Sunday, September 8, 2024

Laser Therapy For Parkinson’s

Could Light Hold The Key To Help Manage Parkinsons Symptoms Or Even Have A Protective Effect On Brain Cells This Blog Explores The Research Evidence And What The Future Might Hold

New Laser Device Helps Parkinson’s Patients Walk

Light has a huge impact on life from sustaining the plants we eat to allowing us to see, everyone of us is dependent on the power of light.

The power of light has been investigated in many conditions, and although it is still very much an experimental technique, there is research to suggest that light therapy can have protective and restorative properties. There is also evidence that light can alter our sleep, mood and behaviour.

So why is light relevant to Parkinsons?In Parkinsons it is the loss of dopamine producing brain cells that cause both movement symptoms and other symptoms known as non-motor symptoms such as problems sleeping, depression, and loss of motivation.

Research is being done to look at whether treatment using light could offer protection to struggling brain cells to potentially slow down the progression of Parkinsons. And research is also looking into how light, in various forms, could be used to directly manage the symptoms of Parkinsons.

This is a fascinating topic as researchers try to unpick why cells that sit in the middle of the brain, in complete darkness could be protected, or even healed, by light. How do cells in the eye signal to the deepest parts of the brain? Or is it that light is being absorbed by specific components in cells activating and providing energy for the body to promote brain cell survival, protection or regeneration?

Lets explore some of the ways light is being looked at with regard to Parkinsons research.

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: What To Expect

Our goals are aligned with yours: the best possible Parkinsons disease symptom control with the least amount of disruption to your life.

As a patient of the Neuromodulation and Advanced Treatments Center, you start with a multi-disciplinary evaluation by our specialists in neurosurgery, neurology, neuropsychology, and psychiatry. Together, they discuss the individual aspects of how Parkinsons disease is affecting you, and apply a personalized medicine approach to designing your treatment.

As we learn about you and the impact of Parkinsons on your quality of life, we ensure that you and your family or care partner gain a realistic insight into what various treatments can and cannot do, along with honest expertise to support your decisions.

Your treatment plan may include the following:

Ethics Approval And Consent To Participate

The study received human research ethics approval by the Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee . All participants gave written informed consent prior to taking part in the study. All protocols were approved by the Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee and were conducted in accordance with their regulations and guidelines.

Consent for publication.

Not applicable.

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Mitochondriathe Energy Powerhouses Of The Cell

The fact that energy-intensive neurons have increased vulnerability in PD suggests that some of the underlying disease processes may be linked to impairments in cellular energy production. This lends further weight to the hypothesis that disruptions in mitochondrial function constitute some of the key pathogenic processes in PD.

In addition to the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, maintaining healthy mitochondrial volumes is also essential for efficient energy production in cells. The intracellular mitochondrial network is constantly pruned by the processes of biogenesis, fusion, fission, and degradation. These processes constitute the mitochondrial life cycle, which takes place every 520 min . Under physiological conditions, the events in the mitochondrial life cycle are in dynamic equilibrium, maintaining a stable mass of intracellular mitochondria. If cellular metabolic requirements are altered, the mitochondrial network undergoes remodeling to accommodate the changes in energy demand . The various stages in the mitochondrial life cycle are illustrated in Figure 1. Excellent reviews on the various aspects of the mitochondrial life cycle have been written elsewhere and we will therefore not elaborate on this topic in the present article .

Neurological Effects Of Therapeutic Laser

Intranasal Laser Light Therapy For Alzheimer

One of the areas of laser therapy that is rather interesting and promises significant potential for healing is application of therapeutic laser to neurological conditions. In this article, I will present a review of scientific studies relative to neurological effects of laser and discuss some of the more promising applications.

Therapeutic laser has been studied for numerous neurological conditions that include:

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons Disease
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Major depression

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How Physiotherapy Can Help You

Our expert Physiotherapists use the latest evidenced-based practice and rehabilitation methods to assess and diagnose your condition. A treatment plan is tailored based on your individual needs to achieve your goal. We offer one-on-one treatment sessions. No support staff will be replacing your therapist.

