Thursday, July 25, 2024

Light Therapy For Parkinson’s Disease

Direct Stimulation Of Cells

Bright Light Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

There is a large body of work reporting that a number of molecular and cellular systems are influenced by NIr. At a cellular level, NIr displays a biphasic dose-response curve, suggesting that NIr is a low-level stressor of cells and that the activation of endogenous cellular stress response systems is likely to be central to its efficacy . The main direct target of NIr appears to be cytochrome c oxidase, a key enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain .2A). This enzyme is a photoacceptor of light in the NIr range NIr exposure produces a redox change in cytochrome c oxidase which causes a transient change in mitochondrial membrane potential, leading to increase ATP production and a burst in low levels of reactive oxygen species . This, in turns, triggers a cascade of secondary downstream signaling pathways that collectively stimulate endogenous cell protection and repair mechanisms . This modulation of multiple molecular systems appears capable of both conditioning neurons to resist future damage and accelerating repair of neurons damaged by a previous or continuing insult .

Lots Of Other Factors At Play: Expert

Professor Lewis added the placebo effect was very real.

“The truth of the matter is there are lots of matters at play, yes people who are using these lights at home on their own are subject to an enormous placebo effect, there’s no doubt about that, which is why more well-constructed trials are ,” he said.

“There are other factors that can play on why patients might feel better, even in the period of the same day the way that the tablets work, the level of chemical in the brain, especially when the disease progresses, can fluctuate.

“Ninety per cent of Parkinson’s patients have poor sleep for lots of different reasons, and of course a bad nights sleep means a bad day the next day.”

As well as Parkinson’s disease, the trials will also look at the effect red light treatment is having on people with Alzheimer’s and cardiac disease.

Researchers will test blood, red bloods cells and measure gut microbiome to see what effect the lights are having.

Trials across each state are being conducted at different times.

The Queensland placebo trial has now concluded and results are being analysed. The South Australia and Sydney trails have recently started and results are expected to be known later this year.

History Of Light Therapy

In 1903, the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to Danish Physician, Niels Ryberg Finsen, for his work in treating Smallpox and Tuberculosis with light. Further interest in the field was pioneered by Professor Endre Mester, a Hungarian physician and scientist, who in 1967 successfully used light to heal wounds and regrow hair in mice and people.NASA also experimented frequently with light in the 1970’s and 1980’s and successfully used LED light to grow flowers in space.Today, light is used to pre-prime patients prior to surgery as well as for several neurodegenerative disorders.

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Infrared Light And Parkinson’s Disease: Is There A Connection

Parkinsons Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects neurons in the brain and their ability to regulate dopamine. This can cause difficulties with muscle rigidity, speech, mobility, tremors, and many other areas of functioning. While there are medications that can help, there is currently no cure for Parkinsons.

The disease usually progresses as mobility and speech become further impaired.

However, there has been some interesting research into treating Parkinsons with infrared light. Multiple researchers have found beneficial effects of Near Infrared light for the treatment of Parkinsons .

These studies found that NIR is neuroprotective . However, many of these studies involved intercranial NIR, meaning that surgery was performed to allow NIR to penetrate the cranium or skull. However, a recent study by Stone et al found that even using light on the body and excluding the head produced neuroprotective factors , leading them to believe that the immune system is also involved in the benefits of NIR for Parkinsons. Researchers also found that there were no side effects for patients receiving the NIR.

Stone, J, Johnstone, D, Mitrofanis, J. 2013. The helmet experiment in Parkinson’s disease: An observation of the mechanism of neuroprotection by near infra-red light. Proceedings of the 9th World Association for Laser Therapy Congress, WALT 2012

Nir Therapy In Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Can It Work

For Sleep

The key question that still remains is whether NIr therapy can be neuroprotective in humans. In order for maximum effect, the primary goal would be for sufficient NIr signal to reach the main zones of pathology, to elicit a protective, or reparative effect within damaged cells a secondary goal would be for the NIr signal to also trigger systemic neuroprotective factors, for example circulating cells or molecules .

