Thursday, July 25, 2024

Nuplazid For Parkinson’s Disease

Is Nuplazid Safe To Use While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

Parkinson’s Drug Nuplazid Linked to Dangerous Side Effects

There are no data on Nuplazid use in pregnant women that would allow assessment of the drug-associated risk of major congenital malformations or miscarriage. In animal reproduction studies, no adverse developmental effects were seen when pimavanserin was administered orally to rats or rabbits during the period of organogenesis at doses up to 10- or 12-times the maximum recommended human dose of 34 mg/day, respectively. Administration of pimavanserin to pregnant rats during pregnancy and lactation resulted in maternal toxicity and lower pup survival and body weight at doses which are 2-times the MRHD of 34 mg/day.

There is no information regarding the presence of pimavanserin in human milk, the effects on the breastfed infant, or the effects on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mothers clinical need for Nuplazid and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from Nuplazid or from the underlying maternal condition.

How Can I Safely Stop Taking Nuplazid

You shouldnt stop taking Nuplazid without first talking with your doctor. This is because if you stop taking Nuplazid, your symptoms of Parkinsons disease psychosis may return. However, stopping Nuplazid shouldnt cause withdrawal symptoms.

If youre planning to stop your Nuplazid treatment, talk with your doctor about the best way to do so.

How Do People Describe Hallucinations And Delusions

  • Hallucinations may be described as:

  • Seeing things that others dont, such as people, either living or deceased, animals, or objects

  • Hearing things that others dont, such as hearing sounds, music, or voices

  • Smelling things that aren’t there, like unusual odors

  • Feeling something that isn’t there, like something touching or moving on the skin

  • Tasting something that isn’t there, like experiencing an unusual taste in the mouth

  • Delusions may be described as:

  • Paranoia, such as believing people are talking to you or trying to access your money

  • False beliefs, such as fears of your loved ones stealing from you, or loved ones putting you in harm’s way

  • Jealousy, such as believing a significant other is having an affair

  • Beliefs that insignificant remarks or statements refer to you

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    What Is The Controversy

    The usual review process of the FDA is long, eight years in most cases. Many critical patients die while they wait for a drug to be approved. FDA has often been criticized for this long and tedious review process. It is a government operation though this is not really surprising right?

    In 2012, Congress created the breakthrough therapy process in order to speed up the approval process. In this process, drugs that have been found to be more effective than those already on the market are approved sooner. Since 2012, nearly 200 drugs have been approved under this process.

    In the case of Nuplazid, the review was expedited under this process. Several families pleaded with the FDA to approve the drug quickly because it would control the symptoms of psychosis in their loved ones. The FDA committee voted 12-2 on this matter, approved the drug for the treatment of psychosis in Parkinsons disease based on the results of a six-week study involving 200 patients.

    The drug was released in 2016, and by 2017, the sales climbed to $125 million. However, the FDA now thinks that the drug was risky after all.

    In an analysis conducted by the Institute of Safe Medication Practices in November 2017, it was found that Nuplazid had little scientific evidence that its benefits outweighed its risks. The FDA had relied on a single clinical trial and used a non-validated scale and succeeded only after three previous failed attempts, before approving the drug.

    What Is Parkinsons Disease

    Hundreds of deaths possibly linked to Parkinson

    One of the most common degenerative neurological disorders in humans is Parkinsons disease. Although the disease has mostly been known to affect people above 50, it can also happen in younger people. Some of the most tell-tale signs of the disorder are due to gradual decline of the nerve cells in the section of the brain that controls bodily movements. Some of the first barely noticeable signs include muscle weakness, tingling in the limbs, trembling of hands at rest, or stiffness in one or more limbs.

    The trembling may start in one limb but it gradually spreads across the body, making muscles weaker and stiffer, movements slower, and deteriorating balance and coordination. Other issues such as depression, cognitive disorders set in as the disease progresses.

    The vast majority of people suffering from Parkinsons disease usually got the disease above the age of 50, but young-onset of the disease isnt uncommon. The disorder is slightly more common in men than in women. The worst part about the disease is that theres no cure.

