Sunday, May 5, 2024

Light Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease

Does Blue Light Therapy Have Side Effects

Parkinson’s Disease:- Red Light Therapy – Photobiomodulation

Blue light therapy is generally safe, but its important to consider the potential side effects of blue light used in photodynamic treatment.

Since photodynamic blue light therapy increases the skins sensitivity, skin may swell, turn red, peel, blister or scab after treatment. You also need to take precautions in the two days following a photodynamic skin treatment:

  • Stay out of strong, direct light.
  • Wear protective clothing.
  • Avoid surfaces that may reflect strong light.

As long as you receive your treatment from a trained provider and take the proper precautions, photodynamic blue light therapy should help improve your skin, not damage it.

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Nad Treatment For Alzheimers Disease

If you are a loved one is struggling with Alzheimers disease call us at to get an assessment and see if Dr. Milgram can help with an NAD infusion.

Alzheimers disease is defined as a chronic neurodegenerative disease that is associated with loss of memory, coordination, and spatial awareness, among other things.

NAD is essential to living and is found in every cell of all living things. There is much more NAD in the bodies of babies and growing adults. Declining NAD is due to the inability of our cells to recycle NAD, or to synthesize new NAD. This decline is associated with Alzheimers.

Additional File : Supplementary Table 1

Parameters of the photobiomodulation devices and treatment used in the study. Supplementary Table 2. Mean of measures of fine motor control, mobility, balance and cognition before PBM treatment in a second study of PD treatment with PBM. Supplementary Table 3. Individual data for participants before and after treatment with the photobiomodulation protocols.

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The Integrated Care Management Model By Seniorbridge

Home care services vary widely in the services they provide.

SeniorBridge offers an integrated care management practice model that involves two components:

  • Clinical care supported by a Social Worker and a team of caregivers, based on patients needs and
  • A portfolio of home care services and geriatric care management in such areas as nutrition, caregiver education, benefit coordination, transportation, and coordination with discharge planners, physicians, pharmacy, home health agencies, and care managers.
  • NOTE: We have full COVID-19 safety protocols in place to keep clients, families and associates safe.

    Ameliorating Impact On Symptoms Of The Lower Light Levels Of Winter

    PARKINSONS and RED LIGHT THERAPY  Midwest Red Light Therapy

    I’ve had a foreboding about the changing of the clocks, shortening of the days, lower light levels generally, more overcast days, as winter arrives. Last winter was tough for me, with much than symptoms than the summer – more “off” time, less access to movement, more pain and rigidity. This was particularly so in the evenings after the sun went down, and more brain fog in the daytime if the sky was overcast. Artificial “yellowish” lights didn’t seem to help.

    Bright light lamps for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and wearable technology like my blue light glasses and my DopaLights definetly help this winter effect to not be as bad it could be, but there is a limit to how much I can use these without incurring other symptom penalties. Furthermore, they are hard to use properly when I am really off, e.g. sitting near enough to the SAD lamp long enough, or manipulating the wearables to actually get them on or off.

    As expected, as this year turned, and especially after the clocks went back an hour at the end of the October, I started to get more and more symptomatic again. In looking for potential solutions to this, I stumbled on this very bright “natural white light” LED room uplighter on amazon. So I bought it to try, because it is essentially a SAD lamp on a stick!

    This bright light based solution has been working very well for me, and indeed this winter I am faring better even than I was in the summer!

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    How Does It Help Parkinsons Patients

    Parkinsons disease occurs as a result of the death of certain cells in the brain. These cells produce a chemical called dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for controlled movement. It is due to the deficiency of dopamine that severely affects the brains ability to send movement signals to different parts of the body, including the legs. As a result, the patients get tired quickly and experience trouble walking. Most often, they stop suddenly whilst trying to step forward, this is called freezing. This sudden freezing can be hazardous for patients as it can make them fall and cause serious injuries.

    The basic science behind the In-step LaserCane is the projection of visual cue in the form of a laser beam light, which sends a message to the brain to allow the leg to move forward.The laser line automatically projects right in front of the leg as soon as the cane comes in contact with the ground. This bright laser line serves as a safe, obstacle-free visual cue, which prevents falling and help Parkinsons patient to begin the step by stepping over the line. The laser line disappears when the cane is lifted and reappears when it touches the ground again for another step thus allows the patient to step after step and restore the normal walk.

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    Who Can Use It

    This high-quality In-step LserCane is designed for people suffering from gait problem due to Parkinsons disease. The cane is also useful for those suffering from ALS, stroke or other brain conditions. Even if you dont have any of the above-mentioned illness and simply want to improve your stride length, the In-step lasercane is a good choice for you.

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    Equipment And Gait Protocol

    To measure spatiotemporal gait parameters, a portable Inertial Measurement Unit system was applied, with 10 inertial sensors placed on each subjects lower back, chest, and bilateral feet, ankles, thighs and wrists by elastic belts. Each sensor collected spatiotemporal gait information in real time while the participants were walking, and transmitted the information to the host computer via a Bluetooth link for further processing and storage. IMU-based measurements can measure the fundamental gait parameters with sufficient accuracy in both healthy subjects and PD patients . The gait assessments were conducted in a hall with enough space to avoid environmental factors that might contribute to FOG.

