Intersection Of Gut Microbiota And Parkinson’s Disease
There are currently approximately 1000 ubiquitous species in the human gut, reaching a total number of 3.8âÃâ1013., Mammals have a complex symbiotic relationship with their gut microbiota. Host-secreted microRNAs are non-coding RNA molecules that participate in transcription. Recent studies have found that miRNAs could conduct intercellular translocation through gap-cell contact or exosome release, and then enter bacterial cells and regulate growth behavior and bacterial gene transcripts. For example, miRNA-146A, -miRNA-515-5p, and HSA-miRNA-1226-5p were verified to correlate with the abundance of Listeria, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Escherichia coli , respectively., In addition, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were presumed to have the highest potential target site of miRNA. Meanwhile, several miRNA-targeted proteins were involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis and biofilm formation pathways of various pathogenic bacteria in the pathogenesis of PD. In turn, bacterial infections, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori , and Salmonella enterica, also regulated host miRNA expressions and thereby host immune function. These results suggest that there might be crosstalk between host and symbiotic bacteria.
Gut microbiota are involved in the metabolism and immune regulation of the host. Based on the critical role of metabolism and immunity in the development of PD, we summarized three intersections of PD pathogenesis and intestinal microbiota changes.
A Potent Weapon Against Parkinsons
Despite the intuitive appeal of simply replacing dead or damaged cells to treat neurodegenerative disease, the challenges for successfully implanting viable neurons to restore function are formidable. Many technical hurdles had to be overcome before researchers, including Kordower, could begin achieving positive results, using a class of cells known as stem cells.
The interest in stem cells as an attractive therapy for a range of diseases rapidly gained momentum after 2012, when John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka shared the Nobel Prize for their breakthrough in stem cell research. They showed that mature cells can be reprogrammed, making them pluripotentor capable of differentiating into any cell type in the body.
These pluripotent stem cells are functionally equivalent to fetal stem cells, which flourish during embryonic development, migrating to their place of residence and developing into heart, nerve, lung, and other cell types, in one of the most remarkable transformations in nature.
Providing New Life And New Options For People Suffering From Parkinsons
- If you are open to natural options for healing and halting the progression of Parkinsons disease in your life.
- If you already realize the limitations of current medical care for Parkinsons disease and the devastating effects of many Parkinsons drugs.
- If you are ready to experience your own remarkable recovery potential with scientifically based nutrition.
Then you are going to love Parkinsons Scientifically Based Nutrition Clinic.
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Tantalizing New Studies Point To A Potential Treatment
Parkinsons is a remorseless, incurable disease that causes stiffness, tremors, difficulty walking, and depression. People suffering from the disease have a loss of nerve cells in an area of the mid-brain called the substantia nigra. Latin names always sound impressive, but this one just means black stuff.” When you dissect it, the substantia nigra looks like an ink stain unless theres Parkinsons, and then its as pale as the surrounding tissue. Thats due to the loss of neurons that produce dopamine. As a consequence of this die-off, Parkinsons patients have a deficit of dopamine in the mid-brain.
Jacking up levels of dopamine can help, but like most neurotransmitters dopamine cant cross the blood-brain barrier. That means that you cant simply pop a dopamine pill. Instead, in the 1960s, Arvid Carlsson found that a precursor to dopamine, called L-dopa, could cross the blood-brain barrier and help with symptoms of Parkinsons. Its not a perfect drug. The stereotypical motions of many Parkinsons patients, called dyskinesia, are due to L-dopa, not the disease. It is difficult to properly calibrate the dosage, and patients often teeter between catatonia and dyskinesia.
Hi Im Dr Annette Cargioli
Ive been a practicing holistic doctor for nearly 30 years. Theres not a lot out there that isnt been there, done that for me, until I studied Dr. Marty Hinzs scientific evidence based research for stopping symptoms and disease progression of Parkinsons disease.
Dr. Marty Hinz, M.D. has developed the only scientifically nutrition based protocol clinically proven to eliminate all symptoms of Parkinsons and stop the progression of the disease.
