Friday, July 26, 2024

How Much Coq10 Should I Take For Parkinson’s

Is There Science Supporting The Use Of Coq10

CoQ10 Dosages (How Much Should You Take?) 2021

The therapeutic use of CoQ10 has been clearly documented in both animal studies and human trials for all the conditions listed aboveparticularly for cardiovascular disease.6,7 Biopsy results from heart tissue in patients with various cardiovascular diseases showed a CoQ10 deficiency in 50 to 75 percent of all cases. Correction of a CoQ10 deficiency can often produce dramatic clinical results in patients with any kind of heart disease. For example, CoQ10 deficiency has been shown to be present in 39 percent of patients with high blood pressure. This finding alone suggests a need for CoQ10 supplementation. However, CoQ10 appears to provide benefits beyond correction of a cardiovascular deficiency.

In several studies, CoQ10 has been shown to actually lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure is usually not seen until after four to 12 weeks of therapy, and the typical reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure are modest, in the 10 percent range.8

Coenzyme Q: Uses Forms And Dosage Recommendations

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential component of the mitochnodria that produce power for the bodys cells, and plays a critical role in the manufacture of ATP, the energy that drives all body processes. Think of CoQ10 as the spark plug of the body. Just as a car cant function without an initial spark, the human body cant function without CoQ10. CoQ10 is also a very important antioxidant that protects against cellular damage.

Although CoQ10 can be synthesized within the body, there are a number of circumstances in which our bodies simply dont make sufficient amounts. Because the brain and heart are among the most metabolically active tissues in the body, CoQ10 deficiency affects them the most and can lead to serious problems. Deficiency could be due to a poor diet, a genetic or acquired defect, or increased tissue needs. Heart and vascular diseases, including high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure, require increased tissue levels of CoQ10. In addition, because CoQ10 levels decline with age, people over the age of 50 may have increased CoQ10 requirements. There are also a number of drugs that adversely affect CoQ10.1-5

What Is The Best Form Of Coq10

Most CoQ10 that is sold commercially is produced primarily via a yeast fermentation process. CoQ10 is available in two interchangeable chemical formsubiquinone and ubiquinol. About 95 percent of the CoQ10 in the body is ubiquinol. However, ubiquinone is easily converted to ubiquinol after ingestion.

CoQ10 dietary supplements have traditionally only been available in the ubiquinone form. Ubiquinone is a crystalline powder that is insoluble in water and is difficult to absorb when taken on an empty stomach. However, when ubiquinone is taken with food , its absorbed at least twice as fast as when its taken on an empty stomach.11

Recently, ubiquinol CoQ10 entered the supplement market. Ubiquinol has greater solubility and, as a result, greater bioavailability than ubiquinone,12,13 but exactly how much better its absorbed remains to be answered. In the only published study at this point that looked at ubiquinol absorption, subjects took a total of 10 capsules a day that included the emulsification agents diglycerol monooleate, canola oil, soy lecithin and beeswax.13 Its possible that ubiquinone may have been absorbed almost as well as ubiquinol given the significant amount of oil and emulsifiers consumed along with it. Curiously, the study did not directly compare ubiquinol and ubiquinone absorption.

100 mg Estimated plasma levels in mcg/ml

Ubiquinone suspended in rice bran oil in a soft gel capsule 1.8

BioQ10 SA 2.50

Ubiquinol in a soft gel capsule 2.50

BioQ10 SA 7.0

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Why Do People Take Coq10

Although CoQ10 plays a key role in the body, most healthy people have enough CoQ10 naturally. There is some evidence that adding more — in the form of CoQ10 supplements — may be beneficial. Increasing age and some medical conditions are associated with dropping levels of CoQ10. But in these cases, its uncertain that adding CoQ10 will have an effect.

CoQ10 has been used to treat many different conditions. There’s evidence that CoQ10 supplements can lower blood pressure slightly. CoQ10 is also used to treat heart failure and other heart conditions, possibly helping to improve some symptoms and lessen future cardiac risks when combined with regular medications, but the evidence is conflicting.