    Figure 1. The wearable laser lights used as visual cues. The transverse strips used as visual cues. Ten-meter walking trial and data used for calculating destination SE and gait parameters.

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    An Overview Of Red Light Therapy

    New hope for Parkinson’s disease sufferers | 9 News Australia

    Red light therapy is often used as an umbrella term that encompasses both red light and near-infrared light. Other terms that are commonly used for this treatment method are photobiomodulation and low-level light therapy .

    The major difference between red light and NIR light is the depth to which they can penetrate tissue and bone. Red light can absorb into the bodys tissues up to about 1-2cm . NIR light wavelengths absorb about 4cm .

    Red light therapy has been shown in hundreds of clinical studies to have a wide variety of therapeutic effects on the human body. The treatment is administered to bare skin and t forehead via powerful light-emitting diode bulbs.

    Light photons are absorbed into the skin and underlying tissue where they interact with mitochondria, the energy factories inside most cells. Mitochondria, in turn, are stimulated to produce adenosine triphosphate , which is the primary fuel for cells. This process is much like photosynthesis, whereby plants absorb energy from the sun to make glucose for their food.

    Because of the difference in wavelengths, red light and NIR light are suitable for different types of therapies. Red light soaks into the skin where it stimulates collagen and elastin production, along with forming capillaries and reducing inflammation. Its shorter wavelengths cant absorb deeper into the body, so its the ideal therapy for chronic skin conditions, hair loss, and for reversing the signs of aging.

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    How Does Light Therapy Work

    Light therapy, or Photobiomodulation , is the non-thermal delivery of waves of light energy with a therapeutic benefit.At an optimal wavelength, intensity and exposure time, light aimed at human tissue sets off a series of biochemical events that can result in chronic pain relief, reduced inflammation, and even increased dopamine and serotonin production in the colon.

    The PDCare Laser therapy increases gut fermentation of dietary fibre, which in turn facilitates the production of helpful gut metabolites .SCFAs are important for manufacturing the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin that are in short supply in a Parkinsons patient . In essence, the gut takes on an even greater load and compensates for the reduction of dopamine production in the brain.

    Could Light Hold The Key To Help Manage Parkinsons Symptoms Or Even Have A Protective Effect On Brain Cells This Blog Explores The Research Evidence And What The Future Might Hold

    Light has a huge impact on life from sustaining the plants we eat to allowing us to see, everyone of us is dependent on the power of light.

    The power of light has been investigated in many conditions, and although it is still very much an experimental technique, there is research to suggest that light therapy can have protective and restorative properties. There is also evidence that light can alter our sleep, mood and behaviour.

    So why is light relevant to Parkinsons?In Parkinsons it is the loss of dopamine producing brain cells that cause both movement symptoms and other symptoms known as non-motor symptoms such as problems sleeping, depression, and loss of motivation.

    Research is being done to look at whether treatment using light could offer protection to struggling brain cells to potentially slow down the progression of Parkinsons. And research is also looking into how light, in various forms, could be used to directly manage the symptoms of Parkinsons.

    This is a fascinating topic as researchers try to unpick why cells that sit in the middle of the brain, in complete darkness could be protected, or even healed, by light. How do cells in the eye signal to the deepest parts of the brain? Or is it that light is being absorbed by specific components in cells activating and providing energy for the body to promote brain cell survival, protection or regeneration?

    Lets explore some of the ways light is being looked at with regard to Parkinsons research.

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    Ask Your Nad Therapy Provider These Questions

    • Ask Your NAD Therapy Provider These Questions

    NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. NAD is very effective in eliminating drug withdrawal and cravings. Additionally, it is effective for improving neurocognitive impairments like brain fog, dementia, Parkinsons disease, chronic headaches and some types of neuropathic pain. Because NAD programs require a substantial investment of both time and money, Ive put together a short checklist of questions to ask your prospective NAD program.

    Its not as simple as just getting an infusion and going home, although many providers think it is. Like any specialized area of medicine, you want to be under the care of someone with an area of expertise in the field and in the medications used to treat these conditions.

    Red Light Therapy For Parkinsons Disease

    [Full text] The potential of light therapy in Parkinson

    Parkinsons disease seems to be more common than ever before and has a profound effect on ones day-to-day life. There is a misconception that people who get diagnosed with Parkinsons disease are only of the senior demographic and elder population. When in fact, 5% of people with Parkinsons are diagnosed under the age of 60. Specifically, a majority of those diagnosed are in their 30s and 40s.

    Parkinsons disease severity differentiates from person to person so its important to understand that each prognosis is unique and to be accompanied with different symptoms. On the bright side, its common to see people whom are in their early stages of Parkinsons disease diagnosis live a fairly normal life without the debilitating effects the disease may have.

    Despite Parkinsons disease being a devastating illness with no known cures or treatments, there are ways to improve the symptoms through medication as well as lifestyle implementations that can have tremendous benefits to ones health and livelihood.