The issue of NIr reaching the zones of pathology is of most concern in humans. There are no such concerns when there are few or no tissue barriers, as in the culture dish , the retina or in the mouse brain . But can NIr be effective when there are many intervening body tissues, namely skin, thick cranium, and meninges, and brain parenchyma, as in humans?

Previous studies have estimated that NIr can be measuredthrough body tissuesat a distance of 2030 mm from the transmission source , albeit with a considerable dissipation of signal . For example, Moro et al. have noted that at a distance of 10 mm through brain parenchyma, the NIr signal is < 1% of that emitted from the source. They estimated a 65% reduction of signal across each millimeter of brain tissue.

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Light Therapy Does It Help People With Parkinsons Disease

Light therapy is considered good for brain health. It seems to improve the cognitive functions like memory and learning. New research suggests that it may also help to relieve some of the symptoms of Parkinsons disease.

Parkinsons disease is a brain condition that affects millions of people around the world. The disease appears due to the death of certain cells in the brain that release dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for body movement. The typical symptoms include tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and balance problem.

Unfortunately, Parkinsons disease is not curable and the drugs available today can only treat the symptoms. However, these drugs come with side effects that in some cases can further worsen the disease conditions. Therefore, researchers are trying to find other treatment approaches that could deal with symptoms without causing side effects. One such approach is the bright light therapy.

Bright light therapy is a newly introduced treatment option during which a patient is exposed to a strong but safe amount of light for a certain period of time.

The therapy was originally used to treat skin problems. Later on, it was found that it could also be useful in treating psychiatric conditions like depression and anxiety. And now researchers think that it might also benefit those suffering from Parkinsons disease. Its specially recommended for treating depression and sleep problems in Parkinsons patients.

An Overview Of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is often used as an umbrella term that encompasses both red light and near-infrared light. Other terms that are commonly used for this treatment method are photobiomodulation and low-level light therapy .

The major difference between red light and NIR light is the depth to which they can penetrate tissue and bone. Red light can absorb into the bodys tissues up to about 1-2cm . NIR light wavelengths absorb about 4cm .

Red light therapy has been shown in hundreds of clinical studies to have a wide variety of therapeutic effects on the human body. The treatment is administered to bare skin and t forehead via powerful light-emitting diode bulbs.

Light photons are absorbed into the skin and underlying tissue where they interact with mitochondria, the energy factories inside most cells. Mitochondria, in turn, are stimulated to produce adenosine triphosphate , which is the primary fuel for cells. This process is much like photosynthesis, whereby plants absorb energy from the sun to make glucose for their food.

Because of the difference in wavelengths, red light and NIR light are suitable for different types of therapies. Red light soaks into the skin where it stimulates collagen and elastin production, along with forming capillaries and reducing inflammation. Its shorter wavelengths can’t absorb deeper into the body, so its the ideal therapy for chronic skin conditions, hair loss, and for reversing the signs of aging.

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My Personal Case History

We began by following the procedure that Dr Willis explained in his 2007 paper, using the light for one hour before bed, in order to attack melatonin at its peak, apart from using a more powerful light than in his study and so I reduced the lamps proximity accordingly. Dr Willis reports seeing major results in timescales of weeks in virtually all the people involved in his tests. Indeed, after sitting in front of the light for an hour each night, I too found my sleep had improved and my rigidity and pain decreased. However, if I wasn’t compliant and missed a couple of doses at night, my symptoms would return.

Later, we discovered wearable light technology, which makes the application of the light therapy much more convenient and practical. Given the aim of Dr Willis’ strategy to reduce the melatonin-dopamine imbalance, which was indeed working for me, it seemed appropriate to choose the blue light glasses supplied by Propeaq. I have continued to use the strategy of one hour exposure before bed, but swapped the bright light box for the light glasses. I do feel this increased the benefits, and that for me, these benefits have been cumulative in the long term. See my full report on trialling the wearables for further information.