Though still controversial, some preliminary evidence suggests that CoQ10 may help to prevent or treat the adverse effects, such as muscle pains and liver problems, of taking statin-type cholesterol drugs.

Preliminary studies have shown that CoQ10 may slow, but not stop, the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Additional research is needed to confirm this effect.

How Much Coq10 Should You Take

How Much CoQ10 Should I Take?

There is no established ideal dose of CoQ10. Studies have used doses of CoQ10 ranging from 50 milligrams to 1,200 milligrams in adults, sometimes split into several doses over the course of a day. A typical daily dose is 100 milligrams to 200 milligrams. Follow the instructions on the bottle or get advice from your doctor or a dietitian. Keep in mind that different supplement brands might have different ingredients and strengths.


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Coenzyme Q10 Side Effects

In the U.S., 1.3 percent of adults use CoQ10 supplements, and that rate has increased since 2007, according to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health . NIH also reports that, although mild, a range of CoQ10 side effects are possible. Whether taking CoQ10 as a tablet, capsule or by injection into a vein, be aware of the following side effects reported by National Cancer Institute:

  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to light

As with any supplement, be sure to check with your health care provider before using CoQ10 to determine if these supplements are right for your individual needs. According to Mayo Clinic, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take CoQ10 supplements, as the effects have not been established.

What Causes Parkinsons Disease

The cause of PD is unknown, but it is thought that a neurotoxin causes oxidative damage to the basal ganglia in the brain. The basal ganglia controls muscle tension and movement. In the oxidative damage model, oxidation reactions lead to the generation of free radicals that are capable of destroying the cell membranes and nerve cells.

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Avoid Pesticides And Herbicides

If youre a gardener or work on your lawn, please go organic. There are hundreds of books and websites explaining how to do this. Furthermore, I urge you to eat organic food whenever possible. I know this means spending a little more money, but research is repeatedly showing that chemicals used to kill insects and unwanted plants are damaging our health. Spending a bit more for organic foods can translate into savings on doctor visits, testing, and trips to the hospital, none of which are inexpensive.

In particular, Monsantos herbicide Roundup has come under fire recently, after research revealed that it has been found in food, including sugar, corn, soy, and wheat. Earlier studies have shown that Roundup could be connected to a long list of health problems, including Parkinsons. Researchers note that the government has approved the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, at levels that are a whopping 450 times above the point when this substance is toxic to human DNA. That means that your cells can be damaged or destroyed every time you eat glyphosate-tainted foods.

But Ubiquinol Has Its Own Problem

CoQ10 – Who Should Take it, Dose, When, How, Side-Effects & More

In supplement form, Ubiquinol oxidizes easily to ubiquinone.

Oxidation is what happens when you expose sensitive tissue to oxygen. Youve probably seen how the glossy white flesh of an apple can turn rusty after a short while. Well, Ubiquinol does the same thing, only faster. Ubiquinol is white. Thats because it is reduced, carrying two extra electrons. This makes a gigantic difference in absorption and, more importantly, its use in your cells. Conventional CoQ10, by comparison, is orange. Thats because its oxidized.

As a result of this oxidation, for a long time, it was impossible to find Ubiquinol commercially.

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Coq10 May Protect Lung Health

Poor lung functioning is sometimes associated with low levels of CoQ10. Studies suggest CoQ10 supplements may help increase the sufficiency of cells which may lead to an improvement in lung health. If you have a lung or respiratory condition, we recommend talking to your doctor or a pharmacist before taking supplements.

How To Eat For More Coq10

While CoQ10 appears naturally in the body, some people do not produce enough of this important enzyme and your ability to generate this compound deteriorates as you age. You can also boost your intake of CoQ10 by eating foods high in the coenzyme such as oily fish , organ meats , and whole grains. Heres a chart of other foods high in CoQ10.

Table courtesy the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University.

According to early research, approximately 14% to 32% of coenzyme Q10 may be lost during the frying of vegetables and eggs, but the coenzyme Q10 content of foods doesnt change with boiling.

