Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Acupuncture Help Parkinson’s Disease

How Much Does It Cost

Tremor’s Parkinson’s disease – Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

If your chosen therapy isnt available on the NHS or HSC, you may have to pay. Costs for complementary therapies will vary, depending on the type of therapy you want, the length of the treatment and where you live.

At your first session the therapist will usually take a medical history and get to know you a bit better. As a result the first session may cost more than any follow-up sessions.

Practitioners usually recommend several treatment sessions. Before committing yourself to a course of treatment, make sure you ask about the cost.

You may also find it useful to ask when you can expect to feel any improvement and when to call it a day if you dont see the results youre hoping for.

Private health insurance may pay for some types of complementary therapy. Before you book a treatment session, ask your insurer if its covered by your policy and how to arrange payment.

Weve heard from many carers who have tried complementary therapies, some with very positive experiences. Again, its a personal choice.

If you care for someone with Parkinsons, its important to look after your own physical and mental health. You may find that complementary therapies are a good way to have time to yourself, reduce stress and do something you enjoy.

In some areas, the NHS, local councils and charities offer free or low-cost therapies to carers. Speak to your GP or a Parkinsons local adviser about whats available in your area.

Is Herbal Medicine Safe

You should always talk to your GP, specialist or Parkinsons nurse before taking herbal medicines or supplements in case they have serious side effects or interfere with your usual medication.

Some herbal medicines shouldnt be taken during pregnancy again, check with your GP.

Make sure your herbal medicine comes from a reliable source. In the past the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has found supplies of contaminated herbs. .

How Might Osteopathy Help

Osteopathy is commonly used for conditions caused by problems with the nerves, joints and muscles, such as back and neck problems, joint pain or injuries. NICE guidelines recommend that osteopathy be considered as a treatment for back pain.

Some osteopaths believe they can also help relieve general health problems such as asthma, jaw problems and painful periods. However there is no good evidence that this is true.

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Is Massage Therapy Safe

Massage therapy shouldnt hurt, although there may be some discomfort if pressure is applied to injured areas, or where your body is very tense.

Massage may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions, a history of blood clots, or weak or broken bones.

If you have wounds or bruises you should wait until these are healed before booking a massage appointment.

Massage therapists arent regulated by law, but they may register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

Study Shows Acupuncture Is Effective For Treating Parkinsons Disease

5 Best Natural Cure For Parkinsons Disease

Lee, S.-H., & Lim, S. . Clinical effectiveness of acupuncture on Parkinson disease: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 96, e5836.

Find an Acupuncturist to learn more about acupuncture and Oriental medicine!

About the Author: Vanessa Vogel Batt, L.Ac., MSTOM, studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, and practiced acupuncture and Oriental medicine in New York for several years. Vanessa enjoys traveling the world, and has published articles on acupuncture and Oriental medicine and related health topics for websites and publications in both the U.S. and abroad.

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How Might Herbal Medicine Help

Herbs are used for a wide variety of conditions. There is some evidence that certain herbs, like St Johns Wort, may help with depression and some skin conditions. But be aware that the herbal remedy St John’s Wort, which can be used for depression, is not recommended for people with Parkinson’s. This is because St Johns Wort can interact with your Parkinsons drugs.

St Johns Wort is also often mixed with other components to create different brands of the herbal remedy. This could increase the possibility of side effects and interactions.

Small trials have been carried out with plants commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve Parkinsons symptoms . More research is needed to establish conclusively whether herbs are helpful in the treatment of Parkinsons symptoms.

