Thursday, July 25, 2024

Parkinson’s Disease And Paraquat

How Much Is My Paraquat Case Worth

Paraquat Lawsuit Parkinsons Disease Litigation and What You Need to Know

The specific damages that youll seek for recovery will depend on the circumstances surrounding your case, but you should expect compensation for all the harm the situation has caused. Here are some common damages that other plaintiffs are filing for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Emotional distress
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Our attorneys have a proven track record of recovering the full extent of damages in cases just like yours. Other firms will accept the first best offer of compensation, but our attorneys are uniquely positioned to hold out until your settlement accurately reflects the harm youve endured.

    Paraquat Is Used In Many Ways

    To understand how exposure to paraquat can be common, it is helpful to understand how this chemical is used. It is frequently used during the production of numerous crops, including peanuts, strawberries, grapes, and almonds.

    One of the reasons that use of paraquat has increased so dramatically in recent years is that it has proven to be effective against weeds that developed a resistance to other herbicides like glyphosate.

    Many of the risks of paraquat have been known for years. This substance is already limited by the EPA and labeled as a restricted use pesticide. That means that there must be special permission to purchase and use paraquat. Despite these limitations, contact with this substance is possible for people other than the workers handling paraquat directly.

    Paraquat Lawsuits And Claims

    Paraquat is a chemical so toxic it has been banned in nearly three dozen countries, including the entire European Union. So why hasnt the United States banned it?

    Known for its links to Parkinsons Disease, Paraquat is lethal in some cases when exposure occurs through its application as a commercial herbicide.

    Ever lived near a farm? Still, living there? If that farm uses Paraquat, contact can occur through the air, through the skin, and by ingesting it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said swallowing or inhaling just 2.5 grams of the poisonous weed killer can be fatal.

    It isnt easy to understand why the U.S. still allows Paraquat to be used. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider the chemical significantly more toxic than other available herbicides. However, Paraquat manufacturers still report annual profits in the billions of dollars, and use in the U.S. has continued to grow.

    Paraquat also recognizable under Gramoxone and Ortho Paraquat brand has well-documented links to Parkinsons. According to the National Institute on Aging, the disease occurs with the death of nerve cells in the brain that control movement. Tremors, stiffness, difficulty walking, and balance, and coordination issues arise as the disease progresses.

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    The Danger Of Paraquat Today

    The United States banned DDT, Agent Orange, and heptachlor in the 1970s and 1980s. However, the United States has not banned all pesticides linked to Parkinsons. The one with perhaps the strongest link to the disease is still in widespread use: paraquat.

    The United States has not banned all pesticides linked to Parkinsons. The one with perhaps the strongest link to the disease is still in widespread use: paraquat.

    Paraquat has been used as a pesticide since the 1950s and is marketed as an alternative to the worlds most popular weed killer, glyphosate, more commonly known as Roundup. Paraquat takes care of weeds that not even Roundup can kill. Today, it is used on farm fields across the United States, and its use continues to increase. The pesticides primary uses are for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and grapes.

    Portraits of several Parkinsons patients show the many faces of people with the diagnosis. It affects people from all walks of life.

    Robert Dein

    In the laboratory, paraquat reproduces the features of Parkinsons disease. In a 1999 study in Brain Research, A. I. Brooks of the University of Rochester and colleagues gave paraquat to mice, and their activity decreased. Paraquat also killed dopamine-producing nerve cells in the rodents substantia nigras. The greater the amount of paraquat administered, the greater the number of nerve cells lost.

    Table adapted from:

    Figure adapted from R. Dorsey et al., 2020.

    Enzymes Interacting With The Herbicide

    Paraquat &  Parkinsons Disease

    Paraquat is known to cause Parkinson’s disease because it targets the mitochondria in our cells, which generate the necessary energy for the proper functioning of the body.

    This herbicide interacts with one of these enzymes called cytochrome P450 in the mitochondria . As a result, it interrupts the process, which creates energy.

    Unfortunately, the mitochondria cannot create energy, so they will shut down and cause cell death, and in some cases, lead to Parkinson’s. It has been found that rats exposed to Paraquat developed Parkinsonism.

