Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Parkinson’s Treatment 10 Secrets To A Happier Life

English Review Parkinsons Treatment 10 Secrets To A Happier Life

Dr. Michael Okun: Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life

English review on Parkinsons Treatment 10 Secrets to a Happier Life

This book is a handle for Parkinsonians all over the world. Note: it is available in 20 languages, so for every Parkinsonian to reach!I received the book from Michael S. Okun and Ray Dorsey, both also working in EndingPD, with Bas Bloem and Todd Sherer.

For me personally again a challenge to be able to read and review a more than excellent book in English after Ending Parkinsons Disease: A Prescription for Action.

Michael S. Okun, MD, is a world authority on the treatment of Parkinsons disease, and his publications provide a voice and an outlet to control people living with this disease worldwide

Michael S. Okun says, I am honored to share in the lives of thousands of patients with Parkinsons disease. My path is well defined by my many interactions with them. Their problems have become my problems. I know it is my job to protect their concerns and concerns so that they have the opportunity for a full and meaningful life.

This book, Parkinsons Treatment 10 Secrets to a Happier Life, gives both Parkinsonians and their relatives and neurologists, Parkinsons nurse and other concerned care workers an insight into how 10 ways you can make, experience and/or become happier living with this chronically progressive disease.

  • Recognize and know the signs of the disease
    • Timing is important in life, but crucial in Parkinsons disease
    • Think about deep brain stimulation
    • Exercise!

    Lindas Cause For Pause Passages

    Hope leads to happiness, and happiness will lead to a meaningful life.

    It is possible to alter the natural course of a journey, and to avoid the many pitfalls that can quickly escalate into a healthcare nightmare.

    Your aha moment, after a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease should be a well-placed confidence that your journey is not over and that productive years lie ahead.

    Suspicion usually circles around four main conditions: Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs, strokes/brain tumors, and Parkinsons.

    One of the most important secrets about Parkinsons disease is that the timing of medication doses is in many cases more important than the dose itself.

    If your disease is changing and your medication dosages and dosage intervals are not changing to accommodate your symptoms, you may not be medically optimized.

    Exercise is like a drug and a daily stretching and exercise routine may be of significant benefit.but remember is you dont break a sweat it probably doesnt count.

    The general public may confuse Parkinsons disease for Lou Gehrigs or Alzheimers, but we must remind the Parky that they are very different and on average have an opportunity to live a long and healthy life.


    Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets To A Happier Life: English Edition

    The average reader will spend 2 hours and 6 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM .

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