Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Parkinson’s And Swollen Feet And Ankles

Youre In Kidney Failure

8 Ankle and Foot Stretches to Increase Flexibility and Reduce Pain in Parkinson’s

Your kidneys are responsible for balancing fluids in your body and moving fluid you dont need out of your system. When one or both arent functioning properly, you might end up with swollen feet.

Normally people go home and put their feet up, and the body reabsorbs that little bit of extra fluid, and the kidneys just get rid of it, explains Dr. Marcussen. kidney problems, your body has trouble getting rid of that fluid, then that swelling is more marked and more dramatic. A lot of people have swelling other places too, like their hands and face.

You would think that treatment for kidney disease would help the problem, but not so with dialysis, which is often required for advanced cases of kidney failure. Dialysis machines are like artificial kidneys, performing the same tasks that your kidneys no longer can. Even on dialysis, though, your body cant get rid of enough fluid.

This is when medications can help. People who have heart failure or kidney problems are often put on diuretics, says Dr. Marcussen, of medications that increase the amount of water and salt you excrete in your urine. Basically they help the kidneys dump fluid.

Q Is There Any Research Into New Treatments

A. Embryonic stem cell transplantation is one of a number of potential treatments for Parkinsons disease that are being investigated. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to develop into any type of human cell, including dopamine-producing nerve cells. These cells could potentially be transplanted into the brains of people with Parkinsons disease, as a replacement for their lost nerve cells.

Gene therapy and novel drug treatments are also being actively investigated.

With continued research, improved treatment options and even a cure for Parkinsons disease may not be too far away.

Getting The Most From Your Treatment

  • Sometimes people taking medicines like amantadine can fall asleep suddenly with little or no warning of being tired beforehand. Until you know how you react, take extra care if you operate machinery or drive. If you do find yourself falling asleep suddenly, you should see your doctor as soon as possible for advice, and avoid driving or using tools and machines in the meantime.

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Fourth Type Of Leg Pain Is Radicular Pain

In this case, the pain is caused by compression of nerves in lumbar area which results in weakness, numbness and tingling, and loss of reflexes from buttocks to foot in a distribution of a nerve. It can be acute or chronic, and can be worse with standing and sitting, or better with laying down. Of note: in my experience many patients including myself have these symptoms not because of physically herniated disc but rather by the stretching of a nerve in the canal as it exists due to severe musculoskeletal rigidity and abnormal posturing.

Q Other Than Difficulties With Movement Are There Any Other Physical Symptoms

Parkinsons disease symptoms: Warning sign in your feet ...

A. Other problems so called non-motor symptoms are common and can have a major effect on quality of life. These symptoms can occur at any stage of the condition and can even start before movement symptoms are noticed.

Non-motor symptoms include:

  • sensory symptoms , which occur in up to 40 per cent of people with the disease
  • tiredness not relieved by resting
  • sleep problems , which affect about 70 per cent of people
  • constipation, which is due to the digestive tract slowing down and decreased mobility
  • bladder problems that can result in needing to urinate urgently and/or more often, urinary incontinence or difficulty urinating
  • orthostatic hypotension , which causes a sudden fall in blood pressure when changing positions usually standing up causing fainting and
  • depression and anxiety, which are not just due to having a chronic illness but are part of the disorder.

Constipation , urinary problems and sleep problems can be made worse by some of the medicines used to treat Parkinsons disease.

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What Are Your Top Footwear Tips For Those Who Have Problems With Their Feet But Want To Get Moving

Exercise is especially good for people with Parkinsons. When exercising, make sure that your footwear fits securely and has a supportive sole.

A trainer-style shoe will give support, but its important to choose trainers that are right for the exercise you are going to do. Good sports shops can help with this so its worth asking.

You Consume Too Much Salt

The sodium in salt is the biggest dietary culprit when it comes to retaining water in general. So it only makes sense that it can lead to swollen feet as well, says Dr. Johanning. The American Heart Association recommends that adults take in no more than 2,300 mg of sodium every day, or about a teaspoon of salt per day.

Thing is, most of the sodium people consume comes not from the salt shaker but from processed and restaurant food, where its hidden among a list of ingredients and used as a preservative. Prime sources include cold cuts, processed snacks, frozen meals, canned soups, bread, and salad dressing. Go easy on all of these, and instead focus on sodium-free items such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains while avoiding processed foods.

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Q What Is The Outlook For People With Parkinsons Disease

A. Most people can continue to work full time and lead relatively normal lives for many years after being diagnosed. The disease does not affect your life expectancy, and your age at diagnosis does not seem to have any effect on your long-term outlook. However, due to the progressive nature of the disease, many people do eventually become disabled.

What Should I Expect At A Podiatry Appointment

Incredible â1 Ingredientâ? Home Remedies for Swollen Feet !

