Thursday, July 25, 2024

Parkinson’s And Bad Taste In Mouth

Inflammation Of The Lining Inside Of The Mouth

Idioms – Bad taste in my mouth

Mucositis is inflammation of the moist tissue lining the mouth and digestive tract. This tissue is called the mucous membrane. Mucositis is a common side effect of chemotherapy treatment. Doctors think that certain chemotherapy drugs, including methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil, trigger a complex pattern of biological changes that damage the cells that make up the mucous membranes. Mucositis causes painful swelling of the mouth and tongue and can lead to bleeding, pain, and mouth ulcers. The condition can make it difficult to eat.

You are more likely to develop mucositis after taking chemotherapy drugs if you drink alcohol, use tobacco, do not take care of your teeth and gums, are dehydrated, or have diabetes, HIV, or kidney disease.

Chemotherapy medicines that can cause mucositis include:

  • alemtuzumab
  • Streptomycin

Types Of Bad Breath And Their Causes

50 million people suffer from chronic halitosis in the US, but many dont seek help because theyre embarrassed. Thats a shame because although bad breath is often caused by oral problems, other bad breath causes are associated with other health problems. And bad breath can be a sign of serious disease.

Studies suggest 5-10% of bad breath causes are due to disease outside the mouth. Thats 2-5 million people whose bodies are warning them of a serious problem.

Home Remedies To Treat Metallic Taste

  • Baking Soda

To do away with the metallic taste, you can use a mix of toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to brush your teeth. This mixture can be used instead of toothpaste alone to eliminate the bad taste whenever it happens.

  • Salt Rinse

Mix one table spoon of salt in about 8 oz. of water to create a saltwater solution that can be effectively used to neutralize the pH level in your mouth and eliminate the weird taste in your mouth.

  • Vinegar Marinated Food Items

Tend to have food items that are marinated in vinegar quite often. These may include simple things like pickles. Having such food items quite often can help in the excess secretion of saliva that will help to wash off any bad taste that occurs.

  • Citrus Fruits

Make sure that you include a lot of citrus fruits in your daily diet. Fruits such as lemon and orange are known to boost saliva secretion, thus helping in fighting off germs and bacteria. This helps improve overall oral hygiene naturally and also cure metal mouth with ease.

  • Herbal Teas

Taking herbal tea on a daily basis may also be considered an effective solution to the problem. One may also drink milk mixed with honey to help cure the problem.

  • Yogurt

Fresh yogurt is alkaline in nature and thus, increases saliva secretion which aids in maintaining better oral hygiene.

  • Oil Pulling

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Preparation Of Taste Samples

Identical discs were cut from filter paper sheets . Twelve solutions, three for each basic tastant, were prepared with sterile deionised water and stored at room temperature. The paper discs were dipped into the sucrose , quinine hydrochloride , citric acid , or sodium chloride solutions until they were completely soaked. Another set of discs were soaked in deionised water only, to serve as control cues. The filter papers were allowed to dry at room temperature, packed in separate airtight envelopes, and stored at 4°C. The filter paper methodology was used instead of tastant solutions to avoid olfactory stimulation via the so-called retronasal route, which could be a confounding factor, as PD has been linked to early diminution of olfactory function.

A row of the “sweet”, “bitter”, “sour”, “salty”, and “water” discs was prepared for each participant 1 hour before the test and stored at room temperature. Each participant received and rated 13 different filter paper discs. The order of sample administration was counterbalanced across the subjects, although the “bitter” papers were always administered at the end. The 100 ml samples of chocolate and vanilla milk were prepared for each subject from commercially available ultra heat treated milk products . The same volume of deionised water was prepared as another control stimulus.

Trimethylaminuria Breath: Bad Breath Causes And Genetic Disease

Ch 2 ppt

An underdiagnosed disorder, known as TMAU or fish-odor syndrome, may affect as many as 1% of U.S. citizens. It causes a body odor and breath odor thats often described as fishy, but sometimes resembles rotting eggs, garbage, or urine.