Parkinsons Disease Treatment 17 Facts You Should Know

Parkinsons Disease treatment Parkinsons Diet
  • No particular diet can treat Parkinsons illness or its side effects as such. But a solid and adjusted eating regimen can enhance general prosperity.
  • So eating foods grown from the ground may help keep you empowered and hydrated. Also, intake of Fiber-rich diet and liquids may ease the symptoms.
  • Levodopa is the commonly used medicine in Parkinsons Disease Treatment. It is also a protein building block. So it competes with other different proteins in food for absorption. Eating a high protein diet lessens the probability of absorbing levodopa properly. So one has to leave meat, fish, and cheese.
parkinsons disease treatment include more carbohydrates and vegetables
  • Eat more carbohydrates and vegetables. Taking medicine on a void stomach is good. But thirty minutes earlier or an hour after food is advisable. Because this enables the medication to assimilate quicker in the digestive tract. But a carbohydrate nibble with the drug is advisable. Because it will help to avert nausea.
  • Dopamine agonist medicines neednt require any dietetic change. The individuals who take MAO-B inhibitors ought to eat with control their diet. They should avoid foods high in tyramine. Because MAO-B inhibitors increase tyramine.
  • This can lead to increased blood pressure. So avoid cured or fermented meat and fish. Also avoid aged cheese, fermented cabbages, soybean products, red wine and tap beer.
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How Long Does Acupuncture Take To Deliver Positive Results

Acupuncture therapy will reduce the symptoms drastically after every treatment session. Experts do not know how long the treatment effects last in the long term even though it delivers effective results overall.

Overall, this essential tremor solution, Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments to restore health from tremors and other common conditions and diseases. In the clinical setting, acupuncture has seen marked therapeutic effects, reducing or eliminating the effects of hand tremors and maintaining an improved quality of life.

Hand Shaking Tremor Symptoms May Be Improved With Acupuncture

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Essential tremor often first affects the hands. The exact cause hasnt been discovered yet, even though scientists have been researching treatment for many years. There is, however, a relationship between Acupuncture and Essential Tremor. Uncontrollable shakiness, especially in the hands can be slowed down by Acupuncture.

Essential tremor is a neurological condition causing involuntary trembling with a rhythmic pattern. It is often more noticeable when affecting the hands, which is also the area that is usually affected first. Essential tremor progresses slowly and usually affects the hands, arms, head, larynx, tongue, and chin. Onset is typically gradual. Exacerbations of the condition may be triggered by lack of sleep, anxiety, fatigue, caffeine, and extreme temperatures.

Essential tremors are shown to affect approximately 1 percent of the general population, although that number increases to 5 percent in patients 65 years and older, which means it affects approximately 10 million people in the U.S. alone.

Conventional treatment of essential tremors, for are generally limited to lifestyle changes and medications. Drugs like Beta blockers, anti-epileptics, and electrical deep brain stimulations are the only routes of therapy that conventional medicine offers. These may or may not work, and sometimes come with undesirable side effects.

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Efficacy Of Acupuncture For Motor Symptoms

UPDRS III is the most commonly used score for measuring motor performance. An RCT with 15 participants conducted by Lei et al. evaluated improvement in motor performance due to electroacupuncture in 15 participants . They found that electroacupuncture significantly decreased UPDRS scores and improved gait speed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experiment using an objective task for evaluating the effects of acupuncture, which may provide rigorous evidence for evaluation of the efficacy of acupuncture. These results were in accordance with those of other studies by Cho et al. and Lee et al. . Only one study found no efficacy. A meta-analysis by Liu et al. that analyzed two RCTs with 240 participants did not found any efficacy of acupuncture in improving UPDRS scores . Their explanation was that the high heterogeneity influenced the reliability of the results .

Acupuncture For Parkinsons Disease

Acupuncture for Parkinsons Disease has been widely recognized as a leading solution for many patients. Parkinsons disease is an age-related progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Its clinical manifestation of motor symptoms includes bradykinesia, resting tremor, the rigidity of muscles and joints, gait and posture imbalance. Acupuncture can be used as a treatment to help to relieve some of the symptoms of Parkinsons. The non-motor symptoms of PD are found in the vast majority of patients with PD, consisting of autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric disturbance, sleep disorders , gastrointestinal symptoms and many others.

