Is A Therapy Unsafe If Its Not Statutorily Regulated
Not necessarily. Some complementary therapies are regulated by statutory law, including osteopaths, chiropractors and art therapists. This means that, in the same way GPs and specialists have to register with the General Medical Council, these therapists must register with a statutory regulator before they can practise. One reason for statutory regulation is the level of risk linked to a particular therapy. For example, the government considered regulating acupuncture, but took the view that because acupuncturists were well self-regulated, it wasnt needed.
Complementary Therapies For Parkinson’s Disease
During the pandemic, movement disorders specialist Britt Stone, MD, trained in integrative medicine, the practice of integrating traditional remedies and modern medicine in treatment of the whole person . In this episode of Dr. Gilbert Hosts, she speaks for about 20-minutes about complementary therapies to relieve symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain, stiffness, insomnia, nausea, bloating, and memory, before answering questions for another 20-minutes.
Treatment For Parkinsons Disease With Traditional Medications
To treat Parkinsons , its best to follow your Doctors guidance. The use of natural remedies and other alternatives not based on scientific evidence can be counterproductive.
Therefore, its best not to resort to them .
Heres eight of the main medications and therapies used in the treatment for Parkinsons disease according to most medical institutions:
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What Are The Causes Of Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons disease is a continuing, non-curable, chronic, progressive neurological illness that affects about 1 million Americans. Parkinsons disease affects a small, dark-grey-colored area in the brain called the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra produces dopamine that the brain uses for its functionality. Dopamine is a natural chemical transmitter that spreads messages among the nerves that regulate muscle movement, as well as those involved in the brains pleasure and reward centers. As we age, it is normal for cells in the substantia nigra to die. This process occurs very slowly in most people.
However, in some people, the loss of Dopamine happens quickly, creating the onset of Parkinsons disease. When 50 to 60 percent of the substantial nigra cells are gone, a person starts experiencing the initial symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Thus, a deficit of Dopamine is one of the causes of Parkinsons disease.
Review Of Natural Products On Parkinsons Disease Pathology
M.M. Essa1,2, N. Braidy3, W. Bridge4, S. Subash1,2, T. Manivasagam5, R.K. Vijayan1, S. Al-Adawi2,6, G.J. Guillemin7
1. Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Agriculture and Marine, Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 2. Ageing and Dementia Research Group, Sultan Qaboos Unviersity, Oman 3. Centre for Healthy Ageing, School of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 4 School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 5. Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India 6. Department of Behavioural Medicine, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 7. Neuropharmacology group, MND and Neurodegenerative diseases Research Centre, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
Corresponding Author: G.J. Guillemin, Neuroinflammation group MND and Neurodegenerative diseases Research Group, Australian School of Advanced Medicine , Macquarie University, NSW, 2109 Australia. Tel.: +61 02 9850 2727 fax: +61 02 9850 2701. E-mail address:
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How Might The Alexander Technique Help
Theres evidence from one scientific study of fewer than 100 people that the Alexander technique may help to relieve symptoms of Parkinsons, including pain, speech, tremor, depression and balance.
NICE clinical guidelines recommend that people with Parkinsons consider the Alexander technique to help with balance or motor problems.
What Is Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinsons disease is a devastating neurodegenerative diseasea condition that affects the nervous system and progressively gets worse over time. Parkinsons disease is debilitating and causes the affected person to be unable to control their movements. Parkinsons disease is a rare condition and doesnt often affect people under the age of 50. Men are more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than women. Parkinsons disease is such an awful condition to live with, it often produces emotional distresses such as anxiety and depression. People with advanced Parkinsons disease also begin to suffer cognitive decline and experience trouble processing thoughts or performing critical thinking.1,2 What Causes Parkinsons Disease?Parkinsons disease is caused when neurons in the brain start to break down and die off. Many of the neurons that die off are those that are responsible for producing dopaminethe neurotransmitter involved in mood and behavior. Other affected neurons are those that are responsible for physical muscle movements, leading to Parkinsons disease symptoms.1,2But what exactly triggers these neurons to weaken and die off is unknown. At this point, scientists have only identified certain risk factors that can contribute to Parkinsons disease, including:
- Genetics: Certain genetic mutations may put people at greater risk of developing Parkinsons.
- Environmental Factors: Exposure to environmental toxins may trigger Parkinsons disease.
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How Might Aromatherapy Help
Many people use aromatherapy to help them relax. There hasnt been much research on how aromatherapy may help with Parkinsons. Research suggests it can have a mild, temporary calming effect on anxiety, but another study said the evidence available wasnt good enough to prove aromatherapy could effectively treat any condition.
Aromatherapy is one of the more commonly offered therapies in NHS hospitals with complementary medicine programmes. Speak to your GP, specialist or Parkinsons nurse about availability in your area.
