsons, always keep kindness and compassion in mind when having conversations. Through their ups and downs, your support means more than you can know.

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    A Complete Parkinsons Diet Guide

    Exercises for People with Parkinson

    When living with Parkinsons, diet can help you stay healthy and may help with some of the symptoms. Eating a healthy diet will lead you to not only feel better but will also lead to more likely living a longer and more full life.

    Before we get started it is important to say that the only evidence-based diets that are shown to be good for Parkinsons are general healthy diets that work for everyone regardless of Parkinsons. The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest diets out there, which is why we recommend it to those with Parkinsons.

    So, with that said here are some tips and foods you should consider including in your diet if you have Parkinsons.

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    Ways To Help Someone You Love Manage Parkinsons Disease

    Published on Written by Stephanie Watson

    When someone you care about has Parkinsons disease, you see first-hand the effects the condition can have on someone. Symptoms like rigid movements, poor balance, and tremors become part of their day-to-day life, and these symptoms can worsen as the disease progresses.

    Your loved one needs extra help and support to stay active and preserve their quality of life. You can help out in a number of ways from offering a friendly ear when they need to talk, to driving them to medical appointments.

    Here are eight of the best ways to help someone you love manage Parkinsons disease.

  • Learn everything you can about the disease

  • Parkinsons disease is a movement disorder. If youre a caregiver for someone living with Parkinsons, youre likely familiar with some of the symptoms of the disease. But do you know what causes its symptoms, how the condition progresses, or what treatments can help manage it? Also, Parkinsons doesnt manifest the same way in everyone.

    To be the best ally for your loved one, learn as much as you can about Parkinsons disease. Do research on reputable websites like the Parkinsons Foundation, or read books about the condition. Tag along for medical appointments and ask the doctor questions. If youre well informed, youll have a better idea of what to expect and how to be the most help.

  • Volunteer to help out

  • Help them feel normal

  • Get out of the house

  • Look for worsening symptoms

  • Tips On How To Care For Someone With Dementia

    With one person in the world developing dementia every 3 seconds and an estimated 50 million or more people living with the condition globally, dementia is a very real problem.1 Getting the right care is crucial to maintaining a good quality of life for those coping with this problem. To add to it, dementia doesnt just affect the individual but also those around them. Navigating what can sometimes be a very emotional and difficult path may seem daunting, but there are some ways to make it easier. What follows is a look at how to care for someone with dementia, ways to keep them happier, and for you to cope too.

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    What Are You Waiting For

    Leave your email below and we will contact you to book a time that works for you to come in and see our Physiotherapist! If you are looking to stay in the comfort of your own home that is no problem, we can have our Physiotherapist contact you virtually or over the phone for a consultation at the earliest of your convenience. Book in with one of our physiotherapists now to help manage Parkinsons disease!

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    My Parkinson’s Story: Exercise

    Asking about a person’s treatments can help you understand their experience. But these comments carry a doubtful and criticizing tone. You may mean well and want to help more than anything. But Parkinson’s isn’t something you fix so that it goes away. It isn’t that simple. This condition requires ongoing care and management.

    But being critical can cause them to get defensive. If your loved one is at the beginning of their treatment or struggling for some reason, they may already wonder if anything they do will help. And even if you know something about Parkinson’s, each person’s journey is unique. This comment comes off as judgmental instead of helpful or curious.

    What should you say instead?

    It’s OK to have questions about Parkinson’s disease and some of the treatments. It’s all about the tone you bring to the conversation and your timing. While some people don’t mind talking about their condition, see if it’s a good time to talk about it first. Ask open-ended questions or statements like:

    • Im curious about your treatments. Would you mind talking about some of them?
    • I see you doing every day. How does that help you?
    • I have some questions about Parkinsons. Is this a good time to ask you?

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    For The One Who Has It All

    Never underestimate the gift of your company. Invite your loved one to a movie, park or just help them around the home. Looking for something you can do together? Check out local experiences, such as museums or a PD exercise class. Find your nearest Parkinsons Foundation chapter for classes near you.

    Talk About Things Other Than Their Condition

    Someone with Parkinson’s is a person first. They are still the same individual and want to be seen as more than the sum of their symptoms. This conversational tip goes with the first suggestion of taking your loved one out. As they stay actively involved in their interests, you’ll have lots of topics to discuss.

    The musical they had on their wish list, the downtown market you went to last week, or the garden they’re planting are all more interesting than their daily struggles. There’s a time and place for that conversation, so don’t ignore it. But be ready to jump into current events and hobbies as well. They’ll feel more like themselves, and your discussion will distract them from any difficulties from the day.

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    Suggest They Join A Support Group

    A Parkinsons support group will allow your loved one to share their thoughts and feelings with others who are experiencing the same thing. This may help reduce loneliness and isolation.

    Your loved one may learn about treatment options and resources that have helped others in the group, and make new friends in the process. Support groups also usually welcome the families and friends of people with Parkinsons.

    Whats Something Fun We Can Do Together Soon

    5 Things to Help a Parkinsons Bad Day

    People with Parkinson’s are constantly aware of how their conditions may interfere with dreams, goals, and daily life. It can be a drag thinking about symptoms and limitations every day. Instead, talk about some fun things they’ve been hoping to do this year, like seeing a show or visiting a different state.

    Of course, worsening symptoms could change plans at any time. But that doesn’t mean a person with Parkinson’s shouldn’t work towards fun or fulfilling goals. Everyone needs to feel purpose and drive, and many people with Parkinson’s find ways to turn those goals into reality.