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Quality Assessment Of Included Studies

We assessed the quality of the included studies with a Jadad scale and an Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire .

The primary limitations of the included RCTs were small sample size and unreported adverse events. One progress compared with previous acupuncture studies was that placebo acupuncture was performed in four studies and objective behavioral assessment tool was used in one study Figure 1B.

The Complementary And Natural Healthcare Council

6 Medication

The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council was established with government support to regulate some therapies.

Therapies regulated by the Council include:

  • Alexander technique
  • report any side effects when they happen

When you find a therapist, here are a few questions you should ask:

  • What, if any, risks are associated with the treatment you offer and what steps will you take to prevent problems?
  • What professional organisations are you registered with?
  • How much does the treatment cost and how long will it last?

Finally, its important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with and who you like. This will help make your therapy more successful and enjoyable.

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How Might Bowen Technique Help

Bowen technique may be used for a range of physical and emotional conditions, including pain, muscular problems, stress and difficulties sleeping. There have been some small studies for its use in pain relief and stress, but a recent review of the evidence showed that more detailed studies were needed.

There have been no scientific studies to support the use of Bowen therapy in Parkinsons. However, people with Parkinsons have found it helpful.

How Might Feldenkrais Help

Studies show that Feldenkrais helps with balance and mobility. People also use it to find relief from tension and pain, to improve breathing and performance, and for general wellbeing. As yet, there have been few studies of the method specifically for the treatment of Parkinsons, but there are some indications that the method improves quality of life.

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What Are The Main Complementary Therapies Used By People With Parkinsons

The rest of this information looks at some complementary therapies you may find helpful. Please remember that although weve included them here, we cant recommend any particular therapy.

Our forum is also a great place to find out what people are trying and how they feel about different therapies.

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine. It involves a therapist inserting thin needles at particular points on your body.

Traditional practitioners believe that energy flows round the body through channels which, when blocked, can cause illness. The role of acupuncture is to unblock the channels.

Some scientists believe the needles act to stimulate muscles and nerves, which is what causes the effects.

Acupuncture needles are very fine so shouldnt cause a lot of pain. Your therapist will stimulate them manually using heat, pressure, electrical currents or laser light.

Contradictory Results And Plausible Reasons

Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncture for Parkinson’s Disease

In contrast, we found that one study reported non-meaningful changes in TH+ levels and contradicting results in another study , which reported that acupuncture is not effective in improving DA neuron protection. In a study by Yang et al., the authors reported that the number of TH+ neurons did not increase as a result of acupuncture treatment compared with PD models. However, this study did not have a normal control group and, as such, it is questionable whether a PD model was successfully established. Although C57/Bl6 mice are the most sensitive to MPTP, there are some cases in which models are not successfully induced . This illustrates why thorough controls, such as saline-injected normal mice, are needed for developing reliable rodent models. Therefore, it is doubtful whether their model would be appropriate to examine the effects of acupuncture in PD rodent models. In a study by Jia et al., changes in TH+ neurons were not meaningful but were partially restored. The study used 6-OHDA surgery-induced neuronal depletion model for development of PD. We found that the degree of neuronal deficit by 6-OHDA surgery was worse than neurotoxin injection . Such differences among models may also lower the degree of recovery effect of acupuncture . It also explains why the recent development of PD animal models remains arguable therefore, it is important to carefully examine studies using various models to induce PD to draw the appropriate conclusions.

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How Might Conductive Education Help

Some people find that conductive education helps to control the physical symptoms of Parkinsons, including tremor, rigidity and slowness of movement. By learning strategies which help overcome movement and other everyday problems, conductive education can increase feelings of confidence and independence.

Although conductive education is well established as a treatment for Parkinsons, there is little supporting medical evidence for its effectiveness.

Recommendations For Future Studies

Based on the recent acupuncture studies summarized here, we make several recommendations for future studies.