    This herbicide interacts with enzymes in the body, especially those involved in Parkinson’s. Consequently, this leads to cell death and neuron damage, which are signs of this devastating illness.

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    Who Can File A Paraquat Lawsuit

    Anyone who was exposed to the herbicide, paraquat, and was later diagnosed with Parkinsons or suffered other adverse health reactions can file a paraquat lawsuit. You may qualify if you:

    • Work in an industry that requires use of the product
    • Live near farms and grounds regularly treated with it

    If you believe you qualify for compensation from paraquat manufacturers, an attorney can:

    • Review your potential case for free
    • Consult medical experts on your behalf
    • Identify the specific maker you will pursue
    • Assess the financial value of your case
    • Negotiate an appropriate settlement

    You do not have to fight for recovery or navigate the legal process on your own. The lawyer who represents you will build your case, ensure all required legal parameters are met, and advocate for your financial recovery.

    Paraquat And Parkinsons Disease: Whats The Link

    Several studies have linked paraquat to neurological problems, with one finding that low-level exposure can cause cell mutations in the brain that mimic Parkinsons disease.

    A National Institutes of Health study similarly found that paraquat produces subcellular changes associated with Parkinsons and that those who used the pesticide were 2.5 times more likely to develop the disease than non-users.

    The NIH study was part of a larger Agricultural Health Study, which looks at the link between pesticides and certain health conditions, including cancer.

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    Hiring A Paraquat Lawsuit Lawyer To Resolve A Paraquat Herbicide

    Has your doctor told you that exposure to toxic Paraquat could cause Parkinson’s? Did you work with the weed and grass killer and develop rashes through skin absorption or inhalation?

    At Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, our paraquat attorneys have a proven track record of representing injured victims harmed by the popular herbicide. Our personal injury lawyers will review your paraquat case and advise you of your legal options.

    Contact our paraquat lawyers today at 424-5757, or use the contact form to schedule a free consultation. All confidential or sensitive information you share with your paraquat lawyer remains private through an attorney-client relationship.

    Our law firm accepts all personal injury cases and wrongful death lawsuits on a contingency fee basis. This agreement ensures you do not pay the legal fee until your paraquat attorney successfully resolves your legal issue through a negotiated paraquat settlement or jury award.

    Contact our law firm today to file a Parkinson’s disease paraquat lawsuit.

    Paraquat Exposure And Parkinsons Disease

    Paraquat Herbicide Exposure and Parkinson’s Disease

    According to the American Parkinson Disease Association, studies have linked an increased risk of Parkinsons disease in people who were exposed to a rural environment at an early age including:

    • People exposed to farm animals
    • People who live on farms
    • People with known exposure to pesticides
    • People who drink well water
    • People who live in a rural area

    These studies go on to suggest that the uniting factor in these occurrences of Parkinsons disease with people living in rural areas can be traced to exposure to pesticides. In a study of these pesticides, Paraquat was shown to have one of the strongest associations with causing the development of known mechanisms linked to the pathology of Parkinsons disease.

    To see if you qualify for a Paraquat lawsuit, call 1-800-525-7111 for a FREE consultation and claim investigation.

    We are committed to seeking justice for those whose Parkinsons disease was potentially caused by Paraquat.

    If you or a loved one have been exposed to Paraquat and developed Parkinsons disease, call 1-800-525-7111 for a FREE review of your case to see if you may qualify for a Paraquat lawsuit.

    This settlement changed me and my familys lives.