I started using Dr. Hinzs protocols in my practice 11 years ago to successfully get adults and children off SSRIs and ADHD meds. When Dr. Hinz discovered the remarkable benefits of the same nutrition used for Parkinsons, I read about it in his research updates. Even though I knew Dr. Hinz was supposedly helping people with Parkinsons I still couldnt get my head around the same protocols I was using for depression/anxiety and ADHD could possibly help Parkinsons.
It was only after my sister was diagnosed with Parkinsons that I seriously thought I needed to learn moreand even then I came with a great deal of skepticism. I dont know anyone else who claims to actually put Parkinsons in remission.
I also have a 24 year old son who has had hand tremors since he was little. He is currently in med school and we started him on the Parkinsons protocol His tremors have decreased so that they are no longer noticeable and most of the time they are nonexistent.
Yes! Im ready to get started today!
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Hope In Progress: American Parkinson Disease Association Supports Researchers With $235 Million In New Funding
From genetic mutations to augmented reality, APDA-funded researchers delve into cutting-edge Parkinson’s research in pursuit of answers
NEW YORK, September 08, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — The American Parkinson Disease Association has just awarded $2.35 million to support cutting-edge Parkinson’s disease research for the 2022-2023 funding year an increase of more than 25 percent from the prior year. The funded research projects will explore a range of important and innovative topics including: understanding the molecular underpinnings of anxiety in PD, probing the role of DNA damage in genetic mutations in PD, testing of augmented reality in the treatment of freezing of gait, and more. APDA focuses on investing in the most promising clinicians and scientific projects focused on discovery of the cause and finding the cure for Parkinson’s disease and has been a funding partner in many major PD scientific breakthroughs since the organization began.
Grants for the year ahead have been awarded in the form of four Post-Doctoral Fellowships, thirteen Research Grants, one Diversity in Parkinson’s Disease Research grant, eight APDA Centers for Advanced Research, and one George C. Cotzias Memorial Fellowship, APDA’s most prestigious award.
The 2022-2023 APDA Research Grants
Gary Ho, MD, PhD — Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston MA
Erin Foster, PhD — Washington University, St, Louis, MO
# # #
Eloise Caggiano, American Parkinson Disease Association , 718-737-8151,
What Does The Implant Do
It mimics how the brain sends electrical pulses to muscles and stimulates the regulator in the brain that senses the need to send more blood when people stand up. Although right now the researchers only have a single successful case, the treatment does offer much hope for those affected by the devastating conditions of Parkinson’s. Still, more studies need to be conducted on the spinal cord implant to surface more possibilities for the treatment.
Orthostatic hypotension is a cardinal feature of multiple-system atrophy. The upright posture provokes syncopal episodes that prevent patients from standing and walking for more than brief periods. We implanted a system to restore the regulation of blood pressure and enable a patient with multiple-system atrophy to stand and walk after having lost these abilities because of orthostatic hypotension. This system involved epidural electrical stimulation delivered over the thoracic spinal cord with accelerometers that detected changes in body position. .
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What Will A Cure For Parkinson’s Look Like
Parkinson’s varies so much from person to person. There are over 40 symptoms of Parkinsons. Tremor. Pain. Hallucinations. Everyones experience is different.
Because of this, there may not be a single ‘cure’.
Instead, we may need a range of different therapies to meet the needs of the individual and their specific form of the condition.
This mix may include treatments, therapies and strategies that can:
- slow or stop the progression of the condition
- replace or repair lost or damaged brain cells
- control and manage particular symptoms
- diagnose Parkinson’s at the earliest possible stage.
And this could involve medical treatments, such as drugs and surgical approaches, as well as lifestyle changes, for example to diet and exercise.
Advanced And Future Treatments For Parkinsons
While theres no cure for Parkinsons disease, recent research has led to improved treatments.
Scientists and doctors are working together to find a treatment or prevention technique. Research is also seeking to understand who is more likely to develop the disease. In addition, scientists are studying the genetic and environmental factors that increase the chance of a diagnosis.
