Thursday, July 25, 2024

Parkinson’s And Stroke Recovery

Thankfully None Of This Is Going To Happen

Brain injury recovery | stroke recovery | Parkinsons | rhythm + cross midline exercises

Which is what I want to tell you about now. So let me start by reassuring you of this:

I feel fine. Absolutely fine.

In some ways, Im happier and more positive than I was before I got that initial shocking diagnosis.

My hands no longer shake. I sleep like a lamb. And I recall all the important details about my life or what I did this morning! with ease.

Second, theres a reason I feel this way. And its to do with how Ive actively worked on my condition.

The Disease Doesnt Stand A Chance

Because this is an illness that can be tackled on so many fronts doing what I did meant my overall health actually got better over time.

The three steps I described provide health benefits that overwhelm the downside of the disease.

You deteriorate 1 part because of the illness but improve 3 parts because of these new, powerful daily habits.

More than anything, what I learned is that Parkinsons is not the terrifying, life-destroying diagnosis that so many of us believe it to be.

I was able to choose what this illness did to me. And I chose for it to do nothing to me.

I Feel Wonderful And Theres A Reason Why

Actually, there are three fantastic reasons:

First and foremost: I have tackled the loss of dopamine by working on the underlying cause of that loss.

We know that cell loss in the substantia nigra is the direct cause of dopamine loss. I address that cell loss in gentle but powerful ways and so protect dopamine levels.

Second, I increase dopamine production in my brain using non-drug methods. Increasing dopamine fights this condition head-on leading to wonderfully quick improvements.

Third, I have taken each of the symptoms of my illness stiffness, shaking, anxiety and so on and addressed them directly. Ive enacted specific daily habits that make those symptoms reduce to almost nothing.

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Prior Stroke And Other Cerebrovascular Risk Factors Linked With Parkinsons Disease

Dr. Babak Navi

Medical conditions and health habits that affect blood flow in the brainor cerebrovascular risk factorsare associated with a subsequent diagnosis of Parkinsons disease, according to a new study from Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian investigators.

The findings, published Aug. 29 in the Annals of Neurology, opens the door to investigating whether better management of cerebrovascular risk factors such as prior stroke, hypertension, diabetes and tobacco use, may help to prevent Parkinsons disease.

The link between cerebrovascular risk factors and Parkinsons disease is similar to the already established relationship between such risk factors and Alzheimers disease, although slightly attenuated, said senior study author Dr. Babak Navi, the Florence Gould Foundation Research Scholar for Discovery in Stroke, an associate professor of neurology in the Department of Neurology and an associate professor of neuroscience in the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute at Weill Cornell Medicine.

During a five-year period, 15,531 of the patients, or about 1.5 percent, received a Parkinsons disease diagnosis, while 81,974, or nearly 8 percent, developed Alzheimers disease.

Obstructive sleep apnea can increase a persons risk of hypertension or stroke, which may be why the sleep disorder was closely linked with Parkinsons. The association of obstructive sleep apnea with Parkinsons disease was even stronger than Alzheimers, Dr. Navi said.

How Is It Diagnosed

Stroke Rehab: How In

Diagnosing Parkinson’s disease is mostly a clinical process, meaning it relies heavily on a healthcare provider examining your symptoms, asking you questions and reviewing your medical history. Some diagnostic and lab tests are possible, but these are usually needed to rule out other conditions or certain causes. However, most lab tests aren’t necessary unless you don’t respond to treatment for Parkinson’s disease, which can indicate you have another condition.

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When Should I See My Healthcare Provider Or When Should I Seek Care

You should see your healthcare provider as recommended, or if you notice changes in your symptoms or the effectiveness of your medication. Adjustments to medications and dosages can make a huge difference in how Parkinsons affects your life.

When should I go to ER?

Your healthcare provider can give you guidance and information on signs or symptoms that mean you should go to the hospital or seek medical care. In general, you should seek care if you fall, especially when you lose consciousness or might have an injury to your head, neck, chest, back or abdomen.