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    About The Approval Process

    Several family members of loved ones with PD spoke to the FDA advisory committee and pleaded for Nuplazids approval, believing it could provide an end to their loved ones suffering. And while the FDA did approve the drug for marketing, some are questioning whether the clinical trial data was sufficient to prove efficacy and safety of Nuplazid.1

    The pivotal clinical trial to prove Nuplazids efficacy was a 6-week trial involving 199 patients who had hallucinations and/or delusions related to PD. The patients were randomly selected to receive either Nuplazid or a placebo . Those who received Nuplazid showed a greater decrease in the frequency and severity of their hallucinations and/or delusions compared to those receiving placebo.2

    Critics have noted that the scale used to determine the benefit was adapted to specifically measure the sorts of hallucinations and delusions that are experienced by those with PD-related psychosis. The modified scale hasnt been used in other trials, leading some to question whether the scale is valid.3

    Symptoms Of Pd Psychosis Can Get Worse Over Time12

    • Hallucinations with insight can progress to hallucinations without insight and delusions
    • Because patients commonly do not disclose their nonmotor symptoms, screening early for hallucinations and delusions may help identify psychosis earlier

    Hallucinations are abnormal perceptions without a physical stimulus that can involve any sensory modality.Delusions are false, fixed, idiosyncratic beliefs that are maintained despite evidence to the contrary.3

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    Widening The Patient Pool

    In the weeks after the Institute for Safe Medication Practices issued its report on the deaths, Acadias stock price dropped by more than 20%. While many large investors remain bullish about the stock, some investment analysts have made public records requests to the FDA for the death reports.

    Currently, Nuplazid can cost nearly $100 a day, according to wholesale pricing data from First Databank. That can add up to more than $30,000 a year for a single patient, though the amount a patient actually pays depends on factors including individual insurance coverage.

    Acadia expects sales of Nuplazid to at least double this year.

    The company, meanwhile, is forging ahead with clinical trials in an attempt to get the medication approved for use in a larger patient population: patients who have dementia-related psychosis. In October, the FDA granted its coveted breakthrough designation for this potential use as well, meaning it will also undergo a speedier review process.

    While a doctor can legally prescribe a drug for any reason, insurance companies may not approve it for uses that are not FDA-approved. So FDA approval to treat dementia patients would likely result in Nuplazid being prescribed to a much wider population, concerned medical experts told CNN.

    That is something they should absolutely not do given these unanswered questions about risk.

    Psychosis In Parkinsons Disease


    Parkinsons disease is an acute neurodegenerative disorder caused by the degeneration of neurons in the primary motor cortex or M1 region of the brain.

    PDP is a debilitating disorder that occurs in approximately 40% of patients with PD.

    PDP is characterised by the occurrence of hallucinations and delusions, which can be a burden to PD patients as it affects their quality of life.

    According to estimates by the National Parkinson Foundation, approximately one million people in the US and between four and six million people worldwide are affected by PDP.

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    Nuplazid And Herbs And Supplements

    St. Johns wort, a supplement that is often used for depression, may interact with Nuplazid. You shouldnt take St. Johns wort during your Nuplazid treatment.

    Nuplazid is broken down by a protein in your liver called CYP3A4. St Johns wort is a CYP3A4 inducer, which means it makes this protein work faster than usual. Taking St. Johns wort with Nuplazid could make your body break down Nuplazid too quickly. This may make Nuplazid less effective.

    Before starting Nuplazid, talk with your doctor or pharmacist about any supplements or herbs that youre taking. They can tell you if the supplements or herbs are safe to take with Nuplazid.

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    Pimavanserin Demonstrates Durability Of Efficacy In Parkinson Psychosis

    For patients treated with pimavanserin in investigational doses of 8.5 mg or 17 mg in the previous studies, further improvement was observed during the open-label extension with 34-mg pimavanserin.

