Friday, July 26, 2024

Activities For Parkinson’s Patients

Best Physical And Occupational Therapy Exercises

Parkinson’s Disease Exercises: LSVT BIG Movements

Physical therapy exercises target your areas of concern. They can help develop your strength, balance, and coordination. Youll also enhance your functional mobility by improving concentration, flexibility, and range of motion.

Occupational therapy exercises are intended to help you perform daily activities related to work, school, or home with greater ease.

Parkinson’s Disease: Background Info

Parkinsons disease usually occurs spontaneously and is of unknown origin. About one million Americans live with Parkinsons disease. Worldwide there are 10 million people living with Parkinsons disease. The average age of diagnosis of those with Parkinsons disease is 60 years, and the disease gradually progresses during the next 10 to 25 years after diagnosis.

In the brain, nerve cells use dopamine to control muscle movements. In people with Parkinsons disease, the brain cells making dopamine gradually die. Over time, it becomes harder for people with Parkinsons disease to move their muscles.

The following are some symptoms of Parkinsons disease:

The diagnosis of Parkinsons disease is based on history and physical examination findings. Importantly, neuroimaging, EEG, and spinal fluid studies are usually within normal limits for age in those with Parkinsons disease.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Parkinsons disease. Certain drugs such as carbidopa-levodopa and MAO-B inhibitors can be used to substitute or increase dopamine levels in the brain. These dopaminergic drugs, however, lose efficacy over time and have negative side effects.

Parkinsons disease is also treated symptomatically with drugs that help with mood disturbances, pain complaints, and sleep problems.

The 8 Hidden Causes Your Doctor Will Not Tell You About Your Parkinsons Condition

The word Parkinsons can send a shiver down anyones spine with the impending fear of total neuro-degeneration and future disability, both mentally and physically.

The real question you even have Parkinsons disease? Have you been told its Parkinsonian syndrome, multiple systems atrophy, essential tremor, or cerebellar ataxia? Or some other neurological problem? Either way, you need to find answers as to why your brain is deteriorating and degenerating so you can have a plan to stop this from worsening and possibly reverse some of these symptoms.

Many Parkinsons patients are diagnosed very late, when in fact early soft signs were apparent 10 to 30 years prior to the diagnosis.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, the renowned Neuro-Surgeon, states that the drug mainstay treatment that most patients will receive will almost guarantee they will get worse in 2-5 years, and it even appears to speed the deterioration! Get worse and speed the deterioration doesnot sound like great odds.

In our office we have identified 8 hidden root functional causes of trans-neuronal degeneration/brain degeneration that must be accurately measured to get a proper root functional cause diagnosis. Once we have an accurate root functional cause diagnosis, we can then design a custom treatment plan aimed at getting you lasting resultsto prevent further decline and restore function for many patients that qualify.

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Stimulating Activities For Elderly People With Parkinsons

By 9 am on March 8, 2018

Parkinsons disease can negatively affect many aspects of a seniors life, but staying actively engaged can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the disease. With careful planning, family caregivers can find various activities that are less intrusive and can be performed in moderation. Here are some safe and engaging activities that seniors with Parkinsons should try.

How To Start Exercising If Youre Living With Parkinsons

What Exercise Is Good For Parkinson Disease

Safety is key. The first thing you need to do is talk with your neurologist and primary care doctor to make sure that the exercise regimen that you embark upon is safe for you.

Next, ask for a referral for physical therapy. A physical therapist will be able to figure out what movement challenges you may have and design a program to help you improve. There are certain physical therapists with additional training in Parkinsons. Your physical therapist will work with you for your allotted sessions, and then can help you plan your ongoing exercise regimen that is tailored to you. You can contact the APDA National Rehabilitation Resource Center for Parkinsons Disease for help finding resources in your area.

Additionally, physical therapy can help counteract the tendency for people with PD to reduce the size of their movements. The Lee Silverman Voice Technique has designed a program called LSVT-BIG which trains participants to make big movements. You can search for an LSVT-trained professional near you.

Anyone starting out on an exercise program could benefit from APDAs Be Active & Beyond exercise guide which includes clear photos with simple instructions that are easy to follow, with exercises that address all levels of fitness.

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Art Therapy And Parkinsons

Art can encourage a previously hidden creative streak in response to the changes Parkinsons brings to life. The creative process is therapeutic and liberating, and the knowledge that an art project is there to return to can be encouraging and motivating. Self-expression can also help with depression and can rekindle motivation in other aspects of life.

Art therapy seems to help by working on the subconscious, reducing stress and releasing frustration while stimulating the imagination and promoting a sense of inner peace. Both therapists and participants say that when absorbed in the art-making process, symptoms tend to subside. One person with Parkinson’s said, When I am painting I forget about Parkinsons, and it forgets about me.

