Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Jobs For Parkinson’s Patients

How Do Pd Symptoms Affect Work

Benefits and Parkinson’s – have your say
  • Fatigue can make it hard to keep up with demands of the workplace or maintain full time hours.
  • Slowness of movement can make it challenging to keep to deadlines or cope in a fast paced work environment.
  • Loss of motor control can make a person’s handwriting less legible and may lead to communication issues.
  • Speech and vocal changes can also cause communication issues.
  • Difficulty with multi-tasking can limit the type and amount of tasks a person can take on.
  • Stress and anxiety in the workplace can make tremors and other symptoms worse.
  • Issues with mobility and posture can make it difficult to perform physical duties.

Legal / Financial / Insurance

This page gets you thinking about planning for your financial future and your employment situation with links to more detailed pages on each topic. Tips and resources for getting your financial affairs in order, your rights under the ADA, Social Security and long-term care insurance and information to help you do some creative insurance planning.

Preparing For Your Role As Caregiver

Your role as a caregiver will change as your loved ones disease progresses. People with late stage PD need more assistance with everyday activities than those in early stages of the disease. Learn about the disease and how it progresses to create a plan for care, including what outside assistance you may need and when. While learning about PD, remember that each person has their own unique experience, and not everyone experiences every symptom.2

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Americans With Disabilities Act

Job protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act is available only if you are “disabled,” inform your employer of your disability and request a “reasonable accommodation” to allow you to continue to do your job at a satisfactory level. Parkinson’s disease in its advanced stages is recognized by the federal government as a disability, allowing people with PD to secure the protections of the ADA. However, because the Act requires an individual to be impaired in some way that affects his or her daily life, not every person with Parkinson’s will meet the standards.

Attending Medical Appointments And Sick Leave

Occupational Therapy Exercises For Parkinsons Disease

All employees have a contracted number of sick days per year under their Award, Enterprise Agreement or individual contract unless they are employed casually. If you need to take additional time off to go to a reasonable number of medical appointments, your employer will often agree if you offer to take time without pay. Family members are also entitled to take leave to attend appointments with you.

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Workplace Modifications That Can Be Requested

Employers must take reasonable steps to accommodate an employee with Parkinsons. This may take the form of:

  • Changing your workstation by providing a supported chair or making computer adaptations
  • Improving air-conditioning
  • Moving to the ground floor
  • Allowing you to take time off work to get medical treatment
  • Changing your work duties such as the removal of tasks requiring fine motor skills or heavy lifting
  • Allowing you to work part time
  • Scheduling regular breaks
  • Allowing you some flexibility to work from home

Talk to your workplace health and safety officer or human resources staff to find out what can be done to enable you to stay in the workplace safely and productively.

Continuing To Work With Parkinsons Disease

A frequent issue that many people with Parkinsons disease encounter is navigating their continued employment. This is a fraught issue for many and, like most issues affecting people with PD, is highly variable depending on each persons unique circumstances. There are many aspects to consider:

  • Should I tell my employer that I have PD? If so, when?
  • Are there ways to lengthen my ability to work despite my PD?
  • When is it time to stop working entirely?
  • When I reach this point, what are my options for disability payments?

The good news is that many people are able to continue with their work for quite some time after diagnosis if they wish to, and with the right information and support, many people can extend their time in the workforce a fair amount. And when employment is not feasible, there are resources to help navigate the disability process. My goal is that this blog helps you feel more informed and confident so you can make the decisions that feel right for you or your loved one.

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The Americans With Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act provides protection against discrimination towards people with disabilities. Job protection under the ADA is only applicable if the individual is disabled and informs their employer of their disability. Parkinsons disease in its advanced stages is considered a disability. The law requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for employees, as long as they do not impose an undue hardship on the employers business. Reasonable accommodations include modifications or adjustments to the job or the work environment that enable a person with disabilities to perform essential job functions. The Job Accommodation Network is a resource that shares accommodation ideas for people with PD.1-3

For How Long Should I Continue Working

Can’t work – Hema’s story with Parkinson’s

How long you continue to work will partly depend on how much Parkinsons affects your ability to carry out your role. You should not assume that you can no longer work. In fact some people find that keeping busy and continuing their work helps them to manage the condition more successfully. But if you have a particularly active or demanding job you may find it harder to continue at the same pace.

If your symptoms or medication side effects begin to interfere with work, your doctor should review your treatment. If they make it potentially dangerous to continue in your present job , you should ask about moving to another position within the company.