    Recently released data from an open-label extension efficacy analysis showed that treatment with 34-mg pimavanserin had a sustained efficacy response in patients experiencing hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson disease psychosis .1

    The OLE included patients with PDP who had previously completed 1 of 3, 6-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies . Of the 459 patients enrolled in the OLE, 424 had a week 4 efficacy assessment.

    Symptoms of psychosis were measured on subscales of the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms . In the overall population, the mean change from OLE baseline to OLE week 4 for the SAPS-PD score was -1.8 denoting improvement. Additionally, scores among patients who switched from placebo to 34-mg pimavanserin improved as well .

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    Patients who had been treated with investigational doses of 8.5 mg and 17 mg also showed an improvement in the symptoms of psychosis when switched to 34-mg pimavanserin over the 4 weeks of the OLE.

    Mean SAPS Hallucinations + Delusions domain scores decreased from OLE baseline to OLE week 4 in the overall population , in those receiving prior placebo .


    Contact A Nuplazid Representative



    • Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death.
    • NUPLAZID is not approved for the treatment of patients with dementia-related psychosis unrelated to the hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinsons disease psychosis.
    • Contraindication: NUPLAZID is contraindicated in patients with a history of a hypersensitivity reaction to pimavanserin or any of its components. Rash, urticaria, and reactions consistent with angioedema have been reported.
    • Warnings and Precautions: QT Interval Prolongation

    • NUPLAZID prolongs the QT interval. The use of NUPLAZID should be avoided in patients with known QT prolongation or in combination with other drugs known to prolong QT interval including Class 1A antiarrhythmics or Class 3 antiarrhythmics, certain antipsychotic medications, and certain antibiotics.

    • NUPLAZID should also be avoided in patients with a history of cardiac arrhythmias, as well as other circumstances that may increase the risk of the occurrence of torsade de pointes and/or sudden death, including symptomatic bradycardia, hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia, and presence of congenital prolongation of the QT interval.

    • Adverse Reactions: The common adverse reactions were peripheral edema , nausea , confusional state , hallucination , constipation , and gait disturbance .

    NUPLAZID is available as 34 mg capsules and 10 mg tablets.

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    History Of Parkinsons Disease

    Although Parkinsons disease has been most popular in modern times, it has existed since time immemorial. The earliest references to the disease can be traced back to the 12th century BC, when an Egyptian papyrus mentioned a drooling king. The Bible also has a few mentions of tremors much like those who suffer from Parkinsons disease.

    Even earlier, in the 10th century BC, an Ayurvedic medical essay described a disease that caused tremors, stopped movement, and other symptoms associated with Parkinsons disease. Greek physician Galen also described the disease as one that caused tremors, changes in posture, and paralysis.

    In this century, there were no other references to the disease or its symptoms after the descriptions by Galen. The descriptions started again in the 17th century, with several authors writing about characteristics related to the disease.

    Dutch physician and scientist Franciscus Sylvius, on similar lines as Galen, differentiated between tremors at rest and other tremors, while German physician and chemist Hieronymus David Gaubius described the signature gait in Parkinsons disease by the term festination.

    In the same century, Scottish surgeon and scientist John Hunter thoroughly described the disease. One of the final mentions in the 17th century was by French pathologist Auguste François Chomel, and it included several descriptions of the characteristics of the disease, such as abnormal movements and rigidity.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Nuplazid

    What are hallucinations and delusions?

    Hallucinations and delusions are common symptoms of psychosis in people with Parkinson’s disease and can affect daily living. Hallucinations are when you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things that aren’t actually there. Delusions are unreasonable or irrational thoughts and beliefs about things that aren’t real. Nuplazid helps lessen the severity or frequency of these symptoms in people with Parkinson’s disease. However, Nuplazid isn’t recommended for older people who have dementia-related psychosis because it can lead to death.

    What causes hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s disease?

    Although the exact cause is unknown, there are two reasons that might explain where hallucinations and delusions come from in people with Parkinson’s disease. Firstly, people with Parkinson’s disease usually take medications that contain dopamine, which helps treat motor symptoms of the disease, such as tremor, rigidity, and balance problems. But higher levels of dopamine can lead to hallucinations and delusions. Secondly, changes in the brain in people with Parkinson’s disease, whether they take medications or not, might also lead to hallucinations and delusions.

