Thursday, July 25, 2024

Glasses For Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease With Dyskinesia Tremors

How Google Glass is helping Parkinson’s sufferers

Looking through a blue plastic sheet or wearing blue glasses or glasses with blue lenses may help relieve the symptoms of dyskinesia caused by Parkinson’s Disease, a neurological disorder. Dyskinesia may also appear after long term use or high dosage of drugs used to treat psychosis such as schizophrenia.

How Parkinsons Affects Your Eyes

Eye Movement Problems

There are three fundamental types of eye movements.

  • Pursuit eye movementsallow the eyes to travel together to follow a moving target in the horizontal or vertical direction.
  • Saccadic eye movements are the rapid eye movements that allow the eyes to quickly jump to a new target. They are important when reading as the eyes need to jump from the end of one line and to the beginning of the next.
  • Vergence eye movements are used when the target is coming towards or away from a person. When the target comes towards a person for example, the eyes have to move slightly together, or converge, to keep vision of the target clear.

In PD, the saccades tend to be slow, which means reading can be difficult if the eyes are unable to find the correct place on the next line. If a person has Levodopa-induced dyskinesias, the saccades can become fast and erratic which can also be problematic.

Another common eye movement issue for people with PD is difficulty with vergence eye movements. In PD, the eyes are often not able to come together sufficiently as a target draws near. This is called convergence insufficiency, which can cause double vision, especially when focusing on near tasks. This problem can also affect a persons ability to read.

Eye movement solutions

In terms of complementary and alternative therapies, art therapy has been seen to alleviate some of the vision effects associated with Parkinsons disease.

Abnormalities of blinking

External eye disease

Opinions On Smart Glasses

We also asked participants to list the features they would like to see in smart glasses and categorized their responses into three subcategories: function, design, and applications . First, respondents most frequently requested features for improving the quality of their gait and maintaining balance, thereby allowing them to gain more independence and confidence. Equally important was that side effects be minimal. Design wise, the control interface must be easy to operate, especially for the elderly, and allow hands-free operation. Furthermore, the device should be comfortable to wear, aesthetically pleasing, and compatible with prescription glasses. Besides the basic smart phone applications , the participants desired more specialized PD functions such as guide-dog like navigational guidance and object avoidance, external cueing , real-time detection of motor fluctuations, warnings or instructions on how to improve performance, medication alerts, and logging of daily activities. One participant even suggested using smart glasses to provide virtual realityphysiotherapy.

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Virtual Reality Glasses As Walking Aid In Response To Certain Visual Cues Some Parkinsons Disease Patients Experience Kinesia Paradoxa In Which Major Symptoms Disappear And Mobility And Well

The EU-funded PARREHA project explored the use of virtual reality cues to trigger kinesia paradoxa and provide significant improvements in mobility. The project developed spectacles that project virtual lines at the side of the wearers eye. This can transform some patients movement from the familiar PD shuffling gait to a normal walk.

Who Treats Eye Problems

Google Glass puts the focus on Parkinson
  • Optometrists examine eyes and give advice on visual problems. They also prescribe and fit glasses or contact lenses. Some provide ongoing care for people with long-term eye conditions.
  • Ophthalmologists are medically trained doctors. They examine, diagnose and treat diseases and injuries in and around the eye.
  • Orthoptists diagnose and treat vision problems and abnormal eye movement. They usually work as part of a hospital care team.

Occupational therapists can also help people with eye problems manage at home and at work, by advising on strategies and recommending adaptations and equipment. Find out more about occupational therapy.

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Who Treats Vision Problems

Talk to your family doctor or neurologist about any vision changes at your next appointment. They will most likely refer you to an eye specialist:

  • Optometrist: a health care professional who examines the eyes, consults on vision problems and prescribes glasses and contact lenses. Some also provide care for people with certain eye disorders.
  • Ophthalmologist: a specialized eye doctor who examines, diagnoses and treats eye disorders and injuries.

Occupational therapists may also be able to help you manage your vision problems at home and at work by suggesting strategies, equipment and ways to adapt your environment.

Reduced Blinking And Eye Movement Disturbances

Other eye movement disturbances have been described in Parkinson’s disease patients. These include an impaired ability to pursue a moving target with the eyes, difficulty initiating gaze shifts or taking the eyes off a face. Also, the ability to maintain eccentric gaze is impaired, and the blink frequency tends to be reduced. Of these abnormalities, only the latter tends to show significant symptoms, as reduced blinking can cause a feeling of dry eyes. This may be further enhanced by reduction in tear secretion, which is also common in Parkinson’s disease. Management of dry eyes usually involves the use of artificial tears. It is rare that you’ll need any additional treatment to combat symptoms of dry eyes.

Patients with Parkinson’s disease are also susceptible to visual hallucinations. These can be related to the underlying neurological illness or medications used for treatment. PD patients who have visual hallucinations respond well to antipsychotic medications such as quetiapine. Hallucinations should always be reported to the physician.

