Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Drooling A Symptom Of Parkinson’s Disease

Pathophysiology Of Drooling In Pd

Overview of Sialorrhea in Parkinsons Disease

In addition, a recent study showed that severe hypomimia, unintentional mouth opening and stooped posture with dropped head, could cause drooling in PD patients by losing the ability to maintain saliva within the oral cavity . In contrast, there is no obvious evidence that medication-induced dyskinesia can produce drooling. The possible domains contributing to the pathophysiology of drooling in PD are summarized in .

Possible pathophysiology of drooling in Parkinson’s disease

Changes In The Way You Think

Some people with Parkinsonâs have cognitive changes. That means you may have a harder time focusing, finishing tasks, forming thoughts, thinking of words, and remembering things. When these changes affect your day-to-day life, it becomes dementia.

How can I manage them?

  • Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep.
  • Clear your home of clutter. Reducing things in the world around you may help with confusion.
  • Create a regular routine. You may feel more comfortable with a structured day.

What are the treatments? These changes may be a medication side effect talk to your doctor.

You may need to see an occupational therapist, who can teach you ways to make daily life easier. A speech therapist can help with language issues. There are also some Alzheimerâs drugs that treat these cognitive symptoms.

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Primary Motor Symptoms Of Parkinson’s

The primary motor symptoms of PD are the symptoms that are the key characteristics of the disease. They are:

  • Tremor a shaking of the hands, arms, or legs, especially when the limb is at rest it often initially occurs only in one arm or leg, and it may even begin as a small tremor in one finger
  • Rigidity an abnormal stiffness in a limb or part of the body
  • Postural instability impaired balance or difficulty standing or walking
  • Bradykinesia gradual loss and slowing down of spontaneous movement1,2

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How Common Is Drooling In Parkinsons

Some individuals newly diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, are surprised to learn that constipation, is a common, prodromal symptom of Idiopathic Parkinsons disease. This early presentation of dysautonomia may later be accompanied by sialorrhea and dysphagia , a frequent and under-reported non-motor symptom.

Sialorrhea is defined as the involuntarily production of saliva beyond the lip margin, a normal phenomenon during childhood, but considered pathologic when it occurs beyond the fourth year of life. If there is reduced laryngeal sensitivity, saliva may be aspirated and bacteria from the oral cavity entering the lungs may lead to an aspiration pneumonia. Drooling can also be embarassing for individuals leading to a negative influence in their quality of life and in some instances even social isolation.

Theres no consensus in the literature as to what the cause is for drooling associated with Parkinsons disease, however, there appears to be a strong relationship between drooling and dysphagia, and in fact, poor saliva management may be the first symptom of a swallowing disorder that a patient reports.


Read the following questions and circle your response. Share the results with your Neurologist and Speech-language Pathologist.

During the day, when do you feel there is more saliva in your mouth?

When you are asleep, how much saliva is there in your mouth?

What Medications Are Used To Treat Parkinsons Disease

(PDF) Drooling in Parkinsons Disease: a review

Medications are the main treatment method for patients with Parkinsons disease. Your doctor will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan best suited for you based on the severity of your disease at the time of diagnosis, side effects of the drug class and success or failure of symptom control of the medications you try.

Medications combat Parkinsons disease by:

  • Helping nerve cells in the brain make dopamine.
  • Mimicking the effects of dopamine in the brain.
  • Blocking an enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the brain.
  • Reducing some specific symptoms of Parkinsons disease.

Levodopa: Levodopa is a main treatment for the slowness of movement, tremor, and stiffness symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Nerve cells use levodopa to make dopamine, which replenishes the low amount found in the brain of persons with Parkinsons disease. Levodopa is usually taken with carbidopa to allow more levodopa to reach the brain and to prevent or reduce the nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure and other side effects of levodopa. Sinemet® is available in an immediate release formula and a long-acting, controlled release formula. Rytary® is a newer version of levodopa/carbidopa that is a longer-acting capsule. The newest addition is Inbrija®, which is inhaled levodopa. It is used by people already taking regular carbidopa/levodopa for when they have off episodes .

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Four Ways To Improve Saliva Control

  • Swallow saliva often, and make an effort to swallow before you eat

  • Take sips of drink more frequently to wash down saliva

  • Keep your head raised this will make swallowing easier

  • If you have good control of mouth muscles, chewing gum or sucking on a sweet will remind you to swallow.

  • For more information about drooling in Parkinsons disease please visit the EPDA website.

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    How Are Swallowing Problems Treated

    The first step to addressing swallowing issues is to speak to a neurologist about getting an evaluation performed by a SLP. This professional will take a medical history and interview the person with PD about eating and swallowing.

    This is typically followed by either a video X-ray or an endoscopic examination, so the medical specialist can observe the swallowing process as an individual sips liquid and eats food, as these substances flow from the mouth, down the throat and esophagus, to the stomach. With these tests it is possible to see where the trouble is occurring and to recommend therapies.