Here are the latest treatments for this progressive neurological disorder.
In 2002, the FDA approved deep brain stimulation as a treatment for Parkinsons disease. But advances in DBS were limited because only one company was approved to make the device used for the treatment.
In June 2015, the FDA approved the
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A Passion For The Brain
At first, he may not have been the eager student in the first row in medical school, but Maurizio Facheris, M.D., had known he was interested in science, genetics and biology since high school. The Italian-born doctor believed that medicine allowed him to combine those interests with helping others. Initially, he thought his calling was as a cardio surgeon, but learning about the heart didnt evoke the passion he felt when he sat in a different lecture. That lecture was about the brain.
For neurology, it was such a fascinating topic. Everything we feel and what we process comes from the brain, Facheris says. Its not really your gut. Its the brain and a bunch of neurotransmitters that create a thought, a feeling, or a movement. I just fell in love.
For the first time, Facheris says, he was in the front row. Later, during his medical residency in Milan, Italy, he took interest in neurodegenerative disease research, Parkinsons specifically. Parkinsons disease is a neurodegenerative disorder where neurons in the brain lose their ability to produce dopamine, which leads to muscular rigidity, tremors and slowness of movement.
New Medicines And Other Treatments Are Bettering The Lives Of Those With Pd
Last year, the Journal of Parkinsons Disease noted that there were more than 100 clinical trials underway around the world treatments and even preventative therapies for those suffering from the type of movement disorder. But medication is not the only way to treat this disease, there is also something known as Deep brain stimulation , and its a powerful tool thats available at West Jefferson Medical Center. DBS involves the placement of a small device in the upper chest area of the body, known as a pulse generator, that is then connected by a thin wire to the area of the brain not properly functioning. Once everything is in place, and the pulse generator is activated, which takes place in a doctors office a few weeks after the initial surgery, the pulse generator becomes that source of energy your body needs to move normally it essentially takes over the role of the damaged Dopaminergic neurons in the brain.
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New Perspectives On Parkinsons Disease
You dont have to be a neuroscientist to identify a neuron. Such cells, with their branching arbor of axons and dendrites are instantly recognizable and look like no other cell type in the body. Through their electrical impulses, they exert meticulous control over everything from heart rate to speech. Neurons are also the repository of our hopes and anxieties, the source of our individual identity.
Degeneration and loss of dopaminergic neurons causes the physical symptoms of rigidity, tremor, and postural instability, which characterize Parkinsons disease. Additional effects of Parkinsons disease can include depression, anxiety, memory deficit, hallucinations and dementia.
Due to an aging population, humanity is facing a mounting crisis of Parkinsons disease cases, with numbers expected to swell to more than 14 million globally by 2040. Current therapies, which include use of the drug L-DOPA, are only able to address some of the motor symptoms of the disease and may produce serious, often intolerable side effects after 5-10 years of use.
There is no existing treatment capable of reversing Parkinsons disease or halting its pitiless advance. Far-sighted innovations to address this pending emergency are desperately needed.
Researchers Hope That One Day The Test Could Be Rolled Out Across The Nhs
Scientists have harnessed the power of a womans hyper-sensitive sense of smell to develop a test to determine whether people have Parkinsons disease.
The test has been years in the making after academics realised that Joy Milne could smell the condition.
The 72-year-old from Perth, Scotland, has a rare condition which gives her a heightened sense of smell.
She noticed that her late husband Les developed a different odour when he was 33 some 12 years before he was diagnosed with the disease, which leads to parts of the brain become progressively damaged over many years.
Mrs Milne, dubbed the woman who can smell Parkinsons described a musky aroma, different from his normal scent.
We’re talking about being able to refer people in a timely manner to the right specialism and that will be transformativeProfessor Perdita Barran
Her observation piqued the interest of scientists who decided to research what she could smell, and whether this could be harnessed to help identify people with the neurological condition.
Years later, academics at the University of Manchester have made a breakthrough by developing a test which can identify people with Parkinsons disease using a simple cotton bud run along the back of the neck.