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Apda In Your Community

APDAUncategorizedEye Problems in Parkinsons Disease

PD patients often have a lot of difficulty with their vision, although, when I examine them in the office, the visual acuity is often normal. Problems can come from difficulty in moving the eyes and eyelids, as well problems with blinking and dryness. Most of these conditions arise from Parkinsons Disease itself, while others may be caused by the medications required to treat PD.

Many Parkinsons Disease patients complain of trouble reading. One common cause of this is called convergence insufficiency. In order to see clearly up close, normal eyes must converge or cross inwards to see a single image. If convergence is defective, a person will have double vision when trying to see close up. Sometimes placing prisms in the reading glasses can alleviate this problem. Often, however, just covering one eye may be the only way to eliminate the symptom.

Other eyelid movement problems can contribute to visual difficulty in Parkinsons Disease patients. Parkinsons Disease patients may have intermittent blepharospasm, especially when the eyelids or brows are touched. The patient involuntarily squeezes his eyes shut and may have difficulty opening them as well. This is why Parkinsons Disease patients often have difficulty during eye exams, when the doctor is holding the eyelids open for examination or to measure eye pressures.

Dr Elliott Perlman, MD Rhode Island Eye Institute 150 E. Manning St. Providence, RI 02906

Stride Length And Cycle Time

A New View of Parkinson

The stride length was statistically significant larger for the conservative bars compared to the AB and the AS . The median cycle time showed one outlier for the no cue condition exclusion of the outlier did not change the results, hence the outlier was included in the analysis. The assumption of sphericity was violated , and therefore a GreenhouseGeisser correction was applied . The median cycle time was statistically significant higher for the CB when compared to the no cue condition, the CM, the AB, and the AS .

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How Often Should I Get An Eye Test

If you have Parkinsons, its recommended that you have an eye test with an optometrist at least once a year. You should try to do this even if you arent experiencing any problems with your eyes.

You must tell the DVLA if you have any problem with your eyesight that affects both your eyes, or the remaining eye if you only have one eye.

For more information visit call 0300 790 6806.

For Northern Ireland visit or call 0300 200 7861.

You can also speak to your GP, specialist or Parkinson’s nurse for advice.

Difficulty Moving The Eyes

You may have difficulties when starting to move your eyes or when trying to move them quickly. This might be more noticeable when looking at fast-moving objects, such as cars. Sometimes, instead of a smooth movement, your eyes move in a slow and jerky way. Difficulties in moving the eyes up or down are more common in progressive supranuclear palsy than Parkinson’s.

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Use Of Mobile Technology

To predict how easily people with PD could adapt to smart glasses, we asked the participants to rate how comfortable they were in using mobile technologies on a scale of 0 to 10 . 57.4% of the respondents reported a comfort level of 6 or above . These ratings showed a significant inverse correlation with the participants age but not with the number of years they had PD . 74.6% of the respondents reported using mobile devices in some capacity: 45.9 % on a daily basis, 18.0% 15 times a week, and 11.5% less than once per week. The frequency of mobile device usage was also significantly correlated with the age of the patient but not with how long they lived with PD . Respondents who never use mobile devices commented that they were more interested in other activities , had poor eyesight , disliked the sensory experience of using such devices , or did not own any mobile devices . In the open comments, the respondents particularly singled out the iPad and iPhone as useful for researching hobbies, keeping in touch with family and friends, and work related activities . Notably, one participant reported: my iPad has become a part of my brain.

Light Therapy And Parkinson’s Disease

Google Glass brings hope for Parkinson

and references therein.

I have been using strategic light therapy now for some time to assist in my recovery from Parkinson’s Disease. These light based strategies have benefitted me greatly, as is also the case for very many participants now in more formal clinical and scientific trials. So I have become an avid proponent of the use of light in the treatment of PD!

In particular, it has helped me to markedly decrease my bradykinesia which is normally part and parcel of PD, but much more importantly, has dramatically decreased the associated pain . One important caveat is that it has not directly improved my akinesia: it doesn’t give me back my ability to move my limbs without significant willpower – but it has made it easier to move them with effort, and, again, to do so without so much pain. It has also improved my sleep and mood very considerably.

So when Toine Schoutens of Propeaq, who had read my earlier posts about light therapy for Parkinson’s, contacted me via twitter to highlight the development of wearable technology, I immediately realized that their light therapy glasses represented a possible major benefit for me. So I requested from Toine a pair to trial to see if they had application for Parkinson’s, which he very generously agreed to supply me.

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Ways Parkinsons Disease Affects The Eyes

According to the Mayo Clinic, Parkinsons Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. There many other prevalent symptoms and complications of Parkinsons and the eyes are no exception.


Diplopia is the medical term given to double vision. Unfortunately, it can be a common occurrence in patients with Parkinsons Disease. It may occur in up to 30% of PD patients. The exact mechanism for the cause of the double vision in not fully understood. The double vision may occur in straight-ahead gaze or in a particular direction of gaze . Another very common source of double vision in PD is convergence insufficiency, which is when the eyes are unable to converge normally for up close visual activities like reading. This would produce double vision when only reading.

