Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Parkinson’s And Riding A Bicycle

What Are The Benefits Of Bicycle Therapy

Cycling for Freezing Gait in Parkinson’s Disease

Bicycle therapy does not cure anyone of Parkinsons disease. Instead, it is a form of exercise that helps them utilize their cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system. Individuals with Parkinsons disease often struggle with movement, and due to this, they find it hard to exercise and strengthen their cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

When these systems are underused, they begin to waste away or degenerate, which can worsen Parkinsons disease symptoms. When individuals perform bicycle therapy, they use their cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, which helps to reverse the wasting or degeneration occurring. As individuals with Parkinsons disease use bicycle therapy, they are forcing their body to work, which helps decrease their overall symptoms and helps out in many other ways.

Here are a few of the most common benefits from bicycle therapy:

  • Increased Flexibility
  • Improved Gait
  • Reduction in Falls
  • Improvements in Working Memory/Decision Making
  • Improved Attention and Concentration
  • Reduction in Depression and Anxiety

Parkinsons And The Benefits Of Biking

Editors note: On Saturday, Sept. 21, Hartford HealthCare is sponsoring Ride to Wellness, a free bike ride with 10- and 25-mile routes through scenic Cheshire. The ride starts and ends at the new Hartford HealthCare HealthCenter at 280 South Main Street in Cheshire. For more information on the Ride to Wellness, click here.

Balance issues, tremors, slowing down, and muscle stiffness are conditions millions of Americans face every day. For most, its probably related to growing older. But for others, it could signal Parkinsons disease. About 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinsons each year.

Parkinsons disease is degenerative, and impacts the areas of the brain that manage movement, among other things. Dopamine, a chemical that helps control movement, is produced in nerve cells within the brain. When these nerve cells lose normal function or die off, it creates a shortage of dopamine, causing movement to be impaired.

There are many signs of Parkinsons, and not everyone experiences all of them. Some primary symptoms include:

  • Tremor, affecting your hands, arms, or legs.
  • Stiff muscles.
  • Problems with balance or walking.
  • Changes in handwriting and motor control.

While Parkinsons does get worse over time, the progression is usually slow. Patients may have mild symptoms for years. Over time, Parkinsons affects muscles throughout the body, leading to problems like difficulty swallowing or constipation.

For more information on the ride, click here.

What Are The Theracycle Specifications

Theracycle 100

20 W x 44 L x 57 H 220 lbs. Boxed for shipping 240 lbs

The electrical cord on all models is 9-feet long.

The Theracycle is a custom product, made in the USA by hand in Franklin, MA.

We first speak with every potential customer to assess their needs. This allows us to recommend with confidence the model that will immediately bring you the best result. During this conversation, we can also determine if customization is necessary. Our sales specialists do not work on commission. They are well informed about your condition and truly want to help you live the best life.

To speak to a sales specialist, please call us at , MondayFriday from 8:305:00 EST.

During this call you will be asked for information on where to ship, the riders height and weight for fitting, along with a credit card, which will be held securely until your unit is produced. Lead times vary, your sales specialist will let you know the expected ship window.

After your order has been placed, you will receive a sales order confirming your sale and your Theracycle will be placed into production.

Once packed and ready for shipment, your credit card will be charged. You will then receive an email with a copy of the paid invoice, tracking information and a link to an informational page on our website with details on what to expect next.

Theracycle Therapy Products are made in the USA and shipped from Franklin, MA.

Don’t Miss: How Hereditary Is Parkinson’s Disease

Where Do I Go From Here

Will I get back on the bike again? Maybe. In the meantime, there is no doubt in my mind that I will return toRock Steady Boxing. My left jab may never pack the power it once did, but I look forward tohelping my Parkinsons symptoms and possiblyslowing disease progression.

Ill be back for round two!