This genetic disorder affects the ability to break down choline, leading to a buildup of trimethylamine. The fishy odor is excreted via sweat, urine, saliva, blood, and air exhaled through the mouth and nostrils. Patients with trimethylaminuria may need to eliminate or reduce their intake of high-choline foods such as broccoli, beans, eggs, legumes, kidney, and liver.

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Sour Taste In Mouth Treatment

The treatment of sour mouth or sour throat depends on the underlying causes. In general, the following medical treatment can help.

  • Identify the cause and abstain from all those things.
  • Antacid, Antihistamines and Decongestants medicines can help.
  • Menthol steam inhalation can help to get rid of sour taste in the mouth.
  • More About Taste Disorders

    Nightmares Or Night Terrors

    If you have ever woken up from a dream in a cold sweat, you know a nightmare or night terror is a horrific event. Many medications, especially those that might work in the brain, can cause abnormal or vivid dreams. For example, medications used to help patients quit smoking can cause nightmares:

    However, some smoking cessation studies have shown that after 12 weeks of use, close to half of users were able to quit smoking, so check with your doctor. You might be able to lower your dose to help with the dreaming side effect.

    And don’t forget, the serious side effects from smoking – chronic lung disease like COPD, lung cancer and possible death – is permanent.

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    Graphites For Foul Smell Like Burnt Hair

    Graphites is an excellent medicine to treat cases in which a person experiences a bad smell from the nose, as from burnt hair. They also have discharge of thick, yellowish, offensive mucus from nose and stoppage of nose. They may also have hard masses, dry scabs or crusts in the nostrils.

    For Increased Sensitivity to Smell

    Weird Taste In Your Mouth These Drugs Could Be The Cause

    Bad Taste in My Mouth- The Timbres

    First, a little reminder about taste. Our sensory system for taste is remarkably sensitive, made possible by our taste buds. Taste buds are each made up of taste receptor cells which bind to small molecules related to flavor. Through sensory nerves, the receptors relay the taste information to the brain and this allows us to discern five basic tastes .

    An unpleasant taste or lack of taste can affect appetite, and even lead to depression. If your taste buds dont seem right, rule out sinus or nasal issues, viral upper respiratory infections, or other common causes, then take a look at your meds.

    With certain medications, these changes in taste may occur:

    Bitter taste:

    • Stimulants used in the treatment of ADHD may cause a bitter taste in your mouth. Adderall and methylphenidate decrease the threshold for the bitter taste in your mouth, making you more sensitive to the perception that something is bitter.
    • Altitude sickness prevention in travelers can be overcome with Diamox which may also leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth.

    Metallic taste:

    Loss of sour taste:

    • Isotretinoin is used for the treatment of severe acne, and you may notice the loss of sour taste while taking it. Isotretinoin disrupts ion channels, leading to loss of sour taste.

    Persistent sweet, sour, salty, bitter or metallic taste :

    • Captopril, enalapril and lisinopril are ACE inhibitors used to lower blood pressure. They cause disrupted taste, likely by causing zinc deficiency.

    Dr O.

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    Side Effects Not Requiring Immediate Medical Attention

    Some side effects of carbidopa / levodopa may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects.

    Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:

    Less common

    • difficulty having a bowel movement
    • ear congestion
    • stomach discomfort, upset, or pain
    • unusual dreams
    • bad, unusual, or unpleasant taste
    • belching
    • hair loss or thinning of the hair
    • lack or loss of strength
    • redness of the face, neck, arms, and occasionally, upper chest
    • seeing double

    Silicea For Cases Of Chronic Cold And Sinusitis

    It is the next beneficial medicine for cases of diminished or loss of smell. Persons needing it usually have a tendency of chronic cold and also sinus inflammation / infection. The symptoms that they frequently have along with smell loss includes complete stoppage of nose, sore scabs in nostrils, fetid offensive green or yellow pus like nasal discharge and pain in forehead. They also have loss of taste along with smell loss.