Double vision may be helped with PD medications if the person is not actively being treated. Interestingly, some PD medications themselves may cause double vision. If the double vision is consistent, the optometrist may be able to prescribe prism in the patients glasses to help compensate for the misalignment causing the double vision. If the double vision is due to convergence insufficiency, a separate pair of reading glasses with prism compensation may be best.

Dry Eyes


Dyskinesia And Blue Glasses With Blue Tinted Lenses

It seems amazing, but simply looking through the color blue may help relieve the symptoms of dyskinesia. This YouTube video shows a man with severe involuntary movement. He can hardly sit in a chair without falling out and he has difficulty walking. But simply looking through a sheet of blue plastic or wearing glasses with blue lenses relieves the symptoms to a great degree. He can even walk normally.

Watch this video to see the amazing change this man who had Parkinson’s Disease with dyskinesia experiences when he looks through the color blue.

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You Need To Drink More Water

Youve heard it a million times.

Every health practitioner worth their salt has recited these words hundreds if not thousands of times to their clients.

However, there is more to staying properly hydrated than just chugging 8 glasses of water every day and the implications can be life changing.

Imagine the potted plant in your home that sits in the corner.

Similar to a water-starved plant, your cells can become chronically dehydrated. Re-hydration has to be strategic.

If it hasnt been watered in a while the soil gets dry and crumbly.

When you add water at this point the soil isnt able to absorb a majority of it and it slips through the cracks and out the bottom of the pot.

No matter how much water you pour over that poor guy hes not going to re-hydrate properly!

This is similar to what happens to your cells when you have been chronically dehydrated: Our cells are less able to properly absorb the water we put into our system. This excess of water in our digestive tract leaves us feeling water-logged and making frequent trips to the bathroom.

Smart Glasses Could Help Track Parkinsons Symptoms

Developing high tech interactive glasses for Parkinson’s patients

Two artificial intelligence companies are working on a pair of technology-imbued spectacles designed to track the severity of Parkinsons symptoms.

UK start-up Emteq and Munich-based audEERING, both of which specialise in technology designed to track emotional responses, will collaborate on a device that will use facial tracking and vocal analysis to track key physical indicators of Parkinsons disease.

Emteq designs sensor-laden wearable devices capable of tracking facial expression, which are interpreted by the companys AI platform to gauge emotional responses.

AudEERING, meanwhile, is an audio analysis firm that uses machine intelligence and deep learning techniques to determine the emotional state of the speaker.

The smart glasses will combine Emteqs hardware and emotion-tracking technology with an AI model developed by audEERING said to be capable of detecting vocal changes associated with Parkinsons Disease.

It has been proposed that machine learning can be programmed to identify combinations of voice characteristics, or changes in a subjects voice, that can indicate the presence of a developing neurological disorder.

It is hoped the glasses will pick up on anomalies in speech indicative of Parkinsons that might otherwise go undetected.

The glasses will be subject to a clinical trial in the second half of 2019, with commercial availability planned for 2020.

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Conflict Of Interest Statement

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The reviewer, DR-M, and handling editor declared their shared affiliation and the handling editor states that the process nevertheless met the standards of a fair and objective review.

Vision Problems With Psp

Slowness in looking up or down when moving the head is a symptom in a rare type of Parkinson’s disease called progressive supranuclear palsy . Patients with PSP have trouble initiating gaze shifts in the up and downward direction, and the speed and extent of such gaze shifts reduce as the disease progresses.

The negative effects on vision and visual orientation are profound. Patients can eventually lose their ability to look down through the reading part of their glasses, causing an inability to read. In addition, they become susceptible to falls by not seeing where they step on level ground or on stairs. This adds greatly to mobility and balance problems, which are already prominent with PSP.

Unfortunately, there is no treatment for this eye movement disorder. To make reading easier, special reading glasses that cover the entire field of vision can be prescribed, and reading material may have to be placed at eye level in a special stand.

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Pick The Right Water Bottle

Avoid plastic water bottles whenever possible as chemicals released from these bottles can also contribute to your daily toxin load. Choosing stainless steel or glass bottles are best. Throw in a stick of activated charcoal and youre good to go!

The Hydro Flask is stainless steel and ultra insulated so it keeps water colder, longer. It also has a slip-free grip and comes with a variety of lid options so you can tailor it to your specific needs .

You can find it on or most sporting goods stores like REI.

Parkinsons Disease In Daily Life

Google Glass Can Help Parkinsonâs Patients

To prioritize smart glasses applications in terms of their usefulness in activities of daily living, we asked participants to quantify the extent to which PD impedes them in various setting on a scale of 0 to 10 . The ratings distributions for home, work, and in daily life all peaked around 7-8 and were left skewed , indicating that PD was prohibitive in most aspects of life. No significant differences were found between the distributions of the different settings. In their comments, participants reported that motor problems and tasks requiring multitasking, fine motor skills, and endurance particularly affected their quality of life, with some participants no longer able to work at all . Nonetheless, many participants were determined to stay active and independent in spite of the disease. According to one patient: It is inevitable that prevalent in everyday life however, I will not let this prevent me from pushing boundaries and overcoming limitations by continuing to pursue all that interests me .

Recommended Reading: How To Improve Balance In Parkinson’s Disease

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