It is a good idea to try to make appointments at a time of day when you are least likely to experience tremor or other involuntary movements as the podiatrist may need to use sharp instruments. It may also be helpful if your carer is with you for the first appointment so that they understand how they can help you between appointments.

The initial appointment will last around 30 minutes, although this will vary depending on where you live. Additional assessment and treatment sessions will normally take between 20-30 minutes.

The podiatrist will take a full medical history, including your Parkinson’s and any other health problems, as these can affect your feet. They will need to know what medications you take so make sure you take a list of medications with you.

They will assess your feet, including the condition of your skin and nails, circulation and nerves. They will also watch the way you walk and the position and movement of your feet .

The podiatrist will then suggest a care plan including treatment of any immediate problems, future appointments and day-to-day care such as nail cutting, exercise and the use of creams.

In some countries home visits may be arranged if mobility is very limited.

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Second Type Of Leg Pain Is Caused By Dystonia

When related to levodopa, it usually occurs as a wearing off but can also occur at peak dose. In most cases this leg pain is unilateral and has direct correlation to medication intake. When pain is due to dystonia, it is more common in early morning. This type of leg pain is usually accompanied by toes curling and foot abnormally posturing.

Q Can Parkinsons Disease Affect My Sex Life

A. Reduced libido and impotence can result from physical and/or psychological factors of Parkinsons disease. In addition, some of the medicines used to treat the symptoms of Parkinsons disease can cause sexual dysfunction in men, and vaginal dryness in women. Fatigue can make matters worse.

It may help to try having sex in the morning after taking your medication. Medicines are available to help men with erectile difficulties, and vaginal lubricants may be of help to women.

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Reasons You Have Swollen Feet According To Doctors

Youve got to hand it to your feetthey might just be the hardest-working part of your body. They take a beating every day, supporting your body weight and letting you walk, run, jump, stand, and tip-toe. The 26 bones and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments in each foot and ankle work as a team, carrying you to your job, the gym, and home.

All of this foot action adds up to a lot of wear and tear, so it isnt a surprise that one of the biggest complaints people have is swollen feet. Feet often puff up a half-size or so because youre not treating them with the TLC they deservesay by standing all day or shoving them into too-tight pumps. But swollen feet have other causes too, some of which are serious and serve as red flags to a larger health issue.

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So what exactly happens when feet swell? Whether due to pressure, inactivity, injury, or some other cause, circulation to and from your feet slows down, and blood begins to pool in the many blood vessels spread out along your toes, heels, and ankles. Gravity helps this along too, says Dyane Tower, DPM, director of clinical affairs at the American Podiatric Medical Association.

Tired of coming home with feet that feel like balloons and concerned about why theyre swollen? Our guide below covers every cause, then takes you through the next steps.

Toe Stretches For Parkinsons

Swollen Feet in Parkinson

Seated Option: Fingers Between Toes

  • Start seated on the edge of your chair, feet firmly planted on the floor.
  • Cross your left leg over your right in a figure-4 position.
  • Using your right hand, gently slide your fingers between your toes. You should feel a nice stretch.
  • Gently move your foot up and down 5-10 times.
  • Make gentle circles clockwise 5 times, and counterclockwise 5 times.
  • Repeat for as long as youd like, letting your toes relax slowly.
  • Switch feet and repeat steps 3-6.
  • *Cant get into the figure-4 position or reach your feet? Check out the Yoga Toes a helpful toe-stretching tool.

    Standing Option: Toe Lifts

  • Start standing with a chair behind you for safety.
  • Lift ONLY your big toes up off the mat. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Leave your big toe anchored and lift the other 4 toes off the mat. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lift ALL 10 toes off the matt. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lift all 10 toes up off the mat.
  • Slowly sit down into the chair and then stand back up, keeping toes lifted the entire time.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.
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    Feet Exercises To Do At Home

    Exercise 1

    • Stand upright beside a chair or table, with your feet a few inches apart.
    • Gently move your weight forwards, making sure your toes do not curl and your heels remain on the floor.
    • Stay in this position for 5 seconds before moving back to upright. Again, keep your feet glued to the floor dont allow your toes to lift.
    • Repeat this exercise a few times, forcing your feet to relax as your body is slowly moved over them in a controlled manner.

    Exercise 2

    • Sit on a chair and bring 1 foot up to rest on the other knee.
    • Gently massage the soles of your feet in a long, steady stroke from the base of the heel to the end of each toe.
    • Do this 5 times on each foot to stretch and loosen the skin, muscles and joints.
    • If you have become stiff at the knees and hips, you may find getting into this position difficult.
    • Its worth practising, but if its not possible, see if you can find a willing friend or family member to massage your feet for you!

    Q Is Parkinsons Disease Inherited

    A. The exact cause of Parkinsons disease is still uncertain, but it is thought to be related to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

    If you have a family member with early-onset Parkinsons disease , then you may have an increased risk of developing the disease at a younger age. But if you have a family member who was diagnosed with Parkinsons later in life, your risk is only slightly increased.