The Human Light Trials Begin

Three years on, Mr Burr and the other Tasmanians using their own light treatment have inspired an Australia-wide “proof-of-concept” clinical trial to test whether the lights are actually making a long-term difference to people’s health or whether it’s just a placebo effect.

The trial, run by The University of Sydney School of Medicine and Parkinson’s SA, involves people from Brisbane, South Australia and Sydney.

Some participants are using placebo lights, while others are using red and near-infrared lights on their heads and stomachs.

Catherine Hamilton, a retired Tasmanian specialist occupational physician who specialises in photobiomodulation and helped Mr Burr with his light treatment, is developing helmets with her electronics expert friend Ron Brown for Sydney trial participants.

“For people with Parkinson’s the lights are giving them an improvement now, right now, they’re not having to wait 10 years for a pill,” Dr Hamilton said.

Ann Liebert from the University of Sydney, who is co-ordinating the trial, said she had worked with light therapy for 10 years and had seen many positive results.

“We have medical evidence and case study evidence, so now’s the time to look at experimental evidence at a higher level,” she said.

Professor Simon Lewis, a neurologist who specialises in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, said people with Parkinson’s experienced “progressive and relentless” brain cell death.

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Light Therapy And Parkinson’s

NIr therapy works by using infrared illumination to treat brain tissue affected by a lack of oxygen, toxic environments, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria help to produce energy in cells and play a role in regulating cell function when working properly. NIr attempts to reduce cell damage and death by protecting the dopamine-producing neurons.2 NIr has been shown to reduce tissue inflammation and improve mitochondrial function.

It is not a targeted therapy because it works on the neural symptoms of many conditions by reducing the neurodegenerative process. Light therapy targets the brain and therefore it is likely to impact multiple facets of neural functioning. Studies have yielded results that show improvement in cognitive, emotional, and executive function.

Photobiomodulation is the ability of light to modulate biological processes at a cellular level.4 The use of controlled exposure of red to infrared wavelengths of light have successfully improved healing, reduced inflammation and pain. It has done this by improving mitochondrial function and stimulating antioxidant pathways in the brain. Photobiomodualtion has been therapeutically effective to improve the recovery rate for other medical conditions, and has shown promise in the lab for people and animals with PD.

Strategic use of specific light applied at a targeted time of day for a specific length of time should be able to “attack” melatonin, and reduce it, thus restoring dopamine balance.5

Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease: Why Choose Johns Hopkins

Could laser therapy give relief to people suffering from Parkinson’s disease?

The Johns Hopkins Neurostimulation and Advanced Treatments Center gives you access to the newest and most effective therapies for Parkinsons disease, including

  • DBS focusing on multiple brain targets
  • Minimally invasive laser surgery to address brain lesions
  • Carbidopa/levodopa infusion therapy
  • Research-based treatments such as transcranial direct current stimulation to address depression and cognitive problems
  • Other new therapies as they become available, including clinical trials

Also Check: What Happens In Parkinson’s Disease

Storage Of Collected Information

All sensitive information such as credit card details are encrypted using secure socket layer technology . When Credit Card details are collected, we simply pass them on in order to be process the transaction. We never permanently store complete Credit Card details, and follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. If you have any questions about security on our website, you can contact us.

Regulatory Approval & Reimbursement

The Exablate system manufactured by Insightec is approved in Europe and in the US for treating tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease. In November 2021, it also earned approval in the US for treating additional movement disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease, including mobility, rigidity and dyskinesia. We recommend that patients talk with the treatment site for questions about insurance coverage under Medicare, as some treatment sites are now being reimbursed by Medicare. Most commercial companies are not currently covering this procedure.

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Lots Of Other Factors At Play: Expert

Professor Lewis added the placebo effect was very real.