    For Foul Smell from the Nose

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    When To See A Healthcare Professional

    A metallic taste in your mouth will often go away once the underlying cause has been treated, especially if the cause is temporary. You should contact your doctor if the bad taste persists.

    Your doctor will often refer you to an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

    An otolaryngologist may order a taste test to help determine the cause and extent of the taste disorder. Taste tests measure a persons response to different chemicals. Your doctor may also order imaging studies to look at your sinuses.

    Loss of taste can be a serious issue. Taste is important for identifying spoiled foods. It also helps you feel satiated after a meal. Distorted taste can lead to malnutrition, weight loss, weight gain, or depression.

    For those who must stick to certain diets, such as people with diabetes, distorted taste can make it challenging to eat the required foods. It can also be a warning sign of some diseases, including Parkinsons or Alzheimers diseases.

    Role Of Smell In The Pd Pathological Process And Relationship With The Microbiota

    Surprising Things That Can Change Your Taste Buds

    According to Braak’s model , the pathological process of PD starts at the same time in two sites, the olfactory bulb/anterior olfactory nucleus, and the enteric nerve cell plexuses. This pathogenic explanation is known as the dual-hit hypothesis. Constipation is actually another well-characterized, early prodromal manifestation of PD.

    The alfa-synuclein pathology spreads in a caudal-rostral fashion from the lower brainstem through mid- and forebrain, up to the cerebral cortex in the final stages. Always according to this hypothesis , a yet unknown pathogen could be responsible for this stereotypical sequential damage of the nervous system areas, accessing the Central Nervous System via the olfactory bulb and the myenteric plexus of the enteric nervous system . Those two sites are especially vulnerable due to their lack of a blood brain barrier , that surrounds the CNS . This alleged pathogen could trigger neurodegeneration through a prion-like diffusion of misfolded proteins along neural pathways, or by provoking neuroinflammation leading to degeneration .

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    Abnormal Tastes Sensation Causes

    Posted by Dr. Chris

    Taste is made possible by the taste buds although smell does play a part in perceiving tastes. The different types of taste receptors or taste buds to detect different tastes. The four primary tastes were considered as sour, salty, sweet and bitter but now umami taste is also considered as one of the primary tastes. The variations in tastes of different foods is due to a combination of taste sensations being triggered.

    Why Do I Have Dry Metallic Taste In Mouth

    There are a number of factors that the glands that produce saliva, called the salivary glands, may not work effectively. More often dry metallic taste in mouth issues consist of:

    • Side effects of some medications over 400 medications can cause dry mouth, including antihistamines, decongestants, pain medication, diuretics and medicines for high blood pressure and depression.
    • Disease illness that impact the salivary glands, such as diabetes, Hodgkins, Parkinsons disease, HIV/AIDS and Sjogrens syndrome, may lead to dry mouth.
    • Radiation therapy the salivary glands can be harmed if your head or neck are exposed to radiation during cancer treatment. The loss of saliva can be overall or partial, permanent or temporary.
    • Chemotherapy substance abuse to treat cancer can make saliva thicker, or ropey, triggering your mouth to feel dry.
    • Menopause altering hormone levels impact the salivary glands, often leaving menopausal and post-menopausal women with a persistent feeling of dry mouth.
    • Cigarette smoking numerous pipeline, stogie and heavy cigarette smokers experience dry mouth.

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    Lemna Minor For Cases With Nasal Polyps


    This medicine is most helpful for foul smell in the nose, in the presence of nasal polyps. There may be presence of nasal polyps in cases requiring it. Other than foul smell the symptoms to look for using it are stopped nose, discharge of a crust / pus like discharge from nose and frequent sneezing attacks.

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    Whats Causing Bad Smell In My Nose And How To Get Rid Of It

    There are times when bad smells emanate from your nose. If you are experiencing this condition then you are in the right place. Read further to know whats causing a bad smell in my nose and how to get rid of it?

