Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Laser Cane For Parkinson’s Disease

The Story Behind The Lasercue

Laser Cane for Parkinsons-Disease A14955

We were inspired to design the LaserCue by Michael J. Fox. He encouraged us to make a version of our LaserCane® that can be retrofitted to any cane so you can benefit from this technology while using the cane of your choice. Through our collaboration we have created the LaserCue module that allows you to enjoy an easier stride, while choosing a cane to fit your needs and personalityfrom classy to bold, wood or metal.

We are proud that with every purchase of the LaserCue, a donation is made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for helping in finding a cure for Parkinsons disease.

This is a breakthrough product for Parkinsons patients with freezing issues. I use it often and it always works great. I really think that this product could change and possibly even save lives.

-Michael J. Fox

Laser Cueing Has Been Proven Effective in Clinical Research

This study identified that the LaserCane was the most effective cueing device for people with Parkinsons disease compared to the other interventions tested.

Allied Health Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

The current study demonstrates that adding a laserlight visual cue to a cane or walker can lead to a modest reduction in FOG and may substantially reduce the frequency of falls in PD patients with FOG .

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, USA.

What is the LaserCue?

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The In Step Lasercane

This is achieved through the In Step LaserCane, which is one of the only canes on the market that projects a red line onto the floor, providing a goal for the user to walk toward. It only requires two AA batteries to power the laser function.

The In Step LaserCane is useful especially for people with Parkinsons, but can also help rehabilitate stroke recovery patients and assist people with ALS, abnormal gait and similar issues.

Dont let Parkinsons disease hold you back. Walking independence can be achieved just like other things in life one step at a time!

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Who Can Use It

This high-quality In-step LserCane is designed for people suffering from gait problem due to Parkinsons disease. The cane is also useful for those suffering from ALS, stroke or other brain conditions. Even if you dont have any of the above-mentioned illness and simply want to improve your stride length, the In-step lasercane is a good choice for you.

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How To Use It

The In-step LaserCane is very easy and safe to use. Its not different in any aspect from other normal cane when it comes to use it for walking. Simply put pressure on the cane, takes a step over the laser beam line, pick the cane up off the ground and moves it forward, and take the next step. Its that simple to use.

It is very light and you will feel like using a normal stick. Plus, you can easily adjust the height according to your comfort. This is just another reason this cane is so convenient and a must have if you have an abnormal gait pattern.

The cane is powered by two AA batteries, which are easily replaceable and last for half a year.

Wheelchairs: Choosing The Right One

Easy Walk

As PD advances, a wheelchair may become a necessity. It is important to know what to look for when picking the chair and who on your comprehensive care team can help you make this decision.Here are a few tips to guide you through the process:

  • Schedule an appointment with your occupational or physical therapist to find out which chair best meets your needs.
  • Check with your insurance company to learn about covered services in your plan. Not all wheelchairs will be covered.
  • Try to pick a lightweight wheelchair, as they are easier to lift in and out of the car. Depending on your needs and your caregiver situation, you might want a wheelchair with more features for the home and a lighter, even foldable, wheelchair for travel.
  • Choose a reclining chair back, which is helpful if making posture changes, have low blood pressure or need to rest during the day.

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Visual Cues Can Prevent Freezing

To help achieve these walking strategies, use of a laser guide has been shown to be very effective. How does this work? you might ask.

The answer: Using a cane that displays a horizontal laser beam line crossing directly in front of the users path. Providing this visual cue helps the person with Parkinsons disease overcome freezing and take that next step.

How It Is Different

Most devices that provide sensory cueing/feedback for FoG are research devices. Many of these methods are not portable and cannot be used outside the lab environment. Additionally, most devices use cues of a single type: visual, auditory or tactile. Some portable devices are already on the market such as Agilitas, Path Finder, Walk to Beat and Walk Aid. However, as far as we know, no device on the market exists that integrates all three forms of sensory cueing to overcome FoG. Our Parkinson Smart Cane integrates visual, tactile and auditory feedback into a self contained, portable device.

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How Does It Help Parkinsons Patients

Parkinsons disease occurs as a result of the death of certain cells in the brain. These cells produce a chemical called dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for controlled movement. It is due to the deficiency of dopamine that severely affects the brains ability to send movement signals to different parts of the body, including the legs. As a result, the patients get tired quickly and experience trouble walking. Most often, they stop suddenly whilst trying to step forward, this is called freezing. This sudden freezing can be hazardous for patients as it can make them fall and cause serious injuries.