    How long does it take for Nuplazid to work?

    You should notice your hallucinations and delusions lessen in 4 weeks, but most people notice the full effects by 6 weeks. You should continue to take this medication exactly as prescribed to you by your healthcare provider.

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    Fda Approves Acadia Pharmaceuticals Nuplazid

    U.S. Commercial Launch Planned for June 2016

    An Estimated 40 Percent of Parkinsons Disease Patients Have Psychosis

    Conference Call Scheduled on

    —-Apr. 29, 2016– ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. , a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative medicines to address unmet medical needs in central nervous system disorders, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved NUPLAZID for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinsons disease psychosis. In 2014, the FDA designated NUPLAZID as a Breakthrough Therapy for this condition.

    This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:

    NUPLAZID bottle

    Todays approval of NUPLAZID represents a major paradigm shift in the treatment of Parkinsons disease psychosis, said Michael S. Okun , M.D., Medical Director of The National Parkinson Foundation. Through its novel and selective mechanism of action, NUPLAZID is a breakthrough treatment that works in a whole new way – treating hallucinations and delusions without blocking dopamine receptors and, therefore, not impairing motor function in Parkinsons psychosis patients.

    Clinical Data

    Introducing NUPLAZIDconnect Patient Access and Support Services

    NUPLAZID is an atypical antipsychotic indicated for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinsons disease psychosis.

    Conference Call

    The First Drug Approved For The Treatment Of Hallucinations And Delusions Associated With Parkinsons Disease Psychosis Is Now Available Through Nuplazidconnect Patient Access And Support Services

    Hallucinations with Parkinson’s

    The American Parkinson Disease Association is pleased to share the news that ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative medicines to address unmet medical needs in central nervous system disorders, announced earlier this week that they have established NUPLAZIDconnect, a comprehensive program that provides access assistance to patients, their care partners, and physicians, as well as financial assistance to those patients who qualify.

    ACADIA is committed to ensuring that patients in the United States who are prescribed NUPLAZID are able to access the medicine and receive the ongoing support they may need. NUPLAZID is available through a specialty pharmacy network. Patients and physicians can access information about NUPLAZID and NUPLAZIDconnect by visiting or calling 844-737-2223.

    If you are a person with Parkinsons or a family member with questions please contact APDA at 800-223-2732.

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    Fda Warning: Increased Risk Of Death In Adults With Dementia

    This drug has a boxed warning . This is the most serious warning from the Food and Drug Administration . A boxed warning alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

    Older adults with psychosis related to dementia may have a higher risk for death when taking antipsychotic drugs such as Nuplazid. This drug should not be used in people with dementia-related psychosis thats not related to Parkinsons disease psychosis.

    This Antidepressant May Be No Better Than Cheaper Alternatives But Demand Could Soon Soar

    Nuplazid, if given the FDA go-ahead, would undoubtedly cost far more than existing antipsychotics, which are mostly used to treat schizophrenia and are available as generics. In the pivotal trial behind Acadias marketing application, Nuplazid showed only modest improvements over placebo, and was tested in a way that makes it difficult to compare against other treatments.

    Physicians involved in the trial stand by the drug, nonetheless.

    Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas, said he was struck by some of the patients dramatic responses.

    Of course, families will also respond to placebos, and thats why we dont approve drugs based on anecdotal reports, said Cummings, who has taken consulting fees from Acadia. But when families are saying this really made a difference for his life and our lives together, for me it was a pretty impressive study.

    Parkinsons psychosis usually occurs in the latter stages of the disease, and generally involves nonthreatening visual hallucinations. Cynthia Hatfield, a 72-year-old former banker living in Westerly, R.I., several times a week sees a calico cat resembling one shed actually owned many years ago, and which her children named Mushroom. For years, her hallucinations included a menagerie of small animals.

    Chipmunks and little squirrels and cats, and a little mouse would come out every once in a while, she said. I actually enjoy seeing them.

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