Neurologic Rehab: Clinical Example Of Music Therapy

One of the most powerful and well-documented elements of music on non-music functions is rhythm. Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation and Rhythmic Speech Cuing are two NMT techniques that demonstrate how deeply rhythm impacts our neural and motor processing.

In RAS, rhythm is used to entrain and prime our bodies for movement during gait. An NMT assesses a client whose gait is unsteady, irregular or otherwise compromised. Using a metronome to create a constant rhythmic beat, our motor system instinctively couples with the auditory stimulus in the same way you might find yourself suddenly walking in unison with the footsteps of your friend and this unconscious entrainment will continue to drive each footstep.

Rhythm targets and recruits our motor neurons and helps guide them by providing a timeframe for them complete each action within . An NMT can use this reaction to help correct and regulate cadence and aspects of disordered gait. RSC targets similar neuro processes to help us prime and control speech production.

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Stroke Recovery And Rehabilitation Options For Aging Adults

Posted By C-Care

When a loved one suffers a stroke, it can be life-altering. Due to the complications that typically follow this, patients can often be functionally disabled, requiring an extensive amount of care for their recovery. In addition to the challenges they will face, it can also be incredibly difficult for family members who need to step in and provide round-the-clock care, all while juggling their day-to-day responsibilities at the same time.

The combination of change and emotional trauma can be overwhelming, to say the least. Thankfully, there are stroke recovery and rehabilitation options for ageing adults that can help ease this process. Lets examine some of the disabilities that can arise from a stroke and explore these recovery options below.

Neurogenesis After Ischemic Injury In Normal And Vehicle

Improve speech in stroke recovery with music listening | brain injury recovery | Parkinsons

In postischemic brain injury, neuronal cells derived from neural precursor cells are newly born and the cells can be detected by bromodeoxyuridine . The BrdU-immunopositive cells were observed in the postischemic cortex, striatum, and subventricular zone on the ipsilateral side of the ischemic infarct at 1 month and 6 months and 4). The BrdU-positive cells were more frequently observed in the ipsilateral side of the statin-treated mice than in the contralateral side. Especially at 1 month after tFCI, many BrdU- and NeuN-immunopositive cells were detected in the lesioned cortex and striatum at the direct site to ischemic damage by MCAO ). It could be implicated that newborn cells have arisen from the SVZ and migrated into striatum and even into cortical area. Moreover, the proliferation of neural cells is promoted by long-term statin treatment. At 6 months and 8 months after fFCI, the incidence of BrdU-positive cells in the ipsilateral striatum and cortex was significantly diminished compared to that of 1 month after fFCI . The BrdU-positive cells were not detected in either striatum or cortex, but a few BrdU-positive cells were detected in SVZ and corpus callosum.

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In Truth Its Not Magic At All

Of course, the kind of turnaround I experienced here does feel like magic.

Who wouldnt feel like theyve experienced something miraculous when an illness like this does an about-turn?

But everything I learnt from Jodi comes with sparkling scientific credentials.

Its researched knowledge from scientific establishments all over the United States, Europe and the world.

None of this program is controversial. There arent any scientists waiting to debunk any of this.

Because collectively this is their work. Jodi simply turned it into a set of 12 habits that thousands of us have used to treat a nightmare illness.

The only reason its not mainstream the only reason its only thousands of people who benefit from this rather than millions is because it involves some initial effort to take on these habits.

Yet once done its just so easy. And the reward?

Health. Pure and simple.

How Soon After Treatment Will I Feel Better And How Long Will It Take To Recover

The time it takes to recover and see the effects of Parkinson’s disease treatments depends strongly on the type of treatments, the severity of the condition and other factors. Your healthcare provider is the best person to offer more information about what you can expect from treatment. The information they give you can consider any unique factors that might affect what you experience.