    Follow the recommendations of the swallowing specialist, which may include the following:

    • Exercise and Swallow Hard. Just as exercise can ease other PD-related movement difficulties, it can also help with swallowing. The Lee Silverman Voice Technique® helps a person exaggerate speaking and swallowing. Working with an SLP on an individualized program helps the person to swallow hard and move food from the mouth down the throat.
    • Expiratory Muscle Strength Training. This therapy strengthens respiratory muscles, improves cough and swallowing and reduces aspiration.
    • Change in food. Modifying liquids and solids can help. For people who find liquids get into the airway, liquids may need thickening. Taking bigger or smaller bites or sips or pureeing solid foods may help. First get an evaluation, so the SLP can recommend how to modify food and liquid.

    Stooping Or Hunching Over

    Drooling in Parkinson Disease with AQ Rana MD Neurologist

    Are you not standing up as straight as you used to? If you or your family or friends notice that you seem to be stooping, leaning or slouching when you stand, it could be a sign of Parkinsons disease .

    What is normal?If you have pain from an injury or if you are sick, it might cause you to stand crookedly. Also, a problem with your bones can make you hunch over.

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    Other Typical Symptoms Of Parkinsons

    Tremor is an uncontrollable movement that affects a part of the body. A Parkinsons tremor typically starts in the hand before spreading to affect the rest of the arm, or down to the foot on the same side of the body.

    There is no cure for a tremor, but there are ways to manage the symptom with support from a specialist or Parkinsons nurse.

    Slowness of movement also known as bradykinesia may mean that it takes someone with Parkinsons longer to do things. For example, they might struggle with coordination, walking may become more like a shuffle or walking speed may slow down.

    Everyday tasks, such as paying for items at a check-out or walking to a bus stop, might take longer to do.

    Parkinsons causes stiff muscles, inflexibility and cramps. This can make certain tasks such as writing, doing up buttons or tying shoe laces, hard to do. Rigidity can stop muscles from stretching and relaxing. It can be particularly noticeable, for example, if you struggle to turn over or get in and out of bed.

    Symptoms and the rate at which they develop will vary from person to person. The most important thing to do if youre worried you have Parkinsons is to speak to your GP.

    Contact Our Information And Referral Helpline

    The Parkinson Canada Information and Referral Helpline is a toll-free Canada-wide number for people living with Parkinsons, their caregivers and health care professionals. We provide free and confidential non-medical information and referral services. When you have questions or need assistance, our information and referral staff help connect you with resources and community programs and services that can help you. We provide help by phone or email, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. ET.

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    Managing Depression In Parkinsons Disease

    People with Parkinsons, family members and caregivers may not always recognize the signs of depression and anxiety. If you are experiencing depression as a symptom of Parkinsons, it is important to know it can be treated.

    Here are some suggestions:

    • For information and support on living well with Parkinsons disease, contact our Information and Referral line.
    • As much as possible, remain socially engaged and physically active. Resist the urge to isolate yourself.
    • You may want to consult a psychologist and there are medications that help relieve depression in people with Parkinsons, including nortriptyline and citalopram .

    Risk Factors For Drooling In Pd

    (PDF) Diurnal and nocturnal drooling in Parkinsons disease

    If susceptibility to anterior drooling is not related to hypersalivation, other factors must be at work. Suggested candidates have been dysphagia, oro-facial rigidity/hypomimia, lingual bradykinesia, cognitive status, male gender and more advanced disease stage.23,24,28,31,39,43,50,51 Individuals with non-tremor dominant PD phenotypes were at higher risk of drooling.31,52 The precise contribution of these factors remains unsettled. The uncertainty rests partly on general issues above regarding why estimates of drooling prevalence and flow rates exist, but variability in individual profiles of impairment and disability also contributes.

    Susceptibility of males probably relates to greater absolute flow rate when body mass and gland sizes are not controlled for though not all studies have found a male predominance.23,24,29 Relationship to greater disease severity likely reflects increased rigidity, poorer cognitive status and more marked dysphagia of later stages, and, in as far as medications may alter the picture, higher medication dependency.21

    L-dopa can influence variables in swallowing efficiency,3,58 and thus indirectly change drooling. Currently, dysphagia study outcomes do not afford sufficient evidence to conclude a positive, neutral or negative effect of possible swallowing changes on sialorrhoea.

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    Eating Swallowing And Saliva Control

    Some people with Parkinsons may find they have problems with eating, swallowing and controlling their saliva.

    This information looks at the issues you may face, explains why they happen and what help is available.

    Eating is a social activity and problems that affect chewing and swallowing can have a big impact on how much you enjoy meal times. For example, some people with Parkinsons have told us that they feel self-conscious or embarrassed while eating because of their symptoms.

    Its important to look out for symptoms related to difficulties with eating and swallowing. These can develop slowly over time and you may not notice them, so family, friends or carers should know what to look out for too.

    If youre not able to swallow properly, you may experience:

    • drooling
    • inability to clear food from the mouth
    • food sticking in the throat
    • a gurgly voice
    • coughing when eating or drinking
    • choking on food, liquid or saliva
    • problems swallowing medication
    • discomfort in the chest or throat

    These things can lead to a number of long-term problems, including:

    Talk to your GP as soon as you can if you have problems with eating or swallowing they may refer you to specialists who can help.