    As mentioned, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can vary depending on the individual affected. While some may symptoms may even go unnoticed for many years.

    The majority of those affected by Parkinsons disease experience:

    Tremors: characterized by the shaking of limbs, hands or fingers.

    Bradykinesia: The clinical term for slowed movement which becomes worse over time. It might affect the way the person walks and make it more difficult for them to lift their feet.


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    Everything You Need To Know About Red Light Therapy And Parkinsons Disease

    Emerging research on red light therapy for Parkinsons shows great promise for patients suffering from this neurological disorder. Although medications may help control symptoms, they cannot repair the underlying nerve damage that is characteristic of Parkinsons. As red light therapy works at the cellular level, it can help heal the nerve damage, and also relieve symptoms of the disease.

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    Unlocking Life’s Full Potential

    Parkinsons symptoms vary from individual to individual as it is an extremely heterogeneous disease affecting everyone differently.By implementing SYMBYXs treatment protocols, our flexible PDCare hand-held device is used to treat the gut, wide-ranging positive changes are being recorded by patients. Such changes include motor improvements, better sleep, lightened mood, reduced muscle pain and even returned sense of smell.

    How is this even possible!?

    The PDCare Laser therapy increases gut fermentation of dietary fibre, which in turn facilitates the production of helpful gut metabolites .SCFAs are important for manufacturing the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin that are in short supply in a Parkinsons patient . In essence, the gut takes on an even greater load and compensates for the reduction of dopamine production in the brain.

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    Medication Versus Blue Light

    Although many different pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies have been introduced to reduce sleep problems in Parkinsons disease, their efficiency remains limited. Sleep medication often leads to side effects and sometimes even worsening of the symptoms. Blue light is more effective in regulating the biological clock compared to traditional polychromatic white light boxes. The light glasses used emit blue light via integrated LED light sources with a wavelength of approximately 468 nm at a light intensity of 35 40 Lux at 1.5 cm from the eyes .

    In Depth: Dr Greg Willis

    ‘Miracle’ Parkinson’s treatment to be trialled in Australia | 7NEWS

    In the early years of dopamine theory it was generally accepted that the more severe the cell loss, the more severe the dopamine deficiency and the more severe the Parkinsons disease. However, this position has been very gradually eroded by the ongoing demonstration that this relationship is a poor one. In fact, recent work has demonstrated that Parkinsons disease can develop with only 30% loss of dopamine 715-725, 2010) suggesting that it is not only the level of dopamine that is important. This has important implications for treating the disease and is consistent with our approach using coordinated drug and light treatment.

    Willis understanding of the mechanisms of Parkinsons Disease is a little different from the standard, accepted picture. He argues that it is not just about the lack of production of dopamine but that the balance between dopamine and melatonin, the substance responsible for making us sleepy, is whats broken. It is this imbalance, he argues, which can cause many of the symptoms of PD. so its not just that there isnt enough dopamine in the system, but there is actually too much melatonin, relatively speaking.

    In his latest paper with co-workers, Dr Willis provides a good description of the protocol his clinic employs:

    The same article also covers issues with why bright light therapy might not initially work for every person with PD:

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    Unlocking Lifes Full Potential

    Parkinsons symptoms vary from individual to individual as it is an extremely heterogeneous disease affecting everyone differently.By implementing SYMBYXs treatment protocols, our flexible PDCare hand-held device is used to treat the gut, wide-ranging positive changes are being recorded by patients. Such changes include motor improvements, better sleep, lightened mood, reduced muscle pain and even returned sense of smell.

    How is this even possible!?

    The PDCare Laser therapy increases gut fermentation of dietary fibre, which in turn facilitates the production of helpful gut metabolites .SCFAs are important for manufacturing the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin that are in short supply in a Parkinsons patient . In essence, the gut takes on an even greater load and compensates for the reduction of dopamine production in the brain.

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    Is It Available To Me

    There are infrared light sources on the market that you can buy in a specialty store or on the internet. These however, are not the same as the light sources that are used in a clinical study environment. They may or may not prove helpful to people with Parkinson’s suffering from sleep disturbances, and should only be used after seeking input from your physician.

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    Overview Of Parkinsons Disease

    Parkinsons is a neurodegenerative movement disorder whose symptoms progressively worsen over time. A broad spectrum of drugs have been developed to treat Parkinsons symptoms, with dismal success rates.

    Parkinsons affects the central nervous system, causing cellular damage in the brain that leads to a severe drop in dopamine levels. Dopamine is an important chemical neurotransmitter that helps to deliver messages between the brain and the body, governing movement.

    Early symptoms of Parkinsons disease include:

    • A slight tremor in one hand
    • Shrinking handwriting
    • Sleep disrupted with night terrors and violent thrashing
    • Reduced balance
    • rinary and fecal incontinence
    • nability to perform activities of daily living like dressing, bathing, and eating

    As Parkinsons approaches its end game, palliative care and hospice with pain management are the final treatment approaches.

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