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Is Parkinson’s Disease Or Stroke Fatal

Most people who have a stroke survive, but about 10% to 17% of people who have a stroke die from the stroke or from its complications. While Parkinson’s disease is not fatal, some individuals with severe Parkinson’s disease are very disabled because of the extreme movement problems.

Quantification Of Dopaminergic Neurons In Histological Sections

Parkinsonâs Disease â Advanced Neuro Rehab

Quantification of dopaminergic neurons was based on a previously described method . Dopaminergic neurons characterized by visible nuclei after hematoxylin staining and by entire neuronal somas positive for tyrosine hydroxylase were quantified under masked conditions in three sham-treated and five MCAO-treated animals per time point. The number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells was counted in both brain hemispheres in matching sets of coronal midbrain sections at2.90 mm,3.08 mm,3.26 mm, and3.44 mm relative to bregma, and the area of the substantia nigra was identified corresponding to areas depicted in figures 55 to 60 of a mouse brain atlas . The data was summarized for each group and hemisphere as mean tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells±standard deviation per section.

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Looking At Biomarkers To Predict Post

Physical therapist and researcher enjoys helping people optimize their function and overall health.

27 July 2022

Victor Ezeugwu. Photo supplied.

Victor Ezeugwu started his career in Nigeria, where he obtained an MSc in physical therapy. He earned his PhD in rehabilitation science and went on to a postdoctoral fellowship, both at the University of Alberta. He is now an assistant professor in physical therapy in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.To get to know him a little better, we asked Victor about his research and where he hopes to take it in the future.

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Why Does Modern Medicine Know This But Ignore It

Why dont we tackle the inflammation and toxins causes of those nerve cells continually dying in the substantia nigra?

My doctor told me: its cultural.

Most patients especially in western countries want a drug or a procedure for a problem.

Something thats a one-off fix like an operation.

Or an easy, regular thing like a course of tablets.

What they dont want to have to make an effort to heal themselves. So pills it is.

But most inflammatory diseases can be tackled more effectively by lifestyle changes than by drugs.

Whole classes of deadly modern illnesses can be changed by a small number of simple, targeted lifestyle tweaks.

But our medics push meds because they know that, mostly, their patients wont make lifestyle changes.

So they give their patients drugs knowing that theyll at least take them.

Frustratingly, the best solution addressing lifestyle factors isnt at all difficult. Its just that popping a pill is easier.

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Hospice Eligibility For Parkinsons Disease

Due to the progressive nature of Parkinsons disease, it can be challenging for families to know when their loved one is eligible for the support of hospice care. If a loved one has been diagnosed with six months or less to live or if they have experienced a decline in their ability to move, speak, or participate in the activities of daily living without caregiver assistance, it is time to speak with a hospice professional about next steps.

Treatment Of Vascular Parkinsonism

Rhythm exercise to speak and sing | Parkinson’s | Aphasia | Stroke | Brain Injury

The most commonly used medications for vascular Parkinsonism are L-dopa and amantadine. However, some people with Parkinsonism do not experience significant improvement with medication. Some stroke survivors who have vascular Parkinsonism can experience better muscle control with physical therapy. Often, safety measures need to be taken to avoid falls.

If you have already had recurrent strokes resulting in vascular Parkinsonism, you may be at risk of experiencing more strokes over the coming years if no action is taken to reduce your risk. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with vascular Parkinsonism, it is particularly important to follow up with your healthcare provider in order to prevent additional strokes. You should expect to have testing for stroke risk factors and medical treatment to reduce your risk of stroke.

There are also a number of lifestyle factors that can help reduce stroke risk, such as getting regular moderate exercise and quitting smoking if you smoke. Eating a healthy diet is also important.

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How Do I Take Care Of Myself

If you have Parkinsons disease, the best thing you can do is follow the guidance of your healthcare provider on how to take care of yourself.