The Light Treatments Available Now

PARKINSON’S DISEASE || How To Administer RED AND INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY || Photobiomodulation || PD

Those already suffering with Parkinsons dont need to wait for the trial results, as there are light therapy products from SYMBYX already available on the market.

It is legal and regulated and its available for purchase, Dr Wayne Markman, CEO of SYMBYX an Australian medical technology company told 7NEWS.

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Medication Versus Blue Light

Although many different pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies have been introduced to reduce sleep problems in Parkinsons disease, their efficiency remains limited. Sleep medication often leads to side effects and sometimes even worsening of the symptoms. Blue light is more effective in regulating the biological clock compared to traditional polychromatic white light boxes. The light glasses used emit blue light via integrated LED light sources with a wavelength of approximately 468 nm at a light intensity of 35 40 Lux at 1.5 cm from the eyes .

Everything You Need To Know About Red Light Therapy And Parkinson’s Disease

Emerging research on red light therapy for Parkinson’s shows great promise for patients suffering from this neurological disorder. Although medications may help control symptoms, they cannot repair the underlying nerve damage that is characteristic of Parkinsons. As red light therapy works at the cellular level, it can help heal the nerve damage, and also relieve symptoms of the disease.

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In Depth: Dr Greg Willis

“In the early years of dopamine theory it was generally accepted that the more severe the cell loss, the more severe the dopamine deficiency and the more severe the Parkinsons disease. However, this position has been very gradually eroded by the ongoing demonstration that this relationship is a poor one. In fact, recent work has demonstrated that Parkinsons disease can develop with only 30% loss of dopamine 715-725, 2010) suggesting that it is not only the level of dopamine that is important. This has important implications for treating the disease and is consistent with our approach using coordinated drug and light treatment.”

Willis’ understanding of the mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease is a little different from the standard, accepted picture. He argues that it is not just about the lack of production of dopamine but that the balance between dopamine and melatonin, the substance responsible for making us sleepy, is whats broken. It is this imbalance, he argues, which can cause many of the symptoms of PD. so it’s not just that there isn’t enough dopamine in the system, but there is actually too much melatonin, relatively speaking.

In his latest paper with co-workers, Dr Willis provides a good description of the protocol his clinic employs:

The same article also covers issues with why bright light therapy might not initially work for every person with PD:

Circadian System A Novel Diagnostic And Therapeutic Target In Parkinson’s Disease

Light therapy for Parkinsonâs disease gives new hope ...

Our research then led us to discover that many, many workers have found similar positive results, and continue to do so. Even the benefits of strategic light therapy “simply” for improving sleep – which is typically chronically disrupted in people with PD – should not be understated. This because it is during periods of good sleep when the brain clears itself of waste products and the body repairs itself. Therefore for people who are already neuro-compromised, broken sleep and the resulting build of toxins in the brain is a fast track to a vicious circle of further degeneration.

Here, I am trying to keep an up-to-date list of articles on the science of all this:

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Groundbreaking Trial/red Light Therapy For Parkinson’s

– reduces symptoms and improves GUT microbiome

A groundbreaking trial led by co-ordinator of photomolecular research at the Australasian Research Institute, Dr Ann Liebert, has found that infrared light therapy for Parkinson’s disease appears to reduce symptoms and improve the gut microbiome.

This is the first known trial worldwide to demonstrate changes in the human gut microbiome following light therapy.

The studys findings, which will be published in The Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology, offer a potential ray of hope for the approximately 80 000 Australians and 10 million people worldwide who are facing a long, slow decline from a progressive neurodegenerative disease. This number of Parkinsons sufferers is only expected to increase in the future with the worlds ageing population and, chillingly, the recently hypothesised link between contracting COVID-19 and an increased risk of Parkinsons disease.