    A lot of health conditions, most of which are linked with your sinuses, can trigger a rotten smell in the nose. However, most of these foul smells are temporary and not any sign of a serious or life-threatening condition. They might be indications that polyps or mucus are blocking your airways.

    You must understand this that if a bad smell is filling your nose, then you must look inward. To do this, you should take the help of your doctor who would examine your sinuses and throat to find out any clues for the unpleasant or bad smell in your nose.

    Calcarea Carb Due To Nasal Polyps And Frequent Cold

    It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of loss of smell from nasal polyps. Along with polyps a tendency to have frequent colds is also present in persons needing this medicine. They may have alternate nasal dryness and blocked nose with yellow offensive mucus. They may also have ulceration or scabs in the nostrils.

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    Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw

    Osteonecrosis of the jaw occurs when the jaw bone is exposed and begins to die from a lack of blood. The name of the condition is descriptive – osteo meaning bone and necrosis meaning death. Several drugs are linked with ONJ, including antiresorptive therapies that are ironically used to help prevent the loss of bone mass in diseases such as osteoporosis.

    Drugs such as:

    can lead to ONJ however, ONJ may also occur without any identifiable risk factors. Most cases of ONJ happen after a dental extraction in patients taking these drugs.

    What Causes Dry Mouth In People With Parkinson’s


    Dry mouth can be caused by several factors including:

    • Medications: Prescription and over the counter medicines are some of the most common causes of dry mouth. Reducing, stopping or changing certain medications can relieve dry mouth.
    • Age: Advanced age alone is not a cause of dry mouth but half of those over age 60 take multiple maintenance medications that can trigger it.
    • Medical conditions: Diabetes, Sjögrens Syndrome and Parkinson’s disease can all cause you to experience dry mouth.

    There are several connections between Parkinsons disease and dry mouth. Repeated swallowing consumes the available saliva that keeps the mouth moist. It is often related to the drugs used to manage PD, particularly anticholinergics. A physician may be able to change or adjust medications and dosages to reduce dry mouth.4

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    Dysgeusia Anorexia Dyspepsia Hiccups Nausea And Vomiting

    In uremic patients, dysgeusia commonly manifests as a metallic or a foul taste in the mouth. In addition, anorexia, dyspepsia, hiccups, nausea, and vomiting are frequent components of the uremic syndrome. Persistent vomiting may bring about dehydration , electrolyte disturbances, and wasting.8 With regard to therapy for nausea and vomiting, apart from dialysis, symptomatic improvement can be obtained with phenothiazines or metoclopramide, given either parenterally or rectally.

    In hemodialysis patients, maintaining a blood urea level above 50â¯mmol/L for periods of 7 to 90 days through the use of a urea-enriched dialysis solution can bring about vomiting.9 A rapid reduction of a very high blood urea level can lead to a constellation of manifestations known as the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome . Salient features of the syndrome include nausea and vomiting. DDS is believed to be the consequence of cerebral edema engendered by either the entry of water into brain cells during dialysis, secondary to the rapid decline in extracellular fluid osmolality, or by the induction of a dialysis-induced acidosis of the cerebrospinal fluid and of the brain.10

    Peter W. Schofield, Richard L. Doty, in, 2019

    How Does Chemotherapy Affect Your Taste

    Chemotherapy is known for causing a bitter, metallic or chemical taste in the mouth , with around half of people treated reporting taste changes.

    Some chemotherapy drugs are thought to damage the delicate cells in the lining of the mouth, while others can change the balance of bacteria in the mouth, leading to taste changes. Meanwhile, certain chemotherapy treatments are specifically known to cause a metallic taste you can talk to your medical team to find out whether your particular chemo treatment is likely to have this side effect.

    Its important to remember that taste changes caused by chemotherapy usually wear off around 3-6 weeks after your treatment has stopped.

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