  • Take your medication as prescribed. Taking your medications can make a huge difference in the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. You should take your medications as prescribed and talk to your provider if you notice side effects or start to feel like your medications aren’t as effective.
  • See your provider as recommended. Your healthcare provider will set up a schedule for you to see them. These visits are especially important to help with managing your conditions and finding the right medications and dosages.
  • Dont ignore or avoid symptoms. Parkinsons disease can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which are treatable by treating the condition or the symptoms themselves. Treatment can make a major difference in keeping symptoms from having worse effects.

What Is Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons disease is a condition where a part of your brain deteriorates, causing more severe symptoms over time. While this condition is best known for how it affects muscle control, balance and movement, it can also cause a wide range of other effects on your senses, thinking ability, mental health and more.

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Parkinson’s Disease Caused By Stroke: Vascular Parkinsonism

A stroke involving the substantia nigra or basal ganglia is called vascular Parkinsonism. Similar to other strokes, damage is caused primarily by a lack of blood supply to these regions of the brain. Generally, the strokes associated with Parkinsonism are termed small vessel strokes as they aren’t normally catastrophic. Diagnosis of small vessel strokes can be confirmed with diagnostic tests such as CT or MRI of the brain.

It typically takes several small strokes to produce the symptoms of vascular Parkinsonism. In some cases, small vessel strokes can also produce a type of dementia called vascular dementia. As such, it is not unusual for people who have vascular Parkinsonism to also have vascular dementia.

Preparation Of Mouse Brain Homogenates For Biochemical Analyses

LSVT BIG Treatment for Parkinsonâs Disease

For biochemical analyses brains were separated into ipsi- and contralateral hemispheres, snap-frozen on dry ice, and stored at80 °C. Brain samples were homogenized in ice-cold Ca2+- and Mg2+-free PBS in the presence of phosphatase and protease inhibitors by two 30-s cycles at 6500 rpm in a Precellys 24-Dual homogenizer to reach a final concentration of 10% . Total protein concentration was determined using the Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit .

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Virtual Reality Intervention To Help Improve Motor Function In Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation For Cerebral Palsy Parkinsons Disease Or Stroke: A Systematic Review Of Randomized Controlled Trials

July 30, 2021


Cite this article as:Amirthalingam J, Paidi G, Alshowaikh K, et al. Virtual Reality Intervention to Help Improve Motor Function in Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation for Cerebral Palsy, Parkinsons Disease, or Stroke: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Cureus 13: e16763. doi:10.7759/cureus.16763

What Are The Symptoms

The best-known symptoms of Parkinson’s disease involve loss of muscle control. However, experts now know that muscle control-related issues aren’t the only possible symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Motor-related symptoms

Motor symptoms which means movement-related symptoms of Parkinsons disease include the following:

Additional motor symptoms can include:

  • Blinking less often than usual. This is also a symptom of reduced control of facial muscles.
  • Cramped or small handwriting. Known as micrographia, this happens because of muscle control problems.
  • Drooling. Another symptom that happens because of loss of facial muscle control.
  • Mask-like facial expression. Known as hypomimia, this means facial expressions change very little or not at all.
  • Trouble swallowing . This happens with reduced throat muscle control. It increases the risk of problems like pneumonia or choking.
  • Unusually soft speaking voice . This happens because of reduced muscle control in the throat and chest.

Non-motor symptoms

Several symptoms are possible that aren’t connected to movement and muscle control. In years past, experts believed non-motor symptoms were risk factors for this disease when seen before motor symptoms. However, theres a growing amount of evidence that these symptoms can appear in the earliest stages of the disease. That means these symptoms might be warning signs that start years or even decades before motor symptoms.

Non-motor symptoms include:

Stages of Parkinsons disease

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The Miracolt Reproduces Natural Motion Patterns

The MiraColt is a therapeutic medical device designed to realistically reproduce the complex and natural three-dimensional motion patterns experienced when walking or when riding a horse. This simulated movement, during therapy, stimulates neural pathways and the muscular system by delivering carefully graded motor and sensory inputs.

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