In this video interview, Professor Hosen Kiat, cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of New South Wales and professor of cardiology at Macquarie University, discusses the significance of the study’s findings and its relevance for Parkinson’s disease as well as for many other chronic health conditions including obesity, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and cancers.

The laser that was used in the trial can be found here:

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Explant Cultures And Bioluminescence Measurement

Coronal brain slices including the SCN were prepared from adult Per2Luc mice using a vibratome,. Paired SCNs were excised from coronal brain slices and placed on a culture membrane in a covered and sealed culture dish filled with medium containing 100M luciferin. Bioluminescence was measured in realtime with a photomultiplier tube . The data sets were detrended by subtracting the 24h running average from the raw data. To perform single neuron imaging, a luminescence microscope optimized for live cell imaging was used.

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Specialized Light Therapy Improves Motor And Nonmotor Symptoms In Parkinson Disease

The following article is part of conference coverage from the International Congress of Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders Virtual Annual Meeting. Neurology Advisors staff will be reporting breaking news associated with research conducted by leading experts in neurology. Check back for the latest news from the MDS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.

Specialized light therapy in Parkinson disease may improve mood disorders, urinary problems, swallowing and chewing, tremor, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue, according to study results presented at the International Congress of Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders Virtual Congress 2021, held from September 17 to 22, 2021.

Previous studies have supported the benefits of SLT on motor and nonmotor symptoms in patients with PD, including clinical improvement, according to the MDS-Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale 1 to 3 combined scores.

The current exploratory analysis aimed at determining the impact of SLT on MDS-UPDRS 1-3 subitems for patients with PD.

The prospective, double-blind, multicenter, controlled study included 92 patients with PD from 3 centers. Participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive narrow band blue/green light or low-intensity white light . Patients received dopaminergic therapy and continued their standard-of-care treatments.

The primary endpoint was change in MDS-UPDRS 1 to 3 subitems from baseline to 6 months.


Aids Daytime Sleepiness And Other Sleep Disorders

Light Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease — Light Therapy Tip

Humans rest and wake based on a daily cycle called the circadian rhythm. Both light and melatonin play a role in the regularity of the cycle. Many people with PD suffer from sleep disturbances. It is thought that NIr may play a role in improving healthy sleep patterns.3

People with Parkinson’s often experience excessive daytime sleepiness, general fatigue, nighttime sleep disturbances, and depression all of which can affect healthy sleep and the circadian rhythm. According to research reported in the February 2017 JAMA Neurology Journal, light therapy significantly reduced daytime sleepiness, improved sleep quality, decreased overnight awakenings, improved daytime alertness and activity level, and improved motor symptoms in people with Parkinson’s.6

Different kinds of light therapy have been used effectively for other sleep, psychiatric, and medical conditions for decades. NIr continues to be studied in the clinical setting in order to determine how it can best be applied in treating Parkinson’s and other medical conditions. Long-term, large scale controlled studies will help to better evaluate the efficacy of NIr as way to mitigate symptoms as well as possibly slow or limit or reverse disease progression.

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Diy Helmets Sent Around Australia

The Dorset Community Shed started making its own light bucket helmets last year after hearing of people’s success using the lights.

Mervyn Chilcott said the shed has made 78 buckets since last April and has more on order.

“We start off with a rubbish bin, cut the top off and line it with LED lights that we bring in from China,” he said.

“They’ve gone all over Tasmania and different parts of Australia and they are definitely making a difference in the quality of life.

“They mightn’t be curing Parkinson’s, but they’re certainly giving quality of life to people with Parkinson’s and other people with brain disorders.”

Experts warn red light treatment should not be used without consulting with a health professional first.

And even though it will take time before the results are known, those using the lights said they will keep using them anyway.

“With the work that’s now being done on using light therapy, I think it will open up much broader opportunities and possibilities for the medical profession that haven’t yet been discovered,” Mr Burr said.

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