Thursday, July 25, 2024

Green Tea For Parkinson’s

Fighting Parkinson’s Disease Could Be A Cup Of Green Tea

Green Tea Shows Brighter Future for Parkinson’s Sufferers

If a group of Chinese researchers are right, green tea may offer important protection against Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that made headlines when it was diagnosed in actor Michael J. Fox and boxing legend Muhammad Ali.

The new finding, reported at a recent meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Denver, explains how ingredients plentiful in green tea can help the flow of a brain chemical that’s at the heart of this devastating disease.

“In our study, we demonstrate the inhibitory effects of green tea polyphenols” on mechanisms directly involved in Parkinson’s disease, said study author Dr. Tianhong Pan, a researcher from China who was working at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston during the study.

Pan said she and her colleagues in China began the animal study–a joint effort between the National Cancer Institute and the Chinese government–because of the lower rates of Parkinson’s disease among populations where green tea is heavily consumed.

“The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease was lowest in Asia and Africa, where green tea is commonly consumed, so it seems that there is some relationship between green tea consumption and the occurrence of this disease,” Pan said.

For neurologist Dr. Souhel Najjar, this is the first research to document the mechanism by which green tea can protect the brain.

Pan agreed: “The results suggest that green tea may have potential both in the treatment and protective effects in Parkinson’s disease.”

Green Tea In Alleviating Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mounting evidence is indicating the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of PD . Though motor deficit is the major outcome of PD, several pathological events, including mitochondrial dysfunction, occur earlier before the clinical symptoms become prominently visible. Normally, -synuclein gets localized in mitochondrial associated membranes, thereby forming an interface between mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum that helps in the regulation of Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis. An increase in the expression of -synuclein or the presence of its aggregated form causes dissociation of mitochondria and ER, which further results in the loss of Ca2+ signaling and decrease in mitochondrial energy production . The impaired mitochondrial function may be due to the ability of -synucleins to cause mitochondrial permeability transition pore formation that further causes loss of mitochondrial membrane potential resulting in mitochondrial degradation and ultimately cell death . Hence, small molecules that can maintain the mitochondrial function and interfere with signaling pathways will be of great use in combating PD.

GTPs role in inducing mitochondrial biogenesis, activating stress response genes and suppressing neuroinflammation, inhibiting oxidative stress, and apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons and protecting from the pathological changes occurring during Parkinsons disease .

What Kind Of Green Tea Is Best

Hot green tea is the most powerful. It is best to avoid bottled and sweetened green tea beverages. Purchase organic, non-GMO teas to avoid exposure to pesticides, artificial ingredients and elevated fluoride levels. These components are especially harmful for PD patients. Some brands proven to be safe include: Numi, Rishi, Stash, Choice, and Traditional Medicinal.

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Delaying Onset Of Parkinsons

Not only is green tea helpful with alleviating some of the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease, but it is also known to help people delay its effects. According to a recent study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, people that drank more than three cups of green tea daily, delayed the onset of Parkinsons symptoms by more than seven years.

What we put into our bodies makes a huge difference on our health and wellbeing. Therefore, you should add at least one cup of green tea a day to reduce the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease, and promote positivi-tea in your life.

Green Tea For Parkinsons Disease: Research & Benefits

Green Tea May Protect Brain Cells Against Parkinson

There has been tremendous research regarding the neuroprotective benefits of Green tea and captivating findings with respect to the mechanism of action against Parkinsons disease.

These have been highlighted in various studies evaluating the anti-Parkinsons action of powerful bioactive components essentially, Epigallocatechin gallate and Theanine.

  • 5 Conclusion
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    Green Tea To Help Prevent Parkinsons

    The authors investigated the effects of green tea polyphenols, a group of naturally occurring chemical substances found in plants that have antioxidant properties, in an animal model of Parkinsons disease.