Note: Parkinsons News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Parkinsons News Today or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Parkinsons disease.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Parkinsons Disease Tandem Bicycle

Subjects were scanned on a General Electric Signa Excite 1.5 T scanner at a University Hospital. T1 images were acquired using 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo sequence, repetition time = 13.12 ms, echo time = 4.2 ms, flip angle = 15°, field of view = 240 × 240 mm, voxel size = 1 mm isotropic. Resting and task fMRI data were acquired using gradient-echo echoplanar imaging sequence, with TR = 3,000 ms, TE = 60 ms, flip angle = 90°, FOV = 240 × 240 mm, voxel size = 3.75 × 3.75 × 7 mm. Each run of resting fMRI scan lasted 6 min, producing 180 volumes of 3D images. For the hand motor task, subjects were required to tap with the index fingers for periods of 30 s alternating with 30 s of rest.

Next, the individual T1-weighted images were co-registered to the mean realigned functional images using a linear transformation the T1 was segmented into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid tissue maps followed by non-linear normalization into the Montreal Neurological Institute space. Temporal band-pass filtering was performed on the residual time series of each voxel to reduce the effect of low-frequency drift and high-frequency noise . The final step in preprocessing was a spatial smoothing with an isotropic Gaussian kernel of 4 mm FWHM.

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Bike Riding Offers Clue To Parkinsons

BikeBiz 7th January 2011Business

Bicycle riding may be valuable in the diagnosis of Parkinsons patients, according to doctors from the Netherlands .

According to doctors writing to The Lancet medical journal, those with standard Parkinsons were more likely to still be able to ride a bike than those with atypical Parkinsons, which requires a different form of treatment.

The group said that the ability to ride a bike could be, potentially, more effective than current expensive tests.

The letter read: We suggest that the answer to one simple questionCan you still ride a bicycle?offers good diagnostic value for separating Parkinsons disease from atypical parkinsonism.

Cycling requires a highly co-ordinated interplay between balance, co-ordination, and rhythmic pedalling of the legs.

“This skilled task is probably sensitive to subtle problems with balance or co-ordination, caused by the more extensive extranigral pathology in atypical Parkinsonism. Simply asking about cycling abilities could be added to the list of red flags that can assist clinicians in their early differential diagnosis of parkinsonism.

The group from Parkinson Centre Nijmegen, Netherlands includes Drs Marjolein Aerts, Wilson Abdo, and Prof Bastiaan Bloem, of the Department of Neurology.

A Simple Way To Help Slow Parkinsons

Researchers have found that exercise can help slow the stages of Parkinsons disease through high aerobic activities that require balance such as bicycling. In fact, riding a bike has recently been studied and praised for its neuroprotective outcomes for those with a neurodegenerative disease. It is exercises that demand attention, repetition and progression of difficulty that a Parkinsons patient needs to reduce early onset symptoms.

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What About Stationary Bikes

Its believed that activities such as riding a stationary bike or weight lifting does not help patients rather its the exercises that involve cognitive ability and learning such as bicycling outside that helps to spark nerve cell interaction to release the dopamine that those suffering from Parkinsons disease lose on a daily basis.

Its Supposed To Be Fun

Bicycling Helps Treat Parkinson’s Patients.

For all the reasons listed above and more, cycling is an ideal activity for people with Parkinsons. But its also just a fun way to spend time with friends, destress, and enjoy life.

No matter where you live, there is likely a biking group nearby that you could join. We often hear from riders who join cycling groups that they fall in love with more than just riding they fall in love with the people they meet and the friendships they form in the biking community.

Biking can help you set new goals and stay motivated to reach them. It can also be a powerful tool to raise funds for causes you care about or contribute to new research being conducted about cyclings effects on Parkinsons.

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In September 2017 I Was Diagnosed With Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease At Age 41

It changed my life.

But Im not going to let this be a meaningless disease. Im going to use this to make a difference.

Right before I was diagnosed I had been planning a cycling tour with some friends. We were going to bike across the entire state of Colorado, east-to-west. It was going to be EPIC! But in my training for the tour I kept feeling odd and experiencing strange neurological issues, so I went in to get checked out to be sure all would be okay for the ride. Enter Parkinson’s Disease.

As it turned out, due to the diagnosis, new meds, and feeling horrible, I wasnt able to make that ride in 2017. It made me wonder would I EVER be able to do something like that?