    Linda B., Riddle & Brantley client

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    File A Paraquat Parkinson’s Disease Lawsuit

    You can file a paraquat Parkinson’s disease lawsuit if previously exposed to the weed killer that resulted in Parkinson’s. Here are some people who are eligible to file paraquat lawsuits:

    • People working around commercial pesticides
    • Residents in areas near farmlands where paraquat is in use on crops
    • Agricultural workers, such as growers, farmers, landscapers, pickers, and licensed applicators
    • Any individual diagnosed with Parkinson’s while working or visiting farmland that is sprayed with the herbicide

    Is Paraquat Banned In The United States

    To the dismay of many consumers injured by its use and its possible increase in the risk of Parkinsons disease, kidney disease, and many other negative health outcomes, paraquat has not been banned in the United States. Instead, as of August 2021, EPA guidelines and restrictions include:

    • Use by specially trained and certified product applicators only
    • Restrictive packaging that does not allow transfer to non-original containers
    • Protective storage to prevent access by all unauthorized and unapproved users

    Its storage is also banned in residential areas, home and commercial gardens, parks and schools, and golf courses. In addition, new guidelines require complete and effective warning labels, protective equipment, protective clothing, and safe disposal methods. EPA warnings also include the awareness that a single sip of paraquat can be fatal.

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    How Slater & Zurz Can Help You Get Involved In The Paraquat Lawsuit

    The Ohio law firm of Slater & Zurz has a long history of fighting for people who have suffered injuries and hardships from the use or exposure to dangerous and defective products like Paraquat.

    We have helped clients living along the Ohio River receive compensation for the kidney and testicular cancer they developed by drinking water contaminated by a toxic chemical called C8 that was carelessly dumped into the Ohio River.

    We are helping women across Ohio seek justice and compensation for ovarian cancer they developed because of the regular use of products containing talcum.

    It takes a powerful legal team with significant resources to go up against the large companies that manufacture dangerous and defective products that cause serious injuries and death. We have the experience needed to win. Were committed to the fight, to doing whatever is needed to get justice for our clients.

    Why File A Paraquat Lawsuit

    Paraquat Parkinson

    Were you or a close relative diagnosed with Parkinsons disease due to Paraquat? Are you suspecting the deadly herbicide may have caused your illness?

    The only option to ascertain if you qualify is to request a free case evaluation and file for compensation for your punitive damages.

    Some epidemiological studies identified the correlation between paraquat use and Parkinsons disease. Also, data reveals a five-fold risk of Parkinsons among those holding occupational positions where workers regularly encounter chemical toxins, including the farming industry.

    Unfortunately, many crop workers and farmers were unaware of the severe health risks of using, handling or breathing the restricted-use herbicide. As a result, many individuals seek justice and financial compensation through paraquat claims.

    Here are some reasons to file a paraquat Parkinsons lawsuit:

    Recommended Reading: Herbicides That Cause Parkinson’s Disease

    Whats Involved In Filing A Paraquat Lawsuit

    If an attorney decides you have a case and you elect to move forward, he or she will draft whats known as a complaint and file it with the court.

    The complaint is the document that starts your lawsuit and will outline facts specific to your situation, including:

    • When and how you or your loved one was exposed to paraquat
    • When and how the Parkinsons diagnosis was made
    • The way your life has been impacted as a result of the disease
    • Expenses incurred as a result of the disease

    The complaint will also present the allegations youre making against the defendants the makers of paraquat. Your lawsuit may state several claims against the manufacturers, including that they:

    • Knew or should have known paraquat was highly toxic and that exposure to the chemical could cause neurotoxicity
    • Failed to warn the public of paraquats dangers
    • Negligently designed and marketed the product
    • Failed to take reasonable steps to ensure paraquat users including you or your loved one were kept safe from harm

    One Of The First Studies To Look At Human Cells

    The researchers used stem cells from patients with Parkinsons disease who had a mutation in the gene responsible for encoding the -synuclein protein.

    At least 30 alterations in this gene have been associated with Parkinsons, and -synuclein protein clumps are a well-documented, albeit poorly understood, hallmark of the disease.

    For the new research, the scientists also worked with normal embryonic cells that they modified using genetic editing to replicate the -synuclein genetic mutation.

    Prof. Ryan explains why using human cells makes this study particularly valuable. Until now, he says, the link between pesticides and Parkinsons disease was based primarily on animal studies as well as epidemiological research that demonstrated an increased risk among farmers and others exposed to agricultural chemicals.

    We are one of the first to investigate what is happening inside human cells, explains Prof. Ryan.

    Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that go on to individualize into specific types of cells. Prof. Ryan and his colleagues used the two types of stem cells to derive dopamine-producing nerve cells from them.