    Parkinsons disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, resulting from the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells, and there is presently no cure. According to Dr. Baolu Zhao, corresponding and senior author on this article, current treatments for Parkinsons are associated with serious and important side effects. Their previous research has indicated that green tea possesses neuroprotective effects, leading Guo and colleagues to examine its effects specifically in Parkinsons. The authors discovered that green tea polyphenols protect dopamine neurons that increases with the amount consumed. They also show that this protective effect is mediated by inhibition of the ROS-NO pathway, a pathway that may contribute to cell death in Parkinsons.

    Dr. Zhaos hope is that eventually green tea polyphenols may be developed into a safe and easily administrable drug for Parkinsons disease. Dr. Krystal agrees, that if green tea consumption can be shown to have meaningful neuroprotective actions in patients, this would be an extremely important advance.

    The article is from

    Ability To Slow Disease Progression And Safety And Tolerability Of Green Tea Polyphenols In Early Parkinsons Disease

    Objective/Rationale:Previous studies have shown that tea drinking is associated with a reduced of risk for Parkinson’s disease . Green tea polyphenols , the major components of green tea, have been shown to protect against neuronal loss both in cultures and pre-clinical models after exposed to toxins that selectively damage dopaminergic neurons. The goal of the project is to assess the ability of GTPs to slow the disease progression and its safety and tolerability in patients with early PD in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-control, multi-center study in China.

    Project Description:Approximately 400 PD patients will be investigated. The groups receiving different doses of the active drug will continue their assigned therapy for the full 12 months. Controls will receive placebo for the first six months of therapy, followed by GTPs for a full six months to ‘catch up’ to the other groups.

    Anticipated Outcome:If the GTPs are neuroprotective, the groups receiving active drug for the full 12 months should maintain their ‘head start,’ and thus there should still be a difference in change of UPDRS and disability at the end of 12 months.

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    Activation Of Neurotrophic Factors And Signaling Pathways

    Several bioactive molecules have been shown to exhibit their activity by modulating the intracellular pathways . L-theanine showed an increase in the expression of ERK1/2 to protect SH-SY5Ycells from neurotoxicity . ERK1/2 pathway mediates dopaminergic signaling and maintains the activity of striatal neurons. It is also involved in learning, memory, and neuronal development . Understanding the signaling mechanism through which green tea polyphenol exerts neuroprotection could also help develop of new therapeutic approaches.

    Similarly, EGCG treatment protected C57/BL6 mice from sevoflurane-induced apoptosis by regulating the expression of BDNF-TrkB and activating Akt signaling . An increase in expression of BDNF to promote neurogenesis by EGCG may be due to its ability to activate CREB, as BDNF is one of the downstream targets for CREB . Studies have indicated that Akt signaling is essential in neuronal survival by inducing the release of several neurotrophic factors. Additionally, reduced Akt signaling has been observed in the post-mortem PD brain compared to the non-PD brain . Acetylated EGCG has been reported to ameliorate 6-OHDA induced toxicity in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells by acting through the Akt signaling pathway and prevented apoptosis by downregulating caspase-3 activity .

    Precautions With Green Tea Use

    Green Tea Health Benefit: Control Diabetes, Prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

    Green tea has many health benefits, and its dietary consumption is safe. But high doses of green tea may have adverse effects.

    Certain studies employing high doses of catechin extracts demonstrate that it can be toxic to the liver, pancreas, and thyroid.

    However, these toxic effects may arise only in case of high dose supplementation with green tea extracts.

    High doses of catechin extract may cause nausea. Please split the doses if taking more than 1g.

    The upper tolerable safety limit for EGCG supplements is 300mg per day.

    Another important safety concern about green tea consumption is the presence of heavy metals. Please ensure that you get good quality green tea free from heavy metal contamination.

    Side effects due to excessive tea consumption may be attributable to its caffeine content, the presence of aluminium and the effects of catechins on nutrient absorption.

    Catechins may bind to iron and reduce its availability from the diet.

    Individuals with serious heart diseases should avoid a high dose of green tea.

    Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid large amounts of green tea due to its caffeine content.

    Avoid consuming green tea at the same time as taking any medicines to avoid drug interactions with caffeine. Maintain a 3-4 hour gap.

