Thursday, July 25, 2024

Drinking And Parkinson’s Disease

St Petersburg Sculptor With Parkinsons Is Able To Create Again

Vlog #90 Alcohol And Parkinson’s Disease

ST. PETERSBURG After the successful medical procedure, the first thing he did was drink water from a glass held in his right hand.

The first thing he wanted to do was create a sculpture without needing someone else to perform the complicated manual labor.

Donald Gialanella hadnt been able to do either since his Parkinsons disease tremor worsened five years ago.

I went through dark times, Gialanella said.

Today, due to that procedure, the tremor is barely noticeable.

I wont call it a cure, because I still have Parkinsons, the 65-year-old St. Petersburg sculptor said. But I will call it a miracle.

Now, he is working on what he says is a top secret project.

Well, the project is not a secret, but the design is.

Gialanella was chosen to create the cauldron to be lit during the opening ceremony of the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games in Orlando in June.

Through a news release, the Special Olympics Committee called the cauldron an iconic symbol for the 2022 USA Game that will hold the Flame of Hope.

Gialanella was not chosen due to his Parkinsons. The selection committee preferred his concept to others.

Still, Gialanella believes his Parkinsons also makes him a good choice.

I can sympathize and empathize with the athletes, he said, and the struggles they go through.

His work is world renowned, having been on public exhibit in England, Norway and throughout the Middle East.

Collectors of Gialanella sculptures include Angelina Jolie and Jimmy Buffett.

The Dose Effect Relationship Of Tea Drinking And Pd Risks

Among the eight studies that included in our present analysis, three reported the results for drinkers of 1 and > 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers. . The information according to the number of cups of tea drinking daily was included in . It can be seen that, for drinkers of 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers, the summary OR showed a protective effect against PD . For drinkers of > 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers, the summary OR also showed a protective effect . According to the present results, we concluded that there was not an apparent dose-response relationship.

Pooled estimate of OR and 95% CI of PD risk for tea drinking of 1 cup per day. Blue diamonds indicate adjusted OR in each study. Open diamonds are pooled OR. Horizontal line represents 95% CI. Studies are ordered by alphabetical order of the last name of first author.

Pooled estimate of OR and 95% CI of PD risk for tea drinking of > 1 cups per day. Blue diamonds indicate adjusted OR in each study. Open diamonds are pooled OR. Horizontal line represents 95% CI. Studies are ordered by alphabetical order of the last name of first author.

Does Alcohol Consumption Reduce The Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease

Neurology Reviews

Suggested ReadingBrust JC. Substance abuse and movement disorders. Mov Disord. 2010 25:2010-2020.Hernán MA, Chen H, Schwarzschild MA, Ascherio A. Alcohol consumption and the incidence of Parkinsons disease. Ann Neurol. 2003 54:170-175.

People who moderately consume beer may reduce their risk of developing Parkinsons disease by 27%, compared with nondrinkers.

SAN DIEGOModerate consumption of beer is associated with a lower risk for Parkinsons disease, while greater consumption of liquor is linked with a higher risk, according to a study presented at the 136th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association. Total alcohol consumption, however, was not associated with a risk for Parkinsons disease, researchers reported.

Unlike studies regarding Parkinsons disease risk and smoking or coffee-drinking, previous studies on alcohol consumption and the risk for Parkinsons disease generated inconsistent results, and few studies examined relationships for individual types of alcohol drinks, study investigator Honglei Chen, MD, PhD, from the Aging & Neuroepidemiology Group of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, told Neurology Reviews.

Our study supports the very preliminary evidence that beer consumption is related to a lower Parkinsons disease risk, Dr. Chen continued. On the other hand, high liquor consumption is related to a higher Parkinsons disease risk.

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Alcohol And Parkinsons Disease Is There A Link

The link between alcohol and Parkinsons disease has remained the focus for researchers for many years. They have been trying to find out whether its consumption reduces the risk of developing Parkinsons disease.

The first evidence in this regard came from a study conducted in Spain in 1994 that involved 74 Parkinsons patients and 48 control subjects.

In this study, several environmental factors were investigated for their risk of developing Parkinsons and alcohol was one of them. It was found that alcohol drinking reduced the risk of developing Parkinsons disease in males.

Almost a decade later, similar results were reported in one information-based study involving 150 Parkinsons patients and 150 randomly selected people from the same area. The information detail was collected by interviewing these subjects. It was found that drinking alcohol had an inverse relation with Parkinsons disease.

But these results are contrary to the results found in studies published in the last few years. These new studies found no association between alcohol intake and risk of Parkinsons disease. For example, a recent review study compiled results from 17 different studies concluded that there is a weak association between alcohol consumption and Parkinsons disease. While a large prospective study published in the Journal of Movement Disorders also concluded that there is no link between alcohol intake and risk of Parkinsons disease.

How Does Alcohol Affect Parkinsons Medication

Can Alcohol Cause Parkinson

The interaction between Parkinsons medications and alcohol is a common topic on MyParkinsonsTeam. I miss my red wine and whiskey on occasion, one member wrote. I found that it just makes my meds stop working. Another member said, My husband has been told he shouldn’t drink with his meds.