While a balanced diet can help some people maintain good CoQ10 levels, many experts encourage the use of supplements for healthy individuals over 50, for people with particular health conditions or those taking certain medications. While CoQ10 supplements are generally well-tolerated, they can cause nausea, diarrhea, and insomnia, particularly at high dosages. Some people are also allergic to ubiquinol and should seek immediate medical attention if they experience difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, hives, rash, or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue.

CoQ10 is available as in hard shell and soft gel capsules, an oral spray, and tablets. Recommended dosages vary widely though healthy adults taking CoQ10 as a dietary supplement are usually advised to take between 30 and 200 milligrams per day.

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What Nutritional Supplements Should I Take For Parkinsons Disease

Foundation Supplements. High potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula Vitamin D3 2,000-5,000 IU/day Fish oil, EPA+DHA 1,000 to 3,000 mg/day.

Coenzyme Q10 levels are significantly lower in the mitochondria in people with PD leading to lower energy production. Trials of CoQ10 supplementation in Parkinsons disease patients have shown mixed results. However, in one trial of CoQ10 supplementation, progression of PD was reduced by 44%. In the study patients were given either CoQ10 at three different doses or a placebo for 16 months. The group that received the largest dose of CoQ10 displayed a percent less decline in mental function, motor function, and ability to carry out activities of daily living, such as feeding or dressing themselves. The greatest effect was on activities of daily living. The groups that received 300 mg/day and 600 mg/day developed slightly less disability than the placebo group, but the effects were less than those in the group that received the highest dosage of CoQ10. These results indicate that the beneficial effects of CoQ10 in PD are achieved at these higher dosages. No significant side effects were seen in any of the patients. I recommend taking CoQ10 as ubiquinol in PD to maximize absorption. Take 100 mg three times daily.

Phosphatidylserine has been shown to improve the mood and mental function in patients with Parkinsons disease, but exerts no beneficial effects on muscle control. The recommended dosage is 100 mg three times daily.

What Are The Principal Clinical Uses Of Coq10

How much coq10 should i take

Given the central role of CoQ10 in mitochondrial function and cellular antioxidant protection, its clinical applications are extensive. There are so many conditions in which CoQ10 may offer benefits that there is no question it should be considered an essential health nutrient. Specific clinical uses of CoQ10 include:

  • General antioxidant
  • High cholesterol that is treated by drugs, especially statins
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease
  • Periodontal disease
  • Macular degeneration
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    Before Taking This Medicine

    Ask a doctor, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider if it is safe for you to use this product if you have ever had:

    Ubiquinone is considered possibly safe to use during pregnancy. However, do not use this product without medical advice if you are pregnant.

    It is not known whether ubiquinone passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not use this product without medical advice if you are breast-feeding a baby.

    Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without a doctor’s advice.

    Immune Function And Inflammatory Pathways

    Inflammation is one of the immune systems first responses to injury or infection. Chronic systemic inflammation is present in many metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. A review of nine studies on the effect of CoQ10 supplementation on inflammatory markers revealed that CoQ10 reduced the level of specific inflammatory markers leading to a partial improvement in the inflammatory state of people with metabolic diseases.

    Dementia and Alzheimers

    A study in the journal Atherosclerosis suggests that dementia could be predicted by serum CoQ10 levels. Though several previous studies reported no significant differences in serum CoQ10 levels between patients with and without dementia , this study demonstrates for the first time that a lower serum CoQ10 level is associated with a greater risk of dementia.

    Research is underway to investigate the use of CoQ10 for improving cognitive function in healthy older people. The study, conducted by researchers in Australia, will administer 200 mg of ubiquinol or a placebo daily to 128 people age 60 or older over a 90-day period. their cognitive performance will be tested before and after the study period.

    Fatigue, Depression, and Migraines

    Millions of Americans are affected by fatigue and/or depression each year, and CoQ10 may be able to help.

    CoQ10 and Aging Skin

    How Do I Take CoQ10?