    Green tea extracts may reduce the bioavailability of antipsychotic medication, quetiapine. Caffeine may augment the effect of certain antidepressants.

    Please consult a health practitioner before opting from catechin supplements.

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    May Help You Live Longer

    Given that some compounds in green tea may help protect against cancer and heart disease, it makes sense that it could help you live longer.

    In one study, researchers studied 40,530 Japanese adults over 11 years. Those who drank the most green tea 5 or more cups per day were significantly less likely to die during the study period (

    • Death of all causes: 23% lower in women, 12% lower in men
    • Death from heart disease: 31% lower in women, 22% lower in men
    • Death from stroke: 42% lower in women, 35% lower in men

    Another study involving 14,001 older Japanese individuals found that those who drank the most green tea were 76% less likely to die during the 6-year study period .


    The Dose Effect Relationship Of Tea Drinking And Pd Risks

    Among the eight studies that included in our present analysis, three reported the results for drinkers of 1 and > 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers. . The information according to the number of cups of tea drinking daily was included in . It can be seen that, for drinkers of 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers, the summary OR showed a protective effect against PD . For drinkers of > 1 cup of tea per day versus non-consumers, the summary OR also showed a protective effect . According to the present results, we concluded that there was not an apparent dose-response relationship.

    Pooled estimate of OR and 95% CI of PD risk for tea drinking of 1 cup per day. Blue diamonds indicate adjusted OR in each study. Open diamonds are pooled OR. Horizontal line represents 95% CI. Studies are ordered by alphabetical order of the last name of first author.

    Pooled estimate of OR and 95% CI of PD risk for tea drinking of > 1 cups per day. Blue diamonds indicate adjusted OR in each study. Open diamonds are pooled OR. Horizontal line represents 95% CI. Studies are ordered by alphabetical order of the last name of first author.

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    Is Green Tea Good For Parkinsons Disease

    Parkinsons disease takes place when there is any problem with specific nerve cells present in the brain. Because of this, parkinsons disease affects the way, in which a patient moves. Brain nerve cells usually create an important chemical called dopamine. It sends signals to specific part of a human brain responsible for controlling movements.

    Dopamine allows smooth movement of muscles and does whatever you want to do. However, in case of Parkinsons disease, such brain nerve cells break down and then, patients do not get adequate amount of dopamine to perform regular activities or smooth muscular movements. In this way, you face difficulty in your movement.

    Parkinsons disease patients primarily experience the problem of tremor in legs, arms or hands. Moreover, a few patients may even deal with slow movement, stiff muscles and problems with walking and balance.

    Parkinsons disease is of progressive type, which indicates that it becomes worse with time. However, this often takes place slowly for many years. Considering this fact, most of the doctors and research experts have started finding good treatments to cure or reduce symptoms in Parkinsons disease patients.

    Tea Drinking And Pd Risks

    Green Tea Efficacious Cure Parkinson

    The eight case-control studies which met the eligibility criteria were conducted in 5 countries between 1966 and 2010. with the extracted information present the relative risk for each of studies along with their summary OR derived from the meta-analysis. presents the forest plot of comparison of tea drinkers versus non-consumers. There was statistically heterogeneity among the eight results . The analyses compared exposed with unexposed for tea drinking, and the overall summary OR based on all studies indicated that tea drinking can protect PD with eight cases.

    Pooled estimate of OR and 95% CI of PD risk for tea drinking. Blue diamonds indicate adjusted OR in each study. Open diamonds are pooled OR. Horizontal line represents 95% CI. Studies are ordered by alphabetical order of last name of first author.

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    What About Green Tea Ive Heard Thats Good

    Forming a defense line against PD with the above foods is the first place to start. Unfortunately, as with most illnesses, there is never a magic bullet. However, there is more you can do to prevent the development or progression of PD.

    Studies have shown that drinking 3 cups of green tea daily protects dopamine receptor neurons against toxicity . Green tea is protective due to its content of caffeine, a polyphenol named epigallocatechin-3-gallate , and an amino acid called theanine .