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    Cubii Pro Seated Under Desk Elliptical Machine

    • Fits under your desk or in front of your couch for more exercise opportunities

    • Can be synced to your device to track your mobility throughout the day

    • Quiet, low-impact exercise

    • Very heavy would be hard to relocate or move into new position

    • Some users report that the app is ineffective or unreliable

    While there is no cure for Parkinsons, a combination of exercise and the proper pharmacological therapy can alleviate symptoms, says Dr. Nwabuobi. Animal data suggests that exercise affects dopaminergic neurotransmission and neuroplasticity. Clinically, it helps patients maintain their balance, mobility and activities of daily living, she explains further. The Cubii Pro Seated Elliptical Machine is a great way to get in physical activity throughout the day, whether doing work at your desk or lounging on the couch. Its able to sync with smartphones and fitness trackers to keep an accurate record of your pedaled distance, calories burned, and more.

    Price at time of publication: $199

    Improve Strength And Flexibility

    Even in normal healthy individuals, it is expected that most people will have muscle imbalances. Physiotherapists are experts in recognizing muscle limitations and prescribing exercises to target areas of weakness. For example, your physiotherapist may give you exercises to strengthen your legs to help improve your balance and walking. They can also give you exercises for your upper body to help with posture and daily activities. Lastly, they can provide you stretches or myofascial release to help manage some of the stiffness associated with Parkinsons disease.

    Quick tips for stiffness:
    • Continue any exercise you enjoy within your limits
    • Massage, heat, or ice can help provide some relief for stiff and sore muscles

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    Be Sure Medications Are Taken

    This is crucial: If your loved one is forgetting his or her medicine, he or she may not be functioning as well as possible.

    To avoid making mistakes or having to bug or nag your loved one, develop a tool you both agree works, such as a smartphone reminder or a hard-to-miss wall calendar. Being consistent with medication can make a difference in both of your lives and lifestyles.

    How Do I Get Started

    Parkinson’s Disease Exercises: LSVT BIG Movements

    The following may help you to begin exploring the opportunities art can bring.

    • Experiment with a variety of different types of art and find those which most stimulate and uplift you and aid movement. Be patient if this takes time.
    • Visit local groups, especially those run by trained art therapists.
    • Go to art galleries or other public shows to explore new ideas and build on your experiences.
    • Build up a picture or photo album of paintings and other art that inspires you and turn to this when you need inspiration or motivation.
    • Practice at home any techniques or activities you have learned in groups. Many have a carry over effect so the benefits can be felt beyond the period of activity.

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    Everything Happens For A Reason God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle

    First, the other person may wonder what reason would justify them developing Parkinson’s. Why do they have to sacrifice their health for a reason they may never understand? Finding a higher purpose in suffering is best done by the person in their own time, not because someone told them what it meant. Hearing it from someone else can seem harsh.

    Second, it can seem like everyone’s response to Parkinson’s is measured and put on a chart for comparison. It adds a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” expectation to managing a complex physical condition. It’s dismissive of the person’s struggle and discomfort. And while every individual can manage their mindset to some degree, this comment makes it sound like the burden of coping is solely on the individual’s shoulders.

    What should you say instead?

    It’s tempting to say something that puts the situation into a neat little box. Instead of referring to destiny or a reason, admit that youre at a loss for words. That’s more honest and relatable, even if it sounds awkward in your mind.

    • “I want to say something really helpful and comforting, but nothing sounds quite right.”
    • “I’m not sure if this helps, but I just want to say I’m here for you.”

    Drugs Used To Treat Parkinsons Disease

    Medications can help manage problems with limb movement, mobility, and tremors. Since Parkinsons in the elderly varies from person to person, your loved ones doctor will likely prescribe medications based on their individual symptoms and medical history. All medications have side effects, so its important to talk to a medical provider about whether a certain drug is right for your parent with Parkinsons disease.

    Since people with Parkinsons disease have low brain dopamine concentrations, many of these medicines increase or substitute for dopamine, according to Mayo Clinic. Twenty-four different drugs are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Parkinsons disease, and that list continues to grow as new research progresses. Consult your doctor for more information about individual medicines that may help your loved one. Some common families of medications to reduce PD symptoms include the following:

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    How Do I Take Care Of Myself

    If you have Parkinsons disease, the best thing you can do is follow the guidance of your healthcare provider on how to take care of yourself.

    • Take your medication as prescribed. Taking your medications can make a huge difference in the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. You should take your medications as prescribed and talk to your provider if you notice side effects or start to feel like your medications arent as effective.
    • See your provider as recommended. Your healthcare provider will set up a schedule for you to see them. These visits are especially important to help with managing your conditions and finding the right medications and dosages.
    • Dont ignore or avoid symptoms. Parkinsons disease can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which are treatable by treating the condition or the symptoms themselves. Treatment can make a major difference in keeping symptoms from having worse effects.

    Living Well With Parkinson’s

    Tips for Daily Life With Parkinson

    While medication and DBS surgery are the most effective treatments for PD, individuals often choose to delay these treatments because of their adverse side effects. Until a therapy is developed that can halt the progression of PD, there is a significant need for strategies that provide symptom relief without causing negative side effects.

    Diet, Exercise, and Stress Reduction

    Findings from several studies suggest that exercise has the potential to provide relief from certain PD symptoms. Anecdotally, people with Parkinsons disease who exercise typically do better. However, many questions remain. Among them is whether exercise provides a conditioning effect by strengthening muscles and improving flexibility or whether it has a direct effect on the brain.

    In an NINDS-funded trial comparing the benefits of tai chi, resistance training, and stretching, tai chi was found to reduce balance impairments in people with mild-to-moderate PD. People in the tai chi group also experienced significantly fewer falls and greater improvements in their functional capacity.

    Technologies that Improve Quality of Life

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