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    Is It True That Ubiquinol Is 8 Times Better Absorbed Than Ubiquinone

    No, this marketing statement is taking data out of context. It involves comparing the absorption of 300 mg of ubiquinol in the aforementioned absorption study with blood levels achieved in studies of Parkinsons disease in which dosages of 2,400 mg of ubiquinone were given along with 1,200 IU of vitamin E. The problem with this comparison is that high-dosage vitamin E interferes with CoQ10 absorption, and when dosages of ubiquinone exceed 300 mg, the percentage of CoQ10 absorbed declines significantly. Plasma CoQ10 levels at a dosage of 2,400 mg per day are not significantly greater than those at a 600 mg per day dosage. So a more accurate approximation is that ubiquinol is only slightly better absorbed than CoQ10 in soft gel capsules emulsified with rice bran oil at dosages of 100 mg per day, and about two times better absorbed at 300 mg per day .

    Recommendations On Coenzyme Q10 Dose From Scientific Studies

    9 Things Statin Users Should Know About CoQ10 ???

    The CoQ10 dose recommendations below are based on the dosage used in published clinical trials. They range from a low of 50 mg to a high of 1,200 my daily.

    The higher CoQ10 dosage will need to be divided into two or three times daily.

    If you are taking it for general heart health, a dose of 100 mg once daily is a suitable starting dose.

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    Coq10 May Help Maintain Youthful Skin

    CoQ10 has taken the cosmetic industry by storm. A number of products containing CoQ10 have been found to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, owing to its antioxidant and collagen-producing properties. Taking CoQ10 supplements has also been shown to improve skin smoothness in trials.

    Shop our range of CoQ10 skincare products today from brands such as Nivea and Olay.

    What Is Coenzyme Q10

    Coenzyme Q10 is an organic compound that is distributed throughout the body. Its highest amount can be found in the cells of heart, brain, liver, and kidney. Inside the cell, it resides within the mitochondria.

    Mitochondria are the important organelles of the cells that produce energy. It is because of this function, they are normally called the powerhouses of the cells.

    CoQ10 strongly support mitochondria for their function. It is an integral part of energy producing machinery within the mitochondria where it facilitates the production of ATP, commonly known as the energy currency of the cell .

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    Can Coq10 Really Help With Parkinsons Disease

    In double-blind studies, CoQ10 supplementation has been shown to be quite helpful to PD patients. All of the patients in these studies had the three primary features of PDtremor, stiffness and slowed movementsand had been diagnosed with the disease within the last five years. After an initial screening and baseline blood tests, the patients were randomly divided into four groups. Three of the groups received CoQ10 at different doses for 16 months, while a fourth group received a placebo.

    The group that took the 1,200 mg dose had less decline in mental function motor function and ability to carry out activities of daily living, such as feeding or dressing themselves. The greatest effect was on activities of daily living. The groups that received 300 mg a day and 600 mg a day developed slightly less disability than the placebo group, but the effects were less than those in the group that received the highest dosage of CoQ10. These results indicate that the beneficial effects of CoQ10 for PD are achieved at higher dosages. No significant side effects were seen in any of the patients.10

    So What Does Nutrition Have To Do With Parkinsons

    How much coq10 should i take

    1. The neurotransmitter dopamine is made in the body from amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Every time we eat a protein rich food we take in protein, which the body breaks down into its component amino acids. Two amino acids are converted in the body into L-Dopa, which is then converted into dopamine in the brain.

    2. Nutrient co-factors are required for each stage of this conversion process, so deficiencies of these may reduce dopamine production.

    3. L-dopa medication competes for absorption with dietary amino acids, therefore the timing of taking L-dopa and the eating of protein needs to be managed for optimal absorption and effectiveness of the drug and the reduction of side-effects.

    Therefore, the nutritional therapy approach to Parkinsons includes:

    1. Supporting dopamine production by ensuring adequate precursors and co-factors

    2. Considering drug-nutrient interactions to enhance effectiveness and reduce side-effects

    3. Optimising nutritional status and addressing co-morbidities . These co-morbidities include constipation, depression, fatigue, and insomnia.

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