But instead of slowing down and letting PD stop me, I decided to kick things into gear and fight back AGAINST Parkinson’s! So, I took this past year to adjust to the new normal of life with PD, worked to understand my new limitations, and pushed myself to go beyond them. Now those friends who went without me in 2017 are ready to conquer Colorado in 2019 THIS time from South-to-North .

And were not just going to be riding for fun. Were going to use this as an opportunity to fight back against Parkinson’s Disease by raising money for the Parkinson Association of the Rockies!!

My amazing family: Hannah , Kristi , me, & Noah .

Thats me and some of my dear friends participating in Pedaling for Parkinsons in 2018. We did the 60-mile route!

The Science Behind Parkinsons And Cycling

Dr. Jay L. Alberts, a neuroscientist at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute in Ohio, first got the idea that cycling might improve symptoms of Parkinsons at a fundraising event in Iowa in 2003.

Alberts rode tandem with a female Parkinsons patient named Cathy, whose symptoms improved after the ride specifically her handwriting. As Cathy wrote postcards to her family from across Iowa, he noticed her handwriting had become more legible.

This discovery inspired him to conduct a research study with two groups of Parkinsons patients cycling on stationary bikes three times a week for two months.

One group pedaled at their own chosen speed, while another group pedaled at a more vigorous rate than what they would ordinarily choose for themselves. The more vigorous group of cyclers appeared to have greater improvement in regions of the brain that deal with movement.

The moral of the story is: The harder your pedal, the better the results!

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Changes After Vigorous Cycling

Dr Kieran Breen, director of research and innovation at the charity Parkinsons UK, said: This new research adds to the growing body of knowledge which suggests that cycling may be beneficial for people with Parkinsons.

In this new study, the researchers found that people who cycle vigorously three times a week, saw improvements in their co-ordination and balance areas which suffer badly once Parkinsons begins to advance.

Although this sounds like a simple way to reduce some of the symptoms of Parkinsons, it is important to remember that the level of exercise undertaken by those in this study was high. This level of activity would simply be beyond the physical capabilities of some people living with the condition.

While it is too soon to encourage people with Parkinsons to get on their bikes three times a week on the basis of this study, we do know that exercise can be beneficial.

A regular exercise routine can help those with the condition to not only improve their general fitness but can also help to improve movement and balance as well as other symptoms of the condition such as anxiety and depression.

Is There A Suggested Theracycle Workout That Will Improve My Pd Symptoms

Lower Parkinsons Disease Risk

Studies show that riding at 14 to 15 miles per hours for 40 minutes, 3 times per week, can prompt a significant improvement in PD symptoms. It is recommended that you begin with an easy, 10-minute warmup and follow with a relaxing 10-minute cool down. Learn about the benefits of forced exercise with the Theracycle »

Read Also: Sean Penn Parkinson’s Disease

Riding Ragbrai For Research

This year, the Davis Phinney Foundation joined Dr. Alberts and the Pedaling for Parkinsons team at RAGBRAI for this 411-mile ride in an effort to raise Parkinsons awareness and funds to support the Davis Phinney Foundations research and programs.

Wer excited to partner with our friends at the Davis Phinney Foundation, said Dr. Alberts, captain of the Pedaling for Parkinsons team. While Davis history in professional cycling is legendary, more importantly, hes a living example of what it truly means to live well with Parkinsons.

Dr. Alberts continues to study how the brain controls skilled movements and how changes in brain function affect the movement performance. In 2015, he was again awarded grant funding from the Davis Phinney Foundation to look at dual tasking and Parkinsons. This two-year intervention study will use a virtual reality assessment to improve motor and non-motor function in individuals with Parkinsons. If successful, the study aims to characterize Parkinsons dual task deficits and develop effective interventions targeting these declines.