    Then, they exposed these dopaminergic neurons which are known to be affected the most by Parkinsons disease to the two pesticides.

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    Subgroup And Sensitivity Analysis

    Subgroup analysis will be conducted to investigate possible heterogeneity causes and other risk factors that could be potential cofounders. Studies will be allocated into groups according to common characteristics, as described below. The outcomes are assessed to determine if exposure caused a significant effect due to a specific feature. For human studies, subgroup analyses will be conducted for different exposure periods , co-exposures to other pesticides also related to PD , different comorbidities , different age groups , and presence or absence of family history of PD.

    For experimental animal studies, subgroup analyses will be conducted for dose , duration of paraquat exposure in multidose studies, and routes of administration .

    If there are enough studies, we will develop sensitivity analyses to explore robustness of the results for each type of study design e.g., observational studies vs. experimental animal studies, cohort vs. casecontrol vs. cross-sectional and studies with low risk of bias vs. those with high risk of bias.

    Nih Study Finds Two Pesticides Associated With Parkinsons Disease

    Paraquat Lawsuit Update: The Alleged Connection Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

    New research shows a link between use of two pesticides, rotenone and paraquat, and Parkinson’s disease. People who used either pesticide developed Parkinsons disease approximately 2.5 times more often than non-users.

    The study was a collaborative effort conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences , which is part of the National Institutes of Health, and the Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center in Sunnyvale, Calif.

    “Rotenone directly inhibits the function of the mitochondria, the structure responsible for making energy in the cell,” said Freya Kamel, Ph.D., a researcher in the intramural program at NIEHS and co-author of the paper appearing online in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. “Paraquat increases production of certain oxygen derivatives that may harm cellular structures. People who used these pesticides or others with a similar mechanism of action were more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

    There are no home garden or residential uses for either paraquat or rotenone currently registered. Paraquat use has long been restricted to certified applicators, largely due to concerns based on studies of animal models of Parkinson’s disease. Use of rotenone as a pesticide to kill invasive fish species is currently the only allowable use of this pesticide.

    NIHTurning Discovery Into Health®

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    Research On Paraquat And Parkinsons Disease

    There are a number of studies that show that exposure to Paraquat can increase the risk for a person developing Parkinsons disease.

    A study by the University of Guelph found that low-level exposure to the pesticides disrupts cells in a way that mimics the effects of mutations known to cause Parkinsons disease.

    People exposed to these chemicals are at about a 250-percent higher risk of developing Parkinsons disease than the rest of the population.

    -Paraquat researcher Scott Ryan

    Another study published in 2017 by the National Institute of Health found that Paraquats chemical structure was very similar to the active metabolite of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in the body. MPTP is a common neurotoxicant that can cause neurodegeneration.

    In the results of the study, researchers found that when mice were exposed to certain levels of MPTP and Paraquat, they experienced some level of neurodegeneration. This finding, among others, has led researchers to believe that there may be a link between Paraquat exposure and the onset of Parkinsons disease.

    Parkinson’s Disease Risk Factors

    Parkinson’s Disease can be linked to a number of different factors, both environmental factors and non-environmental, genetic factors.

    Environmental risk factors for Parkinson’s Disease include, but are not limited to:

    • Exposure to Pesticides: Farmers and people who live near farm fields have an increased risk for Parkinson’s Disease from exposure to certain chemical solvents and pesticides, such as Paraquat.

    • Exposure to Water Contamination: People who drink contaminated water have an increased risk for Parkinson’s Disease, especially if contaminants in the water include chemical solvents such as trichloroethylene , which was present in the water at Camp Lejeune.

    Trichloroethylene is used in a number of household products such as carpet cleaners, shoe polishing chemicals, paint thinners, and more. Occupational exposure to TCE can result in a number of health conditions, as validated by scientific evidence listed below.

    TCE has been widely used by dry cleaners, and ABC Cleaners situated nearby the military base was a main source of TCE contamination at Camp Lejeune.

    Research and publications on the relation between TCE exposure and Parkinson’s Disease include the following:

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