“The truth of the matter is there are lots of matters at play, yes people who are using these lights at home on their own are subject to an enormous placebo effect, there’s no doubt about that, which is why more well-constructed trials are ,” he said.

“There are other factors that can play on why patients might feel better, even in the period of the same day the way that the tablets work, the level of chemical in the brain, especially when the disease progresses, can fluctuate.

“Ninety per cent of Parkinson’s patients have poor sleep for lots of different reasons, and of course a bad nights sleep means a bad day the next day.”

As well as Parkinson’s disease, the trials will also look at the effect red light treatment is having on people with Alzheimer’s and cardiac disease.

Researchers will test blood, red bloods cells and measure gut microbiome to see what effect the lights are having.

Trials across each state are being conducted at different times.

The Queensland placebo trial has now concluded and results are being analysed. The South Australia and Sydney trails have recently started and results are expected to be known later this year.

Low Level Laser To Improve Parkinsons

This laser

More encouraging clinical research in the field of Low Level Laser to improve Parkinsons Disease, published in BMC Neurology. The work carried out by Liebert, et al , was described as a prospective proof-of-concept study, that showed improvements in clinical signs of Parkinsons disease using photobiomodulation .Read the full Report.

In summary the study outlined:

Background: Parkinsons disease is a porgressive neurodegenerative disease with you cure and few treatment option. It has a high incidence in ageing populations and is potentially a COVID-19 sequela. Photobiomodulation has been successfully used in animal models to reduce the signs of Parkinsons and to protect dopaminergic neutrons.

Objective: A combination of transcranial and remote treatment was employed to inform on best practice for a larger randomised placebo controlled trial .

Methods: 12 participants with idiopathic Parkinsons disease were recruited. 6 began 12 weeks of transcranial, intranasal and abdominal Low Level Laser Therapy. The other 6 were waitlisted for 14 weeks before commencing the same therapy protocols. Participants were assessed for mobility, motor skills, balance and cognition before treatment began, after 4 weeks of treatment and after 12 weeks of treatment.

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Near Infrared Chronic Intracranial Illumination For Neuroprotection In Parkinson’s Disease

Objective/Rationale: The treatment of Parkinsons Disease is based on medication and on surgical procedures. These therapies alleviate symptoms but do not change the evolution of the disease, which is a progressive degeneration of the neurons producing dopamine in the brain. This degeneration is in part due to an abnormal functioning of the mitochondrias that produce energy in these neurons. There is evidence that infrared light can counteract this mitochondrial dysfunction.

Project Description: We will develop a prototype to deliver continuously into patients brains infrared light to slow down the loss of these dopaminergic neurons by improving their mitochondrial function. Human application requires checking the safety of the invented devices in laboratory pre-clinical models. An implantable prototype is being assembled from parts already made by industrial companies for deep brain stimulation. It will be implanted in models to check the safety of the surgical procedure and the long term tolerance of this device. The proof of principle of the therapeutic effect also has to be made. We will implant the device in models rendered parkinsonian by administration of the neurotoxin MPTP and observe the evolution of this parkinsonian syndrome under the effect of this intracranial illumination.

Pd Community Blogread Blog

What can you tell me about laser light therapy and Parkinsons

Thursday August 16, 2012

Turns out light can stimulate cells to behave differently. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine studied the effect of a low-level, near-infrared laser on nerve cells taken from people with Parkinsons disease. The research was done in cells taken from people with Parkinsons and compared to non-Parkinsons cells. A single, brief treatment with a 810 nm low-level, near-infrared laser increased the velocity of mitochondrial cells for 2 hours approaching the rate of mitochondria in non-PD cells. Mitochondria are the energy producing components of the cell and their activity is reduced in PD. Energy is needed for cell growth and maintaining cell health. Enhancing the functioning of mitochondria in cells taken from patients with PD may reduced the cell death seen with PD.