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Nhs Smartwatch For Parkinsons Patients Hailed As Lifechanging

Kinetigraph sends data to doctors so that physiotherapy and prescriptions can be adjusted to meet needs

Thousands of people with Parkinsons disease will be given smartwatches by NHS England so they can be treated effectively from home.

The Parkinsons Kinetigraph contains sensors that monitor the wearers activity, and buzzes to remind them to take medication.

Data is sent to doctors to help detect excessive movement, immobility and sleep disturbances, allowing practitioners to adjust physiotherapy and prescriptions according to the patients needs.

John Whipps, who was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2007 and was one of hundreds of patients who took part in a pilot scheme with the watch, said: The problem is that Parkinsons changes from day to day, and even throughout each day.

Under the traditional system, you have to remember all your concerns and symptoms between visits, ensure you can attend the appointment, have the stress of getting to hospital on time, and then remember to tell your consultant how you are.

He said of the watch: It really gives you confidence as you know it gives accurate recordings, and you dont need to rely so much on your own perception. As the non-motor symptoms begin to be recorded digitally, they will also help doctors track those and inform the healthcare team.

The NHS England chief executive, Amanda Pritchard, said the watch would help improve the quality of life for 120,000 Parkinsons patients while improving efficiency in the NHS.

How You Can Help Employees Living And Working With Parkinson’s

It’s no secret employees are spending more time at work than they are elsewhere so your employees are going to expect a thing or two from their employer. According to, these are the top-six suggestions External Site employees living and working with Parkinson’s disease expect from their employer.

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How Can People Cope With Parkinson’s Disease

While PD usually progresses slowly, eventually daily routines may be affectedfrom socializing with friends to earning a living and taking care of a home. These changes can be difficult to accept. Support groups can help people cope with the diseases emotional impact. These groups also can provide valuable information, advice, and experience to help people with PD, their families, and their caregivers deal with a wide range of issues, including locating doctors familiar with the disease and coping with physical limitations. A list of national organizations that can help people locate support groups in their communities appears at the end of this information. Individual or family counseling may also help people find ways to cope with PD.

People with PD may also benefit from being proactive and finding out as much as possible about the disease in order to alleviate fear of the unknown and to take a positive role in maintaining their health. Many people with PD continue to work either full- or part-time, although they may need to adjust their schedule and working environment to accommodate their symptoms.

Accommodating Employees With Parkinson’s Disease

Physical Therapist Job Description

People with Parkinsons disease may develop some of the limitations discussed below, but seldom develop all of them. Also, the degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Be aware that not all people with Parkinsons disease will need accommodations to perform their jobs and many others may only need a few accommodations. The following is only a sample of the possibilities available. Numerous other accommodation solutions may exist.

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What If I Believe I Am Being Dismissed Because Of My Condition

If you are dismissed because of your disability or because your employer doesn’t want to make reasonable adjustments, you may be able to make a claim for disability discrimination or unfair dismissal.

You must find out what rights you have to bring a claim and what you should do next as soon as possible because strict time limits apply to making claims to the employment tribunal.

If you have been given a warning about your performance or conduct at work, you may be at risk of dismissal and should seek advice immediately. This can be from your trade union if you are a member, your local Citizens Advice or Law Centre, or from the Disability Law Service.

You may be working as well as caring for someone with Parkinson’s. Paid work can provide financial independence and money to help with caring, as well as a break from caring, new social networks and friendships, better self-esteem and a better pension. However, combining your responsibilities has its own challenges.

If you are in paid work and care for someone with the condition, you may find that, as time goes on, combining your responsibilities can be challenging. You may also need to make changes to maintain your own general health and wellbeing.

Should I Tell My Colleagues

This is up to you, so take some time to consider what you think is best. Colleagues can be very supportive, and it may help to talk with someone you can trust at work. You may find that other colleagues are also carers. Together, you may be able to talk to your employer about ways you could be supported in juggling your job and caring.

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Parkinsons Disease And The Work Place

This blog post addresses six things to consider with respect to your job after a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease, including whether and when to tell your boss, ways to relieve undue work stress, prepare yourself for having to quit or change jobs, whether any aspect of your PD interferes with your work — even mood and financial planning — both short and long term.