The basic science behind the In-step LaserCane is the projection of visual cue in the form of a laser beam light, which sends a message to the brain to allow the leg to move forward.The laser line automatically projects right in front of the leg as soon as the cane comes in contact with the ground. This bright laser line serves as a safe, obstacle-free visual cue, which prevents falling and help Parkinsons patient to begin the step by stepping over the line. The laser line disappears when the cane is lifted and reappears when it touches the ground again for another step thus allows the patient to step after step and restore the normal walk.

Walking Therapy Aid For Parkinson’s

Laser Cane For FOG | Parkinson’s Diseases by Dr Naveen Thota


  • Worlds smallest folding walker for stress free travel
  • Walker folds in seconds with the lift of a finger
  • The smaller base makes it easy to fit throughout tight spaces
  • Easy-glide feet for trouble free maneuvering over all surfaces
  • Adjust height with the touch of a finger
  • Contemporary Look – 3 Stylish Colors: Regal Rose, Cobalt Blue, and Black Walnut

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Laser Pointer Helps Parkinson’s Patients Take Next Step

University Of Rochester
A patient’s discovery that an everyday laser pointer helps him walk may point the way toward an effective remedy for a common and frustrating symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

A patient’s discovery that an everyday laser pointer helps him walk may point the way toward an effective remedy for a common and frustrating symptom of Parkinson’s disease. The patient’s physicians at the University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital are presenting the results of a study involving just a few patients at this week’s meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Toronto. While the small size of the study should make patients and doctors pause before assuming the treatment will help, the authors say neurologists would do well to have a laser pointer handy to let patients give it a try.

The simple device seems to help patients overcome freezing episodes, where patients’ legs literally freeze in place as they’re trying to walk. For about 30 percent of Parkinson’s patients, this “sudden transient freezing” is one of the most difficult symptoms of the disease. The episodes can last for seconds or even several minutes. Some patients experience only momentary hesitation occasionally, while for others the episodes occur dozens of times a day, making almost any simple movement from room to room a laborious task taking several minutes.

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Laser Medicine: An Exciting Potential Breakthrough For People Living With Parkinsons

SYMBYX is a fast-growing med-tech company founded in Sydney in late 2019. This month , it welcomed the publication of key research from its 2019-2020 Adelaide clinical trial in the UKs prestigious BMC Neurology Journal. Parkinsons South Australia partially funded the trial.

The journal published the results of a 52-week trial involving two groups of patients that showed both statistical and clinical improvements across a wide range of motor and non-motor skills. The study involved the use of light therapy, known as photobiomodulation , which is being trialled by SYMBYX to treat a range of neurodegenerative conditions, among which Parkinsons disease is the initial priority. The results, published on 2 July 2021 by BMC found that measures of patent mobility, cognition, dynamic balance and fine motor skill were significantly improved with PBM treatment for 12 weeks and up to one year.

Many individual improvements were above the minimal clinically important difference, the threshold judged to be meaningful for participants, the research stated. Individual improvements varied but many continued for up to one year with sustained home treatment. No side effects of the treatment were observed.

Results from a separate PBM trial using SYMBYX technology are expected to be published imminently in a different peer reviewed journal and will add to the growing and promising body of research in this area.

The content in this article is in no way endorsed by PD Warrior.

Stop Freezing Episodes From Parkinsons Disease

laser cane with audio step counter &  inactivity timer for ...

One effect of Parkinsons disease that many people are unaware of is the occurrence of freezing episodes. These episodes can literally stop a person with Parkinsons in their tracks, but we offer a laser cane that has been proven to help individuals in this situation.

Freezing episodes happen when the person feels like their foot is stuck to the ground, and they are not able to lift it in order to take the next step.

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How It Works

The device is an instrumented cane. It uses a combination of force sensitive resistors on the cane handle and an inertial measurement unit to detect the Freezing of Gait. When freezing of gait is detected, the device uses three methods to give sensory feedback to the patient. A laser pointer with a cylindrical lens projects a guiding line on the floor to give visual feedback. A buzzer embedded in the cane handle generates a beeping tone to provide auditory feedback. Three vibration motors are used. One is embedded into the handle of the cane. Two are embedded into a strap-on cloth cuff that is attached at the calf. The vibration motors play back an adjustable rhythmic beat.

What Is In

In-step LaserCane is a high-quality cane made in the USA. This is by far the best walking stick designed for those suffering from walking disability due to Parkinsons disease, ataxia, and stroke. It has enabled thousands of patients to walk independently.

It looks like other normal cane in structure and shape. However, unlike other traditional cane, it comes with a laser line cueing feature which helps in breaking the freezing episodes and improve stride length of patients. The inside of the cane is filled with wires and laser components, which are well-protected by high-quality stick material.

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