Light therapy is not new to brain disease. For instance full spectrum light is helpful for people suffering from seasonal depression. While promising, this research was tested in cells outside the body and much work needs to be done to develop light treatment inside the body of live individuals with PD.

Research was published in Molecular Neurodegeneration on June 17, 2009.

Monique L. Giroux, MD

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Australian Company Achieves Promising Results With Laser Therapy

Australian medical technology company SYMBYX has completed its first human trial of the use of laser light therapy to reduce the symptoms of Parkinsons by targeting the gut-brain axis.

The proof-of-concept trial showed that measures of mobility, cognition, dynamic balance, sleep, motivation, and fine motor skills of participants were all significantly improved.

Since then, these results have been confirmed in a follow-up trial in Sydney soon to be published in the Journal of Photomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery.

Combined, these results reinforced that larger, randomized placebo-controlled trials are warranted to further consolidate the data. Two such trials using SYMBYX lasers are about to commence in Sydney and Canada, with results expected in April 2022.

SYMBYX uses proprietary, super-pulsing laser technology that delivers optimal doses of light therapy without generating heat. The lasers are non-invasive, painless to use and portable. They are medical grade lasers, containing diodes manufactured in Sweden under exclusive license to SYMBYX, and are CE marked and ARTG listed.

Photobiomodulation therapy can energise cell mitochondria and help with the loss of cellular energy that is common in Parkinsons, said SYMBYX CEO Dr. Wayne Markman.

Most people dont realise that their colon has the capacity to produce both dopamine and serotonin, the critical neurotransmitters required for healthy brain function.

Cellular And Molecular Mechanisms Of Lllt

PARKINSON’S DISEASE || How To Administer RED AND INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY || Photobiomodulation || PD

LLLT uses low-powered laser light in the range of 1-1000 mW, at wavelengths from 632-1064 nm, to stimulate a biological response. These lasers emit no heat, sound, or vibration. Instead of generating a thermal effect, LLLT acts by inducing a photochemical reaction in the cell, a process referred to as biostimulation or photobiomodulation. Photo-biology works on the principle that, when light hits certain molecules called chromophores, the photon energy causes electrons to be excited and jump from low-energy orbits to higher-energy orbits. In nature, this stored energy can be used by the system to perform various cellular tasks, such as photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis. Numerous examples of chromophores exist in nature, such as chlorophyll in plants, bacteriochlorophyll in blue-green algae, flavoproteins, and hemoglobin found in red blood cells. The respective colors of chromophores are determined by the part of the spectrum of light they absorb: chlorophyll is green, flavoprotein is yellow, and hemoglobin is red .

Illustration of mitochondrion, as well as of the electron transport chain and oxidative metabolism.

Complex IV is the principal chromophore involved in low-level light therapy. It has 2 copper centers and 2 heme prosthetic groups. Cytochrome c is oxidized and oxygen is reduced to water during respiration.

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Aids Daytime Sleepiness And Other Sleep Disorders

Humans rest and wake based on a daily cycle called the circadian rhythm. Both light and melatonin play a role in the regularity of the cycle. Many people with PD suffer from sleep disturbances. It is thought that NIr may play a role in improving healthy sleep patterns.3

People with Parkinson’s often experience excessive daytime sleepiness, general fatigue, nighttime sleep disturbances, and depression all of which can affect healthy sleep and the circadian rhythm. According to research reported in the February 2017 JAMA Neurology Journal, light therapy significantly reduced daytime sleepiness, improved sleep quality, decreased overnight awakenings, improved daytime alertness and activity level, and improved motor symptoms in people with Parkinson’s.6

Different kinds of light therapy have been used effectively for other sleep, psychiatric, and medical conditions for decades. NIr continues to be studied in the clinical setting in order to determine how it can best be applied in treating Parkinson’s and other medical conditions. Long-term, large scale controlled studies will help to better evaluate the efficacy of NIr as way to mitigate symptoms as well as possibly slow or limit or reverse disease progression.

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