Supplementing With Good Supplements
While it might be tempting to pop many different pills down the wind pipe, it is best to be mindful about taking supplements. There are quite a few that have been shown to help reduce the symptoms of Parkinsons including:
Coenzyme Q10: Taking about 1,200 milligrams a day of this antioxidant has been shown to slow down the progress of Parkinsons disease.
Vitamin C: Is a great antioxidant that not only builds up a strong immune function, it can help prevent free radical damage as well. Take about 750 milligrams four times a day.
Vitamin A: This is another good antioxidant that helps support the brain. Aim for about 400 IU daily.
Vitamin D: This vitamin is good at keeping ones bones healthy especially when taken with calcium. Aim for about 800 IU of Vitamin D along with 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily. Of course, some Vitamin D can be consume by just sitting out in the sun.
Green Vegetable Powder: A combination of spirulina, chlorella and wheatgrass can really help with detoxifying ones body.
Omega-3 Fish Oil: Consuming fish oil used to be bothersome for those who didnt care for fishy tasting burps. Fortunately, non burp formulas have been created. Either way, about 1,000 milligrams of fish oil a day will help reduce ones inflammation while also supporting neurological health.
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Diet As A Natural Treatment For Parkinsons Disease
Eating healthy can be a natural treatment for Parkinsons disease. While there is no one diet recommended for Parkinsons disease patients, there are some positive changes you can make to your eating habits to ease your symptoms.
These include:
- Eating more fiber: Constipation is a common symptom of Parkinsons disease, which is why the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research recommends eating plenty of fruits, whole grains and vegetables.
- Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day: Include a warm drink in the morning to help stimulate bowel movements.
- Consuming more salt: Parkinson’s disease can cause low blood pressure, which is why some doctors recommend upping your salt and fluid intake to bring it back up. You should always talk to your medical provider before increasing your salt intake, especially if you have heart or kidney problems.
- Cut out caffeine and alcohol: These encourage dehydration and lower blood pressure.
- Antioxidants: There is some research to suggest that eating foods high in antioxidants such as apples, dark chocolate, eggs and legumes can offset some of the cellular damage caused by Parkinson’s disease. Again, you should always talk to your doctor before making drastic changes to your diet.
Signs And Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease
There are different signs and symptoms of Parkinsons disease.
- Tremor- Pill rolling tremors.
- Tremors increase in resting position.
- Rigidity in body and movements.
- This is known as cogwheel rigidity.
- Akinesia- lack of movement.
- Motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis
- Postural changes- Festinating gait. Patient walks bent in forward position, because of lack of control with nervous system.
- Other symptoms- heartburn, dribbling, dysphagia, constipation & weight loss, urinary
- difficulties,
- Bradykinesia -A symptom of Parkinsonism comprising a difficulty in initiating
- Movements and slowness in executing movements- this happens because nervous system is not able to communicate properly with rest of the body.
Parkinsons disease has different signs and symptoms within and outside the nervous system. According to motor, non-motor and Neuropsychiatric symptoms.
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Exercise Tai Chi As Alternative Treatments For Parkinsons Disease
Daily exercise is recommended for most Parkinson’s patients in the early stages of the disease. Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist and suggest you take up swimming, yoga or gardening to improve your balance and muscle strength. Physical activity can also help combat the mental health implications of Parkinson’s disease, such as anxiety and depression.
Other alternative treatments for Parkinsons disease include tai chi, yoga, massage, acupuncture and guided meditation. Its important to remember that none of these natural remedies will cure Parkinsons, and many are inefficient at combatting symptoms on their own.
Using Alternative Medicine For Parkinson’s Disease
As with conventional medicine, no type of alternative therapy has been found to stop the progression of Parkinson’s disease. If you’re interested in using alternative medicine as part of your Parkinson’s disease treatment program, talk to your healthcare provider about which alternative therapies might be helpful for you. Self-treating and avoiding or delaying standard care can have serious consequences.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed healthcare provider. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstance or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your healthcare provider before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
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Generic Vs Branded Drugs
There are currently several pharmaceutical companies that manufacture a generic formulation of carbidopa/levodopa, dopamine agonists, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and anticholinergics. The FDA requires generics to show significant brand affinity prior to market approval, but in rare cases, this standard is not high enough.The review, supported by the Parkinson Foundation, provides strong evidence that if you are in the latter stages of the disease, switching from brand-name drugs to generics or from one generic to another can have slightly different effects. The authors, including Parkinsons National Medical Advisor, Dr. Michael S. Okun, believe that generic approval standards for PD may not be stringent enough to demonstrate that generic alternatives are equally effective.Talk to your family doctor to create a personalized Parkinsons disease treatment plan. Using generic drugs is likely to save you money, and it is only on rare occasions that you may need branded drugs.
If you switch from branded to generic Parkinsons disease medications, follow these tips:
- Inform your doctor about the effectiveness of the medicines.
- Carefully keep a journal of any side effects.
- Record the dose adjustments made by your doctors .
- Try to stick with one drug manufacturer for your generic drugs. You may need to ask your pharmacist to place a special order for you.