Study Selection And Data Extraction

The study screening was done independently by two reviewers, M.T. and B.U.W., using the Covidence Systematic review software. First, the imported articles were screened based on title and abstract, then based on the full text. Any occurring conflicts on inclusion were solved by the third reviewer, S.S.D. Upon inclusion, the qualitative and quantitative information about each study was extracted into three different tables:

  • Publication: Authors, publishing year

  • Study: Study design, number of individuals in treatment and control group

  • Effect size measures: Quantitative measures on pre- and post-treatment

  • Participant demographics: Age, gender, disease duration, medication

  • Intervention characteristics: Bicycle type, cadence , treatment session duration, overall treatment duration, exercise intensity in heart rate and perceived exertion.

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Cycling Could Improve Symptoms In Parkinson’s Patients: Study

Parkinson’s disease is like shaking and walking problems, and when severe enough can lead to cognitive issues, even dementia. But a simple exercise could help to improve symptoms of the nervous system condition, new research suggests.

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that riding a stationary bike seemed to improve symptoms in people with Parkinson’s disease, with faster pedaling linked with greater positive effect in the brain.

Study researcher Jay L. Alberts, Ph.D., first observed this positive effect of cycling when he went on a tandem bike ride across Iowa to raise awareness for Parkinson’s. Also riding with him was a patient with the condition — and he noticed that when the ride was over, her symptoms had improved.

“I was pedaling faster than her, which forced her to pedal faster,” Alberts said in a statement. “She had improvements in her upper extremity function, so we started to look at the possible mechanism behind this improved function.”

Researchers found connection improvements in certain areas of the brain, particularly between the primary motor cortex and the posterior part of the thalamus. This greater connectivity is a sign of improved motor abilities, researchers noted. Faster pedaling in the study was linked with experiencing these positive brain effects.

“People are looking for alternative programs, and this could be one of them,” study researcher Fuzhong Li, of the Oregon Research Institute, told the Associated Press.

Want More Practical Articles Like This

Cycling with Parkinson’s

Much more can be found in our Every Victory Counts® manual. Its packed with up-to-date information about everything Parkinsons, plus an expanded worksheets and resources section to help you put what youve learned into action. Request your free copy of the Every Victory Counts manual by clicking the button below.

Thank you to our 2020 Peak Partners, Amneal and Kyowa Kirin, with special support from Adamas, for helping us make printing, distributing, and shipping the Every Victory Counts manual for free possible.

Recommended Reading: Parkinson’s Disease Education Handout

When Should You Start Riding

Even though bicycle therapy is exceptionally beneficial and relatively safe for individuals with Parkinsons disease, everyone should speak with their physician before beginning any exercise regime. Your physician knows your medical history and any limitations you may have, and they are best suited to give you the ok to start.

Once you have received the ok from your doctor, its best that you start your bicycle therapy on a stationary bike and not on a standard road bike. Stationary bikes are much safer than road bikes, but their single most important factor is they provide stability to keep you upright and pedaling.

Pedaling For Parkinson’s Maritimes Ride

The Maritimes ride starts and ends at:Credit Union Place,

The 2020 trail map shows the Confederation trail system, its trunk trails , ‘Code of the trail’, ‘Confederation trail distance guide’, and much more.

Pedaling for Parkinson’s Maritimes Weekend Agenda:

Saturday:8:30 am – Registration and opening annoucements9am-9:30am – Cohorts begin1-4pm – Riders return, live music7-10pm – Spaghetti dinner, music, 50/50, Surprise guest speaker

Sunday:8:30 am – Registration and opening annoucements9am-9:30am – Cohorts begin1-4pm – Riders return, live music, closing announcements

A big thank you to our sponsors:


Atlantic Superstore

Trail Etiquette/Laws

The Confederation Trail is multi-use, shared by walkers, wheelchairs, and runners. In order for everyone to enjoy their trail experience, riders are encouraged to equip their bikes with a bell to notify others when passing from the rear. Pets must be leashed while on the trail and everyone is asked to ‘leave no trace’. Helmets are the law on all roads and trails on PEI. The normally closed gates that prevent other types of trail users from gaining access to the trail will temporarily be open for the sections that our participants will be using for the full weekend so that we can provide emergency assistance.

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