Physical Activity In Parkinson’s Disease: Animal Studies

Various studies have revealed PA-related neuroprotection in animal models of Parkinsonism. Neuroprotection in PD is apparently mediated by brain neurotropic factors and neuroplasticity. The detailed discussion of each of these studies goes beyond the scope of this article. There are excellent reviews available on this aspect. The literature may be summarized as follows. PA in Parkinsonian animal models induces brain neurotrophic factor expression, which may mediate neuroprotective effects. The factors include brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial-derived neurotrophic factor . Other exercise effects in PD animal models include enhanced neural progenitor cell proliferation and migration as well as reversal of age-related decline in substantia nigra vascularization, apparently mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor expression. All these changes in CNS apparently lead to the neuroprotective effect caused by PA. Although the evidence from animal studies cannot be directly applied to mechanisms in humans, studies have suggested that PD patients would likely experience a meaningful improvement and disease-modifying effect in response to PA.

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Easing Cramps Spasms Or Tremors Due To Parkinson’s

  • Massage your legs nightly to relieve leg cramps.
  • Take warm baths and use heating pads to help relieve muscle spasms and ease cramps.
  • Use mineral ice to relax sore joints and muscles.
  • Squeeze a small rubber ball to reduce hand tremors.
  • At first indication of a tremor, if possible, try lying on the floor, face down, and relaxing your body for five to 10 minutes.

Parkinsons Home Exercise Program

Parkinson’s Disease Exercises: Brain and Body

You dont need to join a gym or purchase expensive fitness equipment to stay active with Parkinsons disease. On the contrary, there are many great exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home, regardless of which stage of the disease you are in. Take a look at some great examples in the sections below.

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A Neurobiomedicine Functional Restoration Prescription Treatment Program

healABILITY: Preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being prevention of disease, and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body.

Dr. James F. Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS

Dr. James F. Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS

Allostatic Stress, Neurobiomedicine Health System creates healability

Eating Drinking And Parkinson’s Disease

  • Don’t rush your meals. Allow the extra time you need to finish your meal. Rest your elbows on the table to provide more motion at your wrist and hand.
  • Sit with your knees and hips bent at a 90-degree angle in a straight-back chair.
  • Use utensils with built-up, lightweight handles, or use a “spork” — a spoon and fork in one. Use a rocker knife for cutting food.
  • Use a non-skid mat to stabilize objects on the table.
  • Use a plate guard or plate with a raised lip to prevent food from spilling.
  • Use a long straw with a non-spill cup or use a plastic mug with a large handle.

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Living A Full Life With Parkinsons With Comprehensive Care

Susan had just celebrated her 61st birthday with her husband, Bob, daughter and close friends when she got the call that would change their lives forever. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons, a degenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system and progresses over time.

According to the Parkinsons Foundation, Susan is one of an estimated 1 million Americans currently living with the disease and, because Parkinsons is more common in people over the age of 60, the incidence of diagnosis it is expected to rise as baby boomers age.

Initially, Susan barely noticed any changes in her motor skills and was determined to live life to the fullest. Though she and Bob knew that the disease would eventually progress to the point where Susan would need more assistance and care, they decided they would wait to put any concrete plans in place.

My Fall Was Our Wake-Up CallTwo years later, Susan and Bob were beginning to struggle. Susans appetite had disappeared, despite Bobs efforts to prepare enticing meals, and she was losing weight. Her mobility had been impacted to the point where it was no longer safe for her to drive. With her husband working full-time and their daughter in graduate school two hours away, Susan was feeling lonely and depressed by her loss of independence.

Susan was not sleeping well and had begun losing her balance more frequently. Suddenly, Susan had a terrible fall on her backyard patio and had to be hospitalized during her recovery.

Getting Dressed With Parkinson’s Disease

Gait Training
  • Get dressed while sitting in a chair that has armrests — this will help you keep your balance.
  • Roll from side to side to get pants over your hips. You can do this while sitting in a chair or lying down on your bed.
  • Wear clothes that are loose fitting and have elastic waistbands.
  • Choose wrap-around clothing instead of the pullover type. Also choose clothing that opens in the front, not the back so you don’t have to reach behind you.
  • Wear clothing with large, flat buttons, zippers, or Velcro closures.
  • Use a button hook to button clothing.
  • Use a dressing stick if you have shoulder weakness to get your coat or shirt on or off.
  • Use a zipper pull or attach a leather loop on the end of the zipper to zip pants or jackets.
  • Wear slip-on shoes or buy elastic shoelaces that allow you to slip your shoes on and off without untying the laces. Use devices such as a sock donner and long-handled shoehorn for additional assistance.

Also Check: Parkinson’s Freezing Gait Video

I Do Not Feel Like Doing Physical Activity Is This Normal

Age and Parkinsons reduce physical resistance and energy levels, which could make physical activity more painful. As time goes by, the exercises become less and less engaging. You may also have less time to do these activities that you enjoy less and less. This lack of interest is therefore very common, especially in very sedentary societies like ours. Lack of physical activity can accelerate physical and cognitive decline.

Adapted physical activity is currently the only therapeutic option available for everyone at an affordable price. It helps to improve your life with Parkinsons disease, prevent the appearance of the most severe symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

You can always participate in adapted physical activity no matter your age and limitations. For example, those with joint problems can participate in aquatic activities and those with balance problems can enjoy the stationary machines available in gyms.