Natural Remedies And Treatments For Parkinsons Finalnote
So there you have our top 10 natural remedies andtreatments for reversing Parkinsons disease. We believe this is one of the most informative andthorough health articles on this disease youll find anywhere on the internet. Ifyou follow these 10 tips to-the-letter and continue to use them consistently,we guarantee that in 3-6 months time you will be truly astounded at themiraculous level of improvement youll see. In 12 months time you will scarcely recognize yourself! . But of course, you must stickwith them and follow through with each remedy every day if you want them towork. We sincerely hope you do.
Good luck and best wishes.
P.S. Because Parkinsons is closely linked to Alzheimers disease and actually goes under the dementia umbrella, we recommend you take the time to read our Powerful Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimers article for a more complete and comprehensive understanding on the causes and treatments for these diseases. You can click on the link below to go there
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Natural Remedies To Treat Parkinsons Disease
Natural Remedies to Treat Parkinsons Disease include taking fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, detoxifying the body, eating more probiotics, avoiding excessive iron, choosing and eating foods that promote good mood, consuming more vitamin Bs and magnesium, increasing the intake of Omega-3, taking green tea, and limiting the intake of protein.
Is Herbal Medicine Safe
You should always talk to your GP, specialist or Parkinsons nurse before taking herbal medicines or supplements in case they have serious side effects or interfere with your usual medication.
Some herbal medicines shouldnt be taken during pregnancy again, check with your GP.
Make sure your herbal medicine comes from a reliable source. In the past the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has found supplies of contaminated herbs. .
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What Is Mucuna Pruriens
MP, also referred to as the velvet bean, is a legume that grows in tropical and subtropical areas across the world including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands. Although the beans can be used as a source of food after they are boiled, MP is also a medicinal plant, used for millennia in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine, for a variety of conditions. MP has been investigated for its anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-epileptic, and anti-depressant properties, to name a few.
Because it contains 6-9% levodopa by weight however, one of its main medicinal uses is to counteract parkinsonian symptoms. It is important however to understand more about this potential remedy including its shortcomings before jumping on the MP bandwagon.
Supplements And Homeopathic Treatments For Parkinsons Disease
There is little evidence that supplements and other homeopathic treatments can help with the symptoms of Parkinsons disease. In fact, many supplements can have adverse effects when mixed with certain medications. Iron pills, for example, can decrease the absorption of levodopa, a common drug given to Parkinsons patients. If you must take an iron supplement, your doctor will suggest you space them out to limit their interference with other medications.
Supplements that have been found to improve the general health of those with Parkinsons disease include:
- Coenzyme Q10: An antioxidant currently being used in clinical trials.
- Creatine: An amino acid that can be used as an energy source for muscles and the brain.
- Vitamins C and E: These are both antioxidants that one study found delayed the need for medication in newly diagnosed patients.
- Curcumin: An antioxidant found in turmeric with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
You may also want to ask your doctor about herbal treatments for Parkinsons disease symptoms, such as depression, insomnia and anxiety. Some Parkinsons patients find St. Johns Wort to be helpful at easing the non-motor symptoms of the disease.
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Staying Safe At Home With Parkinsons
Simple changes around the home can make it easier for you to function well while dealing with Parkinson’s symptoms. Pituch notes that healthcare providers can help you come up with a detailed plan for living safely and independently at home.
Discuss specific strategies with your Parkinson’s medical team to design a safer living space. Occupational therapists can suggest ways to create an environment that’s friendly to those with Parkinson’s this type of therapist looks at things like furniture placement, handrails, extensions on toilets, and floor coverings to determine where possible hazards lie.
Gait Training To Improve Balance
Patients with Parkinson’s symptoms can enhance their treatment by doing what’s called “gait training” at home. This involves practicing new ways to stand, walk, and turn. People undergoing gait training should try to:
Practice gait training with the help of a metronome, a tool musicians use to keep a steady beat. A study published in March 2010 in PLoS One showed that when people with Parkinson’s walked to the sound of a metronome set about 10 percent faster than their fastest stride, it significantly improved their gait.
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You can also try dance classes for people with Parkinson’s through the Dance for PD program, which is supported by a grant from the National Parkinson Foundation. The classes first started in Brooklyn, New York, and are now found in locations across the globe.
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How To Deal With Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons disease belongs to a group of conditions known as extra pyramidal symptoms and is characterized by stiffness of the muscles and continuous tremors. This is accompanied by reduced physical movement or bradykinesia and in severe cases complete loss of movement or akinesia. An individual suffering from Parkinsons disease exhibits a combination of involuntary tremor of the limbs and muscular stiffness.
The tremors become more prominent when the patient is in a resting position and tend to disappear when he attempts to move or is asleep. The tremors are most pronounced when the patient becomes excited or is fatigued. Older patients often exhibit involuntary rapid jerking movements of the limbs and may also exhibit purposeless mastication and lip smacking movements. This is followed by impaired speech, muscle cramps, inability to move and loss of judgment.