    Lets look at this triad of support:

  • Caffeine: Regular caffeine intake is associated with a decreased risk of PD. One reason is because caffeine chelates iron . Another is that caffeine can improve motor manifestations through neurotransmitter release and reduce gait freezing . A cup of green tea contains 30 to 40 mg of caffeine .
  • Epigallocatechin-3-gallate : Clinical studies suggest that EGCG has neuroprotective qualities and can significantly suppress toxicity of dopamine neurons through antioxidation, anti-inflammation, iron-chelation, cell death regulation and modulation of signaling pathways . Therefore, EGCG can delay the onset of or halt the progression of PD . One gram of green tea contains approximately 127 milligrams of antioxidants!
  • Theanine: Theanine protects brain cells against damage from exposure to the pesticide rotenone, commonly linked with PD . It also shows general protection against neuronal death, specifically in the area of the brain that produces dopamine.
  • Green Tea Catechins Protect Dopaminergic Neurons In Parkinsons Disease

    Parkinsons disease results in degeneration of dopamine-releasing neurons that are located in the midbrain and are responsible for regulating a variety of important cellular functions.

    So, one of the keys to achieving a successful treatment of Parkinsons disease is ensuring protecting from toxins of dopaminergic neurons and preserving their functions.

    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate has been extensively evaluated by researchers and is recognized for its protective effects against inflammation, oxidative stress, autophagy , prevention of protein aggregation and cell death in the brain.

    EGCG reduces degeneration of dopamine-releasing neurons and lowers inflammation and oxidative stress in Parkinsons disease.

    Accumulation of iron is identified as one of the pathological causes of Parkinsons disease and its chelation or elimination is thought of as a treatment strategy.

    EGCG acts as a natural metal chelator and significantly improves dopamine concentrations in the midbrain in an animal model of Parkinsons disease.

    It effectively regulates export/removal of excess iron from the brain via the protein, ferroportin, fights oxidative stress and influences brain chemistry.

    Nitric oxide is a compound which is necessary for optimal heart health but in excess causes oxidative damage.

    Nitric oxide-induced oxidative damage accelerates degeneration of brain cells in Parkinsons disease.

    The patients were treated for 12 months.

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    Green Tea May Protect Brain Cells Against Parkinson’s Disease

    Does the consumption of green tea, widely touted to have beneficial effects on health, also protect brain cells? Green tea polyphenols protect dopamine neurons and this effect increases with the amount consumed, according to new research.

    Does the consumption of green tea, widely touted to have beneficial effects on health, also protect brain cells? Authors of a new study being published in the December 15th issue of Biological Psychiatry share new data that indicates this may be the case.

    The authors investigated the effects of green tea polyphenols, a group of naturally occurring chemical substances found in plants that have antioxidant properties, in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease.

    Considering the popularity of green tea beverages worldwide, there is enormous public interest in the health effects of its consumption. John H. Krystal, M.D., Editor of Biological Psychiatry and affiliated with both Yale University School of Medicine and the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, reminds us that “many health-related claims have been made for a wide variety of naturally-occurring substances and many of these claims, as in the case of St. John’s Wort and Ginko Biloba, have not held up in rigorous clinical studies. Thus, it is extremely important to identify the putative neuroprotective mechanisms in animal models, as Guo and colleagues have begun to do for Parkinson’s disease.”

    Story Source:

    Antioxidants May Lower The Risk Of Some Cancers

    How Green Tea Improves Brain Health

    Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. Its one of the worlds leading causes of death.

    Research has shown that oxidative damage can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases, including cancers. Antioxidants can help protect against oxidative damage .

    Green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

    Research has linked green tea compounds with a reduced risk of cancer, including the following studies:

    • Breast cancer. A comprehensive review of observational studies found that women who drank the most green tea had an approximately 2030% lower risk of developing breast cancer, one of the most common cancers in women (
    • 23 ).

    Many observational studies indicate that green tea drinkers are less likely to develop several types of cancer, but more high quality research is needed to confirm these effects .

    To get the most health benefits, avoid adding milk to your tea. Some studies suggest it can reduce the antioxidant value in some teas .


    Green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.

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