Researchers can examine the sample to identify molecules linked to the disease to help diagnose whether someone has the disease.
If the new skin swab is successful outside laboratory conditions it could be rolled out to achieve faster diagnosis.
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What New Treatments Are Being Developed
Thanks to the progress we’ve already made, new treatments are being tested in clinical trials that have the potential to slow, stop or even reverse Parkinson’s.
These include:
- Stem cell therapies. These aim to use healthy, living cells to replace or repair the damage in the brains of people with Parkinson’s.
- Gene therapies. These use the power of genetics to reprogramme cells and change their behaviour to help them stay healthy and work better for longer.
- Growth factors . These are naturally occurring molecules that support the growth, development and survival of brain cells.
And we’re developing treatments that aim to improve life with the condition, including new drugs that can reduce dyskinesia.
New Hope In The Fight Against Parkinsons Disease
- New York, NY
Its estimated that about a million people in the U.S. are living with Parkinsons the progressive nervous system disorder is debilitating and has no cure. Melissa Hahn and her father, Edward Hahn, are thankful for the new technology allowing them to enjoy lifes simple pleasures. Both are living with Parkinsons Disease. Melissa was taking more than ten pills each day and had severe tremors and cramping when she decided brain surgery was her only option. Last summer, the 41-year-old underwent deep brain stimulation or DBS, at The Mount Sinai Hospital. In essence, thats a pacemaker for the brain, said Brian Kopell, MD, professor of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroscience, psychiatry, and director of the Center of Neuromodulation at the Mount Sinai Health System. While DBS has a long history, Dr. Kopell is using the latest technology approved by the FDA. During surgery, leads are implanted that deliver electrical impulses to control Parkinsons symptoms. Weeks later, the stimulation is fine-tuned using an iPad. Melissa and her father are now enjoying activities they thought they would never do again. Both still take medication, but only a fraction of the pills they once relied on. Their only regret is not getting the surgery sooner.
– Brian Kopell, MD, Professor, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Neurology, Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Director, Center of Neuromodulation at Mount Sinai Health System
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Designer Neurons Offer New Hope For Treatment Of Parkinsons Disease
The scientists identified a key protein in flies, and also in mice, which plays a protective role against this disease and could be a new therapeutic target.
Neurodegenerative diseases damage and destroy neurons, ravaging both mental and physical health. Parkinsons disease, which affects over 10 million people worldwide, is no exception. The most obvious symptoms of Parkinsons disease arise after the illness damages a specific class of neuron located in the midbrain. The effect is to rob the brain of dopaminea key neurotransmitter produced by the affected neurons.
In new research, Jeffrey Kordower and his colleagues describe a process for converting non-neuronal cells into functioning neurons able to take up residence in the brain, send out their fibrous branches across neural tissue, form synapses, dispense dopamine and restore capacities undermined by Parkinsons destruction of dopaminergic cells.
The current proof-of-concept study reveals that one group of experimentally engineered cells performs optimally in terms of survival, growth, neural connectivity, and dopamine production, when implanted in the brains of rats. The study demonstrates that the result of such neural grafts is to effectively reverse motor symptoms due to Parkinsons disease.
The work is supported through a grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
The new study describes the implantation of induced pluripotent stem cells to replace dopamine-producing neurons destroyed by Parkinson’s disease.
New Hope For Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: Targeting Gut Microbiota
Hong-Xia Fan
Laboratory Animal Center and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Ministry of Education and Joint International Research Laboratory of Ethnomedicine of Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Guizhou Province, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou, China
Shuo Sheng
Laboratory Animal Center and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Ministry of Education and Joint International Research Laboratory of Ethnomedicine of Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Guizhou Province, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou, China
Laboratory Animal Center and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Ministry of Education and Joint International Research Laboratory of Ethnomedicine of Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Guizhou Province, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou, China
Feng Zhang, Laboratory Animal Center and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Ministry of Education and Joint International Research Laboratory of Ethnomedicine of Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Guizhou Province, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou, China.
Hong-Xia Fan
Shuo Sheng
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