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    How Can A Chiropodist Podiatrist Or Physiotherapist Help People With Parkinsons Look After Their Feet

    If you have problems with your feet, you can visit a podiatrist or a chiropodist for advice there is no difference between them.

    Podiatrists look at all areas of foot care, including how the foot should work during normal walking and the problems caused by not walking in a typical pattern.

    Your podiatrist can train you to stretch and exercise your muscles to reduce the effects of stiffness or rigidity on your feet. They can also show you simple massage techniques to improve your movement and circulation.

    Physiotherapists can also help you. They often work with podiatrists on foot-related mobility problems and to help prevent falls.

    Q What Causes The Movement Problems

    Parkinson’s update Sore, Stiff, Swollen Joints Knee Exercises for Weak Knees (Summer 2020)

    A. The movement problems are due to degeneration of certain nerve cells in the middle part of the brain. These nerve cells normally produce a substance known as dopamine a neurotransmitter that is responsible for smooth and controlled body movements. A shortage of dopamine, as seen in people with Parkinsons disease, causes symptoms such as tremor, stiffness and slow movements.

    The quantities of other neurotransmitters in the brain are also altered in people with Parkinsons disease. Noradrenaline is the main neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls automatic body functions such as heart rate and blood pressure. Reduced amounts of noradrenaline may explain some of features of Parkinsons disease that are not related to movement, such as tiredness and problems regulating blood pressure.

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    Ankle Stretches For Parkinsons

    Seated Option: Ankle ABCs

  • Start seated on the edge of your chair, feet planted firmly on the floor.
  • Raise your right foot up.
  • Trace the ABCs in the air with your toes. Make the letters as big as possible.
  • *Use your ankle for the motion, not your knee or hip.

    Standing Option: Split Stance Weight Shifting

  • Start standing one foot away and facing the wall. Place your hands on the wall in front of you for balance.
  • Take a big step back with your left leg, keeping your right foot forward. This is called a split stance.
  • Push your hips forward to shift your weight into the front leg, bending your front knee and keeping your heel on the floor. Keep your back leg straight. Hold 1-3 seconds.
  • Pull your hips back, shifting your weight back into the back leg, bending at the knee. Your front leg straightens and the toes of your front foot come off the floor, pulling up towards your knee. Hold 1-3 seconds.
  • Rock back and forth so youre shifting your weight from the front leg to the back leg. Do this 10-15 times.
  • Switch legs and repeat steps 3-5.
  • Q Are There Any Problems Associated With Using Levodopa In The Long Term

    A. The use of medications means that most people with Parkinsons disease can expect many years of active living. Unfortunately, the initial positive response to levodopa does not always last its effects often become unpredictable, and various side effects start to appear after about 5 years of treatment. The main side effects associated with long-term levodopa therapy are dyskinesias and the wearing-off effect.

    Dyskinesias are involuntary twitching and jerking movements of the head, face and limbs. These uncontrolled movements are the most common adverse effect of prolonged levodopa therapy. Taking a lower dose of levodopa or combining levodopa with another antiparkinsonian medication a dopamine agonist may improve the problem of dyskinesia.

    The wearing-off effect, or end-of-dose failure, refers to a decrease in the length of time that each dose of levodopa controls symptoms. This results in periods of impaired movement that abruptly alternate with periods of improved mobility.

    Taking smaller, more frequent doses of levodopa or controlled-release levodopa can help. There is a formulation of levodopa plus carbidopa that can be used in people with more advanced Parkinsons disease who have severe fluctuations in response to levodopa. The medicine is a gel that is given directly to the small intestine via a feeding tube. By giving the medicine continuously through a feeding tube, the amount of medicine in the body is constant, reducing the wearing-off effect.

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    Q What Lifestyle Adjustments Can I Make To Help Improve My Symptoms

    A. Although there are medications which are very effective for treating the symptoms of Parkinsons disease, the effects of these medications usually diminish with time. For this reason, your doctor may recommend some lifestyle changes before starting you on medication.

    Regular exercise can help you to maintain flexibility and mobility. It also improves posture, balance, strength, agility and even mood. A moderate level of exercise is best try walking, swimming, tai chi or dancing. Always remember to ask your doctor about an appropriate fitness programme before you start.

    Loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss can occur as a result of depression or a decreased sense of smell. Try to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet, with plenty of fibre to prevent constipation. Your doctor may need to prescribe an antidepressant medication if depression is severe or contributing to poor appetite and weight loss.

    When To See A Doctor

    Can You Get Slimmer Ankles?

    Many cases of swollen feet tend to resolve without medical care, although home remedies and lifestyle changes can help reduce the swelling.

    If the swelling does not go away or it occurs repeatedly, it is essential to make an appointment with a doctor to determine whether there is an underlying cause.

    If swollen feet occur alongside shortness of breath, chest pain, or pressure in the chest, call the emergency services immediately.

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