Workplace Accommodations For Parkinson’s Disease

Mental Health for Parkinson’s Care Partners
  • Flexible work schedule – for example, starting later or finishing earlier to avoid traffic if travel is difficult. Or attending meetings from your desk rather than in person.
  • Reduced hours – your employer may offer you a part time work schedule or allow for scheduled breaks throughout the day to help you manage fatigue.
  • Adjusting duties – removing tasks that are difficult such as physically intense tasks or tasks with fine motor control. Reducing high stress tasks may also help with managing symptoms.
  • Improving accessibility – your employer may improve accessibility for you by providing things like a car park close to the building, handrails and automatic doors.
  • Remote work – working from home may reduce accessibility issues and help you manage fatigue better.
  • Time off for medical appointments – this may include counselling or therapy as well as doctors appointments.
  • Ergonomic equipment – making your work station more suitable such as having an ergonomic desk and chair with arm supports may assist with stiffness and mobility.
  • Assistive technologies – technologies such as speech recognition software, hands free phone and speech amplification may assist you to perform your job well.

Examples and solutions

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What To Tell Your Boss And Coworkers About Parkinsons

This webpage suggests learning enough about Parkinsons disease to be able to answer questions before telling your boss or coworkers. There are several talking points for dealing with misconceptions and concerns. Then, understand your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, before asking specific questions of your companys benefits personnel.

Who Can Help And How Can I Help Myself

Some larger companies have welfare officers who are trained to help and may be aware of adaptations that can help you. They should be up-to-date with legislation in your country and so can help you understand your options and rights. You can also check with your local employment office or the government agency that deals with employment and disability rights or discrimination.

If you cannot find appropriate sources of information, then ask your doctor to put you in touch with a trained professional who has expertise in this area, or ask if there is a local Parkinsons support group as they will almost certainly have people who have been in a similar position who can offer advice.

One of the most important steps you can take is to be open with your employer about any difficulties that worry you. This will allow solutions and adaptations to be found that will enable you to continue working for longer in a supportive environment. More often than not, effective communication can find effective solutions.

Dont make any quick decisions and remember that you need to consider the following:

  • how you will manage with less money
  • whether stopping work will affect your independence and social contact
  • how the decision will affect your pension.

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Ask Questions And Share Your Knowledge Of Parkinsons Disease In Our Forums

8. Partners in Parkinsons has a program where you can be connected to an advocate who will listen, offer advice and support to patients and caregivers at no cost. This is just one of the services you can find through Partners in Parkinsons.

9. has a support group for caregivers, family and friends of those with Parkinsons disease. No subject is off-limits in this forum.

10. The National Parkinson Foundation has a site specifically geared to caregivers. They help carers navigate the emotional, financial, and physical challenges they may face caring for someone with Parkinsons.

Having resources that help keep you informed, and offer support and encouragement to patients and their loved ones is so important. These are just 10 of the hundreds of organizations out there that are available to you. You can search online or visit your local library for more.

MORE: Eleven facts about Parkinsons disease you may not know.

Parkinsons News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Do I Have To Tell Potential Employers That I Have Parkinson’s

Specialized Physiotherapy for Parkinson

If you’re looking for a job you may be wondering about whether you need to tell a possible employer about your condition.

In Great Britain

It is against the law for a potential employer to ask you about your health or any disability before offering you a job, except in very limited circumstances.

You should only be asked questions about your health for certain purposes, such as in the examples below.

  • If a potential employer is trying to find out whether you need any changes or reasonable adjustments to be made to the recruitment process.
  • For monitoring purposes. Potential employers can ask you to complete a form stating your race, gender, sexuality, religion, age and if you have a disability. Filling in these forms is usually optional and they are processed separately from your application.
  • If a potential employer is trying to find out if you have a disability or health condition that would affect your ability to carry out an essential part of the job. For example, if you were applying for a job as a scaffolder, your employer could reasonably ask you if you have any condition that would affect your ability to climb scaffolding and work at heights.
  • If they require an employee to have a particular disability or condition as part of the role they are recruiting for.

In Northern Ireland

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Benefits Of Working At Parkinson Canada

  • Flex Your Day and work when you are most productive.
  • Remote Work Policy enables you to join us anywhere in Canada.
  • Start with three weeks time off and move to four just after your 4th year with us.
  • We offer up to 4 Personal Days that can be used for personal reasons.
  • Ease into the New Year! Parkinson Canada is closed between December 24 and January 2.
  • We offer extended health and dental benefits, an Employee Assistance Program, and a generous RRSP plan.
  • We support mental health. Our Mental Health Wellness Plan provides resources and services that encourage self-care and builds a safe space for our staff.
  • Bring your authentic self! We not only support but celebrate your personal and professional development!
  • Be part of something greater than yourself where your expertise gets people living with Parkinsons one step at a time closer to a cure.
  • We strive to be a digital first charitable organization!
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