Alcohol can exacerbate the side effects of one of the most common Parkinsons medications, levodopa/carbidopa. Many neurologists recommend avoiding alcohol while taking this drug.

I have to limit myself to one Scotch on the rocks now, a MyParkinsonsTeam member said. I used to have three or four, but the side effects are too bad. Another wrote, Never really a good idea to mix alcohol with meds.

Whether you decide to continue your current drinking habits, cut down, or eliminate alcohol altogether, its important to listen to your body and have open conversations about these topics with your neurologist.

If you find yourself drinking alcohol to cope with other issues, such as depression and anxiety, you may find that healthy practices such as physical activity can help. In addition, participating in activities such as tai chi, yoga, and meditation may help ease the symptoms and complications of PD.

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Coffee Smoking And Aspirin Influence Parkinson’s Disease Onset

Susan Kreimer

Coffee drinking, aspirin use, and smoking influence the age of onset and the extent of clinical symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease , early research suggests.

The comprehensive assessment involved a total of 35,963 patients in the United States with idiopathic PD, the most common form of the neurodegenerative condition, which hinders the brain’s ability to control movement.

“Given our own data and the previously published protective effects of smoking, caffeine, anti-inflammatory drugs, and the detrimental effects of pesticide exposure on PD risk, we set out to investigate these factors in detail,” study investigator Joanne Trinh, PhD, group leader, Institute of Neurogenetics, University of Lübeck in Germany, told Medscape Medical News.

She noted “it is important to understand external factors that can help delay onset and slow down progression.”

The research was posted online November 9 in medRxiv and has not been peer reviewed.

Alcohol And Its Effects On Parkinsons Disease

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the active element in beer, wine, and liquor is ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, which is known colloquially as alcohol.

In 2013, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health has shown that 52.2% people over 12 years of age in America were current alcohol users, 6.3% of the population over 12 are a heavy drinker and 10.9% had driven a car under influence of alcohol . Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. It is a highly lipid soluble and can cross the blood-brain-barrier. After that, it acts on the receptor level, particularly the GABA and Glutamate. Here it acts by slowing down the movement and speech. But the pleasurable effects produced by alcohol are brought about by its action at a Dopamine receptor level. A casual drinker may suffer from a loss of memory even after a few drinks .

One study has shown that heavy drinking contributes to involuntary body movements such as akathisia . Several other studies have demonstrated that acute alcohol intoxication and withdrawal may provoke transient Parkinsonian movements particularly, akathisia, dystonia, cogwheeling, tremor, wide-based gait and bradykinesia. These symptoms were diminished following abstinence from alcohol . Animal studies have demonstrated impaired striatal dopaminergic function during severe ethanol intoxication or withdrawal. Thus chronic alcoholism may exacerbate or uncover the sign-symptoms of latent Parkinson’s disease .

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Why Should Coffee Reduce The Risk Of Parkinson’sdisease


Although the new research is suggestive of a linkbetween caffeine and Parkinson’s disease, it is too early to saythat caffeine will prevent Parkinson’s disease. Perhaps the brains ofpeople who like and dislike coffee are different. It may be that thisdifference results in the different incidence of Parkinson’s disease andin the consumption of coffee. Also, the study included older,Japanese-American men. It is unknown if the caffeine/Parkinson diseaserelationship holds for other ethnic groups, women and younger people. Aswith many preliminary studies, this research requires further experimentsto establish a causal link between caffeine and reduced incidence ofParkinson’s disease.

Try it!

How much caffeine do you consume each day? Use this worksheetto keep track of the products with caffeine that you consume. Write downthe name of the product, the amount you consume of each product , the amount ofcaffeine in each product and the time that you consumed the product. Useseparate worksheets if you want to track your caffeine consumption ondifferent days.

Alcohol Consumption And Parkinsons Disease Risk: A Review Of Recent Findings

The Sobriety :60 #63 on alcohol and Parkinson’s

Article type: Review Article

Authors: Bettiol, Silvana S.a * | Rose, Tanith C.b | Hughes, Clarissa J.c | Smith, Lesley A.d

Affiliations: School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia | Department of Public Health and Policy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England | School of Health Sciences, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia | Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England

Correspondence: Correspondence to: Dr. Silvana Bettiol, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Medical Sciences Precinct, 17 Liverpool St, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000, Australia. Tel.: +61 3 62264826

Keywords: Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, alcohol drinking, Parkinsons disease, review, risk factors, case-control studies, cohort studies, epidemiologic methods, lifestyle

DOI: 10.3233/JPD-150533

Journal: Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 425-442, 2015


Background: The association between Parkinsons disease and lifestyle exposures such as smoking, coffee and alcohol consumption have been the focus of research for several decades, with varying and often conflicting results.

Objective: This paper reviews the key features of observational studies investigating the relationship between alcohol drinking and PD risk, to determine potential sources of variability between the results.