    Parkinsons Disease Diet And Nutrition

    Maintaining Your Weight With Parkinsons Disease

    Malnutrition and weight maintenance is often an issue for people with Parkinsons disease. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy weight.

    • Weigh yourself once or twice a week, unless your doctor recommends weighing yourself often. If you are taking diuretics or steroids, such as prednisone, you should weigh yourself daily.
    • If you have an unexplained weight gain or loss , contact your doctor. He or she may want to modify your food or fluid intake to help manage your condition.
    • Avoid low-fat or low-calorie products. . Use whole milk, whole milk cheese, and yogurt.

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    Recently Fred Has Found His Eyes Are Closed Involuntarily Most Of The Time Though If He Makes An

    You dont think, Oh, it would be nice to have my eyes closed now?

    The mask that is the expressionless face, typical of many people with Parkinsons, probably distresses the people who have to live with it more than it embarrasses the person who has it. It tends to be the position the face falls into when not actively doing something else. Lack of facial expression can be hard for the family.

    Treatment Options For Drooling In Pd

    Vlog #121 – Drooling In Parkinson’s Disease

    First, treatment should begin by withdrawing medications that aggravate drooling such as cholinesterase inhibitors, clozapine or quetiapine. Next, the target might be to improve motor symptoms by using dopaminergic medications or by performing deep brain stimulation if the motor symptoms otherwise justify these approaches. However, the response of drooling is usually only partial and there is clearly a need for a specific adjunctive treatment for this problem. Specific treatment options for drooling in PD are both pharmacological and nonpharmacological.

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    Assessment Tools For Drooling In Pd

    The assessment tools to evaluate drooling in PD include both objective and subjective measures. Objective tools were developed to measure the volume of saliva and salivary flow. The limitations of these tools are that they are time-consuming and cannot evaluate the psychosocial impairment. Therefore, subjective tools were developed. The subjective measures in many previous studies were the UPDRS part II salivary subscores to evaluate drooling treatment responses and visual analog scales to assess the frequency, familial and social distress however, not all scales are validated. Three drooling-specific rating scales including the Drooling Severity and Frequency Scale , Drooling Rating Scale and Sialorrhea Clinical Scale for PD have been used to evaluate drooling in PD. The DSFS, a semi-quantitative scale, was used in studies to evaluate drooling in PD and cerebral palsy . The scale is composed of two domains: the severity of drooling rated on a five-point scale and frequency of drooling rated on a four-point scale. Since the DSFS is easy to administer it is widely used. However, the limitations of this scale are no assessment of the psychosocial impact, no validation and no evidence of correlation between this scale and the objective measures of salivary secretion.

    What Alternative Communication Devices And Tips Can Help With My Voice And Speech Problems

    If you have difficulty speaking, are frustrated and stressed by your inability to communicate or tire from the efforts to speak, consider the following devices and methods to be better understood:

    • Amplification: This could be a portable personal amplifier or a telephone amplifier that can be used to increase vocal loudness in soft-spoken people. The amplifier also decreases voice fatigue.
    • TTY telephone relay system: This is a telephone equipped with a keyboard so speech can be typed and read by a relay operator to the listener. Either the whole message can be typed or just the words that are not understood.
    • Low-technology devices: Paper-based books and boards, alphabet boards and typing devices are examples of low technology assistive methods.
    • High-technology electronic speech enhancers, communication devices: Computers with voice synthesizers and speech generating devices are available. Talk to a speech-language pathologist about the available high technology devices best suitable for your needs.

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    Myth : Parkinsons Disease Is Fatal

    Fact: Although a diagnosis of Parkinsons is devastating, it is not as some people may still believe a death sentence. Parkinsons disease is not a direct killer, like stroke or heart attack. That said, much depends on the quality of your care, both from your medical team and yourself.

    As the disease progresses, you may become more vulnerable to falls, which can be dangerous. Thats why exercise and physical therapy are so important.

    Infection is another problem. In later stages of Parkinsons, people often miss those signals and may not notice somethings up until its too late. That can be, literally, a killer so be sure to stay up to date with checkups.

    Excessive Saliva And Drooling In Parkinsons

    (PDF) Drooling in Parkinsons Disease: Prevalence and ...

    Saliva is needed for the first stages of digestion, including chewing and swallowing. This watery substance contains enzymes that start to digest our food.

    Many people with Parkinsons experience poor saliva control, which may result in excessive saliva and drooling, or alternatively, in a dry mouth and other eating problems.

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    How Are Speech Problems Treated

    There are many options to help improve your speech. A speech-language pathologist can help you pick the right approaches for you. Speech-language pathologists are trained health care professionals who specialize in evaluating and treating people with speech, swallowing, voice, and language problems.

    Ask your doctor for a referral to a speech-language pathologist. It is also important to contact your health insurance company to find out what therapy and procedures are eligible for reimbursement and to find a list of SLPs covered by your plan. Finally, visit a SLP who has experience treating people with PD.

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