1. The quality assessments suggested that some studies were of low quality and some items provided inconsistent results in different studies. Thus, it is time to organize large, multicenter, well-designed RCTs to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture. Although many RCTs have provided evidence for the efficacy of acupuncture, flaws of methodology have reduced the value of the evidence. Acupuncture needs authoritative evidence to step into the mainstream of medical academia. Once acupuncture has been authoritatively proved to be efficacious and accepted by clinicians, it should be considered as a method of peripheral stimulation to treat PD . Peripheral stimulation has no surgical risks, which will greatly benefit PD patients in the world.

2. Objective assessments using novel computerized technologies, such as wearable devices, virtual reality, and augmented reality technologies and robot assistant technology, which can realize real-time, programmable, and safe measurements of the motor fluctuations in PD, should be developed and used in future acupuncture studies to provide more powerful evidence for the efficacy of acupuncture, since it may bring great revolutionary in the behavioral assessments in PD .

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Parkinsons Disease Vs Essential Tremor

The biggest difference between the Parkinsons disease and essential tremor is that essential tremor is shakiness in hands when you use your hands. Essential tremor is more prevalent with activity and Parkinsons disease related tremors worsen at rest. For example, when you drink, eat and hold anything, your hands shake. On the contrary, Parkinsons disease is often noticed in the hand while the hand is in resting position around the body.

So it is clear, following these two symptoms you can more easily recognize which disease you are dealing with. The good news is that acupuncture will help tremors from both causes.

Efficacy Of Acupuncture For Global Evaluation

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For global evaluation, we used the total UPDRS score and the Webster Scale. UPDRS is the most widely used scale for evaluation of the PD symptoms. The classic UPDRS has six parts: UPDRS I- mentation, behavior and mood Part IIactivities of daily life Part IIImotor evaluation Part IVcomplications of therapy Part Vstaging of severity of PD and Part VISchwab and England ADL scale. This is a clinician-report scale. Most items have scores ranged from 0 to 4 . The Webster Scale is another commonly used self-report scale, which is briefer than UPDRS. It has 10 items . The scores range from 0 to 3 . We found that all the measurements using the total UPDRS score showed good efficacy of acupuncture, regardless of whether the protocol acupuncture + classical treatment vs. classical treatment or acupuncture vs. classical treatment was used. A meta-analysis by Lee and Lim analyzed seven RCTs with 425 participants and found that the protocol acupuncture + classical treatment showed superior efficacy to classical treatment . These results are similar to those of Liu et al. from 11 RCTs with 831 participants = 1.15 95% CI, 1.63 to 0.67 P< 0.001] , of Noh from five RCTs with 407 participants , and of Lee from two RCTs with 60 participants .

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How To Treat Parkinsons Disease With Acupuncture And Tcm

Hand tremor or shaky hands, stiffness in limbs, trouble walking, or problems with balance? These may be signs of Parkinsons Disease . Parkinsons is a progressive neurological disorder that primarily affects the brain cells that produce dopamine. Integrative care with acupuncture treatment may help relieve symptoms of Parkinsons disease better than conventional treatments alone.

Parkinsons disease is a neurological disorder that causes damage and dysfunction in brain cells, so that communications between the brain and the body dont work the way they usually do. Sometimes a range of symptoms similar to those experienced by people with Parkinsons occurs due to small strokes that affect the blood supply to the brain. This condition is called vascular parkinsonism.

More than ten million people are currently living with Parkinsons disease worldwide. The chances of having PD increase with age, and men are more likely to have Parkinsons than women. Early onset Parkinsons can occur in people under 50. While it is often considered a movement disorder that causes hand tremors and other problems with mobility, Parkinsons disease can cause less obvious symptoms, too.

Top 10 Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease

  • Tremor a small, involuntary shaking movement occurs most often in the hands, but can also be in a finger or thumb, or the chin. Sometimes called static tremor or resting tremor.
  • Medical Parkinsons Treatment

    How Can Acupuncture Help Parkinsons?

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