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Can You Drink Alcohol With Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons disease refers to a progressive type of disorder present in nervous system of patients. It affects physical movements and develops in a gradual manner. Sometimes, it begins with a few barely noticeable tremors in only one hand. However, while tremor constitutes a common sign associated with Parkinsons disease, disorder commonly causes slow body movement or stiffness.

During the initial stages of the problem, you only deal with no or very little expression or your arms may not be able to swing properly while you walk. Alternatively, your speech may become slur or soft. However, symptoms of the disease become worse as the condition progresses with time.

Avoid Coffee Tea Soda And Alcohol In Excess

These can have a diuretic and dehydrating effect.

Try to stick with one cup of coffee or tea in the morning .

Soda has no place in a healthy diet as it is full of toxic chemicals and inflammation producing sugars but if you are going to indulge do it very infrequently. For a more beneficial carbonated beverage, try LiveSoda.

Alcohol should also be consumed in moderation and supplemented with a glass of water per drink.

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Parkinsons Medication And Alcohol: The Final Word

Whether or not you should drink alcohol while being treated for Parkinson’s disease will depend on the medication you’re taking. It is worth discussing this issue with your doctor, especially if you have concerns about alcohol dependence or addiction.

General health guidelines state that you should avoid drinking alcohol with any medication that makes you drowsy, sleepy or impairs your concentration. That said, many people with Parkinsons disease find that the occasional glass of wine is not harmful, as long as their doctor has agreed that they can drink in moderation.

You should always speak to your doctor before you mix Parkinson’s disease medication and alcohol for the first time. You should never drive or operate heavy machinery when you have been drinking alcohol, and you should make sure you are in safe surroundings to minimize the risk of falls or injury.

APA ReferenceSmith, E. . Can You Drink Alcohol with Parkinsons Disease Medication?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2021, December 23 from

You Need To Drink More Water

Vlog #90 Alcohol And Parkinson

Youve heard it a million times.

Every health practitioner worth their salt has recited these words hundreds if not thousands of times to their clients.

However, there is more to staying properly hydrated than just chugging 8 glasses of water every day and the implications can be life changing.

Imagine the potted plant in your home that sits in the corner.

Similar to a water-starved plant, your cells can become chronically dehydrated. Re-hydration has to be strategic.

If it hasnt been watered in a while the soil gets dry and crumbly.

When you add water at this point the soil isnt able to absorb a majority of it and it slips through the cracks and out the bottom of the pot.

No matter how much water you pour over that poor guy hes not going to re-hydrate properly!

This is similar to what happens to your cells when you have been chronically dehydrated: Our cells are less able to properly absorb the water we put into our system. This excess of water in our digestive tract leaves us feeling water-logged and making frequent trips to the bathroom.

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What Will My Treatment Involve

There is no single, optimal treatment because Parkinsons is such an individual condition and evolves differently for each person. You will need to work together with your doctor to find the right balance of treatments for your specific symptoms.

In the beginning, a single medication or a combination of different medications can be used. Medical treatment is started in low doses and increased gradually. Furthermore, the effects of a medication can vary greatly between individuals and some may experience side effects. Therefore, treatment for people with Parkinson’s requires regular follow-up appointments with a doctor who has a good knowledge of the condition so that adjustments can be made as needed.

Symptoms can be effectively controlled, often using a combination of the following:

See also Treatments and Therapies.

Parkinsons Weighted Insulated Drinking Cup & Spill

Everybody should enjoy their favorite beverages. In the case of someone with Parkisons disease, shaky hands or hand tremors make it likely to spill the drinks when using regular drinking cups. Our Parkinsons weighted insulated drinking cup and spill-proof lids feature a steel weight at the base of the drinking cup to reduce hand tremors and allow the users to enjoy their beverages.

The weighted insulated cup comes with your choice of a drinking spout lid or a closeable no-spill lid. Either cover helps to prevent spills. The Parkinsons insulated mug holds eight-fluid ounces of hot or cold beverages.

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Alcohol Consumption Types Of Alcohol And Parkinsons Disease

  • * E-mail:

    Affiliation Epidemiology Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States of America

  • Affiliation Westat Inc., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States of America

  • Affiliation Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, United States of America

  • Affiliation Department of Neurology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China

  • Affiliation Departments of Neurology, Pennsylvania State University-Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States of America

  • Affiliation AARP, Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America

  • Affiliation Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, Maryland, United States of America

  • Affiliation Epidemiology Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, United States of America

Parkinsons Swivel Handle Eating Utensils

New Study Links Drinking Milk To Higher Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease – Newsy

These specialty utensils, a swivel fork and a swivel spoon, have a unique swivel mechanism that allows the bowl of the spoon and the tines of the fork to stay level when in use. Swivel limiters in the utensil prevent excessive rotation or swing and allow users with hand tremors to eat without spilling the food. The finger indentations on the smooth, vinyl handles provide a comfortable and non-slippery grip during the hand-to-mouth motion. The best thing about these adaptive eating utensils is they enable you or your loved ones with Parkinsons disease to eat independently without the help of a caregiver. They are made of quality stainless steel, dishwasher safe, and BPA free. Sold separately!

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