Changing your lifestyle is not easy. Start by making active choices in your daily life:

Your outlook on physical activity will change once you have implemented these habits. It is not only for young athletes in gyms.

All activities that increase your heart rate, make you sweat and tire you out are beneficial. These aerobic exercises are at the heart of your treatment.

You can also find activities that increase your mobility and help you improve your balance and gait.

What Kind Of Exercise Can I Do If I Have Trouble Standing Or Walking

Even with advanced Parkinsons symptoms, you can still reap the benefits of some activities. If you have trouble walking or balancing, hold a bar or rail to exercise and stretch. If standing or getting up is tough, exercise and stretch in a chair or bed. Physical exercise performed in a seated position, such as biking on a recumbent bike can allow you to exert yourself in a safe manner.

Facial exercises may help combat difficulties speaking or swallowing:

  • Chew your food longer and more vigorously.
  • Exaggerate your face and lip movements when you speak.
  • Make faces in the mirror.
  • Sing or read out loud.

Mental exercises give your brain a workout and can improve memory. For example:

  • Name as many animals as you can in 1 minute.
  • Play brain games and do puzzles.
  • Solve math problems in your head.

You can also add activity in small bits throughout your day:

  • Park further away from stores so you walk longer distances.
  • Stretch or do leg exercises while watching TV.
  • Swing your arms more when you walk, and take long strides.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

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Alternate Stepping Exercises For Parkinsons

Alternate stepping is a type of exercise that is often used to help people with Parkinsons. Patients use parallel bars or parallel rails in order to support themselves as they alternate between stepping on one foot and the other. This type of exercise can be done in a variety of ways, but it will typically involve alternating between the right foot and left foot for 10-20 repetitions before switching sides. Patients might do this three times per day.

Tandem Walk Exercises For Parkinsons

Parkinsons Disease Exercises: Posture

The Tandem Walk Exercise involves walking on a tight rope. It improves balance by putting your weight on one foot and keeping your other hand on the support of the other. Some people find this balance exercise difficult to perform due to their size, but it will make it easier in time. There are some tips to improve your balance and avoid dizzy spells.

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How Do You Entertain Someone With Parkinsons Disease

When you are wondering about the best hobbies and fun activities for Parkinsons patients, it is important to remember that Parkinsons can affect many aspects of the patients life. However, with careful planning, the effects of Parkinsons can be managed and the patient can continue to live a full life. Here are a few tips to conserve energy so Parkinsons patients can continue to choose daily entertainment they enjoy:

  • Plan activities, including exercise, recreation and chores, ahead of time so they can be spaced out throughout the day.
  • If you need to rest, allow yourself to rest before and after participating in activities. Allow yourself to stop during an activity if you begin to feel over-tired.
  • Avoid rigorous physical activity. If you arent sure if something is safe, ask your health care provider.
  • Ask for help when needed, and allow friends and family to pitch in.
  • Avoid planning activities directly following a meal.
  • Set realistic expectations for yourself and for your daily activities. Allow yourself to make small changes to reduce the strain on your body.
  • Always get a good nights sleep.

Are There Any Risks Of Exercising With Parkinsons Disease

Some symptoms, like Parkinsons tremors, may seem worse during exercise. But exercise generally improves tremors and other symptoms in the long run.

Reduce challenges by stretching before and after exercise. Use good form to prevent injury. And avoid slippery floors, poor lighting and tripping hazards. If you have pain, stop and rest.

Pushing yourself too hard during exercise can lead to injury. Start slowly and increase intensity and duration over time. Keep a log to track your exercise choices and how you feel. Eventually, youll learn what works best for you.

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What Types Of Exercise Can Help Manage Parkinsons Disease

There are several types of exercises you can do to manage Parkinsons disease. You can create a varied routine based on your specific concerns, fitness level, and overall health.

Aim to do at least a few minutes of movement each day. Include exercises that improve cardiovascular health, flexibility, and strength. If you change up your exercises every week. your body can learn new ways to move.

There are a few different types of exercise that may be especially helpful to those with Parkinsons, including:

  • physical and occupational therapy

Choosing The Right Exercise Class For Parkinsons

What Is The Best Exercise For Parkinsons Disease

When trying to find an exercise class to join, it can be hard to know which ones to try because there are many different types of classes that are marketed to people with PD. When you are evaluating a class, it is important to remember the following:

  • It is the components of the exercise class that are important . You do not need to specifically do boxing or dance if you can achieve these elements of exercise in other ways.
  • The instructor should have expertise in PD. APDA offers a training for fitness professionals which helps them better understand how to create exercise programs best suited for people with PD.
  • The ratio of class members to instructors should be low enough to maintain safety.
  • The class should be adaptable for people of different abilities and mobility. Many classes will offer seated options or other modifications.

It may take a few tries to find the types of exercise that suits you best so dont give up! Feel free to try different classes in your area to see what types of exercise appeal to you. It can also be motivating to take classes together with a friend or family member. You can hold each other accountable, and also have some fun together. As you find classes you enjoy, you can incorporate those modalities into your exercise schedule. For help in finding classes in your area, you can contact one of our Chapters or Information & Referral Centers. There are also many virtual classes that you can join from home.

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